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Ilya S. Eliseev edited this page Apr 23, 2014 · 4 revisions

eiseXLSX PHP class

This class was designed for server-side manipulations with preliminary uploaded spreadsheets in Microsoft® Excel™ 2007-2011-2013 file format – OpenXML SpereadsheetML.

As of Nov 2013 this library allows to perform the following operations:

  • to read a file contents
  • to write a data: -- change existing cell data -- clone rows and fill-in new rows with data -- clone sheets within workbook -- colorization of cells.

This library offers an easiest way to make Excel™-based EDI with web-based information system, for data input and output:

  • Users are no longer need to convert Excel™ spreadsheets to CSV and other formats, they can simply upload data to the website using their worksheets.
  • You can use files received from users as your website’s output document templates with 100% match of cell formats, sheet layout, design, etc. With eiseXLSX you can stop wasting your time working on output documents layout – you can just ask your customer staff to prepare documents they’d like to see in XLSX format. Then you can put these files to the server and fill them with necessary data using PHP. Unlike other PHP libraries for XLSX files manipulation eiseXLSX is simple, compact and laconic. You don’t need to learn XLSX file format to operate with it. Just use only cell addresses in any formats (A1 and R1C1 are supported) and data from your website database. As simple as that.
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