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UQcloud zones guide

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

This guide is intended to give both a general overview of and specific advice on using zones on

For most of this guide to make sense, you will need some basic familiarity with a UNIX/Linux commandline environment and tools such as SSH or SFTP.

More advanced topics will likely require some familiarity with computer networking topics (such as TCP/IP) and web application and database design.

1.1. What is a zone? Why would I want one?

Zones are a specific kind of virtualisation technology. Virtualisation is the process of making one computer "pretend" to be multiple (usually smaller) computers — in the case of UQcloud, we do this in order to allow large servers to be broken up into small units for hosting websites and applications which do not need all of the available capacity on a large server.

A zone functions as though it was a small computer controlled completely by you (you get "root" access), which you can use to run programs or store data. It has a permanent network connection, protected power circuits with battery and generator backup, and redundancy to guard against disk failure and other problems.

It is very similar in concept to a Virtual Private Server (VPS), cloud instance, or Virtual Machine (VM) hosted by a commercial hosting provider like Amazon AWS.

Some typical uses of zones include:

  • Hosting websites that don’t fit within the official UQ Drupal environment (e.g. for a coursework project, a conference, or even a student society);

  • Running a web application with a database (e.g. a specialised marking tool or an interactive system for teaching); or

  • Developing and testing new programs or applications.

The reason why we provide zones rather than true Virtual Machines for UQcloud is about cost — the zones technology allows us to deploy many more applications per physical server than most other options on the market, which in turn allows us to offer them for use in situations where it would not make sense for the University to pay for commercial hosting.

For example, we automatically allow all UQ students and staff to deploy one zone for any purpose associated with their job or course of study at the university. We also can support the use of zones for teaching, where one zone is created for every student in a course.

Another key advantage of a zone is its position within the UQ network, which allows it to make easy use of facilities like UQ authentication or the ability to communicate with other internal devices and systems inside the University.

2. Logging in and installing tools

Before we can create and manage zones, you will need to be logged into your account on the system and have the tools installed. This section outlines how to achieve this, as well as some basic guidance on navigating the tools themselves.

Rather than usernames and passwords, the system which manages zones (named "Triton") uses SSH key pairs for authentication.

An SSH key pair consists of two parts: a "public" key and a "private" key. The private key should be kept secret at all times and never shared (even with IT support or helpdesk) — the Triton system does not need to know what it is. The public key, on the other hand, is safe to share, and is what you will need to give to the Triton system to let it identify you.

2.1. Managing your SSH keys

It’s best for your security to store SSH private keys in one of two ways: either on disk, encrypted, protected with a strong passphrase; or on a hardware device like a YubiKey.

On the staff and student general-purpose UNIX servers ( and, there’s a command which will help you to use the first of those two recommended approaches, named sdc-setup.

After logging into mango or moss with your UQ username and password, you can run sdc-setup like this:

uqfoobar@mango:~$ sdc-setup
error: no SSH private key found in /home/users/uqfoobar/.ssh/id_rsa

please check that /home/users/uqfoobar/.ssh/id_rsa exists and add the contents
of /home/users/uqfoobar/.ssh/ to your account at

if this is your first time using SDC, you should generate a key
would you like to generate a new key now? [yN] y (1)

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): (2)
Enter same passphrase again: (3)

Your identification has been saved in /home/users/uqfoobar/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/users/uqfoobar/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
|      ..  o.     |
|     .o. o      .|
|  . o +o*oo  . o.|
|   o . B.Xo E o .|
|      + S X+ +   |
|     . o O ++ o  |
|      . + +  *. .|
|       o .    +o.|
|              .o+|

now visit this website: (4)
and add the following text as a new key:


then run sdc-setup again
  1. Press y.

  2. Make sure to enter a passphrase that is strong and as long as you think you can comfortably remember.

  3. Enter the passphrase again.

  4. If you’re a staff member, visit this URL in your web browser and log in using your UQ username and password. Use this URL instead if you’re a student ( will produce different output here).

  5. Then paste the line beginning with ssh-rsa into the "Add new key" dialog.

If you already have an SSH key pair which you use for other systems, it’s fine to re-use it for Triton. Just visit the SSH key management tool (same URL as above) in order to add your key.

It’s worth noting that in the SSH key management tool, after you have entered a key, you have to press the "Save changes" button. This sometimes trips people up.

If you’re a student or only have an EAIT labs account (e.g. because you’re a course tutor), you might receive a 403 Forbidden error visiting the regular (staff) SSH key management tool. You can use the matching page under instead. If both tools return errors, contact Helpdesk.

You can also return to the SSH key management tool at any time to remove keys or replace them with new ones (if, for example, you forget or lose one of your old keys).

If you decide to generate your own keys, we strongly recommend that when using the ssh-keygen command, you should supply the -o option. This tells ssh-keygen to use a newer, stronger form of encryption which helps protect your keys.

If you are interested in the second recommended option — storing your SSH keys on a dedicated device like a Yubikey — we recommend looking at pivy, which works best on MacOS or Linux.

2.2. Using "triton" on mango or moss

On both and you will find the triton command and other tools for working with zones pre-installed and ready to use.

Once you have run sdc-setup and created your account you shouldn’t need to re-run it each time you log in — the key will be automatically found and set up for you at login.

You can check that your account is working correctly with Triton by running the command triton account get:

uqfoobar@mango:~$ triton account get
id: 783fcb12-cfb4-489e-ab1c-fb999661f7c5
login: uqfoobar
companyName: EAIT
firstName: Foo
lastName: Bar
triton_cns_enabled: true
phone: 12345
updated: 2019-09-25T03:11:34.682Z (18w)
created: 2015-02-02T06:48:25.648Z (4y)

If you see an error like this instead:

triton account: error (Config): could not load "env" profile (missing TRITON_*, or SDC_*, environment variables)
    No profile information could be loaded.
    Use "triton profile create" to create a profile or provide
    the required "CloudAPI options" described in "triton --help".
    See for more help.

This means that you don’t have your SSH keys correctly configured. Check that they either exist on disk, or that you forwarded your SSH agent to use keys kept in a hardware device.

You might also see this error:

triton account get: error (InvalidCredentials): Invalid authorization credentials supplied

This means that you have an SSH key correctly set up in your home directory or SSH agent, but it hasn’t been saved correctly in the SSH key management tool. If you need to find the correct string to paste into the SSH key management tool for your key, you can look at the contents of the .pub file (e.g. ~/.ssh/, or use ssh-add -L.

2.3. Installing "triton" on your own machine

You can also install the triton command directly on your machine if you wish, using the Node.js package manager npm.

In order to be able to use some UQ-specific features, you will have to install our customised version, which is available on GitHub.

To install it, use the command npm install -g git+

On mango and moss we automatically set up environment variables for you based on your key. The documentation for the triton command should help you do this yourself as a Triton "profile" (or you can copy from /etc/profile.d/ on mango or moss).

The information you will need about our particular Triton installation is as follows:



uqfoobar (your UQ username)

2.4. Getting around the triton commands

The triton commandline tool includes a number of "subcommands" which perform different operations. For example, there is a subcommand triton package list which lists available "packages", and triton image list which lists "images" (you can find out more about these in the sections Choosing a package and Choosing an image).

The triton command supports the --help option to help remind you of the name of a subcommand, or simply to let you explore what’s available.

Using it at the top level will print out all of the different subcommand trees available, like this:

$ triton --help
    help (?)                  Help on a specific sub-command.
    profile                   List, get, create and update Triton CLI profiles.
    env                       Emit shell commands to setup environment.
    completion                Emit bash completion. See help for installation.

  Instances (aka VMs/Machines/Containers):
    instance (inst)           List and manage Triton instances.
    instances (insts, ls)     A shortcut for "triton instance list".
    create                    A shortcut for "triton instance create".
    delete (rm)               A shortcut for "triton instance delete".
    start                     A shortcut for "triton instance start".
    stop                      A shortcut for "triton instance stop".
    ... etc

  Images, Packages, Networks, Firewall Rules:
    image (img)               List and manage Triton images.
    package (pkg)             List and get Triton packages.
    ... etc

Many subcommands have shortened versions of their name ("aliases"), such as triton package, which can be abbreviated as triton pkg. In the help output any abbreviations allowed are listed in parentheses after the name.

You can also use --help with any subcommand, for example with triton pkg:

$ triton pkg --help
List and get Triton packages.

A package is a collection of attributes -- for example disk quota,
amount of RAM -- used when creating an instance. They have a name
and ID for identification.

    triton package [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS...]
    triton package help COMMAND

    -h, --help          Show this help message and exit.

    help (?)            Help on a specific sub-command.
    list (ls)           List packages.
    get                 Get a package.

3. Creating and managing zones

After getting the tools installed and your account set up, we can finally use them to create a zone.

There are a couple of basic parameters we will need to decide on before we can create a new zone:

  • A name for the zone (also called the "alias") — this also determines the DNS name for the zone (and thus the URL you use to access a website on it);

  • The "package" we want to use — this specifies the size of the zone, in terms of what amount of resources are allocated to it. The package specifies the memory or RAM limit for the zone ("memory cap"), the limit of disk space that can be used ("quota"), as well as the maximum amount of CPU time the zone can consume;

  • The "image" we want to use — this specifies what software will be installed already in the zone when we first start it up, as well as the base operating system to be used; and

  • Which networks to connect the zone to — so that we can access it, and so that it can access other network resources it needs to run.

Depending on the image we choose and the software that comes with it, there might also be additional parameters involved in zone creation, which are explained in the following sections.

3.1. Choosing a package

First, let’s have a look at the available packages in our installation by running the command triton pkg list. It will output a table like this one:

$ triton pkg list
dbebb9a0  z1-xtiny       128M  512M    5G      -
639a1b7b  z1-tiny        256M  512M    5G      -
48e4704d  z1-small       512M    1G   10G      -
05c99a68  z1-standard      1G    4G   20G      -
f02f1704  z1-large         2G    8G   40G      -
3224d86d  z1-xlarge        4G   16G   80G      -
ae628680  z1-2xlarge       8G   32G  150G      -
c474518c  z1-3xlarge      16G   32G  300G      -
fddced88  z1-4xlarge      32G   64G  600G      -

Packages are generally referred to by their name (in the second column). If you’re not sure what package to pick, it’s usually best to start with z1-standard.

You can always resize a zone later to a different package if you choose the wrong one. Resizing a zone is quick and doesn’t require the zone to be restarted.

The packages on UQcloud are organised into a few groups based on the letter and number they start with (before the hyphen). Here we can see packages from the "S1" and "Z1" groups.

Most of the time, we will want to use packages from the "Z1" group. These are standard packages appropriate for most everyday use.

The other groups are intended for particular kinds of workloads, or for use with special types of images. They are as follows:


General-purpose zone package, good for most uses.


High-swap package, intended for applications which allocate a lot of memory but then don’t actually use it all (e.g. MongoDB or some other specialised software)


Bhyve hardware virtualisation package, can only be used with a matching Bhyve image.

3.1.1. Package CPU limits

You might have noticed that the table above did not include one of the resources we talked about when defining what a "package" was: CPU time limits. This is a complex topic which you can skip over if you aren’t interested in it.

The following table summarises the CPU time limits for the Z1 group packages:

Package name Guaranteed CPU CPU cap Burst ratio

































Percentages in the table are all phrased as percentage of a single logical CPU ("core").

The column "CPU cap" describes the maximum amount of CPU time that a zone with that package is allowed to consume at any instant. The column "guaranteed CPU" describes the average amount of CPU time which a zone can rely on being able to consume, even in the worst case where the physical server is full of zones to its maximum capacity and they are all trying to use the most CPU time they can all at once. The column "Burst ratio" is the ratio between those two quantities.

As you can see, the UQcloud zones are not designed for workloads which spend all of their time consuming the maximum amount of CPU power they possibly can (e.g. scientific compute processing jobs). If every zone in UQcloud tries to use its maximum CPU power all the time and the systems are operating near capacity, the vast majority of zones will run very slowly indeed.

Most website workloads are not heavy on CPU power, and when they are it tends to be periodic and bursty in nature (a short time of heavy processing interspersed with idleness). The packages are set up to take advantage of this fact.

3.2. Choosing an image

Next, we’ll have a look at the available images which you can choose from. Similarly to packages, we can list the available images by running triton image list.

Unlike packages, there are a lot of different images available to choose from. The table below is truncated to show just a few of each major type.

SHORTID   NAME                   VERSION          FLAGS  OS       TYPE          PUBDATE
cfa9c88e  base-64                20.3.0           P      smartos  zone-dataset  2020-10-01
66e68481  base-64-lts            21.4.1-20230208  IP     smartos  zone-dataset  2023-02-08

697731ba  alpine-3               20230111         IP     linux    lx-dataset    2023-01-11
ab71e9fe  almalinux-9            20230127         P      linux    lx-dataset    2023-01-27
4e60ee8e  debian-11              20230127         P      linux    lx-dataset    2023-01-27
55595e1a  ubuntu-22.04           20230127         P      linux    lx-dataset    2023-01-27
75a4648b  ubuntu-20.04           20230208         IP     linux    lx-dataset    2023-02-08

c2a96f69  ubuntu-krb5            2.0.3            IP     linux    lx-dataset    2023-02-08
48f6373b  webproject             4.0.7            IP     linux    lx-dataset    2023-02-08
e385bd82  jupyter                3.0.5            IP     linux    lx-dataset    2023-02-08
fd15ed26  x2go-xfce4             1.1.0            IP     linux    lx-dataset    2021-07-27

The list is also broken up into sections so we can talk about each one.

First, observe the "OS" column in the table — this indicates which operating system the image is based upon. Usually you will only see linux and smartos here.

It’s generally recommended for most users to stick to the linux images, but if you’re interested in the "native" smartos type, you can find more information in the section Native zones and pkgsrc.

The Linux images listed above are broken into two groups: the first group are base OS images, which don’t contain any customisations specifically for UQcloud and don’t contain any pre-installed software beyond the basic Linux environment.

The second group are UQcloud customised images with some software pre-installed and configured.

For new users, or those who are less experienced with administering Linux server systems themselves, it’s recommended to stick with the customised images which are already set up.

For example, in the listing above the jupyter image comes with the Jupyter Python scientific notebook software already pre-installed along with a number of Python scientific packages. You can create a jupyter image zone and then log in and use Jupyter straight away without any additional work.

For advanced users who want to set up the system themselves from scratch, the base OS images or the ubuntu-krb5 image are recommended. The ubuntu-krb5 image has only one additional piece of software installed compared to the base ubuntu-20.04 image: a plugin to allow UQ usernames and passwords to log in over SSH.

For users in the middle, and especially those developing web applications, the webproject image is the best bet. It has a large amount of web application frameworks, languages and databases pre-installed and partially configured, designed to make it easy to add your code and get it running. The sections of this guide named Getting around the "webproject" image and Setting up specific types of applications on "webproject" are specifically about how to get the best out of this image.

Zones can’t have their image changed after they have been created. If you discover that you have used the wrong image for a zone, you will need to destroy it and create a new one.

3.3. Choosing which networks to use

Continuing the theme from packages and images, you can see a list of the available networks by running the command triton network list:

$ triton network list
SHORTID   NAME               SUBNET            GATEWAY        FABRIC  VLAN  PUBLIC
b10a8f1c  zones              -                 -              -       -     true
e4283953  zones-public       -                 -              -       -     true
dbac7eb6  My-Fabric-Network  true    2     false
Your output from triton network list may be different to the output above. In particular, the zones-public network will be missing for most accounts which have not requested access to public IPs.

Generally, the network you will want to use for your zones is the one named zones.

The use of other networks (especially My-Fabric-Network and zones-public) is covered in the section Fabric networks, public IP addresses and high availability.

The zones network will give your zone a "private" IP address on the UQ network, where you can access it over SSH from anywhere within UQ, it can access the Internet, and services like UQ single sign-on are available.

Which networks you choose for your zone also determines which DNS names (and which URLs) you can use to access your zone.

On the zones network, your zone will be given the internal DNS name <account>-<alias>, with <account> and <alias> replaced with your UQ username and the alias you set for the zone when creating it.

Your zone will also be given a second "public" DNS name, <account>-<alias> for accessing a website hosted on it from both inside and outside the UQ network.

For example, if my account name was uqfoobar and I created a zone named myzone, it would be given the DNS names and When I want to use SSH to log in to my zone or talk to it directly, I would use the first name; and when I want to visit a website hosted on my zone I would use the second name.

This bifurcation of DNS names is a unique attribute of the zones network and does not necessarily apply to other networks which may be available.

Networks can be added and removed from zones after creation, but require the zone to reboot each time a change is made.

3.3.1. Short names

If you create a zone named foobar on the zones network and you are the very first person to ever create a zone with that name, the zone will also be given the "short name" of

You can use this name in place of the version with your account name in it if you wish.

3.4. Metadata

Depending on the particular image you’ve chosen, you might want or need to provide additional information when creating your zone.

This additional information is known as "metadata", and comes in the form of key=value pairs, where the set of valid keys depends on the specific image.

The base OS images do not accept any metadata parameters, so if you’re using one of these you can safely skip this section.

Each image here has a table of the keys which can be used with each one. These are only a brief summary; for some images (like webproject) more details can be found elsewhere in this guide about the specific role of each key.

Metadata keys which are optional for a given image can generally be changed later. Keys that are required at creation may often require you to destroy and re-create the zone to change them, however.

3.4.1. ubuntu-krb5 image

Key Required? Description Value format Example



UQ users who should be allowed to log into the zone

List of UQ usernames separated by spaces

uqfoobar uqxyz s4xxxx

3.4.2. webproject image

Key Required? Description Value format Example



UQ users who should be allowed to log into the zone

List of UQ usernames separated by spaces

uqfoobar uqxyz s4xxxx



Webproject services which should be enabled in the zone during setup

List of services separated by spaces

php mysql



UQ users who should have VSCode enabled at boot

List of UQ usernames separated by spaces

uqfoobar uqxyz

3.4.3. jupyter image

Key Required? Description Value format Example



UQ user who "owns" the Jupyter notebook (user which it runs as)

Single UQ username




UQ users who should be allowed to log into the zone. Must include the owner.

List of UQ usernames separated by spaces

uqfoobar uqxyz s4xxxx



Whether to use JupyterLab instead of the Jupyter Classic Notebook.

yes (default) or no


See also webproject image above. Note that the owner user must be repeated in the uq_users metadata, so a typical invocation will look like:

$ triton inst create \
    --metadata owner=uqfoobar \
    --metadata uq_users=uqfoobar \
    jupyter ...

If you add additional users to uq_users, they will have the same full level of access to the notebook as the owner (which includes being able to open a Jupyter Terminal as the owner’s user).

3.4.4. x2go-xfce4 image

See ubuntu-krb5 image above.

3.5. Creating a zone

Now that we’ve chosen our basic parameters for our zone (a name, a package, an image, and the networks to use), we can finally create it.

The command we use to create a new zone is triton instance create (or triton inst create for short). Using it looks like this:

$ triton instance create --wait \
    --name <alias> \ (1)
    --network <network> \ (2)
    --metadata key=value \ (3)
    <image> \ (4)
    <package> (5)
  1. Replace <alias> with the name or alias you chose.

  2. Replace <network> with the name of a network. You can give this option more than once if you’ve chosen more than one network.

  3. Replace key and value with a metadata key from the tables earlier if needed, and the value you chose for each key. You can repeat this option or leave it out.

  4. Replace <image> with the name of the image you chose.

  5. Replace <package> with the name of the package you chose.

You can put that all on one line without the \ characters if you wish, for example:

$ triton inst create --wait --name foobar --network zones webproject z1-standard
Creating instance foobar (3b3f0124-05f9-eacc-8a8b-8b763e557507, webproject@3.0.4)
Created instance foobar (3b3f0124-05f9-eacc-8a8b-8b763e557507) in 35s

The --wait option tells triton to wait until the new zone is fully up and running before it exits the command (the default is to exit immediately once the system has accepted the request, and then you would have to check on the status of the job later).

Creation normally takes 30-60 seconds depending on the image and package which you chose.

Once you see the Created instance <name> message, congratulations! You’ve successfully created a zone.

If you want to log into your zone right away and get started, you can skip the remainder of this section and move straight to Accessing zones.

3.6. Account limits

You might try to create a zone and receive an error like this one:

triton instance create: error: error creating instance: Quota exceeded; to have your limits raised please contact Support

If you see this, it means you have exceeded the current limits on your account.

To help manage the usage of UQcloud and allocate it fairly, each account has a limit, normally on the amount of RAM it can allocate.

You can see your current limits and usage using the command triton account limits:

$ triton account limits
ram          512   1024

Student accounts start with an automatic default limit of 1024 MB (the size of a single z1-standard zone). Staff accounts start at 2048 MB (2 GB).

You can request an increase in your account limit by contacting the EAIT IT helpdesk. Please make sure to include a rough idea of how much memory you will require and what it’s for. We are generally happy to accomodate any usage that is for a legitimate purpose related to coursework or research at the University.

We do not generally allow the accounts of individuals to provision more than 16 GB (16384 MB) of memory in zones. To get a higher limit than 16 GB, we usually recommend the creation of a "group account" for your project — see the section Group accounts and managing access for further details.

3.7. Changing zone settings after creation

Many of the parameters we chose and provided during zone creation can be modified later. Each of the different parameters has a different command under the triton instance subcommand for modifying it.

3.7.1. Changing zone name or alias

To change the alias or name of a zone, use the triton instance rename command:

$ triton inst rename <old alias> <new alias>

3.7.2. Changing package

To change the package for a zone, use the triton instance resize command. It takes the name of the zone to resize and the new package as arguments:

$ triton inst resize <alias> <package>

3.7.3. Changing metadata

For metadata keys which can be changed after creation, the command triton instance metadata update can be used to modify them:

$ triton inst metadata update <alias> <key>=<value>
Metadata keys which can be changed after creation may only be checked periodically by the zone for changes (e.g. the uq_users key is usually only checked once an hour), so it may take some time for your change to have an effect on the zone.

3.7.4. Changing networks

Changing which networks a zone is using can be done through the subcommands of triton instance nic. "NIC" is an abbreviation for "network interface card": each NIC represents a connection between your zone and a particular network.

First, use the triton instance nic list command to get information about the NICs currently attached to your zone:

$ triton inst nic list foobar
IP                MAC                STATE    NETWORK  90:b8:d0:c2:9c:36  running  0ce96a79

The value in the "Network" column, annoyingly, cannot easily be matched up against the list of network from triton network list in order to check which network it actually is. This is because the zones network is actually a "network pool", which contains several other "real" networks (one of which is 0ce96a79).

Let’s say we now want this zone to also be on our fabric network (My-Fabric-Network). We would use the command triton instance nic create to add a new NIC:

$ triton inst nic create foobar My-Fabric-Network
Created NIC 90:b8:d0:c8:d9:5a

We can also delete the old NIC using its MAC address from the second column:

$ triton inst nic delete foobar 90:b8:d0:c2:9c:36
Delete NIC "90:b8:d0:c2:9c:36"? [y/n] y (1)
Deleted NIC 90:b8:d0:c2:9c:36
  1. Press the y key here to confirm.

Changes made to NICs will not show up within the zone immediately, as it must be rebooted for network changes to take effect. After rebooting, the new network interfaces will appear within the zone.

3.8. Errors and mistakes

TODO: more errors here

3.8.1. Duplicate alias

If you see this error when trying to create a new zone:

triton instance create: error: error creating instance
    alias: Duplicate: Already exists for this owner_uuid: Invalid VM parameters: Invalid machine name

Then you already have another zone in your account with the same name ("alias"). You should run triton inst list and have a look at the zones on your account to try to figure out why the name is already in use.

You can end up with this error if you start a provision operation for a new zone but then get disconnected from the Internet part-way through — your local triton command might not receive confirmation that the zone is being created, but Triton has still acted on the request. In this case it’s generally safe to use the zone as-is and not re-create it — the triton tool sets all of the settings and metadata for the zone in the initial request, so it will all be there if the zone was created at all.

3.9. Destroying zones

You can destroy a zone by using the triton inst rm command:

$ triton inst rm foobar

Note that this will also destroy all data stored inside the zone.

3.10. Backups and snapshots

Zones running on UQcloud are provided by the system with automatic snapshots and backups.

Every hour, your zone will be snapshotted and the snapshot copied to a backup server for safe-keeping. Each day and each week an additional snapshot is also taken, to be kept for a longer period.

For the last few snapshots of each kind (hourly, daily, weekly), you can access the data belonging to your zone as it was at the time the snapshot was taken by looking in the /checkpoints directory in your zone.

Some zones may find that their snapshots take up a significant portion of their disk space usage (e.g. because they re-write a lot of data on a regular basis).

If this is causing a problem for your zone, please email helpdesk and we can give you some options for what to do.

If you need access to older snapshots at any point, or to roll back to an older snapshot of your zone (e.g. because you have accidentally done something that prevents it from starting up), please also contact helpdesk.

4. Accessing zones

All zones may be accessed for administration purposes through the commandline, though there is some variation in the specific method between images — for example, in whether SSH access uses UQ usernames and passwords or not.

Access is also possible for other purposes than administration (e.g. accessing the website hosted on the zone). This section will focus only on administrative commandline access and the methods for achieving it.

4.1. SSH as root using public keys

All types of zone images support SSH login as root using SSH public key authentication. The public keys allowed for login as root are the same keys which were added to the Triton account which created the zone at the time the zone was created.

If you used sdc-setup on or to create your SSH key pair for access to Triton, then you can also SSH from there to your zone as root.

For example:

uqfoo@mango:~$ triton inst create --wait --name foobar ...
Creating instance foobar (3b3f0124-05f9-eacc-8a8b-8b763e557507, webproject@3.0.4)
Created instance foobar (3b3f0124-05f9-eacc-8a8b-8b763e557507) in 35s

uqfoo@mango:~$ ssh (1)
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:/ZwtxL8ZufYDK7xTXVmQ7wxS4s/JlW6GjiGE6K+kqVE.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes (2)
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.3.0 x86_64)

Last login: Fri Jan 31 06:30:52 2020 from
root@foobar:~#    (3)
  1. Use the ssh command to connect onwards from mango to your zone

  2. The first time you connect to a new zone, you will receive this warning. At least on mango, you can safely ignore it and type yes, since the network between mango and your zone is trustworthy.

  3. This is the shell prompt from inside your zone.

For zones using UQ customised images or native SmartOS images, the SSH keys are kept up to date after zone creation as well, so that they always reflect the same set that you use for access to the triton command. Linux base OS images do not do this, and the set of keys allowed is only set at the creation of the zone.

4.2. Direct login via "triton inst exec"

As well as access via SSH, all zones also support the ability to directly run a command as root inside the zone using the triton inst exec command.

You can use this to start an interactive root shell:

$ triton inst exec foobar -- bash --login (1)
root@foobar:/#     (2)
  1. Note that the -- is needed to separate options that are used for the triton command itself from options that will be given to bash inside the zone.

  2. This is the shell prompt from inside your zone.

This conveniently works even when your SSH keys have changed since the zone was created, and can also be a good fall-back if you somehow break SSH.

4.3. SSH and SFTP with UQ usernames and passwords

For zones based on the ubuntu-krb5 image, or any of its descendants (such as webproject), you can also log into your zone over SSH using UQ usernames and passwords.

This is particularly useful as you can allow login by other users to your specific zone without having to ask for their SSH keys or add those keys anywhere.

To set the list of users who are allowed to log in, you can either provide or edit the uq_users metadata key, or from within the zone you can also use the uq-add-user command:

root@foobar:/# uq-add-user uqfoo
You can also run the uq-add-user command inside a zone using one of the other methods outlined above (e.g. by running triton inst exec foobar uq-add-user uqfoo)

Then you can SSH to the zone as uqfoo:

$ ssh (1)
Password: (2)
uqfoo@foobar:/$ (3)
  1. Replace uqfoo with your UQ username.

  2. Enter your normal UQ password.

  3. This is the shell prompt from inside your zone.

The users created by either of these methods by default are allowed to use the sudo command to become root. You will need to use this command in order to execute most administrative functions.

In zones based on the ubuntu-krb5 image and any of its descendants, the SSH public keys belonging to each user will also be accepted for login as well as their UQ password.

With a UQ user account, you can also access your zone over SFTP using a client such as WinSCP, Cyberduck or FileZilla.

For these clients, use the internal hostname of your zone (ending in and your UQ username and password to log in, and then you can drag and drop files or folders from your local machine into the zone.

In FileZilla, don’t forget to choose port 22, or add sftp:// at the beginning of your zone’s hostname. If you don’t do this, it will try to use FTP rather than SFTP, which will not work.

4.4. From outside the UQ network

When you are working from outside the UQ network, direct SSH access to your zone will not be possible if it is a normal zone on the zones network.

Of the methods outlined above, only the triton inst exec method will work unmodified from outside the UQ network.

Instead, you will need to either get your machine access to UQ networks (e.g. by logging into the UQ VPN or EAIT VPN), or proxy your SSH connection via or

"Proxying" can simply mean logging into mango or moss first and using the ssh command there; or you can set up SSH client features such as ProxyJump.

Many SFTP clients such as WinSCP and Cyberduck also have equivalent features to ProxyJump which can be enabled. FileZilla, however, does not have any such feature.

In the following sections you can find advice for setting up ProxyJump or an equivalent feature with individual clients.

The GlobalProtect VPN which UQ provides for students studying remotely from overseas (particularly China) does not provide direct network access to zones. We recommend using the ProxyJump feature in conjunction with GlobalProtect.

4.4.1. Commandline SSH on MacOS or Linux

Oon MacOS or Linux, if you add this to your ~/.ssh/config file:

Host *

Then whenever you use a command such as ssh on your local machine, the SSH client will automatically open a connection to and proxy your traffic through it, without you having to open up a second shell yourself.

4.4.2. WinSCP

WinSCP has a configuration option for tunneling which works well for zones. When creating a new site, enter your regular SSH hostname for your zone, and press the "Advanced" button:

Figure 1. Example WinSCP configuration

Then select the "Tunnel" option under "Connection":

Figure 2. Example WinSCP tunnel configuration

Enter the "Host name" here as or, and then enter your UQ username (and password if needed) in the fields below it.

4.4.3. PuTTY

With PuTTY, you can set up a Proxy configuration using PLink.

PLink does not allow Duo MFA authentication to work properly with the proxy host. As Duo or public key authentication is now required for external SSH, we only recommend using this approach with public key authentication via Pageant.

First, create a PuTTY session and set the host name to the SSH hostname for your zone:

Figure 3. Example PuTTY session config

Then choose the "Proxy" category under "Connection" on the left-hand side:

Figure 4. Example PuTTY proxy config

On this screen:

  1. Select "Local" as the Proxy type

  2. Set the proxy hostname to or

  3. Set the proxy port to 22

  4. Add your UQ username in the "username" field

  5. Enter the "Telnet command or local proxy command" as plink.exe %user@%proxyhost -P %proxyport -nc %host:%port

4.4.4. Cyberduck

Setting up ProxyJump for Cyberduck requires editing the ~/.ssh/config file, in the same way as for commandline usage of SSH.

On MacOS, after opening a Terminal window, you can paste in the following command to create this file (it will prompt you for your UQ username):

curl | bash

You will also need to be using version 7.7 or later of Cyberduck.

4.5. When things go wrong

4.5.1. SSH from outside UQ network

If you try to SSH to a zone and receive errors like the following:

$ ssh
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host

$ ssh
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out

Then you most likely are not on the UQ network. As noted in the section From outside the UQ network, you will need to use a VPN or proxy your SSH connection in order to access zones via SSH from outside the UQ network.

You can also use the triton inst exec method for access to zones from outside if you wish.

4.5.2. Out of disk space

If you try to SSH to a zone as a normal user and it refuses your login even with the correct password, but login as root or triton inst exec work, it’s likely worth checking for available disk space:

$ ssh uqawil16@foobar.zones
uqawil16@foobar.zones's password:
Permission denied, please try again.
uqawil16@foobar.zones's password: ^C

$ ssh root@foobar.zones
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.3.0 x86_64)
Last login: Thu May 28 00:01:13 2020 from
root@foobar:~# df -h /
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/zfsds0      21G   21G     0 100% /

$ triton inst exec foobar -- df -h /
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/zfsds0      21G   21G     0 100% /

In some situations (e.g. with native brand zones), the situation may be worse than this and root logins will also be refused.

If you have available quota, the easiest way to figure out what has happened is generally to resize the zone to a larger package (see Changing package) and then use the du command to figure out what files and directories are consuming space:

$ triton inst exec foobar -- bash --login
root@foobar:/# du -ks * | sort -n
1       boot
1       lib64
1       media
1       mnt
1       srv
4       sys
31      dev
70      proc
204     run
1914    home
2242    etc
3220    sbin
4773    system
6415    bin
8863    tmp
24056   lib
102064  opt
307533  var
976232  root
1871127 usr
2350150 native
17735460        test
69293929        checkpoints

It’s worth noting that the space used by the checkpoints directory is actually vastly less than du reports (if you compare this to the used space in df you will notice this). In this case the space is being used by the test directory.

If we delete the test directory:

root@foobar:/# df -h /
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/zfsds0     7.7G  3.2G  4.6G  41% /

$ ssh uqawil16@foobar.zones
uqawil16@foobar.zones password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.3.0 x86_64)

Note that the used space of the zone may not immediately return to the amount you expect if the large files or directories were incorporated into a backup snapshot. If space usage remains too high even after deleting data, you can either wait (the backup snapshots will be rotated out automatically), or else contact helpdesk, and they will assist by forcing the backup snapshots to rotate out earlier.

4.5.3. Out of memory

If you try to SSH to a zone and it closes the connection immediately like this:

$ ssh root@foobar.zones
Connection closed by port 22

Your zone may be hitting its memory limits (specifically, the swap cap, which will prevent sshd from creating new processes). You can confirm by trying a basic command with triton inst exec as well:

$ triton inst exec foobar id

$ triton inst exec foobar id
/usr/bin/id: cannot fork [Not enough space]

You may or may not receive the second message, depending on how bad the situation is.

If you have available quota, the easiest way to figure out what has happened is generally to resize the zone to a larger package (see Changing package) and then use the zonememstat and prstat commands to diagnose which process is using up memory:

$ triton inst exec foobar -- bash --login
root@foobar:/# zonememstat
                                 ZONE  RSS(MB)  CAP(MB)  NOVER  POUT(MB) SWAP%
 8bd7e04a-ca38-c927-9be8-e53a6ffc8343     1935     1024     19     17573 52.612
root@foobar:/# prstat -s rss 1 1 | cat
445766 root     2082M 1997M sleep    1    0   0:00:05 1.1% python2.7/1
444872 root       21M 4112K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% bash/1
424960 root       96M 3384K sleep   57    0   0:00:00 0.0% sshd/1
425007 root       23M 3336K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% bash/1
 40225 root       46M 3228K sleep    1    0   0:00:37 0.0% systemd-journal/1
445954 root     3732K 3044K cpu9    59    0   0:00:00 0.0% prstat/1
992585 root       30M 3008K sleep    9    0   0:00:00 0.0% atd/1
 41621 syslog     50M 2988K sleep   59    0   0:00:06 0.0% rsyslogd/4
 29074 root       42M 2892K sleep    1    0   0:00:34 0.0% systemd/1
 41613 root       33M 2780K sleep   59    0   0:00:20 0.0% cron/1
 42077 root       93M 2756K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% networkd-dispat/2
 41618 www-data   44M 2756K sleep   59    0   0:02:18 0.0% uwsgi/1
 42205 root      109M 2744K sleep   57    0   0:00:00 0.0% unattended-upgr/2
 45424 root       69M 2712K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% sshd/1
 42071 root       23M 2688K sleep   59    0   0:00:05 0.0% systemd-logind/1
Total: 27 processes, 34 lwps, load averages: 0.01, 0.00, 0.00

In the example above we can clearly confirm that we’re over our memory cap and have been swapping, since in zonememstat the RSS(MB) column exceeds CAP(MB) and NOVER (number of times our pages have been forced out into swap) is greater than zero.

In the prstat output we can clearly see that a python2.7 process is to blame (with pid 445766).

If you experience these symptoms but don’t have enough quota to resize in order to diagnose it, or you’re not sure about the results, contact Helpdesk and ask them to help you confirm the situation.

After you have resolved the situation causing the memory exhaustion, you should reboot your zone — when zones run out of memory sometimes system services and important processes will be broken or swapped out and very slow. A reboot will help to prevent any further knock-on issues later.

4.5.4. No DNS entry

If you try to SSH to a zone you may receive this message:

$ ssh
ssh: Could not resolve hostname no address associated with name

This means that your zone is not being listed in DNS. If the zone is very new (i.e. created in the last few minutes), try waiting a little longer. If more than 5 minutes have passed since you created the zone and this message persists, it may not have the correct networking configuration.

You can check the network interfaces on a particular zone using the command triton inst nic list:

$ triton inst nic list testzone
IP                 MAC                STATE    NETWORK   90:b8:d0:90:40:b1  running  0ce96a79  90:b8:d0:18:12:f6  running  dbac7eb6

If we compare the NETWORK column to the output of triton network ls:

$ triton network ls
SHORTID   NAME               SUBNET            GATEWAY        FABRIC  VLAN  PUBLIC
dbac7eb6  My-Fabric-Network  true    2     false
b10a8f1c  zones              -                 -              -       -     true

We can see that this zone has NICs on both the zones network and My-Fabric-Network. If we look at foobar, however, the zone we were having trouble reaching over SSH:

$ triton inst nic list testzone
IP                 MAC                STATE    NETWORK  90:b8:d5:f9:01:a8  running  dbac7eb6

We can see that it only has a NIC on My-Fabric-Network, not one on the zones network. This is why it has not been listed in DNS and why we cannot reach it for SSH.

See the section Changing networks for an example of how to fix this by adding a new NIC to this zone.

4.5.5. Denied due to AllowGroups

If you create a new local user on the ubuntu-krb5 image, or any descendant of it (e.g. webproject), and try to use it for SSH login, you may be denied with the following message in journalctl:

User testuser from not allowed because none of user's groups are listed in AllowGroups

The configuration for the SSH daemon (/etc/ssh/sshd_config) in the ubuntu-krb5 image has the following directive in it:

AllowGroups root sysadm

This means that only members of the groups root and sysadm are allowed to SSH into the zone. This is set to help prevent accidentally exposing local users with weak credentials to the network.

If you want a local user to be able to log in via SSH, ensure they have a strong password or use public key authentication. Then either delete the AllowGroups line from /etc/ssh/sshd_config (and run systemctl reload ssh) or add one of the user’s groups to the AllowGroups line.

5. Getting around the "webproject" image

This section is specifically for users of zones based on the webproject image (version 3.0.0 or later).

The webproject image is designed as a flexible starting point for a lot of common web application frameworks and databases. It comes pre-configured for the following:

  • PHP

  • uwsgi (for Python frameworks, including Django, Flask etc)

  • node.js

  • Puma (for Ruby frameworks, including Ruby on Rails, Sinatra etc)

  • Tomcat (for JSP and Java)

  • via CoreCLR

  • MySQL

  • PostgreSQL

  • MongoDB

The phpMyAdmin web-based management tool for MySQL is also pre-installed and configured.

Zones based on webproject can also be used for other web frameworks or databases not included on this list, and it comes with other language runtimes installed as well (e.g. Go).

The image is based on Ubuntu (20.04 in image version 4.x), meaning that most advice and material you will find online for settings things up on Ubuntu or Debian Linux distros can be applied.

There are some details specific to the exact setup in the image though which are important to be aware of. For example, the image is set up to use nginx rather than the more typical Apache webserver in order to conserve memory and operate well even in small zone packages.

To get your project up and running quickly, we recommend you read at least the following section, Overview of design and the section Using "webprojctl". Then it should be safe to skip to the specific part of the Setting up specific types of applications on "webproject" section for the framework you’re using.

The rest of this section may be important later on, however, once you have your application set up and want to customise it or get it ready for users.

5.1. Overview of design

All of the web application frameworks in the webproject image are set up to be run behind the nginx web server, which answers requests for the zone.

Depending on the particular framework in use, the nginx process might use FastCGI, WSGI, or plain HTTP as the protocol to connect to the application server.

The general flow of requests looks roughly like the following diagram (everything that runs inside your zone is on the right-hand side of the middle dividing line):

                                      |     YOUR    ZONE
+------+                              |                         +----------------+        +--------------+
|      |         +---------------+    |      +-------+  one of  |  fcgi server   |        |   database   |
| User +-------->|     EAIT      |---------->| nginx |----+---->| (e.g. php fpm) |------->| (e.g. MySQL) |
|      |  HTTPS  | loadbalancers |   HTTP    +-------+    |     +----------------+        +--------------+
+------+         +---------------+    |                   |
                                      |                   |     +----------------+
                                      |                   |     |  wsgi server   |
                                      |                   +---->| (e.g. python)  |------->  ...
                                      |                   |     +----------------+
                                      |                   |
                                      |                   |     +----------------+
                                      |                   |     |  http server   |
                                      |                   +---->| (e.g. node.js) |------->  ...
                                      |                         +----------------+

It’s worth noting that nginx will generally only be talking to one web application framework (application server) at a time (though you can also use more advanced configurations where more than one is running at once).

When you create a new webproject zone (without setting the services) metadata, nothing is running except nginx by default, and the nginx is not configured to use any particular framework.

The webprojctl command can be used to enable services and configure nginx for you (see the next section, Using "webprojctl").

In the default state, nginx will serve static files from the /var/www/htdocs directory — so if your website consists just of plain HTML files (plus e.g. CSS and images), you can simply place the files in that directory and not worry about enabling any frameworks.

It’s not a great idea to install Apache or another web server into a zone based on the webproject image. If you really want to use Apache or LigHTTPd or another web server, it’s probably best to start from a base OS image or ubuntu-krb5. The section Setting up web applications from scratch can help you with doing this.

5.2. Using "webprojctl"

To help with configuring webproject image based zones, the image provides a command named webprojctl which can enable and disable the different application frameworks.

This command will automatically enable services (systemd units) and also reconfigure nginx for you.

We can see which frameworks are enabled by running the command webprojctl status:

root@foobar:~# webprojctl status
available: php, uwsgi (python), nodejs, puma (ruby / rails), jsp, tomcat (jsp / java), dotnet, mysql, postgres, mongodb

To enable or disable one of the frameworks, we can use the commands webprojctl enable <service> and webprojctl disable <service>:

root@foobar:~# webprojctl enable php
== enabling php...
Created symlink from /etc/nginx/frameworks-available/php.conf to /etc/nginx/frameworks-enabled/php.conf
Reloading nginx configuration
Enabling systemd unit php7.2-fpm
Synchronizing state of php7.2-fpm.service with SysV init with /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install...
Executing /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable php7.2-fpm
Enabling systemd unit phpsessionclean.timer
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /lib/systemd/system/phpsessionclean.timer.
Enabling systemd unit phpsessionclean.service

 * Place .php files in /var/www/htdocs
As indicated by the prompts above (root@foobar:~#), the webprojctl command must be run as root. You can prefix the command with sudo if logged in as an ordinary user.

After webprojctl enables a new framework for you it will sometimes print reminders about how to use the framework in question. These reminders are explained in more detail in the section of this document entitled Setting up specific types of applications on "webproject".

The webprojctl can also be used to enable and disable databases such as MySQL:

root@foobar:~# webprojctl enable mysql
== enabling mysql...
Enabling systemd unit mysql
Synchronizing state of mysql.service with SysV init with /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install...
Executing /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable mysql

 * The MySQL "root" user password can be retrieved by running "mdata-get mysql_pw"
 * If you want to use phpMyAdmin, you will need to enable "php" as well

Some web frameworks' configurations are mutually incompatible (e.g. because they both try to handle the / URL at the top of your website). When you try to enable one, webprojctl will automatically disable the other.

5.3. Editing nginx configuration

Internally, the webprojctl command does two things:

  1. It manages systemd units, by running the systemctl command; and

  2. It reconfigures nginx by creating symbolic links (symlinks) to configuration files for each framework.

The first of these is fairly straight-forward, and lots of documentation about systemd unit files and how to use them can be found online. A systemd unit represents a "service" (usually just one program) which you want to be running on the system. You set up a "unit file" to tell systemd about the program you want to be running, then you "enable" and "start" the unit, and systemd will begin managing it.

For the second responsibility, the nginx configuration is kept in /etc/nginx and is split up into several sub-directories.

When nginx starts up, it will begin by processing /etc/nginx/nginx.conf. This config file contains several include directives which cause nginx to read other files in the sub-directories.

The structure of includes looks roughly like this:

                +-->| modules-enabled/* |
                |   +-------------------+
+------------+  |      +-----------+             +-----------+
| nginx.conf |--+----->|  conf.d/* |------+----->| auth.conf |
+------------+  |      +-----------+      |      +-----------+
                |                         |
                |                         |      +-------------------------+
                |                         +----->| connection-upgrade.conf |
                |                         |      +-------------------------+
                |                         |
                |                         +-----> ...
                |    +-----------------+        +--------------+       +----------------------+
                +--->| sites-enabled/* |---+--->|  https_site  |------>| frameworks-enabled/* |
                     +-----------------+   |    +--------------+       +----------------------+
                                           |    +--------------+
                                           +--->|  http_site   |

You’ll notice that there are several subdirectories ending with -available which do not appear in the above diagram at all. The idea is that each of the -enabled directories has a matching -available directory, where all of the possible options are stored. Then, to enable a particular option we make a symlink from the -enabled directory into the -available one.

When webprojctl reconfigures nginx, it creates symlinks in the frameworks-enabled directory pointing to the pre-made config files in frameworks-available.

You’ll see one file in there for each of the framework options in webprojctl which requires nginx configuration:

root@foobar:~# ls -la /etc/nginx/frameworks-available
total 14
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  11 Jan 31 04:49 .
drwxr-xr-x 10 root root  21 Jan 16 00:42 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 752 Jan 16 00:22 custom-proxy.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  97 Jan 13 05:13 default.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 120 Jan 15 06:11 dotnet.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 120 Jan 15 05:39 nodejs.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 561 Jan 16 00:22 php.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 161 Jan 16 00:22 puma.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 593 Jan 31 04:49 tomcat.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 159 Jan 15 05:10 tomcat-jsp-only.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 121 Jan 13 06:18 uwsgi.conf

And if we have PHP enabled, for example:

root@foobar:~# ls -la /etc/nginx/frameworks-enabled
total 3
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  3 Feb  2 23:28 .
drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 21 Jan 16 00:42 ..
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 40 Feb  2 23:28 php.conf -> /etc/nginx/frameworks-available/php.conf

Any file that is symlinked into the frameworks-enabled directory will be included into the https_site configuration by default, so you can also add your own frameworks and symlink them yourself.

There is an example in /etc/nginx/frameworks-available/custom-proxy.conf which contains comments giving some guidance on how to make your own framework file for an app server that accepts HTTP connections on localhost, should you need one.

After editing any of the nginx configuration files, you can trigger nginx to reload them by running systemctl reload nginx:

root@foobar:~# systemctl reload nginx

If you forget to do this, your configuration changes will not be applied (nginx will continue running with the configuration as it was when it was last reloaded or restarted).

Editing the nginx configuration files and reloading them must be done as the root user. If you’re logged in as a normal user, you can use the sudo command to run your editor as root, or copy over the file with a new version with sudo cp …​.

5.3.1. Errors and mistakes

If you make a mistake in the nginx configuration files and attempt to reload nginx, you may receive an error from systemctl like this:

root@foobar:~# systemctl reload nginx
Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status nginx.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

This is letting you know that the reload operation failed (the nginx is probably still running fine with its old configuration). You can find more information about what’s wrong by looking in the nginx error log:

root@foobar:~# tail /var/log/nginx/error.log
2020/09/21 05:22:15 [emerg] 17250#17250: invalid number of the map parameters in /etc/nginx/conf.d/auth.conf:29

This should give you a specific line number and filename where the configuration error is located, as well as a brief description.

You can also use the command nginx -t to validate the configuration for basic syntax errors:

root@foobar:~# nginx -t
nginx: [emerg] invalid number of the map parameters in /etc/nginx/conf.d/auth.conf:29
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed

After you’ve corrected the issue, you can just use systemctl reload nginx again as usual to reload:

root@foobar:~# vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/auth.conf
root@foobar:~# systemctl reload nginx

5.4. Web single sign-on and access control

When you create a new webproject based zone and try to visit the website hosted on it (e.g. just going to the default index.html page), you will notice that it requires you to log in with UQ Single Sign-On.

The image is set to require single sign-on to access the website for both privacy and security reasons (e.g. while initially setting something up you might not have your own access control working yet). You can change the configuration to allow public access, however, or even restrict it further (e.g. to specific users or groups).

The built-in Single Sign-On support is handled entirely within the nginx webserver component. Your application server does not have to be made aware of SSO or any of its consequences by default.

Configuring the default access rules for your website is done in the config file /etc/nginx/conf.d/auth.conf. This file contains a series of rules describing which URLs should have which access control list applied to them.

The default configuration looks like this (with comments removed):

map $uri $acl {
   default		"allow:user:*";

   ~^/phpmyadmin	"allow:user:*local, allow:group:'eait:itig'";
   ~^/manager		"allow:user:*local, allow:group:'eait:itig'";
   ~^/host-manager	"allow:user:*local, allow:group:'eait:itig'";

   /favicon.ico	"allow:*";

The map $uri $acl at the start is an nginx map directive which tells nginx to set one variable based on the value of another. In this case we are setting $acl based on the contents of $uri.

The $uri variable is the path which the user is accessing on our website: for example, if the user had in their browser’s address bar, then the value of $uri here would be /test/thing.

The $acl variable should be set to the "access control list" (ACL) that we want the SSO support to use to decide who is allowed to access the page and whether they are required to log in.

Each ACL consists of a number of "stanzas" separated by commas. Each stanza has 3 parts: an action, a type of target, and optionally further information needed to work out what target you mean. The parts of each stanza are separated by colons.

The possible actions are:

  • allow; and

  • deny.

The SSO processing module will consider the ACL stanzas one by one, in the order written, looking for one which matches the request. The first entry to match will determine what action the module takes (allowing the request, or denying it). If no stanzas match the request, then the request is denied (it is a "default deny" or "whitelist" system).

The possible types of target are:

  • user — a specific UQ user, identified by their username, or by a special username containing the asterisk character *

  • group — a UQ AD or LDAP group, identified by its domain-qualified name, which the user must be a member of in order to match

  • * — matches any request, whether logged in or not

For the user type, the possible special usernames are:

  • * — matches any logged in user

  • *local — matches any user who has an account on the zone (e.g. they have been added by running uq-add-user)

For the group type, the format of the group name should be domain:group, where the domains available are:

  • uq — UQ central ActiveDirectory groups

  • eait — EAIT staff ActiveDirectory groups

  • labs — EAIT student labs ActiveDirectory groups

The labs domain includes groups for currently enrolled courses, which can be used to write stanzas which match all students enrolled them. The section UQ single sign-on via fakvd includes further information about using these.

When the SSO module finds that the only rule that could allow access requires it to know which user is logged in or their group memberships, it forces them to log in before continuing processing. If, however, it finds a rule which matches without login information (e.g. allow:*), then it skips login.

From this we can decode what will happen with the ACL examples in the default configuration above:


Visitors will be required to log in, but any logged in user will be given access.

allow:user:*local, allow:group:'eait:itig'

Visitors will be required to log in, and then only users who either have a local account on the zone, or who are members of the eait:itig AD group, will be allowed access.


Visitors will not be required to log in, SSO processing will be skipped.

5.4.1. Enabling public access

To enable public access to our website, we should change the default line in /etc/nginx/conf.d/auth.conf to the ACL value allow:*. This will stop visitors from being required to log in.

The final configuration should look like:

map $uri $acl {
   default              "allow:*";
Don’t forget to reload the nginx configuration after editing it, by running systemctl reload nginx as root.

5.4.2. Using SSO information in your application

Your application can use the information that nginx has already gathered about the user via SSO to make further decisions itself (for example you might want to look the user up in a database).

Information about how to do this is included in the sections for each web framework, and also in the section UQ single sign-on via fakvd.

5.5. MySQL password management

The MySQL database server in the webproject image is set up with an administrator user named root, which has a randomly generated password that is different on each zone.

You can find out what the randomly-generated password for your zone was set to by running the command mdata-get mysql_pw inside the zone as root:

uqfoo@foobar:~# sudo mdata-get mysql_pw

You can also find it from outside the zone by using the command triton inst get --credentials <alias>, which will include a section under "metadata" named "credentials" containing the "mysql" password value:

$ triton inst get --credentials foobar
    "id": "3b3f0124-05f9-eacc-8a8b-8b763e557507",
    "name": "foobar",
    "type": "smartmachine",
    "brand": "lx",
    "state": "running",
    "metadata": {
        "root_authorized_keys": "...",
        "credentials": {
            "mysql": "8bf3863cf5ba6195"

The webproject image also includes phpMyAdmin, a web-based tool for managing the database. Normally phpMyAdmin would require you to enter the root password in order to log in and use it. To save new users some time and effort (and enable using the image for situations where we might want a user to be able to access phpMyAdmin but not log in over SSH), the phpMyAdmin has been modified to support Single Sign-On.

This means that the actual password of the root user has to be kept available to the phpMyAdmin code which handles SSO login, so that it can correctly authenticate to MySQL once it has validated your SSO session.

The image setup process places the password in the file /usr/share/phpmyadmin/signon.php, which is set as the SSO handler in the phpMyAdmin configuration in /etc/phpmyadmin/

If you decide to change the root password for MySQL to a different value from its randomly generated default, then the password kept in phpMyAdmin will no longer be correct, which will stop phpMyAdmin from being able to log in.

This normally manifests as a "Too many redirects" error in your web browser. If you see this error, you probably need to check whether the MySQL root password has been changed.

It’s generally recommended to simply not change the password and leave it at the default value, but if you really need to change it and still want phpMyAdmin SSO support to work, you should edit /usr/share/phpmyadmin/signon.php and update it there.

If you ever change the MySQL root password accidentally or to a value you’ve forgotten or lost, you can use the command sudo uq-reset-mysql to change it back to the default. It doesn’t require the current password, and will keep your database intact.

5.6. Filesystem permissions

The webproject image is designed for convenience, including with regards to filesystem permissions on the shared /var/www directory.

Setting up most types of web applications will require writing to files under /var/www as your logged in user, and in collaborative situations (e.g. working on a team project), each person will typically be logged in as themselves over SSH.

As a result, the image places special advanced permissions on the /var/www directory to make sure that it remains writeable by SSH users, even when the files are owned by someone else.

For example, if I have two users, uqfoo and uqbar logged into a zone:

uqfoo@foobar:~$ echo hi > /var/www/htdocs/test.html
uqfoo@foobar:~$ ls -la /var/www/htdocs/test.html
-rw-rw-r-- 1 uqfoo sysadmin 3 Feb  3 07:13 /var/www/htdocs/test.html

uqbar@foobar:~$ echo hi again >> /var/www/htdocs/test.html
uqbar@foobar:~$ cat /var/www/htdocs/test.html
hi again

As you can see, both users can edit files freely in the /var/www directory, including those created and owned by another user.

Unfortunately, the chmod command, including when used via SFTP can strip away these permissions and cause the directory to revert to only being writeable by root.

As a result, it’s recommended that you avoid using the chmod command in your zone entirely. Also avoid the "Edit file permissions" dialog in a graphical SFTP client.

If you encounter instructions online for using chmod to make a file or directory writeable by your web server (e.g. a logs folder or temporary file) you should instead use the command chown to change the ownership of the file to the user www-data:

uqfoo@foobar:~$ sudo chown www-data /var/www/htdocs/tmp/
[sudo] password for uqfoo:
uqfoo@foobar:~$ ls -la /var/www/htdocs/tmp
drwxrwxr-x 2 www-data sysadmin 2 Feb  3 07:18 .

This will allow the web server to write to this directory freely, without stripping the ability of your regular SSH users to manage it without having to sudo every command.

Do not run the command chmod -R 777 …​ on a zone, no matter what your instructors or steps online might say. This command is very easy to mis-use by accident and may cause your zone to no longer be able to accept logins or new connections. If you run this command by mistake and your zone is broken, you will need to contact Helpdesk and ask them to recover any data you need from the zone before resetting it to a previous snapshot.

5.6.1. Behind the curtain

The permissions on the /var/www directory are set by using the "native" chmod tool, which you can find in /native/usr/bin/. You can find out more about them by reading the illumos man page, in particular the section entitled "ACL Operations".

If you need to restore the original permissions on /var/www at some point, you can either email Helpdesk, or, if you’re an advanced user and want to try it yourself, look at what zoneinit does when it initialises the zone (zoneinit is located in /usr/local/sbin).

5.7. Python versions and uwsgi

Users of Python programs in zones sometimes need a specific release version of Python rather than just any available.

In all Ubuntu-based images (including webproject), there is a "system" Python (usually a slightly older version — e.g. Python 3.8 in Ubuntu 20.04) which cannot be removed or upgraded. You can, however, add additional Python versions under different names, which is the recommended method (e.g. Python 3.11 will be named python3.11, not python or python3 — both of those will still point at the system Python).

As of webproject version 4.0, the latest stable Python (at time of writing, this was Python 3.11) is pre-installed alongside the "system" Python in this manner.

If you just want to use the latest stable Python instead of the default system python, you can invoke it directly as python3.11 (install packages with python3.11 -m pip).

When using uwsgi for Python web frameworks, a given uwsgi binary can only work with one version of Python at a time. We include a separate copy of uwsgi for each version of Python pre-installed in the webproject image.

To change which uwsgi is in use, you can modify the symlink at /usr/local/bin/uwsgi — for example, to change to the Python 3.11 uwsgi:

root@foobaz:~# ln -sf uwsgi3.11 /usr/local/bin/uwsgi

After doing this, you will need to restart the uwsgi systemd service:

root@foobaz:~# systemctl restart uwsgi

You can check which version is currently the target of the symlink by using ls -la:

root@foobaz:~# ls -la /usr/local/bin/uwsgi
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           8 Feb 15 07:54 /usr/local/bin/uwsgi -> uwsgi3.11

5.7.1. Installing other Python versions

If you need other Python versions, you can install an appropriately configured Python from the "deadsnakes" PPA, or compile it yourself from source.

The PPA is already configured and available in the webproject image, so you can install alternative Python versions by specifying them to apt-get install (don’t forget to install -dev packages so that pip can compile wheels and add-in modules):

root@foobaz:~# apt-get install python3.10 python3.10-dev

This will install Python 3.8 as a new version of Python, but will not remove any other existing versions installed on the system.

Once you’ve installed a different version of Python, in order to use it with uwsgi, you will need to re-install uwsgi via pip or easy_install.

We recommend deleting the /usr/local/bin/uwsgi symlink before doing this, since pip will overwrite that file with the new version. Then you can move it to a versioned name and re-create the symlink afterwards.

root@foobaz:~# rm -f /usr/local/bin/uwsgi
root@foobaz:~# python3.10 -m pip install uwsgi
root@foobaz:~# mv /usr/local/bin/uwsgi{,3.10}
root@foobaz:~# ln -s uwsgi3.10 /usr/local/bin/uwsgi

This will replace uwsgi on the system with a version linked against Python 3.8. You will need to restart the uwsgi service with systemctl restart uwsgi to run the new version.

If you need to double-check which version of Python a particular uwsgi binary is currently linked against, you can use ldd:

root@foobaz:~# ldd $(which uwsgi) | grep python => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fffee400000) (1)
  1. We can see here that the binary is linked against, which belongs to Python 3.8 (in this case, the system Python).

You can read more about using uwsgi to run Python web applications such as Flask or Django in the section Python/uwsgi (Django, Flask etc).

5.8. Using Visual Studio code-server

The webproject image as of version 3.1.0 contains built-in support for using the web-hosted version of Visual Studio Code (code-server) for editing your website and code.

The image is set up to spawn one code-server for each enabled user. As each of these uses quite a lot of RAM (around 200 MB RSS per instance is typical), you must enable each user individually to avoid accidentally using up all of the zone’s memory.

To enable support for VSCode globally in your zone, enable the webprojctl feature vscode:

root@foobar:~# webprojctl enable vscode
== enabling vscode...
Created symlink from /etc/nginx/frameworks-available/vscode.conf to /etc/nginx/frameworks-enabled/vscode.conf
Reloading nginx configuration

 * VSCode has to be started for each user individually by running "sudo systemctl start code-server@USERNAME"
Further instructions available at:

You can set which users are enabled by providing the metadata property vscoders at provisioning time, or you can enable them later by using the command systemctl start code-server@USERNAME:

root@foobar:~# systemctl start code-server@uqfoobar

Using systemctl start will turn on VSCode for that user until the next reboot. If you want a user’s code-server instance to also start automatically after reboot, you can use the systemctl enable command:

root@foobar:~# systemctl enable code-server@uqfoobar

To access the VSCode instance on your zone, visit https://<user>-<alias> in your web browser:

Figure 5. Accessing the VSCode instance in a zone

6. Setting up specific types of applications on "webproject"

This section is specifically for users of zones based on the webproject image (version 3.0.0 or later).

6.1. Static HTML (and JavaScript)

For client-side web applications which consist entirely of static HTML and JavaScript (plus other assets like CSS and images etc), you don’t have to enable anything in webproject.

You can place your static assets in the /var/www/htdocs directory. The image ships with some example files in that directory, which you can delete.

A file named index.html or index.htm in the top of the /var/www/htdocs directory is what will be served to visitors when they open https://<user>-<alias> in a web browser.

Any other files or sub-directories you create under /var/www/htdocs are mapped directly into URIs under the root of your website, e.g:

6.1.1. Deploying "compiled" JavaScript framework apps

When using web frameworks like React or Angular, usually there is a "build" or "compile" step involved where your JavaScript and other static asset files are combined into bundles suitable for serving directly to a browser.

For example, in a React app you would run npm run build — this populates the build/ directory with the compiled app:

$ npm run build
> react-example@0.1.0 build /home/alex/dev/react-example
> react-scripts build

Creating an optimized production build...
Compiled successfully.

$ ls -la build
total 31
drwxr-xr-x 3 user user   10 Mar  4 09:45 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 user user   11 Mar  4 09:45 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 1092 Mar  4 09:45 asset-manifest.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 3870 Mar  4 09:45 favicon.ico
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 3034 Mar  4 09:45 index.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 5347 Mar  4 09:45 logo192.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 9664 Mar  4 09:45 logo512.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user  492 Mar  4 09:45 manifest.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user   67 Mar  4 09:45 robots.txt
drwxr-xr-x 5 user user    5 Mar  4 09:45 static

You can see in the output that an index.html file has been generated here. All that’s needed to deploy such an app is to copy these "compiled" files straight into /var/www/htdocs on the zone, and then the root of your website will serve the application.

You don’t need to run npm run build on your zone, necessarily — you could run it somewhere else and then upload the files to your zone (e.g. in a CI system or on your laptop). Some JavaScript frameworks have very expensive "build" steps which may not be able to run in a small-sized zone (even though serving the actual app will work fine).

6.1.2. Changing the static path

If you want to change where static assets are served from on your zone (i.e. change /var/www/htdocs to be somewhere else, like the public/ directory inside a Django application’s directory), you can edit the nginx configuration files to alter it.

In the file /etc/nginx/sites-available/https-site you will find a root directive:

server {
        listen 443 default_server;

        root         /var/www/htdocs;

        # ...

Change the directory path for the root directive to the new path:

        # ...
        root        /var/www/uwsgi/public;
        # ...

And then reload the nginx configuration:

root@foobar:~# systemctl reload nginx

6.1.3. Combining static assets with frameworks

The later sections in this chapter will cover different "frameworks" which allow zones to generate dynamic content server-side. You can combine these with your static app by making your dynamic content (e.g. your API which you access via AJAX calls in your JavaScript code) exist under a particular set of URIs.

For example, if your dynamic content is all at URIs under https://<user>-<alias>…​; then it can co-exist easily with your JavaScript application (as long as there’s no file or directory named api in it).

If you’re using the PHP or JSP frameworks, you don’t need to change anything at all (since these only handle files ending in .php or .jsp).

If you’re using a framework like Node.js or Python with UWSGI, then you will likely want to make one small change to the default framework configuration file.

For example, in /etc/nginx/frameworks-available/uwsgi.conf you will find the following section:

location / {
        try_files $uri @dflapp;

This instructs nginx to look for a static file which matches the exact URI the user is requesting, and then if it can’t find one, it passes the request through to your UWSGI application for handling.

However, this will not work for index.html. The framework is set up this way so that you can easily handle the / root URI in your UWSGI app.

To change it so that the root of your website is the index.html file from your static files instead, add $uri/ to this line:

location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ @dflapp;

Then reload the nginx configuration:

root@foobar:~# systemctl reload nginx

Now when users visit https://<user>-<alias> they will be served the index.html file from your client-side app instead of being forwarded to your UWSGI application. Any URI which doesn’t map to a static file will still be forwarded, so you can use the /api/…​ URI design idea to provide endpoints for AJAX.

6.2. PHP with MySQL

To use PHP/MySQL with webproject, enable the webprojctl frameworks php and mysql:

root@foobar:~# webprojctl enable php
root@foobar:~# webprojctl enable mysql

Place your PHP files in /var/www/htdocs. There is an example test.php there already which you can visit in a web browser to check that PHP is working correctly.

6.2.1. phpMyAdmin

Once both PHP and MySQL are enabled, you can immediately use the phpMyAdmin web interface, by visiting (replacing with the public hostname of your zone).

6.2.2. Connecting to MySQL

The recommended way to connect to MySQL from PHP is to use PDO. The MySQL server is set up to listen on localhost.

Create a new MySQL user for your web application to log in as rather than logging in as root — this enables you to limit the impact of security problems in your application somewhat. You can create the new user either with phpMyAdmin, or by running GRANT SQL DDL statements at the MySQL prompt.

Once you’ve created the user, to connect using PDO you’ll need something like this:

$connection = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=foobar", $username, $password);

6.2.3. Handling other URLs with PHP

Normally, PHP will only handle URLs which end in .php — for example, You can also configure nginx to send all URLs that don’t match an exact file on disk to a particular PHP script — this is particularly useful with web frameworks like Laravel.

To enable this, edit /etc/nginx/frameworks-available/php.conf and add the following snippet near the bottom:

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

Then reload the nginx configuration with sudo systemctl reload nginx.

This will cause index.php to handle all requests for unknown paths that don’t match a real file or directory in /var/www/htdocs, so that you (or your PHP framework like Laravel) can then use $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] to find out what was requested.

6.2.4. Accessing SSO information

The webproject image adds a directory to the PHP include path named uq, which contains some utilities for working with SSO information.

An example:



The functions available in uq/auth.php are as follows:

6.2.5. auth_require()


If there is no current SSO session, this redirects the user to force them to log in. If there is a current session, asserts that the session is valid and then returns.



Return value


6.2.6. auth_get_payload()


If there is no current SSO session, this retrieves the information available about the user and returns it as an associative array.



Return value

array($string ⇒ $string): the authentication payload; or false: no current SSO session or session valid.

6.2.7. auth_is_member($group)


Tests whether a user is logged in via SSO and they are a member of the given group.

  • $group — a string, in the domain:group form

Return value

true: if the user is logged in and belongs to the group; false: otherwise.

6.2.8. auth_require_member($group)


If there is no current SSO session, this redirects the user to force them to log in. If there is a current session, checks that the user is a member of the given group. If they are not, serves a 403 error.

  • $group — a string, in the domain:group form

Return value


6.2.9. auth_is_user($user)


Tests whether a user is logged in via SSO and has the login name given.

  • $user — a string, login name

Return value

true: if the user is logged in and their login name is $user; false: otherwise.

6.2.10. auth_require_user($user)


If there is no current SSO session, this redirects the user to force them to log in. If there is a current session, checks that the user’s login name matches the given argument. If it does not, serves a 403 error.

  • $user — a string, login name

Return value


6.2.11. More complex PHP applications

For some more complex PHP applications (such as Drupal) there are likely to be instructions available online for how to configure them with nginx.

For example, for Drupal specifically there is an extensive example in the nginx project wiki which goes through a lot of the required details. Many applications will mostly work with only the Handling other URLs with PHP changes suggested above, but some may require further configuration.

If you need specific advice for a particular application, feel free to email EAIT helpdesk and ask — we’ll try to help you out as much as we can.

6.2.12. PHP error logging

When PHP scripts encounter errors or use the error_log() function, the output will be emitted to a log file.

In the webproject image, we send the PHP error log output into the file /var/log/php/errors.log. You should check this file if your PHP code is experiencing problems.

6.3. Python/uwsgi (Django, Flask etc)

For running Python web applications, including those based on frameworks like Django or Flask, we will use uwsgi, a WSGI server for Python.

The WSGI interface is a generic API for web server applications in Python where the different "server" software options may be used interchangeably.

Other alternative WSGI servers such as GUnicorn can be used instead, but you will have to set them up yourself (the image does not come with GUnicorn or any others pre-installed).

6.3.1. Simple WSGI example

We will start with a very simple example program which you will find provided in the webproject image in the file /var/www/uwsgi/

def application(environ, start_response):
    start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
    resp = "<h1 style='color:blue'>Hello There!</h1>"
    return [resp.encode('utf-8')]

This is a very simple program which just responds to every possible request with blue text reading "Hello There!".

If we have a quick look at the uwsgi configuration file, we can see it is already configured to use this Python program:

module = myapp
chdir = /var/www/uwsgi

The module field here refers to the Python module name to load, and chdir makes uwsgi change to that directory before loading it.

If we enable the uwsgi framework in webprojctl:

root@foobaz:~# webprojctl enable uwsgi
== enabling uwsgi...
Created symlink from /etc/nginx/frameworks-available/uwsgi.conf to /etc/nginx/frameworks-enabled/uwsgi.conf
Reloading nginx configuration
Enabling systemd unit uwsgi
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/uwsgi.service.

 * Place your python files in /var/www/uwsgi
 * uwsgi will load in that directory -- to change this edit /etc/uwsgi/uwsgi.ini

Then if we visit the main page of our zone’s website in a browser, we will see the output of the Python code appear.

Note that if you make changes to the Python code, you will need to restart uwsgi, which you can do using the command systemctl restart uwsgi:

root@foobar:~# systemctl restart uwsgi

You can see any logged output from your application that wasn’t sent to the client in the file /var/log/uwsgi/error.log. This includes stack traces from Python when requests unexpectedly throw an error, so you should check here first if things aren’t working.

6.3.2. Using a virtualenv environment

For our next example, we will set up a virtualenv environment and install Flask, a simple microframework which doesn’t require many dependencies.

First, we set up the environment:

root@foobar:~# cd /var/www/uwsgi
root@foobar:/var/www/uwsgi# python3.8 -m venv ./

And then activate the new environment and install Flask:

root@foobaz:/var/www/uwsgi# . ./bin/activate
(uwsgi)root@foobaz:/var/www/uwsgi# python -m pip install flask (1)
Collecting flask
  Downloading Flask-1.1.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (94 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 94 kB 4.7 MB/s
Collecting Jinja2>=2.10.1
  Downloading Jinja2-2.11.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (126 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 126 kB 25.6 MB/s
Collecting itsdangerous>=0.24
  Downloading itsdangerous-1.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (16 kB)
Collecting click>=5.1
  Downloading Click-7.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (81 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 81 kB 14.8 MB/s
Collecting Werkzeug>=0.15
  Downloading Werkzeug-0.16.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (327 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 327 kB 40.6 MB/s
Collecting MarkupSafe>=0.23
  Downloading MarkupSafe-1.1.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (27 kB)
Installing collected packages: MarkupSafe, Jinja2, itsdangerous, click, Werkzeug, flask
Successfully installed Jinja2-2.11.1 MarkupSafe-1.1.1 Werkzeug-0.16.1 click-7.0 flask-1.1.1 itsdangerous-1.1.0
  1. Invoking python as a bare command with no version will only work inside a virtualenv, and will start the correct version of Python for that venv.

We’ll be using the following script as our application, which we will save as /var/www/uwsgi/

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return "<span style='color:red'>Hello index world</span>"

def foobar():
    return "<span style='color:blue'>Hello again!</span>"

This shows off one of the basic features which Flask gives you over writing a WSGI application from scratch: routing, which lets us specify which URLs cause which functions to run. You can find out more about Flask by reading its online documentation.

In /etc/uwsgi/uwsgi.ini we will need the following configuration:

module = app2:app
chdir = /var/www/uwsgi
virtualenv = /var/www/uwsgi
workers = 4

Note the addition of the new virtualenv = setting, as well as using app2:app as the module (rather than myapp). This is needed since we named the variable app which contains the Flask() instance above.

After restarting uwsgi with systemctl restart uwsgi, you should see the new red-coloured "Hello index world" message on your website. If you visit the URL /foobar you should also see a blue "Hello again!" message.

6.3.3. Accessing SSO information

The best way to access SSO information from Python is by unpacking the X-KVD-Payload header generated by nginx. There are some further details about this and the other pseudo-HTTP headers used for SSO in the section Unpacking SSO HTTP headers, but here we will show a short example:

from flask import Flask, request
import json

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    userjson = request.headers['x-kvd-payload']
    user = json.loads(userjson)
    return "<span style='color:red'>Hello " + user['user'] + "</span>"

This will display the message "Hello uqfoo" (if your UQ username was uqfoo), when placed behind any nginx SSO ACL which requires a user to be logged in.

If your application needs to be able to dynamically decide whether to ask someone to use SSO login or not, you can set the nginx SSO ACL to allow:* and then have your app redirect the user itself:

from flask import Flask, request, redirect, url_for
import json

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    if 'x-kvd-payload' in request.headers:
        userjson = request.headers['x-kvd-payload']
        user = json.loads(userjson)
        return "<span style='color:red'>Hello " + user['user'] + "</span>"
        return "<span style='color:red'>Hello world!</span>"

def login():
    if not 'x-kvd-payload' in request.headers:
        url = '' + request.headers['host'] + '/login'
        return redirect(url)
    userjson = request.headers['x-kvd-payload']
    user = json.loads(userjson)
    return "<span style='color:blue'>Hello " + user['user'] + "</span>"

In this last example, the / URL handler will optionally use the information about the user if they’re already logged in, but will not force them to log in otherwise. The /login URL on the other hand will always force the user to log in (by explicitly redirecting them to the SSO login endpoint).

We could also achieve this particular example by using the nginx configuration to set the ACL for /login to allow:user:*, but this way the behaviour is completely under the control of our Python code — meaning we can make that decision based on more than just the URL.

nginx will ensure that the X-KVD-Payload header (and other SSO pseudo-headers) comes only from the SSO module and not from the user request, even when no user is logged in or the ACL is set to allow:*. It’s safe to simply trust the contents of these headers in your application code as long as it runs inside uwsgi or only listens on localhost.

6.3.4. Setting up Django

For Django, we will set up a virtualenv environment as we did in the previous section.

First, we set up the environment:

root@foobar:~# cd /var/www/uwsgi
root@foobar:/var/www/uwsgi# python3.8 -m venv .

And then activate the new environment and install Django:

root@foobaz:/var/www/uwsgi# . ./bin/activate
(uwsgi)root@foobaz:/var/www/uwsgi# python -m pip install django
Collecting django
  Downloading Django-3.0.3-py3-none-any.whl (7.5 MB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 7.5 MB 22.9 MB/s
Collecting pytz
  Downloading pytz-2019.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (509 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 509 kB 45.1 MB/s
Collecting sqlparse>=0.2.2
  Downloading sqlparse-0.3.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (39 kB)
Collecting asgiref~=3.2
  Downloading asgiref-3.2.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (18 kB)
Installing collected packages: pytz, sqlparse, asgiref, django
Successfully installed asgiref-3.2.3 django-3.0.3 pytz-2019.3 sqlparse-0.3.0

Now, to create our Django project, we will use the django-admin startproject command:

(uwsgi)root@foobaz:/var/www/uwsgi# django-admin startproject app
(uwsgi)root@foobaz:/var/www/uwsgi# ls -la app
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root   4 Feb 11 04:37 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root   7 Feb 11 04:35 ..
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root   8 Feb 11 04:38 app
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 623 Feb 11 04:32

In /etc/uwsgi/uwsgi.ini we will need the following configuration:

module = app.wsgi:application
chdir = /var/www/uwsgi/app
virtualenv = /var/www/uwsgi
env = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=app.settings
workers = 4

And we will also need to set the Django configuration variable ALLOWED_HOSTS, in /var/www/uwsgi/app/app/


# Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production
# See

# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
SECRET_KEY = '...'

# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = True

ALLOWED_HOSTS = [''] (1)
  1. Add your zone’s public hostname here (e.g.

6.3.5. Django tips and tricks

Static assets

You may find that your Django project needs to use static assets (e.g. CSS or JavaScript files) served from a /static directory. Django (unlike some other frameworks) won’t serve these automatically for you and expects a front-end web server to do it instead.

To make this work, edit your /etc/nginx/frameworks-available/uwsgi.conf file and add a location block like the following:

location /static {
    alias /var/www/uwsgi/app/static;

(You’ll need to adjust the path to match your application.)

UQ authentication

Django includes an authentication backend module named RemoteUserBackend, which is documented on the Django website. This backend can be used with the built-in nginx UQ SSO support to enable your Django app to easily authenticate UQ users.

You’ll need to create a new class inheriting from RemoteUserMiddleware in order to set the header name in use:

from django.contrib.auth.middleware import RemoteUserMiddleware

class UQRemoteUserMiddleware(RemoteUserMiddleware):
    header = 'HTTP_X_UQ_USER'

Then, in your you can set the middleware and backend:



If you want to copy more information about the user into your User model, you can also override parts of RemoteUserBackend itself to do this (in the configure_user function).

Using alternative Python versions

Django users commonly want to use the most recent Python version available in order to get access to new features. See the section Python versions and uwsgi for more details on managing multiple Python versions on your zone.

6.4. Node.js with MongoDB

Node.js applications generally run as an HTTP server on localhost on a particular port (commonly port 3000).

The webproject image expects your Node.js project to listen on port 8081 and to have a Javascript file which can be run as a main module to start it.

A simple example using the Express framework (included in the image as /var/www/nodejs/app.js):

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

const port = 8081; (1)

app.set('trust proxy', 'loopback'); (2)

app.get('/', function (req, res) {
    res.send('Hello World');

app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}!`))
  1. This port variable (given to app.listen() further down) must be set to 8081.

  2. This line is needed so that Express knows that it is running behind nginx and will trust the remote IP address that nginx says the request is from.

We can enable this example by using the command webprojctl enable nodejs:

root@foobar:~# webprojctl enable nodejs
== enabling nodejs...
Created symlink from /etc/nginx/frameworks-available/nodejs.conf to /etc/nginx/frameworks-enabled/nodejs.conf
Reloading nginx configuration
Enabling systemd unit nodejs
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/nodejs.service.

 * Node.js applications should listen on localhost port 8081
 * Place your project in /var/www/nodejs
 * node will load app.js in that directory -- to change this edit /etc/systemd/system/nodejs.service

To add your own code, you can simply edit app.js, or even delete the entire contents of /var/www/nodejs and replace it with whatever you like, as long as a file named app.js exists and can be run with Node, and it listens on port 8081.

You can use any other framework you like (not just Express), or even no framework at all (using the standard library HTTP module), as long as it meets these requirements.

6.4.1. Using MongoDB

Let’s extend the simple example above to talk to MongoDB. First, we will need to enable MongoDB itself:

root@foobar:~# webprojctl enable mongodb
== enabling mongodb...
Enabling systemd unit mongodb
Synchronizing state of mongodb.service with SysV init with /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install...
Executing /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable mongodb

Now, we will install the client into our project with npm:

root@foobar:~# cd /var/www/nodejs
root@foobar:/var/www/nodejs# npm install --save mongodb
nodejs@1.0.0 /var/www/nodejs
└─┬ mongodb@3.5.2
  ├─┬ bl@2.2.0
  │ └─┬ readable-stream@2.3.7
  │   ├── core-util-is@1.0.2
  │   ├── isarray@1.0.0
  │   ├── process-nextick-args@2.0.1
  │   ├── string_decoder@1.1.1
  │   └── util-deprecate@1.0.2
  ├── bson@1.1.3
  ├── denque@1.4.1
  ├─┬ require_optional@1.0.1
  │ ├── resolve-from@2.0.0
  │ └── semver@5.7.1
  └─┬ saslprep@1.0.3
    └─┬ sparse-bitfield@3.0.3
      └── memory-pager@1.5.0

Then we will adjust the code in app.js:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;

const port = 8081;

const mongoUrl = 'mongodb://localhost:27017';
const dbName = 'test';

app.set('trust proxy', 'loopback');

app.get('/', async function (req, res) {
        const client = new MongoClient(mongoUrl);
        await client.connect();
        const adminDb = client.db(dbName).admin();

        const dbInfo = await adminDb.listDatabases();
        var html = '<table>';
        html += '<tr><th>Name</th><th>Size</th></tr>';
        for (const db of dbInfo.databases) {
                html += '<tr>';
                html += '<td>' + + '</td>';
                html += '<td>' + db.sizeOnDisk + '</td>';
                html += '</tr>';



app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}!`))

And finally, restart the application by using systemctl restart:

root@foobar:~# systemctl restart nodejs

If you visit your zone’s website now you should see a table listing all of the databases within the MongoDB system (admin, config, and local).

The MongoDB JavaScript driver documentation has many more details about how to use MongoDB in JavaScript code effectively.

6.4.2. Accessing SSO information

The best way to access SSO information from Node.js is by unpacking the X-KVD-Payload header generated by nginx. There are some further details about this and the other pseudo-HTTP headers used for SSO in the section Unpacking SSO HTTP headers, but here we will show a short example:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

const port = 8081;

app.set('trust proxy', 'loopback');

app.get('/', function (req, res) {
    var user = JSON.parse(req.headers['x-kvd-payload']);
    res.send('Hello ' + user.user);

app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}!`))

This will display the message "Hello uqfoo" (if your UQ username was uqfoo), when placed behind any nginx SSO ACL which requires a user to be logged in.

6.5. Ruby/Puma (Sinatra, Rails)


6.7. Tomcat and JSP (Java)

7. Setting up web applications from scratch

As well as running web applications using the webproject image, we can also set them up "from scratch" on the ubuntu-krb5 or base OS images.

When doing this there are a number of important issues we have to consider and deal with carefully in our configuration.

First, when the EAIT loadbalancers direct HTTP requests to your zone, they make a number of changes to the request. They inject some additional headers (e.g. X-Real-IP so you can see the actual client IP address), and they also strip TLS/SSL from HTTPS requests, relaying them as plain HTTP.

This means that your zone has to be configured to listen for plain HTTP requests without TLS/SSL on both ports 80 and 443. You should also configure your web server to trust and process the headers such as X-Real-IP where possible, to keep your logs accurate.

Secondly, if you want to make use of UQ single sign-on within your web application, you will need to set all of the components for this up yourself as they aren’t pre-installed in the image (like they would be in webproject).

If you don’t want to use nginx as your web server, you may have to deal with all interaction with the SSO system in your own application code, as well.

7.1. Using Apache and mod_php

To illustrate these points, we will set up Apache and mod_php on the ubuntu-krb5 image and configure it.

First, we’ll install the necessary software using apt-get:

root@foobar:~# apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following additional packages will be installed:
  apache2-bin apache2-data apache2-utils libapache2-mod-php7.2 libapr1 libaprutil1 libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 libaprutil1-ldap
  libgdbm-compat4 liblua5.2-0 libperl5.26 libsodium23 perl perl-modules-5.26 php-common php7.2-cli php7.2-common php7.2-json
  php7.2-opcache php7.2-readline psmisc ssl-cert
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  apache2 apache2-bin apache2-data apache2-utils libapache2-mod-php libapache2-mod-php7.2 libapr1 libaprutil1 libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3
  libaprutil1-ldap libgdbm-compat4 liblua5.2-0 libperl5.26 libsodium23 perl perl-modules-5.26 php-common php7.2-cli php7.2-common
  php7.2-json php7.2-opcache php7.2-readline psmisc ssl-cert
0 upgraded, 24 newly installed, 0 to remove and 15 not upgraded.
Need to get 12.3 MB of archives.
After this operation, 66.2 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y
info: Executing deferred 'a2enmod php7.2' for package libapache2-mod-php7.2
Enabling module php7.2.
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /lib/systemd/system/apache2.service.
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /lib/systemd/system/apache-htcacheclean.service.
Processing triggers for systemd (229-4ubuntu21.4) ...
Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.3-2ubuntu0.1) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.27-3ubuntu1) ...

The installation should have already enabled and started the apache2 systemd service for us:

root@foobar:~# systemctl status apache2
● apache2.service - The Apache HTTP Server
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/apache2.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
  Drop-In: /lib/systemd/system/apache2.service.d
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2020-06-10 06:01:02 UTC; 8min ago
 Main PID: 256067 (apache2)
   CGroup: /system.slice/apache2.service
           ├─256067 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start

If we visit in a web browser now, we will see the Ubuntu Apache2 welcome page. However, if we try to visit we will receive a "502 Bad Gateway" error from the EAIT loadbalancers.

In order to serve HTTPS traffic, we will have to enable a second non-SSL listener on port 443.

To do this, we need to edit the file /etc/apache2/ports.conf. The file currently contains:

# If you just change the port or add more ports here, you will likely also
# have to change the VirtualHost statement in
# /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

Listen 80

<IfModule ssl_module>
        Listen 443

What we need to do is remove the IfModule ssl_module directives around Listen 443, so that it applies even without SSL enabled:

# ...

Listen 80
Listen 443
Don’t enable the Apache SSL module at any point on a regular (non-public-IP) zone. It won’t work, and will cause errors accessing your zone over HTTPS.

Now we can reload the Apache config using systemctl reload apache2:

root@foobar:~# systemctl reload apache2

Now we will see the welcome page at as well. However, if we look at the Apache access logs in /var/log/apache2/access.log, we can see that the client IP addresses are incorrect: - - [10/Jun/2020:06:09:50 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 3440 "-" "...." - - [10/Jun/2020:06:09:50 +0000] "GET /icons/ubuntu-logo.png HTTP/1.1" 200 3587 "" "..." - - [10/Jun/2020:06:09:50 +0000] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 460 "-" "..."

All of our requests look as though they are coming from or an address adjacent to it — these are the IP addresses of the EAIT loadbalancers. To make our logs show the true client IP addresses, we will need to enable mod_remoteip and configure it:

root@foobar:~# a2enmod remoteip
Enabling module remoteip.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
  systemctl restart apache2

Next, create the file /etc/apache2/conf-available/remoteip-eait.conf:

# Allow RemoteIP headers from the EAIT loadbalancers
RemoteIPHeader X-Real-IP

Then enable this configuration file:

root@foobar:~# a2enconf remoteip-eait
Enabling conf remoteip-eait.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
  systemctl reload apache2

We will also need to edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, where we need to look for these lines:

LogFormat "%v:%p %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" vhost_combined
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O" common
LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent

Change %h here to %a (as %a is where the mod_remoteip module places the real client address). The final section should look like this:

LogFormat "%v:%p %a %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" vhost_combined
LogFormat "%a %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
LogFormat "%a %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O" common
LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent

Then we can restart Apache:

root@foobar:~# systemctl restart apache2

Finally, as hinted at in the ports.conf comments, we should adjust our default virtual host to use port 443. If we want to make the configuration work like the default webproject configuration (where users are redirected from plain HTTP to HTTPS automatically), we should edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf to look like this:

<VirtualHost *:443>

        ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
        DocumentRoot /var/www/html

        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
        CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

<VirtualHost *:80>

        ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
        DocumentRoot /var/www/html

        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
        CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

        Redirect permanent /

And then enable the mod_rewrite module and restart Apache:

root@foobar:~# a2enmod rewrite
Enabling module rewrite.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
  systemctl restart apache2

root@foobar:~# systemctl restart apache2

7.2. Using UQ single sign-on

8. Network services available to zones

One of the advantages of running on UQcloud rather than an external hosting service is the ability to make use of internal network services only available within UQ.

This section outlines the most commonly used of these and gives some advice on using them.

8.1. UQ single sign-on via fakvd

UQ Single Sign-On allows zones to require UQ users to log in before accessing content, and retrieve information about the user who logged in, without having to process any of the user’s credentials in your zone (so you don’t have to deal with the security requirements for storing passwords).

The SSO system is designed to work with web browsers, so it is normally used to protect websites. It is also possible to use it for logins to e.g. mobile applications by directing users to a website which then captures the authentication information and stores it.

In the webproject image and other images which are based on it, the nginx service handles all of the mechanics of validating SSO sessions and retrieving information about the user. For web applications running behind a webproject nginx server, the user information is available in a number of special HTTP headers.

For other types of zones, interaction with the SSO system may have to be handled in your application itself. For detailed technical information about the protocol you have to implement, please see the section SSO protocol (KVD/FaKVD). This section will focus on using the SSO information rather than obtaining it.

8.1.1. Unpacking SSO HTTP headers

When nginx detects a valid SSO session it will set the following headers (and it will make sure to clear them out if they are provided by a user request, so it’s safe to assume they always come from nginx):

Header name Format Description



The login name (e.g. uqfoo or s4123456) of the user



Email address (e.g. of the user



All other information about the user

You can access any of these headers from your web application and use them to identify the logged in user.

8.1.2. Redirection to login page

If you want your application to selectively require users to use SSO login, you may need to redirect users to the login page yourself.

To do this, set the nginx ACL for your website to allow:* (public access) and then when your code has decided that the user needs to log in, take the following steps:

  1. Check for the X-KVD-Payload header. If present, the user is logged in. If not present, continue.

  2. Redirect the user to<final URL> where <final URL> is replaced by the URL you want the user to come back to after logging in.

For example, if the user is trying to access the page and the application has decided this particular article needs SSO auth to view, it would first check for the presence of the X-KVD-Payload header in the request. If it was not present, it would redirect the user to

The user will return to your page after logging in and the X-KVD-Payload will now be set by nginx.

8.1.3. Payload structure

The SSO "payload" refers to the JSON blob which is located in the X-KVD-Payload header. An example payload looks like the following:

  "user": "uqfoobar",
  "email": "",
  "firstname": "Foo Baz",
  "lastname": "Bar",
  "name": "Foo Bar",
  "ou": "Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology",
  "title": "Senior Foo",
  "type": "Staff",
  "dn": [
    "CN=Foo Bar - 12345,OU=Engineering Architecture and Information Technology,OU=Executive Dean Engineering Architecture and Info Tech,OU=Provost,OU=Vice-Chancellor,DC=uq,DC=edu,DC=au",
    "CN=Foo Bar (uqfoobar),OU=EAIT,OU=Accounts,DC=eait,DC=uq,DC=edu,DC=au",
    "CN=Foo Bar (uqfoobar),OU=Users,OU=Accounts,DC=labs,DC=eait,DC=uq,DC=edu,DC=au"
  "domains": [
  "groups": [
    "uq:Bel lab logon",

The following fields are always included in an SSO payload, for any user (staff or student):

Field name Description


UQ username


Primary email address


First name including any middle names




User’s preferred name


Array of LDAP DNs for the user


Array of AD domains the user exists in


Array of groups the user is a member of in domain:group format

A few additional fields such as ou and title may appear on staff users only.

The type field is unfortunately not a reliable way to determine staff vs student users. Relying on it for access control usage may result in incorrect results for some users. Most students will have the value "???" in this field.

To protect the privacy of other students and staff, zones which belong to student users who have no employment relationship with the University are subject to consent before SSO information is shared with them.

For a zone which is subject to consent, after the login page, users will be greeted by a request for consent, which looks like this:

Figure 6. Example consent screen

On this screen, the user asked to give their consent to share SSO login information about themselves with the website they’re connecting to.

As well as opting to share their information in whole, they can also elect to remove certain items from the information, in a process called redaction.

Redaction does not remove any fields from the JSON payload, as this would be likely to break applications that were written before redaction was implemented. Instead, it replaces them with fixed strings which contain the word redacted.

For example, here is the same payload we looked at earlier but with all of the possible redaction options activated:

  "user": "uqfoobar",
  "email": "",
  "firstname": "__redacted__",
  "lastname": "__redacted__",
  "name": "__redacted__",
  "ou": "__redacted__",
  "title": "__redacted__",
  "type": "Staff",
  "dn": [
    "cn=REDACTED, dc=uq, dc=edu, dc=au"
  "domains": [
  "groups": []

As you can see, only the user attribute is guaranteed to always be present no matter what redaction settings are chosen.

Based on the records from 2019, most users who opt to use the redaction feature use it to hide their full name or course enrolment information.

If your application requires certain fields to be present and valid (e.g. the email address) and your zone is subject to consent, you should consider detecting when the redacted string is substituted for a real value and informing users that further information is required and why you require it.

If you want to prompt users to make a selection again, you can redirect them to<final URL> in a similar manner to the redirection for login.

8.1.5. Course enrolment detection

The simplest way to detect whether a visitor is enrolled in a particular course is to look in the groups field for names of the form labs:infs1200-2019-1:

 | labs: | infs1200 | - | 2019 | - | 1 |
             ^             ^         ^
             |             |         |- 1 = "semester 1"
          "course code"   year       |- 2 = "semester 2"
                                     '- 3 = "summer semester"

Note that only courses associated with the faculty of EAIT can be reliably detected in this manner.

If you need more advanced detection of course enrolment status or information about courses outside EAIT, you should consider applying for access to UQ LDAP for user/group information.

8.2. KRB5 authentication for SSH

Zones are permitted to validate UQ usernames and passwords against the Kerberos V realm KRB5.UQ.EDU.AU. In the ubuntu-krb5 and webproject images and their descendants, this facility is used to allow password login over SSH.

This Kerberos realm has KDCs listed in DNS, so if you are not using one of these images and wish to configure KRB5 authentication yourself, you will need something similar to this in your krb5.conf:

	default_realm = KRB5.UQ.EDU.AU
[domain_realm] = KRB5.UQ.EDU.AU = KRB5.UQ.EDU.AU
	pam = {
		minimum_uid = 1000
		ignore_k5login = true

We don’t currently widely support using the Kerberos V realm for authentication to other services with service tickets — just for password authentication to obtain a ticket-granting ticket (TGT). Your zone is not given a host ticket or keytab.

8.3. E-mail submission via EAIT mailhubs

Zones are not generally permitted outgoing traffic to the Internet on ports 25 or 587 for sending email traffic.

Instead, in order to comply with University policies regarding outgoing email, all zones are required to send their email via the EAIT mail hubs, which can be reached using the following settings:





StartSSL allowed but not required



Please take note of the fact that authentication is not required, and do not place your UQ username and password in your email sending configuration.

8.3.1. Rate limits

All zones are subject to a default email rate limit of 4 emails per minute.

If you exceed your rate limit, then the mailhubs will reject the mail — they will not queue email on your behalf past your allowed rate. This means that whatever software you use for sending email should be capable of queueing itself upon rejection or failure by the SMTP server.

If you have to deal with software which is not capable of internal queueing, it may be advisable to set up an MTA like Postfix within your zone and configuring it to use the EAIT mailhubs as a relayhost for all outgoing mail.

If you have need to be regularly sending more than 4 emails/minute for a legitimate purpose (e.g. transactional emails to users of your application) then please contact Helpdesk to request an increase in your rate limit.

8.3.2. Sender domains and SPF

We recommend that you send email from an email address of the form:

The EAIT mailhubs will allow outgoing emails with envelope sender and From addresses of the pattern or If you attempt to send email with a different envelope sender or From address, the mailhubs will silently alter your email to originate from instead.

If you use one of the acceptable sender addresses for your zone, the "friendly name" of the sender will not be altered. If the mailhubs have to change the sender address on your mail, then they will change the "friendly name" as well, to the name of your zone.

If you want your application to be able to send email from a different address, please contact Helpdesk.

8.3.3. Receiving mail

You can receive email for or by running an MTA such as Postfix on one of your zones.

This is primarily intended to allow your zone to process bounce messages from email it has sent. When you receive a permanent failure bounce message about a particular email address, your application should stop attempting to send email to that address.

If you create a zone with the CNS service tag mail on your account, we will forward all email for and account-* to the zones with that tag.

Otherwise, for we will also attempt to deliver mail to on port 25.

You should configure your MTA to consider itself the final destination for mail bound for, and add mailboxes or aliases for your account name and zones.

8.4. Manta object storage

All users of Triton are automatically given access to the Manta object storage system as well.

This can be used for storage of bulk data that is too large to fit inside your zone, as well as many other purposes.

Your SSH public keys and group accounts are shared between Triton and Manta, so you can use Manta directly once your Triton account is set up.

Manta can be thought of conceptually as a giant single directory tree with directories named after each user at the top level, followed by pre-set "type of storage" directories, and then layers that can be customised by each user.

 | / |
   ^    +---------+
   |----| "uqfoo" |
   |    +---------+
   |        ^      +------+
   |        |------| stor |
   |        |      +------+
   |        |
   |        |      +--------+
   |        |------| public |
   |        |      +--------+
   |        |
   |        |      +------+
   |        |------| jobs |
   |        |      +------+
   |        |
   |        |      +---------+
   |        '------| reports |
   |               +---------+
   |    +--------+
   |----| uqbar  |
   |    +--------+
   |        ^      +------+
   |        |------| stor |
   |        |      +------+
   |        |
   ...      ...

Paths to a particular directory or object/file are laid out similarly to most UNIX systems (e.g. /uqfoo/stor/document.pdf).

Objects stored in Manta are stored in a distributed, redundant fashion: two copies of each object are stored, each on a different server, and the objects are spread around randomly so that each server stores roughly an equal amount of data. You don’t have to deal with any of the details of object placement yourself — Manta handles this automatically.

The Manta commandline tools are pre-installed on and alongside the triton command. You can also access Manta over SFTP and HTTP(s).

For example, to save a copy of the file /uqfoo/public/image.jpg which is stored in Manta onto our local machine, we could use the command line tools:

$ mget -O /uqfoo/public/image.jpg

We could also use access via SFTP:

$ sftp
sftp> get /uqfoo/public/image.jpg
Fetching /uqfoo/public/image.jpg to image.jpg
/uqfoo/public/image.jpg                         100% 8293    57.5KB/s   00:00

Or, we could download it over HTTPS using curl:

$ curl -O

The first two of these options require authentication using our SSH keys, while the last does not. It works in this particular case because this file (image.jpg) is located in /uqfoo/public. The public directory is always allowed to be read via HTTPS from anywhere on the Internet.

Manta also supports "pre-signed" expiring URLs which allow anybody in possession of the link to access a non-public object until the link expires. These can be produced using the msign tool:

$ msign /uqfoo/stor/blah.txt

$ curl ''

You can also use pre-signed URLs to upload new objects:

$ msign -m PUT /uqfoo/stor/blah.txt

$ curl -T local-filename.txt ''

8.4.1. Installing Manta tools on your own machine

You can install the Manta commandline tools directly on your machine by using the Node.js package manager npm.

The stock version from Joyent is recommended, which you can install using the command npm install -g manta.

On mango and moss we automatically set up environment variables for you based on your key. In particular, the MANTA_KEY_ID environment variable will need to be set in the same way as SDC_KEY_ID (you can copy how we do this from /etc/profile.d/ on mango or moss if you like).

The information you will need about our particular Manta installation is as follows:



uqfoobar (your UQ username)

You do not need to set these environment variables up or install the Manta tools if you just want to use the SFTP bridge.

8.4.2. Manta compute jobs

You can also use the tools mjob and mlogin to run compute jobs on Manta storage nodes. Both of these tools allow you to run commands inside a transient zone on the storage node which is storing a particular object, with the object mounted directly into the zone as a normal file.

The mlogin command creates an interactive shell in the transient zone and attaches it to your terminal, whereas mjob allows you to construct arbitrary map and reduce steps to process the data, and operates on multiple objects at once.

Note that the transient zone created is always based on a fixed native SmartOS image (it is not an LX/Linux zone). There is not currently any ability to customise this.

As an example, if I have a large tarball in Manta and want to download one specific file from it without having to download the entire thing, I could use an mlogin session to extract it:

[xlex@home ~]$ mls -l ~~/stor/126339b0.tar.gz
-rwxr-xr-x 1 xlex   37541788863 Feb 01  2021 126339b0.tar.gz

[xlex@home ~]$ mlogin ~~/stor/126339b0.tar.gz
 * created interactive job -- 26926120-9c28-6576-8fed-b9cb2f3329a9
 * waiting for session... \ established

xlex@manta # du -sh $MANTA_INPUT_FILE
35G     /manta/xlex/stor/126339b0.tar.gz

xlex@manta # time gtar -I pigz -zxv --occurrence -f $MANTA_INPUT_FILE var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile1

real    1m56.301s
user    0m17.333s
sys     0m6.905s

xlex@manta # mput -f var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile1 ~~/stor/
/xlex/stor/ib_logfile1              [==========================>] 100%  48.00MB

xlex@manta # exit

 * remote process exited
 * cleaning up resources...
 * session complete

[xlex@home ~]$ mget -O ~~/stor/ib_logfile1
/xlex/stor/ib_logfile1         [=================>] 100%  48.00MB  12.76MB/s     3s

As you can see, the Manta tools (such as mput) are also available inside the transient zones, and are automatically authenticated as the user who created the job. The variable $MANTA_INPUT_FILE always gives the path to the target object mounted into the zone (but it also exists at a predictable path in /manta/). It’s an ordinary file on disk, which means you can seek around in it and read from it at the full speed of the local disk.

One good example of using mjob is to apply grep to a large number of log files, followed by some kind of aggregation. Let’s search a month of web server logs for a particular host and path, and count requests by the username of the user who was logged in:

$ mfind -t o /hermes/stor/weblogs/2022/03 | wc -l

$ mfind -t o /hermes/stor/weblogs/2022/03 | \
  mjob create -w \
    -m 'fgrep | fgrep /isrdb | json -ag req.username || true' \
    -r 'sort | uniq -c | sort -n'
added 563 inputs to 60ec5596-fc25-c092-d5af-9f23cd7568ea

$ mget $(mjob outputs 60ec5596-fc25-c092-d5af-9f23cd7568ea)
     83 uqtmcca3
     86 uqtwigg1
     87 uqdkosov
     95 csdreeve
     97 e4skimba
     98 uqabaxte
    177 uqdlaws1
    702 uqmbull2
    807 uqrnewpo

This task can run though over 500GB of logs in less than a minute, because it processes all of the objects in parallel across as many Manta storage nodes as possible. Of course, a dedicated database will almost always match or beat the performance of this approach, but its advantage lies in the ability to simply dump the log files into storage and apply arbitrary queries later, without having to plan indexes or formatting in advance.

8.5. UQ LDAP for user/group information

For applications run by UQ staff members which require access to more detailed data about students than that available in the authentication payload, or for other uses (like e.g. listing all current enrolments in a course at once), zones may use the central UQ LDAP service.

All zones are allowed access outgoing to this service automatically, but you will need to contact the ITS team responsible for the LDAP service to request credentials for your application to log in.

To do this, email the ITS support desk explaining what data you require access to and for what purpose.

8.6. Requesting firewall rule changes

The zones network is subject to a "default deny" or "whitelist" firewall policy for both incoming and outgoing traffic. This means that for any network traffic to be allowed to or from a zone, there must be a rule in place allowing it — if there is no rule, the traffic is blocked.

Outgoing traffic allowed from all zones includes:

  • DNS (will be transparently redirected to EAIT recursive nameservers)

  • SSH, HTTP and HTTPS to any destination

  • NTP to

  • SMTP (on ports 25 and 587) to

  • Git protocol (i.e. git:// URLs, TCP port 9418) to, GitHub, BitBucket

  • KVD protocol (UDP port 1080) to FaKVD for SSO

  • LDAP and LDAPS to

  • KRB5 UDP ports to KDCs for the realm KRB5.UQ.EDU.AU

Incoming traffic allowed to private IP zones (on the zones network) is limited to SSH only (from any UQ network).

For zones on public IP address (zones-public), the following incoming traffic is allowed from any source on the Internet:

  • TCP port 22 (for SSH)

  • TCP ports 80 and 443 (for HTTP/HTTPS)

  • TCP port 3389 (for MS RDP)

Additional incoming and outgoing rules can be added for specific zones, services and other endpoints. Generally, however, incoming rules will only be added for non-HTTP services (we expect you to multiplex other HTTP traffic over your standard ports) from/to specific remote hosts. Outgoing rules are usually allowed to be broader than incoming rules.

To request additional firewall rules to be added for you zone, contact the EAIT IT helpdesk and include the following information in your email:

  • The name of your zone, in the full account-zonename format

  • The exact protocols and port numbers required (e.g. TCP port 9898)

  • The service to be run on it (why it’s required)

  • Information about remote hosts that are expected to connect to it or be connected to (DNS names, IP addresses, etc).

9. Group accounts and managing access

As well as "individual" accounts in the UQCloud Triton system, which each belong to a specific person, there are also "group" accounts.

A group account can provision and own zones, have networks or private images, and generally can do anything that an individual account can do. The key differences are:

  • Group accounts can be used by more than one person;

  • Group accounts are not necessarily terminated when the people who created them leave the University; and

  • Group accounts may be given a quota higher than the regular limit (16 GB) for individual accounts.

The people who manage a group account are generally referred to as the account’s "administrators". A group administrator can take actions on behalf of the group account, and they can also manage the list of administrators for the group (adding/removing other administrators).

We generally recommend that anyone who is running a production service on zones which is likely to be a long-term asset to the University (whether for teaching or research) should consider running it under a group account so that it is not tied to a single staff member.

9.1. Requesting a group account and what to expect

Decisions regarding requests for group accounts and their final quota are made on a case-by-case basis. In general, though, these are some examples of the types of entities which are normally entitled to a group account:

  • Research groups, labs, departments or other organisational units within the faculty of EAIT;

  • Courses taught by faculty of EAIT staff (even if not "owned" entirely by EAIT);

  • Projects which are run or developed by staff within the faculty of EAIT; and

  • Student societies associated with EAIT.

If your team or group doesn’t sound like one of these, it might still be eligible, so feel free to apply anyway to see what is possible.

Application is made by emailing the EAIT helpdesk with a request containing the following information:

  • What entity the group account should be associated with (the name and details of your group/team, key staff members involved etc);

  • A short alphanumeric name you would like for the account;

  • A list of UQ usernames for the initial set of administrators; and

  • Whether students (who are not also members of staff, e.g. tutors) will be allowed to provision and control zones under the account (this is needed in order to set the SSO "consent" flag for the account, see Consent and redaction).

9.2. Using group accounts with "triton"

Once a group account has been set up and you are an administrator on it, we can begin to use it immediately.

We use the option --act-as=<name> to the triton command in order to act on behalf of a group account.

For example, for a group account named itig:

$ triton --act-as=itig inst ls
SHORTID   NAME             IMG                    STATE    FLAGS  AGE
b1fdee14  coursemgr        webproject@2.1.0       running  -      3y
75a1cba7  datahub          base-64-lts@17.4.0     running  -      1y
110fbb64  coursemgr-dev    webproject@2.3.0       running  -      1y

Note that the option should go before any subcommands (since it’s an option to the whole triton command, not a specific operation).

This approach will work for any command supported by the triton tool.

9.3. Managing access to group accounts

You can view the current list of administrators for a group account by running the command triton --act-as=group rbac roles:

$ triton --act-as=itig rbac roles
administrator  *         uqawil16,uqjmatt6,uqmemer1,uqrtayl2

To edit the list, use the command triton --act-as=group rbac role administrator --edit:

$ triton --act-as=itig rbac role administrator --edit
name:    administrator
  - type:    account
    default: true
    id:      783fcb12-cfb4-489e-ab1c-fb999661f7c5
    login:   uqawil16
  - type:    account
    default: true
    id:      985d8d94-b987-4e17-bad6-cc49d27a36d5
    login:   uqjmatt6
  - type:    account
    default: true
    id:      9b17eb72-6537-4610-a95e-02d88c63b59d
    login:   uqmemer1
  - type:    account
    default: true
    id:      ba9fe94c-eb64-42b9-983d-64f38990b1ae
    login:   uqrtayl2

This command will start a text editor (you can choose which one by changing the environment variable $EDITOR) with the contents of the administrator role configuration as exemplified above.

To modify it, simply save and exit your editor, and then the triton command will upload your changes to the system.

The format of the role configuration is a subset of YAML. If you’re not too confident with it, it’s generally easiest to just copy from an existing example and modify it.

To add a new member to the administrator role, you should add another stanza like the existing ones shown above (below members:), for example:

  - type:    account (1)
    default: true (2)
    login:   uqfoobar
  1. Use type: account for any regular UQ account.

  2. You should always set default: true on new members unless you’re really sure you want otherwise — see Role-based access control and sub-users for further information.

When adding a new member, you do not need to include the id field —  the system will automatically retrieve it based on the login.

You can also remove members by simply deleting their section in the YAML. Don’t remove the name: line or the beginning of the members: list line, or else the YAML will be invalid and will not be saved.

Let’s say we want to remove uqmemer1 and add uqfoobar to the members list above — then we would edit the YAML to contain:

name:    administrator
  - type:    account
    default: true
    id:      783fcb12-cfb4-489e-ab1c-fb999661f7c5
    login:   uqawil16
  - type:    account
    default: true
    id:      985d8d94-b987-4e17-bad6-cc49d27a36d5
    login:   uqjmatt6
  - type:    account
    default: true
    id:      ba9fe94c-eb64-42b9-983d-64f38990b1ae
    login:   uqrtayl2
  - type:    account
    default: true
    login:   uqfoobar

After saving and exiting our text editor, triton will then update the account’s administrators for us, and if we check in triton rbac roles again:

$ triton --act-as=itig rbac roles
administrator  *         uqawil16,uqjmatt6,uqrtayl2,uqfoobar

9.3.1. Common errors

The most common error you might receive while updating the members of the administrator role on your group account is the following:

$ triton --act-as=group rbac role administrator --edit
Error updating role with your changes: InvalidArgumentError: Invalid account: uqfoobar
Press <Enter> to re-edit, Ctrl+C to abort.

This error is indicating that no current Triton account with the username uqfoobar currently exists. This might be because of a typo in the name of the account, or the user might not yet exist in Triton.

In order to be able to add a user to the administrators list for an account, they must have already logged into Triton once before so that their account is fully created. They can do this by following the steps in the section Logging in and installing tools (running sdc-setup and adding keys).

10. Coursemgr and teaching with zones

When using zones for coursework teaching, it’s often desirable to manage them in bulk and keep the set of zones running up to date with course enrolments.

Many courses also like to provide course material in the zones used for teaching, such as template files for pracs and tutorials or add records to a database.

UQCloud includes a tool specifically for managing this usecase, named "Coursemgr". This section will explain how Coursemgr works, what it can do, and how to get access for your course.

10.1. What Coursemgr does

Using coursemgr for teaching looks roughly like this:

  • Before the semester begins, course staff prepare and check over the image and settings to be used for course zones, by provisioning test zones for staff and attempting the course material on them.

  • At the beginning of semester, Coursemgr syncs up with enrolment data for the course and begins creating student zones.

  • Each week of the semester, Coursemgr checks enrolments again, adding new zones for late enrolments as needed. This can also be done manually at any time, and zones created for students who have dropped out can also be deleted.

  • After marking has concluded, the zones are deleted, with backups of all data retained for at least the next 6-12 months.

Zones can either be created on a 1-per-student individual basis, or zones can be allocated to teams of students using the "team" mode (see Team projects in coursemgr).

Course material and customisations for the zones can either be included in the base image (set before the semester starts), or they can be added later via the Migrator script or bulk command tool in coursemgr. Customising the base image is best for large changes or new software, while the Migrator script is most appropriate for templates and data, especially if those should only be provided to students at a certain date rather than at the start of semester.

10.2. Student privacy and zones

When planning to use zones for teaching, it’s important to consider the UQ policies surrounding student privacy and the use of IT assets.

In general, University IT systems are obligated to withhold all information about students from one another and from the public unless express consent has been given for disclosure.

This means that student full names, the fact that a student is enrolled in a certain course, and even the existence of other students is something which IT systems should be designed not to share with anybody where possible.

One particular area where this comes up with respect to courses using zones is in zone naming. If a course creates zones named, for example, infs1234-s4xxxxx for each student who is enrolled, this enables anybody on the Internet (including other students) to determine whether a particular student is enrolled in the course or not, by doing a DNS query for

The DNS (by design) does not allow UQ to determine accurately whether names have been queried or not or by whom, nor does it allow UQ to limit the rate of "guesses" to try to slow down this kind of enumeration of enrolments. As a result, it is strongly recommended to avoid including student numbers, student names, or any identifiable information about a student in the name of a zone. Instead, if there is no other meaningful name for a zone (e.g. because it’s just a particular student’s personal instance), a random identifier should be used.

Coursemgr handles this automatically, generating random names for the student zones it creates. The students can then visit the course page on coursemgr ( to find out the name of their assigned zone.

Figure 7. The student view of coursemgr, showing assigned zone details.

When sharing zones between a group of students, clear communication must be made to all of the students involved about the nature of the zone as a shared resource, and the fact that they cannot expect privacy from the other students they are sharing it with (including in their home directories on the zone, which are all accessible to root).

All activity that takes place on zones, whether it be running commands, making network connections, or writing files, will also be audited and recorded by the system and can be used for support purposes or incident response. This too, should be clearly communicated by courses which require the use of zones for teaching activities.

10.3. Course accounts and resources

Coursemgr is set up to manage a particular type of group account (see also Group accounts and managing access), named after the course code and referred to as a "course account".

For example, for the course TEST1234, the course account would be named test1234.

Course accounts can contain infrastructure zones and data for the course, as well as zones run on behalf of students. They must be set up with RBAC rules allowing coursemgr to operate on the account. These rules may limit coursemgr to just manipulating student zones if additional safety for other infrastructure on the account is required (preventing coursemgr from being able to operate on them).

Zones which are set up to run on behalf of students should have the metadata property "owner" set to the username of the student using that zone. This is managed automatically by coursemgr. As well as the owning student user, zones on course accounts should always be accessible to course staff (coordinators, lecturers and tutors).

We generally aim to allow courses to occupy a maximum of around 384 GB of memory cap. This means that for a 200-student course, the maximum package we will generally set is a z1-standard (1GB memory cap). For a 100-student course, a z1-large (2GB memory cap) can be used. If you have requirements that don’t fit in this footprint, you should discuss them with ITIG.

10.4. Using coursemgr

The staff view of coursemgr is accessed at the same URI as the student one: (replacing test1234 with the relevant course code).

The page presented to course staff looks like this:

Figure 8. Staff view of coursemgr

Along the top, below the UQ banner are a set of top-level navigation links in white text on a black band. These are the main "tabs" of coursemgr:


The display presented above, a quick summary of the course status.


Changes the package, image and team/individual mode of the course.


Manages the list of course staff (lecturers, coordinators, tutors) and provisions staff zones.


Compares current enrolment data to the set of zones in the account and presents options for provisioning and deleting zones to reconcile them.


A full list of all zones, along with tools for rebooting and deleting them.


The bulk command execution tool, which allows running a shell command across all course zones at once.


The bulk tarball tool, which collects files from all zones at once and uploads them into the course Manta account as TAR archives.

At the beginning of semester, the Settings and Staff pages will be used to update the configuration of the course, select an image, and provison staff zones for testing course material.

After semester has begun, the Compare page can be used to make sure zone provisioning is keeping up with course enrolment as needed.

When supporting students using their zones, the Admin and Exec tools may be useful. The Tarball tool is most typically used for marking purposes, to collect a set of files in bulk from all the course zones at once.

10.4.1. Using the Compare tool

The Compare tool is divided into a number of sections based on the action recommended:

Enrolled students with no zone provisioned

This section contains a list of enrolled students who don’t have a zone yet. You can tick the checkbox next to each one (or use the top checkbox to check all of them at once) and press the blue Provision Selected button at the top of the list to begin provisioning.

Scheduled for provision

This section contains a list of students whose zones are in the process of being created.

Extra zones with known past records

This section contains student zones belonging to students who were previously enrolled in the course but are not enrolled now. If they can be deleted (based on the requirements and timing of your course), you can check the checkboxes next to each one and then press the blue Delete Selected button at the top of the list to delete them.

Unknown extra zones

These are zones on the account which do not belong to a student and cannot be identified by coursemgr. You can select either to Delete or Ignore each of these by clicking the relevant blue buttons. Clicking the Delete or Ignore buttons does not cause the action to be taken immediately: you must also press the Confirm all selected actions red button at the bottom to actually begin processing.

Special zones

These are zones on the account which have been marked as "ignored" by coursemgr. Generally these are infrastructure zones that do not belong to students.

Zones provisioned for enrolled students

This section lists all zones that are already provisioned and belong to specific enrolled students. No actions are available on this page for these zones.

10.5. Team projects in coursemgr

10.6. Migrator script

In all images based on the webproject image (4.1.0 or later), there is a script named uq-migrator in /usr/local/sbin. This script is set to run periodically from cron. Its purpose is to enable zones on course accounts to automatically download files, .sql scripts and shell scripts from Manta and apply them to the running zone.

The advantage of using this mechanism over other tools like the Bulk command executor is that migrations are automatically applied to new zones, and it includes mechanisms to automatically stop migrations being applied more than once to each zone.

In order to use the migrator script, RBAC rules must be set to allow the machine subuser of the course account read-only access to /course/stor/migrations (see Course account policy templates). Then you may begin to upload migrations into Manta.

Migrations are stored in a directory structure as shown:

  |                 |---------------------+
  v                                       v
+----+                                   +----+
|2023|                                   |2022|
+----+                                   +----+
  | +----------------+                     |
  v                  v                     v
+---+               +---+                 ...
|001|               |002|
+---+               +---+
 |                   |
 | +-------+         | +------------+
 +>|db0.sql|         +>|files.tar.gz|
 | +-------+         | +------------+
 |                   |
 | +-------+         | +-----+
 +>|db1.sql|         +>|state|
 | +-------+           +-----+
 | +------------+
 | +------------+
 | +-----+

At the top of /course/stor/migrations is a directory for each year. All zones created in that year will apply only the migrations in that year’s directory. This is intended to allow for keeping old migrations from previous semesters of a course around without affecting new zones.

Under each year directory is a numbered set of migration directories. Each migration has a separate directory, and they are always applied by zones in numerical order. For example, migration 001 will be applied before migration 002, before migration 003 etc.

Under each migration directory are the actual data files to be applied to the zone. These can be of 3 different types:

Shell scripts (.bash)

These will be run as root on the zone using the bash shell.

SQL scripts (.sql)

The name of the script without the .sql suffix will be used as a database name for either MySQL or PostreSQL (whichever is running). That database will be created if it does not yet exist, and then the SQL script will be run inside it as a superuser.

Tar archives (.tar.gz)

These will be extracted into the zone’s filesystem, as root at /.

As well as the data files there is a state file. Since a migration may consist of multiple data files, to avoid a zone applying the migration before all the data files have been uploaded, zones check for this state file to determine whether the migration is "ready" or not.

A migration that is ready to be applied must contain the string ready in this state file.

10.6.1. Creating a migration

An example of creating a migration with one SQL file:

$ mmkdir -p /infs1234/stor/migrations/2023/001
$ pg_dump testdb | mput /infs1234/stor/migrations/2023/001/testdb.sql
$ echo ready | mput /infs1234/stor/migrations/2023/001/state

These commands could be run on one of the staff zones for the course, if the recommended RBAC policy has been applied.

10.6.2. Debugging migration issues

The migrator writes log messages into /var/log/uq-migrator.log, including error output from commands.

If a migration fails, it will continue to re-attempt it every half hour.

11. Outages and notifications

All zones generally will have at least two planned maintenance outages each year where the zone will be rebooted (in order to upgrade the kernel version of the underlying Compute Node). When hardware or other system failures occur, there may be emergency (unplanned) outages as well.

When an outage will occur (or is occuring, if it’s unplanned), the UQcloud system generates email notification messages and sends them to users which it identifies as "owners" of each zone involved.

You can be an "owner" for a zone for the purposes of outage notification in one of several ways:

  • The zone belongs to an individual (staff/student) account and it is your account; or

  • You are listed in the uq_users metadata property on a webproject zone; or

  • The zone belongs to a group account and your account is a member of the administrator role on the account.

Email notifications generally look like this:

From: EAIT IT Helpdesk <>
Subject: Maintenance outages: SmartOS/Triton zones under (1)
To: Your Name <> (2)


Our records indicate that you are a contact person or account holder for
one or more zones hosted within the EAIT Triton cluster.

Across the week of the 5th of Jul 2021 we will be rebooting all of
the SDC/Triton compute nodes in order to perform critical software updates.

This will mean that each your zones will be shut down, experience an outage
of 15-20 minutes, and start back up again, at some point during the week.

Your zones will be rebooted at the following times:

  * 2021-07-05 09:30 +10:00 (expected to last 15 min) (3)
      [account1] (4)
        - (065d642a)
        - (69882fd9)
        - (046a2837)
        - (3771b80c)

If you believe any of your zones to still be unavailable after the end of
the relevant outage window, please contact, including
the steps you have followed and any error messages you have received.

Kind regards,
The EAIT IT Team
  1. Emails have a subject line which generally includes the terms "maintenance outage" or "emergency outage", "SmartOS/Triton zones" and usually ""

  2. Each email is sent directly to your address (not a distribution group/list)

  3. The zones list is organised by timeslot and then account — one top-level bullet point will appear for each timeslot you have zones in.

  4. Within each timeslot a section for each account then lists the zones which will experience the outage.

Sometimes planned maintenance outages can last longer than the original plan, if hardware failures or issues are triggered by the routine procedure.

In cases like this, you will receive a follow-up email, explaining when the zones which are affected will be available again (or that no ETA is yet available).

11.1. Types of outages

Platform Image (PI) upgrade reboot

Routine rolling reboots of the entire UQcloud cluster, one machine at a time, to upgrade CN kernel versions. Normally occurs twice per year, once around late December and once in early to mid July. Reboots typically take place during business hours (so that staff are available to respond to issues) and typically result in 10-20 minutes of downtime for zones (the zones are rebooted).


Occurs when your zone is being migrated from one CN to another, either individually or as part of an evacuation of a CN. Migrations typically occur outside business hours and typically result in 1-5 minutes of downtime for zones (the zones are rebooted).


Network upgrades often result in short to medium-length outages for individual compute nodes or entire racks. These typically take place outside business hours and typically result in 5-30 minutes of downtime for zones (but the zones are not rebooted).

Hardware failure (repairable)

A hardware component in the CN has failed, but has been diagnosed and is field-replaceable. This can happen at any time (unscheduled) and typically results in anywhere from 1 to 2 hours of downtime for zones once staff are on-site. This is very rare.

Hardware failure (chassis swap)

A hardware component in the CN has failed and either can’t be diagnosed easily or isn’t easily field-replaceable. The CN’s disks will be removed and swapped to a spare chassis. This can happen at any time (unscheduled) and typically results in anywhere from 2 to 6 hours of downtime for zones once staff are on-site. This is very rare.

11.2. Realtime information on

You can join the Matrix room for real-time updates on the progress of outages and reboots. A bot in the room posts progress updates, and you can ask questions about ongoing issues.

Appendix A: Fabric networks, public IP addresses and high availability

A.1. Network and application design

Let’s imagine we want to deploy a fairly standard 3-tier web application, consisting of a front-end, back-end and database:

  | Front-end (JavaScript) |
              | HTTP (AJAX)
  | Back-end (Flask)       |
              | PGSQL protocol
  | Database (PostgreSQL)  |

We could easily deploy all 3 of these components within a single zone. However, the requirements and expected upgrade schedules for each component are rather different.

Let’s imagine we discover that in order to use some new feature in a different Python version for our back-end component, we need to upgrade Python. However, to upgrade it, we discover that we need to move to a newer image (e.g. we’re on too old a distro version to just install it easily).

If we had each component in its own zone, then we could just replace the back-end zone with a newly deployed one. We may even be able to do this without any down-time, thanks to the fact that all our actual data is persisted in the database, which we’re not touching.

If we have all 3 tiers of our application in one zone, this kind of upgrade is a lot more difficult: we have to consider the other two tiers all the time when planning it, and we are a lot closer to putting our stored data in the database at risk if we make a mistake.

As well as the upgrade problem, we also face issues when considering scale-out: let’s imagine our application suddenly has a lot more users than it has had in the past. If we can easily identify that the bottleneck in performance is in the back-end layer, and it runs in its own zone, we can easily allocate it additional resources, or even create multiple back-end zones to scale it out.

Another angle to consider is security: in general, the less software you have installed in a given zone, the less likely it is to have a critical vulnerability at any given time. When we dedicate each zone to a single purpose, it frees us up to install much less software in it. It also allows us to more easily restrict what that software can do if it gets compromised.

If you’ve studied stateless application deployment in the context of container tools like Docker or Kubernetes before, you may recognise these motivations. Zones can be deployed based on Docker images (see Using Docker images with Triton), so deploying these as separate zones will match what you might expect.

A.2. Networking between tiers

In the 3-tier application we just discussed, really only the back-end and front-end tiers need to have any exposure to the client machine (the front-end assets have to be served to the user, and then when they’re running they need to reach the back-end’s APIs to do their work). The database tier does not need any direct access.

The zones network (which is the default place to deploy new zones) is shared between all users of the Triton infrastructure and exists to help provide external access. If we don’t need that, we can help to improve our security situation (and also make things more convenient for ourselves) by deploying zones on a private network just for our use.

To this end, Triton provides "fabric" networks, which are private networks you can create and manage within your account. Zones deployed on the same fabric network can talk to each other but not to anything outside (unless you configure it so). This provides a convenient building block for our design.

Let’s extend our example a little more and add a 4th component — an SSO gateway. This is convenient on the UQcloud zones, as the SSO gateway can easily be created from the webproject image which includes support for this built-in.

               | clients |
      +--+----------+--------+--+      zones network
         |                   |
         v                   v
 +-------+-------+     +-----+---------+
 | SSO gateway 1 |     | SSO gateway 2 |
 | (webproject)  |     |               |
 +------+--------+     +-------+-------+
        |                      |
        v                      v
     +--+----+--------------+--+-----------------+-----------------+--+   myapp fabric
             ^              ^                    ^                 ^
             |              |                    |                 |
             |              |                    |                 |
+------------+---+   +------+---------+       +--+--------+     +--+--------+
| frontend 1     |   | frontend 2     |       | backend 1 |     | backend 2 |
| (static nginx) |   |                |       | (flask)   |     |           |
+----------------+   +----------------+       +---+-------+     +----+------+
                                                  |                  |
                                                  |                  |
                                                  v                  v
                     +----+----------------------++------------------+--+----+   db fabric
                          ^                      ^                      ^
                          |                      |                      |
                          |                      |                      |
                   +------+--------+    +--------+------+      +--------+------+
                   | database 1    |    | database 2    |      | database 3    |
                   | (cockroachDB) |    | (cockroachDB) |      | (cockroachDB) |
                   +---------------+    +---------------+      +---------------+

In this diagram we’ve plotted out 3 different networks — the shared zones network and two fabric networks (myapp, for our "app" tiers — front-end and back-end; and db for our database servers).

You should notice that many of the zones in this design are on more than one network at the same time (e.g. the SSO gateways are on zones as well as myapp, and the back-ends are on myapp as well as db). This is perfectly OK, and even encouraged!

The separate networks mean that each zone is restricted to only talking to the zones it needs to operate — e.g. the front-end zones can’t reach the database directly, and the database zones can’t reach anything except each other and the backends.

We also have two or more zones of each type: this is so that there is no single point of failure (SPOF) in the design, meaning that no one zone or compute node failure can bring down our web app. This is important if you want to set up an application which needs to operate even during a hardware failure, or just the periodic reboots for CN upgrades which happen every 6-12 months on UQcloud.

As part of removing SPOFs, we also replaced classic PostgreSQL with CockroachDB, which is a mostly-drop-in-compatible alternative that supports high-availability clustering (multiple zones can be part of the same database — as long as 2/3 of the zones are running we can continue to serve traffic).

In the following sections we’ll go through this design in more depth as we deploy it, explaining how to create and set up the fabric networks, place zones on them, and set up the website on top.

A.3. Creating and managing fabric networks

A.4. Placing zones on fabric networks

A.5. Naming clusters with CNS

A.6. Creating load-balancers

A.7. Using "zones-public" for public IP addresses

Appendix B: Role-based access control and sub-users

When we set up group accounts for UQcloud, we give all of the assigned administrator users full control of the group account and all of its resources, both those in Triton (zones, networks etc) and in Manta.

It is possible to instead assign only partial access to an account’s resources to a user: for example, you can assign read-only access to somebody so that they can view information about zones on the account but not make changes. You can also give them access only to specific zones or parts of the Manta directory structure.

This can also be used with automation tools, to allow a programmatic tool to have limited access to an account to carry out its tasks (e.g. allowing a web application to read and write objects in a directory in Manta).

The subsystem which is used to accomplish all of these goals is named "Role-based access control" (RBAC).

B.1. Accounts, sub-users and roles

The RBAC subsystem deals with 4 key concepts: principals, roles, policy and resources.

  • Principals are users of the system (whether human or automaton);

  • Resources are the things which they are trying to access; and

  • Roles and policy together decide which principals can access which resources and how.

Roles, policy and resources all exist only within one account. They control the access to that account’s resources.

Principals may be a member of a certain role. That role then has policies applied to it which specify which actions the role members may take against which resources.

│Principals                        │  Special cases
│                                  │  - anonymous
│ ┌─────────┐ ┌─────────┐          │  - machine
│ │Accounts │ │Sub-users│          │
│ └─────────┘ └─────────┘          │
│                                  │
┌────────────┐                        Special cases
│Roles       │                        - administrator
│Policies    │
│Resources   │

For example:

  • The group account abcd1234 is a course account for the course ABCD1234

  • We want the user uqxyz to have full administrator access to the abcd1234 account

  • So, we create a role named administrator in abcd1234, and add uqxyz as a member

  • Then we set policy on the administrator role giving it full access to all resources

Another example:

  • The user uqxyz has created a zone on their account. It needs to periodically upload log files into Manta.

  • We register the zone as a machine principal, and add it to a role named log-file-uploader

  • Then we set policy on the log-file-uploader role giving it the ability to write objects into /uqxyz/stor/logs in Manta.

Principals are divided into two main types: accounts (top-level users, either human users or group accounts); and sub-users, which exist only within a particular account.

Account principals are managed by UQ and ITIG — they are either UQ users or group accounts. Sub-users can be created and managed by anybody who has an existing account to place them under.

Two special kinds of sub-users also exist: the anonymous sub-user (which is a principal which can be used to give non-authenticated access to resources), and the machine sub-user (which is a principal used to give access to automated tasks on zones on the account).

As well as these two special sub-users, there is also one special role name, administrator. Any role named administrator on an account always confers full access to all resources within that account, regardless of whether it has any actual policy set.

B.2. Managing RBAC configuration

You can see a quick summary of all of the RBAC configuration for a given account using the command triton rbac info. This is a typical output from a newly created course account:

$ triton --act-as=abcd1234 rbac info
users (0): (1)
foreign accounts (2): (2)
    coursemgr: role [administrator]
    uqxyz: role [administrator]
roles (1): (3)
    administrator: no policies (5)
policies (0): (4)
  1. The "users" section contains all sub-users managed by this account. There are none in this example. They are listed along with the roles they are members of.

  2. "Foreign accounts" are other top-level accounts which are members of roles on this account. They are listed along with the roles they are members of (e.g. uqxyz in this example is a member of the role administrator).

  3. The "roles" section contains all of the roles on this account, and lists their attached policy, if any.

  4. The "policies" section contains saved policy objects, which can be shared between multiple roles, but are most typically just added to a single role.

  5. This role has no policies, but since it’s named administrator, it will automatically grant full control of all resources.

And a more complicated example:

users (1):
    machine (no ssh keys): role [machine] (1)
foreign accounts (2):
    coursemgr: role [administrator]
    uqxyz: role [administrator]
roles (2):
    administrator: no policies
    machine: policy machine-policy (2)
policies (1):
    machine-policy rules: (3)
        CAN getobject /abcd1234/stor/shared/*
        CAN getdirectory /abcd1234/stor/shared AND /abcd1234/stor/shared/*
  1. This is how the special machine sub-user appears. On this account, it is a member of the role named machine

  2. This indicates that the machine role has the machine-policy policy applied to it.

  3. These are the actual policy rules, specifying what actions can be taken on what resources.

As well as the usual administrator role, this course account has been set up to automatically grant its zones read-only access to part of the Manta directory tree belonging to the course. The section following this one explains the format of policy rules.

The commands to manage these entities all appear under the triton rbac command sub-tree:

$ triton rbac
Role-based Access Control (RBAC) commands.

    triton rbac [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS...]
    triton rbac help COMMAND

    -h, --help          Show this help message and exit.

    help (?)            Help on a specific sub-command.
    info                Show current RBAC state.
    apply               Apply an RBAC configuration.

  RBAC Resources:
    users               List RBAC users.
    user                Show, add, edit and delete RBAC users.
    keys                List RBAC user SSH keys.
    key                 Show, upload, and delete RBAC user SSH keys.
    policies            List RBAC policies.
    policy              Show, add, edit and delete RBAC policies.
    roles               List RBAC roles.
    role                Show, add, edit and delete RBAC roles.

Several of the add/edit commands will start your preferred commandline text editor to supply details, while others will prompt for each field one at a time. For text editor input, the commands use a subset of the YAML format:

name:    machine
  - type:    subuser
    default: true
    id:      bbcfa424-e365-457b-90b0-add0be8b3926
    login:   machine
  - id:      c8c82d66-2d96-41d4-92a3-6af43348e99b
    name:    machine-policy

You can read more about YAML online for further details.

When creating new sub-users on UQcloud, you should leave all fields except the name and email address blank, and fill the email address with a value of the form subuser@account. Insert random data for the "password" field: it is required but will never be used for anything.

Once created, roles and policy in Triton and Manta may immediately begin to be applied to new requests. Due to internal caching, it may take some time before all new requests are being processed using the new rules. This is especially true with Manta, where (if a recent denial has happened) you can expect the old rules to continue to be used for some requests for up to 10 minutes following a change.

B.3. Writing Aperture rules

The language used for writing rules in policy objects is called "Aperture". Each Aperture rule appears on its own line, and it specifies something that a principal is allowed to do. There are no "deny" aperture rules to make exceptions from another rule: once the system encounters a rule that matches and authorises an action, that action is allowed.

The basic format of an Aperture rule is CAN <action> <resource> WHEN <condition>:

                    X                    X
                    ▲                    ▲
                    │                    │
                    │                    │
        ┌─────────┐ │   ┌────────────┐   │            ┌────────────┐
CAN ──► │ ACTION  ├─+─► │ RESOURCE   ├───+► WHEN  ──► │ CONDITION  │
        └─────────┘     └────────────┘                └────────────┘

Each of the action, resource, and condition sections may be a single identifer or a list, and the resource and condition sections may be left off entirely (more about what that means later).

A list of identifiers may look like X AND Y, X, Y AND Z etc. For example, a rule that allows reading and writing to a Manta object may begin with CAN getobject AND putobject …​.

Actions are short strings, generally of the form verbobject. For example, in Manta rules, getdirectory is an action which represents an HTTP GET request reading the contents of a Manta directory. In Triton rules, rebootmachine is an action allowing the principal to reboot a zone or VM.

Manta and Triton actions support different resources, but both use a URL-style format to specify what resource is being targetted. Both also support the special resource * (a single asterisk), which specifies all possible resources under the account.

For example, CAN getobject * is a rule which allows the principal to read all objects in Manta which belong to the account. Similarly, CAN rebootmachine * would allow the principal to reboot any zone/VM belonging to the account.

Conditions can be used to refine the situations where the rule is applied. A commonly used example is the overwrite condition in Manta rules. For example, the rule CAN putobject * would allow the principal to write to any Manta object. If we change this to CAN putobject * WHEN overwrite = false, this limits them to uploading new objects (i.e. they cannot overwrite any existing ones), which is often useful for allowing zones to upload data but not delete or modify it later.

Conditions may be combined using the AND and OR operators, negated with NOT, and there are also some more advanced variations available.

Some useful information you can match in conditions includes:

  • Identity of the zone/VM which is using the machine sub-user;

  • The client IP address which is performing the operation;

  • Time/day the operation is being carried out;

  • Certain HTTP headers (e.g. Referer, useful for anti-leeching);

  • Tags applied to the target zone/VM in Triton.

B.4. Role tags

If the "resources" section of an Aperture rule is left out, the implied target of the rule is a "role tag". This is probably the most confusing part of the Triton/Manta RBAC design, and if your usage is covered by what is shown above you can entirely ignore it.

Role tags are a special type of tag, named after a role, which can be applied to resources in Triton and Manta. They are useful if you need to:

  • Target a flexible subset of resources that don’t already have something in common you can target (e.g. Manta objects that are mixed up in the same directory with other objects you don’t want to match);

  • Allow "inheritance" of the tag upon creation of new resources (e.g. 'read your own writes' type functionality); or

  • Have a shared policy object in multiple roles that targets different resources in each.

When Triton and Manta encounter an Aperture rule with no resource target, they check the name of the role which caused that rule to be processed. Then they query an internal database of role-tags for the resource being accessed, and check for one which has the same name as the name of the role. If it exists, then the rule matches.

To add a role-tag to a resource in Triton, you use the triton rbac role-tags family of commands (see the full output of triton rbac --help).

In Manta, you can add role-tags to an object or directory using the mchmod command. You can also add them during upload by using the --role-tag= option to mput and similar commands.

B.5. Non-default role membership

As well as "default" roles, which are always active and have their rules applied, a user can also be a "non-default" member of a role. Non-default members must explicitly "take up" the role in order to benefit from its rules.

Taking up a role can be done using the -r or --role= options to the triton command, or the --role= option on most Manta commands like mls, mget etc. Only commands which you run with one of these options will have the role’s rules applied.

This allows you to have something akin to a "sudo" mode for account access — for example, you can add users to a default role that gives read-only access, and add them as a non-default member of the administrator role at the same time. Then they can view all resources normally, but if they run e.g. triton inst rm to delete an instance it will be denied until they add --role=administrator to take up the non-default membership. This can be useful to prevent mistakes, both manual and automated.

We generally recommend that if you add the machine subuser to a highly privileged role like administrator to use it in scripts, you make it a non-default membership to help reduce the chances of accidentally deleting the wrong zone or removing your own access to it.

B.6. Actions and resources for Triton

Basic global metadata actions for Triton (we recommend adding these to any roles that confer access to other Triton operations, to ensure that tools and libraries work correctly):

Action Description Resource


Read account metadata

None (use *)


Read account quota and usage

None (use *)


Read global configuration (default fabric)

None (use *)


Read global list of datacenters

None (use *)


Read global list of Triton services

None (use *)

Basic actions for zones/VMS in Triton:

Action Description Resource


Create a new zone

None (use *)


List all zones on the account

None (use *)


Count number of machines on the account

None (use *)


Retrieve metadata about a zone

Triton path[1]


Retrieve metadata about a zone

Triton path


Delete a zone

Triton path


Stop a zone

Triton path


Start a zone

Triton path


Reboot a zone (start+stop)

Triton path


Resize a zone to a new package

Triton path


Allows changing a zone’s alias

Triton path


Allows using triton inst exec to run commands on a zone

Triton path


Allows connecting to a VM’s VNC console (only for KVM/bhyve)

Triton path

Common read-only actions (usually also required to be able to provision new zones):

Action Description Resource


List all images available

None (use *)


Read image metadata

Triton path[1]


List all packages available

None (use *)


Read package metadata

Triton path


List all networks available

None (use *)


Read network metadata

Triton path

Actions for managing zone tags and metadata:

Action Description Resource


Update metadata keys

Triton path[1]


Read metadata keys

Triton path


Delete a specific metadata key

Triton path


Delete all metadata

Triton path


Add additional tags

Triton path


Replace existing tags' values

Triton path


Read all tags

Triton path


Read a specific tag value

Triton path


Delete a specific tag

Triton path


Delete all tags

Triton path

You can see a full list of possible actions in the Triton CloudAPI documentation. Each section heading below "Accounts" is of the form "RouteName (METHOD /resource/path)". The "RouteName" in lower case is the name of the RBAC action to use to match that operation.

Standard conditions available:

Condition variable Type Description Example value



HTTP method of request

'GET', 'PUT'



Same-account roles active for auth

['administrator', 'machine']



Cross-account roles active for auth

['administrator', 'machine']












The Triton 'data center ID' (always 'gps-1' on UQcloud)




IP address making the request (may be an internal UQ private IP)



User-Agent header from request

'Mozilla/5.0 …​'



IP address of the target machine



Contains value of tag X on the target machine[2]

B.7. Actions and resources for Manta

Basic actions on Manta objects and directories:

Action Description Resource


Read object data and metadata

Manta path[3]


List directory contents and metadata

Manta path


Create object, overwrite object, update metadata

Manta path


Create directory, update dir metadata

Manta path


Create snaplink[4]

Manta path


Delete an object

Manta path


Delete an (empty) directory

Manta path

Standard conditions available:

Condition variable Type Description Example value



Owner of target object




Is the request being made as part of a job?

true, false



Is the request overwriting an existing object or metadata?

true, false



Manta path of the parent dir




HTTP method of request

'GET', 'PUT'



Same-account roles active for auth

['administrator', 'machine']



Cross-account roles active for auth

['administrator', 'machine']












The manta 'region' (always 'stluc' on UQcloud)




IP address making the request (may be an internal UQ private IP)



User-Agent header from request

'Mozilla/5.0 …​'



Referer header from request…​;

Actions related to Manta jobs:

Action Description Resource


Create a new job

None (use *)


Add input keys to job, cancel, end input

Job path[5]


List all jobs

None (use *)


Retrieve job status, errors, inputs and outputs

Job path[5]

B.8. Machine sub-user conditions

Any rule which applies to the special machine sub-user on either Triton or Manta will have access to additional conditions related to the zone that has authenticated:

Condition variable Type Description Example value



UUID of the zone which auth’d




Alias of the zone which auth’d




Contains value of tag X on the zone which auth’d[2]

As an example of using the machine_tag_ conditions, we could set a tag on certain machines in our account:

$ triton inst tag set foobar control=true
$ triton inst tag set baz control=true

If we then added a rule such as CAN rebootmachine * WHEN machine_tag_control::boolean = true, only these two machines (foobar and baz) would be allowed to reboot other zones via this rule.

B.9. Machine sub-users on older zones

On zones which are not made from very recent images, you will not automatically be given the correct environment variables to make use of the machine sub-user from within that zone.

We recommend creating the file /etc/profile.d/ and filling it with:

export SDC_URL=
export MANTA_URL=
export SDC_ACCOUNT=$(mdata-get sdc:owner_uuid)
export MANTA_USER=uqxyz (1)
if [ -z "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then
  export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/native/.zonecontrol/agent.sock
  export SDC_USER=machine
  export MANTA_SUBUSER=machine
export SDC_KEY_ID=$(ssh-add -l | head -1 | awk '{print $2}')
  1. Change uqxyz here to your Triton account’s name.

After logging out and back in again, you should have the right environment to make use of the machine sub-user feature.

B.10. Course account policy templates

The following policy objects are recommended for use with the machine subuser on course accounts:

    machine-base rules: (1)
        CAN getaccount *
        CAN getconfig *
        CAN listdatacenters *
        CAN listservices *
    machine-migrations rules: (2)
        can getdirectory /infs1234/stor/migrations and /infs1234/stor/migrations/* (5)
        can getobject /infs1234/stor/migrations/*
    machine-staff-manta rules: (3)
        CAN deleteobject * when machine_tag_staff::boolean = true
        CAN getdirectory * when machine_tag_staff::boolean = true
        CAN getobject * when machine_tag_staff::boolean = true
        CAN putdirectory * when machine_tag_staff::boolean = true
        CAN putobject * when machine_tag_staff::boolean = true
        CAN deletedirectory * when machine_tag_staff::boolean = true
        CAN putlink * when machine_tag_staff::boolean = true
    machine-staff-triton rules: (4)
        CAN execmachinecommand * when machine_tag_staff::boolean = true
        CAN getmachine * when machine_tag_staff::boolean = true
        CAN listimages * when machine_tag_staff::boolean = true
        CAN listmachines * when machine_tag_staff::boolean = true
        CAN rebootmachine * when machine_tag_staff::boolean = true
        CAN startmachine * when machine_tag_staff::boolean = true
        CAN stopmachine * when machine_tag_staff::boolean = true
        CAN listpackages * when machine_tag_staff::boolean = true
        CAN listnetworks * when machine_tag_staff::boolean = true
  1. The machine-base policy allows course zones to get basic account metadata, which makes sure zoneinit can find out the right name for the course account.

  2. The machine-migrations policy allows the uq-migrator script (see Migrator script) to read migrations from Manta.

  3. The machine-staff-manta policy allows zones tagged with staff: true to read and write data in the course Manta account. This is useful for uploading course material and managing migrations.

  4. The machine-staff-triton policy allows staff zones to perform basic management of existing zones using the triton command. This is helpful for providing support to students.

  5. The string infs1234 in rules should be replaced with the course account’s name.

Appendix C: Using Docker images with Triton

One popular piece of software which does not work inside zones is docker (and other software which uses it such as docker-compose). This is due to the fact that zones are not running a true Linux kernel, and are missing some of the kernel features which docker requires.

Instead of using docker within our zone, however, we can create new zones using Docker images.

To do this we use the real docker command, but we run it on the same machine we run triton commands instead. With some configuration, the docker command will operate on the UQcloud Triton cluster instead of a Docker daemon.

The command triton profile docker-setup allows us to generate the configuration we need easily:

$ triton profile docker-setup
WARNING: Docker uses authentication via client TLS certificates that do not
support encrypted (passphrase protected) keys or SSH agents.

If you continue, this profile setup will create a fresh private key which is
written unencrypted to disk in "~/.triton/docker" for use by the Docker
client. This key will be useable only for Docker.

If you do not specifically want to use Docker, you can answer "no" here.

Continue? [y/n] y

Setting up profile "env" to use Docker.
Successfully setup profile "env" to use Docker (v1.13.1).

To setup environment variables to use the Docker client, run:
    eval "$(triton env --docker env)"
    docker info
Or you can place the commands in your shell profile, e.g.:
    triton env --docker env >> ~/.profile

As the instructions prompt us to at the bottom of the output, we must then run eval "$(triton env --docker)":

$ eval "$(triton env --docker)"
$ docker info
Storage Driver: sdc
 SDCAccount: uqfoobar
Operating System: SmartDataCenter

If you can run docker info and see the text Storage Driver: sdc with SDCAccount: below it and your UQ username, then you’ve successfully configured Docker to use the UQcloud endpoint.

We can then proceed to create a Docker container:

$ docker run --name foobar -it busybox /bin/sh
ERRO[0016] error getting events from daemon: Error response from daemon: (NotImplemented) events is not implemented (c41ef1fc-5cd5-4855-a120-4221e8db7a25)

# uname -a
Linux foobar 4.3.0 BrandZ virtual linux x86_64 GNU/Linux
If you see errors with the text events is not implemented, you can safely ignore these: they’re telling you that the Triton Docker endpoint doesn’t support Docker Events, but it’s not critical to have it.

If we look in the output of triton inst ls while the Docker container is running, we can see that the container was created as a regular zone:

$ triton inst ls
SHORTID   NAME             IMG                           STATE    FLAGS  AGE
ccec13c9  foobar           cc8a0e00                      running  DF     38s

Being a regular zone means that the container is given its own IP address and hostname (which is different to the default behaviour in regular Docker). If you give the -p option to docker run to specify what ports to open to the container, those ports will be open on the container’s own IP address, not the host.

C.1. Running web applications in Docker containers

In the section Setting up web applications from scratch, we discussed setting up web servers from scratch in zones so that they interact correctly with the EAIT load balancers. To host web applications directly on Docker containers, the application running inside the container has to meet those same requirements.

The typical design for web applications using Docker is to place one process in each container. If it’s difficult to make your main application process deal correctly with these constraints itself (e.g. because you want to deploy an off-the-shelf image), you may find it simpler to use a docker container based on the webproject image placed "in front" of your back-end container.

We can make such a container by giving the UUID of the latest webproject image as the image name to docker run or docker create, with the entrypoint specified as /usr/local/sbin/docker-entrypoint:

$ triton img list -l name=webproject
ID                                    NAME        VERSION  STATE   FLAGS  OS       TYPE          PUBDATE
9ac0d333-ec08-49ed-b4bd-844e61dd9d8f  webproject  3.4.3    active  IP     linux    lx-dataset    2021-06-29

$ docker create \
    -p 80 -p 443 \
    9ac0d333-ec08-49ed-b4bd-844e61dd9d8f \

The docker-entrypoint script will initialise the webproject zone and execute nginx. Note that other services will not be started like they would with a regular webproject zone, so this construct is only useful to run nginx.

To provide configuration for the nginx inside the container, you can either use docker copy or open a shell inside it with docker exec. If you only need to configure the container to proxy all HTTP traffic to a specific backend container, you can also set the Docker label proxy_to to a HTTP URI and the entrypoint script will handle it for you:

$ docker create \
    --name gateway \
    --memory 128 \
    --label proxy_to= \
    -p 80 -p 443 \
    9ac0d333-ec08-49ed-b4bd-844e61dd9d8f \

In the last example, we also set --memory 128 to make Docker use the z1-xtiny package. This enables us to fit both the gateway container and backend container within the default account quota.

C.2. Example: Running a Ghost blog

For a full worked example, we will deploy the Ghost blogging platform from its pre-built Docker container.

Since the pre-built container is not easily configured to handle being the front-end zone, we will deploy it behind a webproject Nginx container. The Ghost container will be placed on a dedicated private fabric network (see also Fabric networks, public IP addresses and high availability), so that it can’t be accidentally exposed to any other users, or any other applications on our account.

First, we will create the dedicated fabric network for Ghost:

$ triton vlan create --name ghost 1001
Created vlan ghost (1001)

$ triton network create \
    --name ghost \
    --subnet \ (1)
    --start-ip \
    --end-ip \
    --gateway \
Created network ghost (51886619-ae59-4279-905d-c546e59adb8d)
  1. These addresses have no specific meaning to the Ghost image, they can be any private (RFC1918) IP subnet.

Next, we will create the actual Ghost container. We set the label on this container, so that we can later tell the front-end container to connect to a service name. This allows us to replace the back-end container later with a new version without making any changes to the front-end.

$ docker create \
    --name ghost-backend0 \
    --memory 384 \
    --env url= \ (1)
    --label \ (2)
    --network ghost \
  1. This is an environment variable specific to the ghost image, which lets the Ghost instance know what its publically accessible URL is.

  2. Setting the label gives us a CNS service name.

And then, the front-end webproject container:

$ triton img list -l name=webproject
ID                                    NAME        VERSION  STATE   FLAGS  OS       TYPE          PUBDATE
9ac0d333-ec08-49ed-b4bd-844e61dd9d8f  webproject  3.4.3    active  IP     linux    lx-dataset    2021-06-29

$ docker create \
    --name ghost \
    --memory 128 \
    --network ghost \ (1)
    --label proxy_to= \ (2)
    -p 80 -p 443 \
    9ac0d333-ec08-49ed-b4bd-844e61dd9d8f \
  1. When we give both --network ghost and -p options, Triton will give the container NICs on both the ghost network and the first available "public" network (which by default is zones).

  2. Matches the service name we set up in the previous step (with the DNS suffix for our account attached).

Then we start up the front-end container on its own:

$ docker start ghost

We do this so that we can adjust the SSO configuration to only allow specific users to access /ghost (since that will start the initial setup for whoever connects to it first, and we want to make sure it’s us). We’ll edit the SSO configuration using docker exec:

$ docker exec -it ghost /bin/bash
root@uqfoobar-ghost:/# vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/auth.conf

The altered part of the configuration file:

map $uri $acl {
   default              "allow:*"; (1)
   ~^/ghost             "allow:user:*local";
  1. This will also make the Ghost instance public to the Internet (other than the admin panel).

Then we add our user as a local user and reload nginx by running pkill -HUP nginx:

root@uqfoobar-ghost:/# uq-add-user uqfoobar
root@uqfoobar-ghost:/# pkill -HUP nginx

Finally we can start up the back-end container:

$ docker start ghost-backend0

Now we can browse to and see the working default Ghost installation.

We can also visit to start the initial setup process, and this URL will only work for our user (thanks to the SSO configuration protecting it).

C.3. Caveats (and docker build)

While setting up a zone based on a Docker image is a well-trodden path, quite a lot of other Docker features are not implemented by the Triton Docker endpoint.

In particular, the docker build command’s implementation on Triton is slow and incomplete. We don’t recommend using docker build against the Triton endpoint.

Instead, if you need to build Docker container images, we recommend that you do your builds elsewhere (e.g. in a GitHub Action) and push the image to DockerHub. Then you can pull the image down and run it on Triton for regular use.

C.4. CI integration

It is possible to take the generated authentication certificate and key output by triton profile docker-setup and use it in a CI system like GitHub Actions. The UQcloud Docker endpoint is accessible from the Internet, so you can connect to it from scripts in your CI and perform the docker pull and docker run operations with the newly built image automatically if you wish.

Do not ever commit your Docker certificate and key to your code repository. Use the "secret storage" or "credentials" feature of your CI system instead.

As an example of how this can be implemented in GitHub Actions: first, the contents of our .github/workflows/main.yml file:

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1
      - uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
      - uses: docker/login-action@v1
          username: ${{secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME}}
          password: ${{secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN}}
      - id: docker_build
        uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
          push: true
          tags: user/repo:latest
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: build
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - run: ./
          DOCKER_CA: ${{secrets.DOCKER_CA}}
          DOCKER_KEY: ${{secrets.DOCKER_KEY}}
          DOCKER_CERT: ${{secrets.DOCKER_CERT}}
          DOCKER_HOST: ${{secrets.DOCKER_HOST}}

This runs the script in the root of our repository to do the UQcloud specific steps. The contents of that script:


mkdir docker-cert
echo "${DOCKER_CA}" > docker-cert/ca.pem
echo "${DOCKER_KEY}" > docker-cert/key.pem
echo "${DOCKER_CERT}" > docker-cert/cert.pem

export DOCKER_CERT_PATH="$(pwd)/docker-cert"

docker pull user/repo:latest
OLDCONTAINERS="$(docker ps -f label=user-repo-ci -q)"
docker run -d \
  --name thing \
  --label user-repo-ci \
  -p 80 -p 443 \
for x in $OLDCONTAINERS; do
  docker rm -f ${x}

Here, we first set up the certificate and key in the right directory structure so that docker can use them, then we set environment variables for docker.

Then we pull down the image we just built in the build CI job, and deploy the new image (cleaning up any previous versions of it once the new container is running).

Appendix D: Native zones and pkgsrc

Appendix E: Performance analysis and debugging in zones

Appendix F: SSO protocol (KVD/FaKVD)

1. The CloudAPI path to this resource, exactly as would be used in a request to perform this action, e.g. /account/machines/<UUID>. Note that aliases like /my/X are not resolved before this match takes place — you must supply the URL exactly as the client will use it, or use * and conditions instead.
2. This is a dynamic field, so the type always has to be specified in Aperture with e.g. machine_tag_test::string = 'abc'
3. A full Manta path, e.g. /user/stor/foobar
4. Creating a snaplink also requires getobject on the target of the link
5. A Manta job path, e.g. /uqxyz/jobs/<UUID>