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Simple state management library for JS apps.

Getting started


npm i --save dizzy-store
import { Store } from 'dizzy-store';

You can also simply include dizzy-store in html file:

<script src="dizzy-store.min.js"></script>
var store = new DizzyStore.Store();

Basic usage

import { Store } from 'dizzy-store';

// create store object
const store = new Store();

// register store module
store.registerModule('test', {
    state: {
        test: 1928
    getters: {
        testValue({ getState }) {
            return getState().test
    dispatchers: {
        increaseTestValue({ getState, setState }, value) {
            const increasedValue = getState().test + value;

                test: increasedValue

// dispatch an action
store.dispatch('test.increaseTestValue', 72);

// get new value
var testValue = store.get('test.testValue');

console.log(testValue); // output: 2000

Core concepts

In dizzy-store there is no single state management object. Instead every group of state/dispatchers is divided into modules.

You cannot create a module directly. Instead register module via store's registerModule method:

// basic module schema
store.registerModule('moduleName', {
    state: {/*...*/},
    getters: {/*...*/},
    dispatchers: {/*...*/}

State and getters

Getters allows to read computed value of the state with getState method:

    state: {
        a: 1,
        b: 2
    getters: {
        getterName({ getState }) {
            return getState().a // returns 1
            return getState(); // returns { a: 1, b: 2 }

Getters can also be functions:

const store = new Store();

store.registerModule('test', {
    state: {
        test: 1928
    getters: {
        filteredValue({ getState }, { factor }) {
            return getState().test * factor
const newValue = store.get('test.filteredValue', { factor: 0.5 });

console.log(newValue); // output: 964

You access the getter by calling store's get method:

store.get('moduleName.getterFunctionName', { optionalParams });


Each module's state is immutable yet you can change the state by module's dispatcher. Effects of setState method called in dispatcher body merge with the current state.

    state: {
        a: 1
    dispatchers: {
        dispatcherName({ getState, setState }, paramValueOrParamsObject) {
            const stateValue = getState().a;

                a: stateValue + 1


const module = new StoreModule('exampleModule', {
    state: {
        test: 1928,
        keepedValue: 12
    getters: {
        keepedValue({ getState }) {
            return getState().keepedValue;
        testValue({ getState }) {
            return getState().test
    dispatchers: {
        increaseTestValue({ getState, setState }, value) {
            const increasedValue = getState().test + value;

                test: increasedValue
store.dispatch('exampleModule.increaseTestValue', 72);
console.log(store.get('exampleModule.keepedValue')); // output: 12

You access the dispatcher by calling store's dispatch method:

store.dispatch('moduleName.dispatcherFunctionName', { params });

Subscribing to the store module


Listeners can be subscribed to getters. Each listener should implement two methods:

storeData -- is fired on subscription,
storeDataChange -- is fired each time any dispatcher associated with getter's module is called.


const subscriber = new (class {
    initialMappedData = null;

    storeData({ get, dispatch }, { mappedData }) {
        // get and dispatch work like store.get and store.dispatch methods respectively
        console.log('storeData fired');
        this.initialMappedData = mappedData;
    storeDataChange({ get, dispatch }, { mappedData }) {
        // get and dispatch work like store.get and store.dispatch methods respectively
        console.log('storeDataChange fired');
        this.initialMappedData = mappedData;
const store = new Store();
store.registerModule('test', {
    state: {
        test: 1928
    getters: {
        testValue({ getState }) {
            return getState().test;
    dispatchers: {
        increaseValue({ getState, setState }, value) {
            const increaseValue = getState().test + value;

            setState({ test: increaseValue });
// When subscribed to single getter the data argument contains the getter value. So the someValue() getter value will be placed in data.someValue
store.subscribe('test.testValue').to(subscriber, data => {
    return {
        mappedData: data
}); // output: storeData fired

store.dispatch('test.increaseValue', 72); // output: storeDataChange fired

console.log(subscriber.initialMappedData); // output: 2000

Subscribing to more than one getter


const subscriber = new (class {
    mappedValue = 0;

    storeData({ get, dispatch }, { mappedValue, factor }) {
        this.mappedValue = mappedValue;
    storeDataChange({ get, dispatch }, { mappedValue, factor }) {
        this.mappedValue = mappedValue * factor;
const store = new Store();
store.registerModule('test', {
    state: {
        test: 1928
    getters: {
        testValue({ getState }) {
            return getState().test;
        factor({ getState }) {
            return getState().test / 1000;
    dispatchers: {
        increaseValue({ getState, setState }, value) {
            const increaseValue = getState().test + value;

            setState({ test: increaseValue });
// Note, that when subscribed to more than one getter the data argument contains the getters values mapped by module's name. So the someValue() getter value will be placed in data.moduleName.someValue
store.subscribe(['test.testValue', 'test.factor']).to(subscriber, data => {
    return {
        mappedValue: data.test.testValue,
        factor: data.test.factor

store.dispatch('test.increaseValue', 72);

console.log(subscriber.mappedValue); // output: 4000

Learn more

Learn more by diving into specs:


  • Global dispatchers
  • Event sourcing