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Fitting & Outlier Screening

Fitting is achieved by calling .fit() on an instantiated monitoring class.

In general the default arguments for each monitoring class correspond to the fitting which was used in the corresponding publication. However since the classes are not bound to the fit that was used in the publication it is entirely possible to use any combination of fitting arguments with any monitoring class.

Fitting works by passing an xarray.DataArray and specifying a fitting method. Optionally a method to screen outliers in the time-series can also be passed to the fit call.

Screen outliers

Outlier screening happens before the fitting and is designed to remove unwanted outliers in the time-series. When using optical satellite data those outliers are mostly unwanted clouds, cloud shadows and snow.

Shewhart, screen_outliers='Shewhart', L=5)

This outlier screening is using Shewhart control charts to remove outliers. The optional parameter L defines how sensitive the outlier screening is.

With this method, first an OLS fit is carried out using the arguments passed during instantiation. Then the standard deviation σ of residuals is computed and all observations with residuals larger than L ⋅ σ are screened out.


While Shewhart outlier screening could work for any type of time series, the default outlier screening used by CCDC is tailored for optical satellite time series to mask out clouds and cloud shadows., screen_outliers='CCDC-RIRLS', 
              green=xr_green, swir=xr_swir, scaling_factor=10000)

This screening uses hard-coded thresholds of the short-wave infrared (SWIR) and green bands to detect clouds and cloud shadows. For this, reflectance values of the green and SWIR bands need to be passed as xarray.DataArrays. Originally the bands 2 (0.52-0.60 µm) and 5 (1.55-1.75 µm) of the Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper were used.

If other sensors like Sentinel 2 are used, which supply data with a scaling factor, the optional parameter scaling_factor needs to be set appropriately to bring the values to a 0-1 range.

To screen out clouds, CCDC-RIRLS uses a Robust Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares fit to reduce the influence of outliers on the fit. See the chapter about RIRLS for more details.

Do note that the RIRLS fit is quite computationally intensive.


In general when trying to fit a temporal signature it is advisable to fit it on a stable part of the time-series which doesn't include structural changes. For this there are two fitting methods (ROC and CCDC-stable) available that aim to achieve a fit on a stable part of the time-series. The other two fitting methods (OLS, RIRLS) always fit a model on the entire history period, so if a lot of disturbances happened during the history period, the fitting results with these two methods might deliver worse results. Especially OLS however is much less computationally expensive than ROC and CCDC-stable.

OLS, method='OLS')

This carries out an ordinary least squares fit. All other available fitting methods in this package are at some point based on this fit.

RIRLS, method='RIRLS', maxiter=50)

The Robust Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares fit isn't the default for any nrt monitoring class, it's main purpose is in the outlier screening method CCDC-RIRLS.

By iteratively reweighting each observation in the time-series, a fit is reached which is less influenced by outliers in the time-series.

This process can take a lot of iterations and thus can become very computationally expensive. The maximum number of iterations can be controlled by setting maxiter. There are also many more possible parameters to modify. For a complete list see the api documentation for RIRLS.

ROC, method='ROC', alpha=0.05)

Reverse Ordered Cumulative Sums (ROC) works by applying the same type of monitoring logic as in CuSum to the fitting. In particular this means, that the fitting period is gradually increased backwards in time starting from the end of the entire history period (so in reverse order). The period is increased as long as the cumulative sum of residuals is within a certain threshold which depends on alpha.

As soon as the threshold is crossed, it is likely that there was a structural break in the history period and thus the rest of the time series before the threshold was crossed will not be used for fitting the model.

alpha is the significance of the detected structural break. So the lower alpha the lower the sensitivity for breaks in the time-series.

CCDC-stable, method='CCDC-stable', threshold=3)

With CCDC-stable, models are first fit using an OLS regression. Those models are then checked for stability.

Stability is given if:

  1. slope / RMSE < threshold
  2. first observation / RMSE < threshold
  3. last observation / RMSE < threshold

Since the slope of the model is one of the test conditions, it is required for trend to be True during instantiation of the monitoring class.

If a model is not stable, the two oldest acquisitions are removed, a model is fit using this shorter time-series and again checked for stability. This process continues until the model is stable or until not enough observations are left, at which point the time-series will get marked as unstable and not be fit.


This process is slightly different to the one described in Zhu & Woodcock 2014, since with the nrt package no new observations can be added during fitting.