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Releases: eantcal/nubscript

Rel 1.51

08 Nov 21:28
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Rel 1.51 Pre-release

This release add a new variant type called Any and a set of API for managing hash tables.


Any type declaration is implicit, so you can write

Dim x as Any
x="string" ' now x is a string

or just
x="string" ' now x is a string

Any type can be used also as function parameter, or function return type.

Hash tables

  • hset "hashtablename", "key", value ' create a new hash table (if not existant) and insert <"key", value> entry
  • result=hget("hashtablename", "key") ' result == value, where value can be any variable type
  • hdel("hashtablename") ' remove the hash table
  • hdel("hashtablename", "key") ' remove the hash table entry related to the key "key"
  • hcnt("hashtablename") ' return the number of items of the hashkey hashtablename
  • hchk("hashtablename","key) ' return true if <"key", value> entry exists, false otherwise


07 Nov 22:23
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Rel_1.5 Pre-release

This release contains the nubscript library and some use-case examples including a command line interface, a simple expression calculator, and an example about how to integrate a new API in the interpreter.