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aarongustafson committed Feb 21, 2011
1 parent 3e240e0 commit 2aed006
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Showing 6 changed files with 603 additions and 173 deletions.
68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions EE1/system/plugins/Highlighter.php
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
* highlighter.php
* This class highlights text matches a search string (keyword) in html based documents, without destroying html-tags.
* This was necessary to scan database-entry written in html by keywords, and display them in another style.
* @name Highlighter
* @description Advanced keyword highlighter, keep HTML tags safe.
* @author(s) Bojidar Naydenov a.k.a Bojo ( & Antony Raijekov a.k.a Zeos (
* @country Bulgaria
* @version 2.1
* @copyright GPL
* @access public
class Highlighter
var $keyword;
var $replacement;
var $hightlight_bad_tags = array( "A", "IMG" ); //add here more, if you want to filter them

function Highlighter ( $keyword=FALSE, $replacement=FALSE )
$this->keyword = $keyword;
$this->replacement = $replacement;
} //end func highlight

function highlight ( $matches )
//check for bad tags and keyword
if ( ! in_array( strtoupper($matches[2]), $this->hightlight_bad_tags ) )
//put template [replacement]
$proceed = preg_replace( "#(".$this->keyword.")#si",
str_replace( "{keyword}", $matches[3], $this->replacement ),
$matches[0] );
else //return as-is
$proceed = $matches[0];
return stripslashes( $proceed );
} //end func hightlighter

//main api
function process( $text, $keyword=FALSE, $replacement=FALSE )
//if there are specific keyword/replacement given
if ( $keyword != FALSE ) $this->keyword = $keyword;
if ( $replacement != FALSE ) $this->replacement = $replacement;

//process text array(&$this, 'method_name'),
if ( isset($this->keyword) AND
isset($this->replacement) ):
return preg_replace_callback( "#(<([A-Za-z]+)[^>]*[\>]*)*(".$this->keyword.")(.*?)(<\/\\2>)*#si",
array( &$this, 'highlight' ),
$text );
return $text;
} //end func process

} // end Highlighter

/* End of file Highlighter.php */
/* Location: ./system/expressionengine/third_party/easy_search_summary/Highlighter.php */
295 changes: 295 additions & 0 deletions EE1/system/plugins/Summarizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@

class Summarizer {

var $debug;

function Summarizer($debug=FALSE)
$this->debug = $debug;

function excerpt( $text, $words, $length=150, $prefix="&#8230;", $suffix=NULL, $options=array() )
$text = html_entity_decode( $text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );

// Set default score modifiers [tweak away...]
$options = array_merge( array(
'exact_case_bonus' => 2,
'exact_word_bonus' => 3,
'abs_length_weight' => 0.0,
'rel_length_weight' => 1.0,
'debug' => $this->debug
), $options);

// Null suffix defaults to same as prefix
if ( is_null($suffix) ) $suffix = $prefix;

// Not enough to work with?
if ( strlen($text) <= $length ) return $text;

// Just in case
if ( ! is_array($words) ) $words = array($words);

// Build the event list
// [also calculate maximum word length for relative weight bonus]
$events = array();
$maxWordLength = 0;

foreach ($words as $word) {

if (strlen($word) > $maxWordLength) $maxWordLength = strlen($word);

$i = -1;
while ( ($i = stripos($text, $word, $i+1)) !== false )

// Basic score for a match is always 1
$score = 1;

// Apply modifiers
// Case matches exactly
if (substr($text, $i, strlen($word)) == $word) $score += $options['exact_case_bonus'];

// Absolute length weight (longer words count for more)
if ($options['abs_length_weight'] != 0.0) $score += strlen($word) * $options['abs_length_weight'];

// Relative length weight (longer words count for more)
if ($options['rel_length_weight'] != 0.0) $score += strlen($word) / $maxWordLength * $options['rel_length_weight'];

// The start of the word matches exactly
if (preg_match('/\W/', substr($text, $i-1, 1))) $score += $options['exact_word_bonus'];

// The end of the word matches exactly
if (preg_match('/\W/', substr($text, $i+strlen($word), 1))) $score += $options['exact_word_bonus'];

// Push event occurs when the word comes into range
$events[] = array(
'type' => 'push',
'word' => $word,
'pos' => max(0, $i + strlen($word) - $length),
'score' => $score
// Pop event occurs when the word goes out of range
$events[] = array(
'type' => 'pop',
'word' => $word,
'pos' => $i + 1,
'score' => $score
// Bump event makes it more attractive for words to be in the
// middle of the excerpt [@todo: this needs work]
$events[] = array(
'type' => 'bump',
'word' => $word,
'pos' => max(0, $i + floor(strlen($word)/2) - floor($length/2)),
'score' => 0.5

} # end while

} # end foreach

// If nothing is found then just truncate from the beginning
if ( empty($events) ) return substr($text, 0, $length) . $suffix;

// We want to handle each event in the order it occurs in
// [i.e. we want an event queue]
$M = new MultiSort();
$events = $M->sortArray( $events, 'pos', 'rcmp' );

$scores = array();
$score = 0;
$current_words = array();

// Process each event in turn
foreach ($events as $idx => $event )
$thisPos = floor($event['pos']);

$word = strtolower($event['word']);

switch ($event['type'])
case 'push':
if ( ! isset( $current_words[$word] ) )
// First occurence of a word gets full value
$current_words[$word] = 1;
$score += $event['score'];
// Subsequent occurrences mean less and less
$score += $event['score'] / $current_words[$word];
case 'pop':
if ( isset( $current_words[$word] ) )
if ( $current_words[$word] == 1 )
unset( $current_words[$word] );
$score -= ($event['score']);
if ( $current_words[$word] != 0 ) $score -= $event['score'] / $current_words[$word];
case 'bump':
if (!empty($event['score'])) {
$score += $event['score'];

// Close enough for government work...
$score = round($score, 2);

// Store the position/score entry
$scores[$thisPos] = $score;

// For use with debugging
$debugWords[$thisPos] = $current_words;

// Remove score bump
if ($event['type'] == 'bump') $score -= $event['score'];

} # end foreach ($events as $idx => $event )

// Calculate the best score
// Yeah, could have done this in the main event loop
// but it's better here
$bestScore = 0;
foreach ($scores as $pos => $score) if ($score > $bestScore) $bestScore = $score;

if ( $options['debug'] )
// This is really quick, really tatty debug information
// (but it works)
echo "<table>";
echo "<caption>Events</caption>";
echo "<tr><th>Pos</th><th>Type</th><th>Word</th><th>Score</th>";
foreach ($events as $event)
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>{$event['pos']}</td><td>{$event['type']}</td><td>{$event['word']}</td><td>{$event['score']}</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";

echo "<table>";
echo "<caption>Positions and their scores</caption>";
$idx = 0;
foreach ($scores as $pos => $score)
$excerpt = substr($text, $pos, $length);
$style = ($score == $bestScore) ? 'background: #ff7;' : '';

echo "<tr>";
echo "<th style=\"$style\">" . $idx . "</th>";
echo "<td style=\"$style\">" . $pos . "</td>";
echo "<td style=\"$style\"><div style=\"float: left; width: 2em; margin-right: 1em; text-align right; background: #ddd\">" .
$score . "</div><code>" . str_repeat('*', $score) . "</code></td>";
echo "<td style=\"$style\"><table>";

foreach ($debugWords[$pos] as $word => $count) echo "<tr><td>$word</td><td>$count</td></tr>";

echo "</table></td>";
echo "<td style=\"$style\">" . (
preg_replace('/(' . implode('|', $words) . ')/i',
'<b style="border: 1px solid red;">\1</b>',
) . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";

// Find all positions that correspond to the best score
$positions = array();
foreach ($scores as $pos => $score)
if ($score == $bestScore) $positions[] = $pos;

if ( count( $positions ) > 1)
// Scores are tied => do something clever to choose one
// @todo: Actually do something clever here
$pos = $positions[0];
$pos = $positions[0];

// Extract the excerpt from the position, (pre|ap)pend the (pre|suf)fix
$excerpt = htmlspecialchars( substr($text, $pos, $length) );

if ( $pos > 0 ) $excerpt = $prefix . $excerpt;

if ( $pos + $length < strlen($text) ) $excerpt .= $suffix;

return $excerpt;

} # end Summarizer::excerpt

} # end Summarizer

class MultiSort {

function sortArray($array,$parameter,$_function)
return $this->_uasort($array,$_function,$parameter);

function cmp ($a, $b, $p)
return (strcmp ($a[$p],$b[$p]));

function rcmp ($a, $b, $p)
return -1 * ( strcmp ( $a[$p], $b[$p] ) );

function _uasort( $array, $func, $param )
for( $i=0; $i<sizeof($array); $i++ )
$tmp = $i;
for ( $j=1; $j<sizeof($array); $j++ )
$result = $this->$func($array[$tmp],$array[$j],$param);
if ($result == -1)
$array = $this->arraySwap( $array, $tmp, $j );
$tmp = $j;
return $array;

function arrayswap($arr, $src, $dst)
$tmp = $arr[$dst];
$arr[$dst] = $arr[$src];
$arr[$src] = $tmp;
return $arr;
} # end MultiSort

/* End of file Summarizer.php */
/* Location: ./system/expressionengine/third_party/easy_search_summary/Summarizer.php */

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