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245 lines (178 loc) · 8.07 KB

Vest's result object

Vest validations return a results object that holds all the information regarding the current run, and methods to easily interact with the data.

A result object would look somewhat like this:

  'name': 'formName',              // The name of the validation suite
  'errorCount': Number 0,          // Overall count of errors in the suite
  'warnCount': Number 0,           // Overall count of warnings in the suite
  'testCount': Number 0,           // Overall test count for the suite (passing, failing and warning)
  'tests': Object {                // An object containing all non-skipped tests
    'fieldName': Object {          // Name of each field
      'errorCount': Number 0,      // Error count per field
      'errors': Array [],          // Array of error messages fer field (may be undefined)
      'warnings': Array [],        // Array of warning messages fer field (may be undefined)
      'warnCount': Number 0,       // Warning count per field
      'testCount': Number 0,       // Overall test count for the field (passing, failing and warning)
    'groups': Object {             // An object containing groups declared in the suite
      'fieldName': Object {        // Subset of res.tests[fieldName] only containing tests
        /*... */                   // only containing tests that ran within the group

Accessing the recent result object with .get

If you need to access your validation results out of context - for example, from a different UI component or function, you can use .get() - a function that exists as a property of your validation suite.

In case your validations did not run yet, .get returns an empty validation result object - which can be helpful when trying to access validation result object when rendering the initial UI, or setting it in the initial state of your components.

const suite = vest.create('my_form', () => {

suite.get(); // -> returns the most recent result object for the current suite

You can also use .get() to access the intermediate validation result during your suite's run, this is a replacement of the deprecated vest.draft() hook.

const suite = vest.create('my_form', data => {
  test('username', 'Username is too short', () => {

  vest.skipWhen(suite.get().hasErrors('username'), () => {
    test('username', 'already taken', async () => {
      // some async test

Result Object Methods:

Along with these values, the result object exposes the following methods:

isValid function

isValid returns whether the validation suite as a whole is valid or not.

A suite is considered valid if both conditions are met:

  • There are no errors (hasErrors() === false) in the suite - warnings are not counted as errors.
  • All non optional fields have passing tests.

hasErrors and hasWarnings functions

If you only need to know if a certain field has validation errors or warnings but don't really care which they are, you can use hasErrors or hasWarnings functions.

// true

// false

In case you want to know whether the whole suite has errors or warnings (to prevent submit, for example), you can use the same functions, just without specifying a field

// true

// true

hasErrorsByGroup and hasWarningsByGroup functions

Similar to hasErrors and hasWarnings, but returns the result for a specified group

To get the result for a given field in the group:

resultObject.hasErrorsByGroup('groupName', 'fieldName');
// true

resultObject.hasWarningsByGroup('groupName', 'fieldName');
// false

And to get the result for a whole group.

// true

// true

Read more about groups

getErrors and getWarnings functions

These functions return an array of errors for the specified field. If no field specified, it returns an object with all fields as keys and their error arrays as values.

// ['Username is too short', `Username already exists`]

// ['Password must contain special characters']

If there are no errors for the field, the function defaults to an empty array:

// []

// []

You can also call these functions without a field name, which will return you an array per field:


// {
//   username: ['Username is too short', `Username already exists`],
//   password: ['Password must contain special characters']
// }

!> NOTE If you did not specify error messages for your tests, your errors array will be empty as well. In such case you should always rely on .hasErrors() instead.

getErrorsByGroup and getWarningsByGroup functions

Just like get getErrors and getWarnings, but narrows the result to a specified group.

resultObject.getErrorsByGroup('groupName', 'fieldName');
resultObject.getWarningsByGroup('groupName', 'fieldName');

Read more about groups.


Done is a function that can be chained to your validation suite, and allows invoking callbacks whenever a specific, or all, tests finish their validation - regardless of the validation result.

If we specify a field name in our done call, vest will not wait for the whole suite to finish before running our callback. It will invoke immediately when all tests with that given name finished running.

.done() calls can be infinitely chained after one another, and as the validation suite completes - they will all run immediately.

done takes one or two arguments:

Name Type Optional Description
fieldName String Yes If passed, the current done call will not wait for the whole suite to complete, but instead wait for a certain field to finish.
callback Function No A callback to be run when either the whole suite or the specified field finished running.

The result object is being passed down to the done object as an argument.


In the below example, the done callback for UserName may run before the whole suite finishes. Only when the rest of the suite finishes, it will call the other two done callbacks that do not have a field name specified.

import vest, { test, enforce } from 'vest';

const suite = vest.create('SendEmailForm', data => {
    'Marked as spam address',
    async () => await isKnownSpammer(data.address)

    'must not be blacklisted',
    async () => await isBlacklistedUser(data.username)

const validationResult = suite(data)
  .done('UserName', res => {
    if (res.hasErrors('UserName')) {
  .done(output => {
  .done(output => {

!> IMPORTANT .done calls must not be used conditionally - especially when involving async tests. This might cause unexpected behavior or missed callbacks. Instead, if needed, perform your conditional logic within your callback.

// 🚨 This might not work as expected when working with async validations

if (field === 'username') {
  result.done(() => {
    /*do something*/
// ✅ Instead, perform your checks within your done callback

result.done(() => {
  if (field === 'username') {
    /*do something*/