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type=page status=published title=Managing Administered Objects next=bridge-services.html prev=broker-clusters.html ~~ Managing Administered Objects

11 Managing Administered Objects

Administered objects encapsulate provider-specific configuration and
naming information, enabling the development of client applications that
are portable from one JMS provider to another. A Message Queue
administrator typically creates administered objects for client
applications to use in obtaining broker connections for sending and
receiving messages.

This chapter tells how to use the Object Manager utility (`imqobjmgr`)
to create and manage administered objects. It contains the following

* link:#aeogv[Object Stores]
* link:#aeogy[Administered Object Attributes]
* link:#aeohm[Using the Object Manager Utility]


Object Stores

Administered objects are placed in a readily available object store
where they can be accessed by client applications by means of the Java
Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). There are two types of object
store you can use: a standard Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
(LDAP) directory server or a directory in the local file system.


LDAP Server Object Stores

An LDAP server is the recommended object store for production messaging
systems. LDAP servers are designed for use in distributed systems and
provide security features that are useful in production environments.

LDAP implementations are available from a number of vendors. To manage
an object store on an LDAP server with Message Queue administration
tools, you may first need to configure the server to store Java objects
and perform JNDI lookups; see the documentation provided with your LDAP
implementation for details.

To use an LDAP server as your object store, you must specify the
attributes shown in link:#gbnjp[Table 11-1]. These attributes fall into
the following categories:

* Initial context. The `java.naming.factory.initial` attribute specifies
the initial context for JNDI lookups on the server. The value of this
attribute is fixed for a given LDAP object store.
* Location. The `java.naming.provider.url` attribute specifies the URL
and directory path for the LDAP server. You must verify that the
specified directory path exists.
* Security. The ``,
``, and
`` attributes govern the
authentication of callers attempting to access the object store. The
exact format and values of these attributes depend on the LDAP service
provider; see the documentation provided with your LDAP implementation
for details and to determine whether security information is required on
all operations or only on those that change the stored data.


Table 11-1 LDAP Object Store Attributes

|Attribute |Description
|`java.naming.factory.initial` a|
Initial context for JNDI lookup


* `com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory`

|`java.naming.provider.url` a|
Server URL and directory path


* `ldap://,o=App`

where administered objects are stored in the directory `/App/mq1`.

|`` a|
Identity of the principal for authenticating callers

The format of this attribute depends on the authentication scheme: for

* `uid=homerSimpson,ou=People,o=mq`

If this attribute is unspecified, the behavior is determined by the LDAP
service provider.

|`` a|
Credentials of the authentication principal

The value of this attribute depends on the authentication scheme: for
example, it might be a hashed password, a clear-text password, a key, or
a certificate.

If this property is unspecified, the behavior is determined by the LDAP
service provider.

|`` a|
Security level for authentication:

* `none`: No security
* `simple`: Simple security
* `strong`: Strong security

For example, if you specify `simple`, you will be prompted for any
missing principal or credential values. This will allow you a more
secure way of providing identifying information.

If this property is unspecified, the behavior is determined by the LDAP
service provider.



File-System Object Stores

Message Queue also supports the use of a directory in the local file
system as an object store for administered objects. While this approach
is not recommended for production systems, it has the advantage of being
very easy to use in development environments. Note, however, that for a
directory to be used as a centralized object store for clients deployed
across multiple computer nodes, all of those clients must have access to
the directory. In addition, any user with access to the directory can
use Message Queue administration tools to create and manage administered

To use a file-system directory as your object store, you must specify
the attributes shown in link:#gbnkn[Table 11-2]. These attributes have
the same general meanings described above for LDAP object stores; in
particular, the `java.naming.provider.url` attribute specifies the
directory path of the directory holding the object store. This directory
must exist and have the proper access permissions for the user of
Message Queue administration tools as well as the users of the client
applications that will access the store.


Table 11-2 File-system Object Store Attributes

|Attribute |Description
|`java.naming.factory.initial` a|
Initial context for JNDI lookup


* `com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory`

|`java.naming.provider.url` a|
Directory path


* `file:///C:/myapp/mqobjs`



Administered Object Attributes

Message Queue administered objects are of two basic kinds:

* Connection factories are used by client applications to create
connections to brokers.
* Destinations represent locations on a broker with which client
applications can exchange (send and retrieve) messages.

Each type of administered object has certain attributes that determine
the object's properties and behavior. This section describes how to use
the Object Manager command line utility (`imqobjmgr`) to set these
attributes; you can also set them with the GUI Administration Console,
as described in link:quick-start.html#aeobo[Working With Administered


Connection Factory Attributes

Client applications use connection factory administered objects to
create connections with which to exchange messages with a broker. A
connection factory's attributes define the properties of all connections
it creates. Once a connection has been created, its properties cannot be
changed; thus the only way to configure a connection's properties is by
setting the attributes of the connection factory used to create it.

Message Queue defines two classes of connection factory objects:

* `ConnectionFactory` objects support normal messaging and
nondistributed transactions.
* `XAConnectionFactory` objects support distributed transactions.

Both classes share the same configuration attributes, which you can use
to optimize resources, performance, and message throughput. These
attributes are listed and described in detail in
link:administered-object-attributes.html#aeood[Administered Object
Attribute Reference] and are discussed in the following sections below:

* link:#aeoha[Connection Handling]
* link:#aeohe[Client Identification]
* link:#aeohh[Reliability And Flow Control]
* link:#gctlb[Queue Browser and Server Sessions]
* link:#aeohj[Standard Message Properties]
* link:#aeohk[Message Header Overrides]


Connection Handling

Connection handling attributes specify the broker address to which to
connect and, if required, how to detect connection failure and attempt
reconnection. They are summarized in
link:administered-object-attributes.html#gbnnx[Table 19-1].


Broker Address List

The most important connection handling attribute is `imqAddressList`,
which specifies the broker or brokers to which to establish a
connection. The value of this attribute is a string containing a broker
address or (in the case of a broker cluster) multiple addresses
separated by commas. Broker addresses can use a variety of addressing
schemes, depending on the connection service to be used (see
link:connection-services.html#aeocn[Configuring Connection Services]) and
the method of establishing a connection:

* `mq` uses the broker's Port Mapper to assign a port dynamically for
either the `jms` or `ssljms` connection service.
* `mqtcp` bypasses the Port Mapper and connects directly to a specified
port, using the `jms` connection service.
* `mqssl` makes a Secure Socket Layer (SSL ) connection to a specified
port, using the `ssljms` connection service.
* `http` makes a Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) connection to a
Message Queue tunnel servlet at a specified URL, using the `httpjms`
connection service.
* `https` makes a Secure Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTPS) connection
to a Message Queue tunnel servlet at a specified URL, using the
`httpsjms` connection service.

These addressing schemes are summarized in
link:administered-object-attributes.html#gbnnt[Table 19-2].

The general format for each broker address is

scheme:// address

where scheme is one of the addressing schemes listed above and address
denotes the broker address itself. The exact syntax for specifying the
address varies depending on the addressing scheme, as shown in the
"Description" column of
link:administered-object-attributes.html#gbnnt[Table 19-2].
link:administered-object-attributes.html#gbnna[Table 19-3] shows examples
of the various address formats.

In a multiple-broker cluster environment, the address list can contain
more than one broker address. If the first connection attempt fails, the
Message Queue client runtime will attempt to connect to another address
in the list, and so on until the list is exhausted. Two additional
connection factory attributes control the way this is done:

* `imqAddressListBehavior` specifies the order in which to try the
specified addresses. If this attribute is set to the string `PRIORITY`,
addresses will be tried in the order in which they appear in the address
list. If the attribute value is `RANDOM`, the addresses will instead be
tried in random order; this is useful, for instance, when many Message
Queue clients are sharing the same connection factory object, to prevent
them from all attempting to connect to the same broker address.
* `imqAddressListIterations` specifies how many times to cycle through
the list before giving up and reporting failure. A value of `-1` denotes
an unlimited number of iterations: the client runtime will keep trying
until it succeeds in establishing a connection or until the end of time,
whichever occurs first. +


Because enhanced clusters are self-configuring (see
link:broker-clusters.html#gejkw[Cluster Configuration Properties] and
link:broker-clusters.html#gebmt[Connecting Brokers into an Enhanced
Cluster]), their membership can change over time as brokers enter and
leave the cluster. In this type of cluster, the value of each member
broker's `imqAddressList` attribute is updated dynamically so that it
always reflects the cluster's current membership.



Automatic Reconnection

By setting certain connection factory attributes, you can configure a
client to reconnect automatically to a broker in the event of a failed
connection. For standalone brokers or those belonging to a conventional
broker cluster (see "link:../mq-tech-over/broker-clusters.html#GMTOV00067[Conventional Clusters]" in Open
Message Queue Technical Overview), you enable this behavior by setting
the connection factory's `imqReconnectEnabled` attribute to `true`. The
`imqReconnectAttempts` attribute controls the number of reconnection
attempts to a given broker address; `imqReconnectInterval` specifies the
interval, in milliseconds, to wait between attempts.

If the broker is part of a conventional cluster, the failed connection
can be restored not only on the original broker, but also on a different
one in the cluster. If reconnection to the original broker fails, the
client runtime will try the other addresses in the connection factory's
broker address list (`imqAddressList`). The `imqAddressListBehavior` and
`imqAddressListIterations` attributes control the order in which
addresses are tried and the number of iterations through the list, as
described in the preceding section. Each address is tried repeatedly at
intervals of `imqReconnectInterval` milliseconds, up to the maximum
number of attempts specified by `imqReconnectAttempts`.

Note, however, that in a conventional cluster, such automatic
reconnection only provides connection failover and not data failover:
persistent messages and other state information held by a failed or
disconnected broker can be lost when the client is reconnected to a
different broker instance. While attempting to reestablish a connection,
Message Queue does maintain objects (such as sessions, message
consumers, and message producers) provided by the client runtime.
Temporary destinations are also maintained for a time when a connection
fails, because clients might reconnect and access them again; after
giving clients time to reconnect and use these destinations, the broker
will delete them. In circumstances where the client-side state cannot be
fully restored on the broker on reconnection (for instance, when using
transacted sessions, which exist only for the duration of a connection),
automatic reconnection will not take place and the connection's
exception handler will be called instead. It is then up to the client
application to catch the exception, reconnect, and restore state.

By contrast, in an enhanced cluster (see "link:../mq-tech-over/broker-clusters.html#GMTOV00068[Enhanced
Clusters]" in Open Message Queue Technical Overview), another broker can
take over a failed broker's persistent state and proceed to deliver its
pending messages without interruption of service. In this type of
cluster, automatic reconnection is always enabled. The connection
factory's `imqReconnectEnabled`, `imqAddressList`, and
`imqAddressListIterations` attributes are ignored. The client runtime is
automatically redirected to the failover broker. Because there might be
a short time lag during which the failover broker takes over from the
failed broker, the `imqReconnectAttempts` connection factory attribute
should be set to a value of `-1` (client runtime continues connect
attempts until successful).

Automatic reconnection supports all client acknowledgment modes for
message consumption. Once a connection has been reestablished, the
broker will redeliver all unacknowledged messages it had previously
delivered, marking them with a `Redeliver` flag. Client applications can
use this flag to determine whether a message has already been consumed
but not yet acknowledged. (In the case of nondurable subscribers,
however, the broker does not hold messages once their connections have
been closed. Thus any messages produced for such subscribers while the
connection is down cannot be delivered after reconnection and will be
lost.) Message production is blocked while automatic reconnection is in
progress; message producers cannot send messages to the broker until
after the connection has been reestablished.


Periodic Testing (Pinging) of Connections

The Message Queue client runtime can be configured to periodically test,
or "ping," a connection, allowing connection failures to be detected
preemptively before an attempted message transmission fails. Such
testing is particularly important for client applications that only
consume messages and do not produce them, since such applications cannot
otherwise detect when a connection has failed. Clients that produce
messages only infrequently can also benefit from this feature.

The connection factory attribute `imqPingInterval` specifies the
frequency, in seconds, with which to ping a connection. By default, this
interval is set to 30 seconds; a value of `-1` disables the ping

The response to an unsuccessful ping varies from one operating-system
platform to another. On some platforms, an exception is immediately
thrown to the client application's exception listener. (If the client
does not have an exception listener, its next attempt to use the
connection will fail.) Other platforms may continue trying to establish
a connection to the broker, buffering successive pings until one
succeeds or the buffer overflows.


Client Identification

The connection factory attributes listed in
link:administered-object-attributes.html#gbnnu[Table 19-4] support client
authentication and the setting of client identifiers for durable


Client Authentication

All attempts to connect to a broker must be authenticated by user name
and password against a user repository maintained by the message
service. The connection factory attributes `imqDefaultUsername` and
`imqDefaultPassword` specify a default user name and password to be used
if the client does not supply them explicitly when creating a

As a convenience for developers who do not wish to bother populating a
user repository during application development and testing, Message
Queue provides a guest user account with user name and password both
equal to `guest`. This is also the default value for the
`imqDefaultUsername` and `imqDefaultPassword` attributes, so that if
they are not specified explicitly, clients can always obtain a
connection under the guest account. In a production environment, access
to broker connections should be restricted to users who are explicitly
registered in the user repository.


Client Identifier

A connection canprovide a unique client identifier whenever the broker
must maintain a persistent state on behalf of a client. Message Queue
uses such client identifiers to keep track of durable subscribers to a
topic destination. When a durable subscriber becomes inactive, the
broker retains all incoming messages for the topic and delivers them
when the subscriber becomes active again. The broker identifies the
subscriber by means of its client identifier.

While it is possible for a client application to set its own client
identifier programmatically using the connection object's `setClientID`
method, this makes it difficult to coordinate client identifiers to
ensure that each is unique. It is generally better to have Message Queue
automatically assign a unique identifier when creating a connection on
behalf of a client. This can be done by setting the connection factory's
`imqConfiguredClientID` attribute to a value of the form


The characters `${u}` must be the first four characters of the attribute
value. (Any character other than `u` between the braces will cause an
exception to be thrown on connection creation; in any other position,
these characters have no special meaning and will be treated as plain
text.) The value for factoryID is a character string uniquely associated
with this connection factory object.

When creating a connection for a particular client, Message Queue will
construct a client identifier by replacing the characters `${u}` with
`${u:`userName`}`, where userName is the user name authenticated for the
connection. This ensures that connections created by a given connection
factory, although identical in all other respects, will each have their
own unique client identifier. For example, if the user name is `Calvin`
and the string specified for the connection factory's
`imqConfiguredClientID` attribute is `${u}Hobbes`, the client identifier
assigned will be `${u:Calvin}Hobbes`.


This scheme will not work if two clients both attempt to obtain
connections using the default user name `guest`, since each would have a
client identifier with the same `${u}` component. In this case, only the
first client to request a connection will get one; the second client's
connection attempt will fail, because Message Queue cannot create two
connections with the same client identifier.


Even if you specify a client identifier with `imqConfiguredClientID`,
client applications can override this setting with the connection method
`setClientID`. You can prevent this by setting the connection factory's
`imqDisableSetClientID` attribute to `true`. Note that for an
application that uses durable subscribers, the client identifier must be
set one way or the other: either administratively with
`imqConfiguredClientID` or programmatically with `setClientID`.


Reliability And Flow Control

Because "payload" messages sent and received by clients and control
messages (such as broker acknowledgments) used by Message Queue itself
pass over the same client-broker connection, excessive levels of payload
traffic can interfere with the delivery of control messages. To help
alleviate this problem, the connection factory attributes listed in
link:administered-object-attributes.html#gbnob[Table 19-5] allow you to
manage the relative flow of the two types of message. These attributes
fall into four categories:

* Acknowledgment timeout specifies the maximum time (`imqAckTimeout`) to
wait for a broker acknowledgment before throwing an exception.
* Connection flow metering limits the transmission of payload messages
to batches of a specified size (`imqConnectionFlowCount`), ensuring
periodic opportunities to deliver any accumulated control messages.
* Connection flow control limits the number of payload messages
(`imqConnectionFlowLimit`) that can be held pending on a connection,
waiting to be consumed. When the limit is reached, delivery of payload
messages to the connection is suspended until the number of messages
awaiting consumption falls below the limit. Use of this feature is
controlled by a boolean flag (`imqConnectionFlowLimitEnabled`).
* Consumer flow control limits the number of payload messages
(`imqConsumerFlowLimit`) that can be held pending for any single
consumer, waiting to be consumed. (This limit can also be specified as a
property of a specific queue destination, `consumerFlowLimit`.) When the
limit is reached, delivery of payload messages to the consumer is
suspended until the number of messages awaiting consumption, as a
percentage of `imqConsumerFlowLimit`, falls below the limit specified by
the `imqConsumerFlowThreshold` attribute. This helps improve load
balancing among multiple consumers by preventing any one consumer from
starving others on the same connection. +
When the JMS resource adapter, jmsra, is used to consume messages in a
GlassFish Server cluster, this behavior is defined using different
properties, as described in link:jmsra-properties.html#gjzpg[About Shared
Topic Subscriptions for Clustered Containers].

The use of any of these flow control techniques entails a trade-off
between reliability and throughput; see link:tuning.html#aeoky[Client
Runtime Message Flow Adjustments] for further discussion.


Queue Browser and Server Sessions

link:administered-object-attributes.html#gbnoh[Table 19-6] lists
connection factory attributes affecting client queue browsing and server
sessions. The `imqQueueBrowserMaxMessagesPerRetrieve` attribute
specifies the maximum number of messages to retrieve at one time when
browsing the contents of a queue destination;
`imqQueueBrowserRetrieveTimeout` gives the maximum waiting time for
retrieving them. (Note that `imqQueueBrowserMaxMessagesPerRetrieve` does
not affect the total number of messages browsed, only the way they are
batched for delivery to the client runtime: fewer but larger batches or
more but smaller ones. Changing the attribute's value may affect
performance, but will not affect the total amount of data retrieved; the
client application will always receive all messages in the queue.) The
boolean attribute `imqLoadMaxToServerSession` governs the behavior of
connection consumers in an application server session: if the value of
this attribute is `true`, the client will load up to the maximum number
of messages into a server session; if `false`, it will load only a
single message at a time.


Standard Message Properties

The Java Message Service Specification defines certain standard message
properties, which JMS providers (such as Message Queue) may optionally
choose to support. By convention, the names of all such standard
properties begin with the letters `JMSX`. The connection factory
attributes listed in link:administered-object-attributes.html#gbnng[Table
19-7] control whether the Message Queue client runtime sets certain of
these standard properties. For produced messages, these include the

  Identity of the user sending the message
  Identity of the application sending the message
  Transaction identifier of the transaction within which the message was

For consumed messages, they include

  Transaction identifier of the transaction within which the message was
  Time the message was delivered to the consumer


Message Header Overrides

You can use the connection factory attributes listed in
link:administered-object-attributes.html#gbnnd[Table 19-8] to override
the values set by a client for certain JMS message header fields. The
settings you specify will be used for all messages produced by
connections obtained from that connection factory. Header fields that
you can override in this way are

  Delivery mode (persistent or nonpersistent)
  Expiration time
  Priority level

There are two attributes for each of these fields: one boolean, to
control whether the field can be overridden, and another to specify its
value. For instance, the attributes for setting the priority level are
`imqOverrideJMSPriority` and `imqJMSPriority`. There is also an
additional attribute, `imqOverrideJMSHeadersToTemporaryDestinations`,
that controls whether override values apply to temporary destinations.


Because overriding message headers may interfere with the needs of
specific applications, these attributes should only be used in
consultation with an application's designers or users.



Destination Attributes

The destination administered object that identifies a physical queue or
topic destination has only two attributes, listed in
link:administered-object-attributes.html#gbnog[Table 19-9]. The important
one is `imqDestinationName`, which gives the name of the physical
destination that this administered object represents; this is the name
that was specified with the `-n` option to the `imqcmd` `create` `dst`
command that created the physical destination. (Note that there is not
necessarily a one-to-one relationship between destination administered
objects and the physical destinations they represent: a single physical
destination can be referenced by more than one administered object, or
by none at all.) There is also an optional descriptive string,
`imqDestinationDescription`, which you can use to help identify the
destination object and distinguish it from others you may have created.


Using the Object Manager Utility

The Message Queue Object Manager utility (`imqobjmgr`) allows you to
create and manage administered objects. The `imqobjmgr` command provides
the following subcommands for performing various operations on
administered objects:

  Add an administered object to an object store
  Delete an administered object from an object store
  List existing administered objects in an object store
  Display information about an administered object
  Modify the attributes of an administered object

See link:command-line-reference.html#aeonn[Object Manager Utility] for
reference information about the syntax, subcommands, and options of the
`imqobjmgr` command.

Most Object Manager operations require you to specify the following
information as options to the `imqobjmgr` command:

* The JNDI lookup name (`-l`) of the administered object +
This is the logical name by which client applications can look up the
administered object in the object store, using the Java Naming and
Directory Interface.
* The attributes of the JNDI object store (`-j`) +
See link:#aeogv[Object Stores] for information on the possible
attributes and their values.
* The type (`-t`) of the administered object +
Possible types include the following:::
  Queue destination
  Topic destination
  Connection factory
  Queue connection factory
  Topic connection factory
  Connection factory for distributed transactions
  Queue connection factory for distributed transactions
  Topic connection factory for distributed transactions
* The attributes (`-o`) of the administered object +
See link:#aeogy[Administered Object Attributes] for information on the
possible attributes and their values.


Connecting to a Secured LDAP Server (ldaps)

When using `imqobjmgr` utility to connect to a secured LDAP server that
uses the ldaps protocol, you might first have to install the LDAP
server's certificate in the JDK keystore. To perform this task, use the
Java SE `keytool` utility; for example:

keytool -import -keystore IMQ_JAVAHOME/lib/security/jssecacerts -alias "ldaps cert" -file certFile

where certFile is the certificate file from the LDAP server.

Then, when you run the `imqobjmgr` utility, make sure to specify the
same Java installation where the certificate was imported; for example:

imqobjmgr -javahome IMQ_JAVAHOME ...


Adding Administered Objects

The `imqobjmgr` command's `add` subcommand adds administered objects for
connection factories and topic or queue destinations to the object
store. Administered objects stored in an LDAP object store must have
lookup names beginning with the prefix `cn=`; lookup names in a
file-system object store need not begin with any particular prefix, but
must not include the slash character (`/`).


The Object Manager lists and displays only Message Queue administered
objects. If an object store contains a non-Message Queue object with the
same lookup name as an administered object that you wish to add, you
will receive an error when you attempt the add operation.



Adding a Connection Factory

To enable client applications to create broker connections, add a
connection factory administered object for the type of connection to be
created: a queue connection factory or a topic connection factory, as
the case may be. link:#gbnjs[Example 11-1] shows a command to add a
queue connection factory (administered object type `qf`) to an LDAP
object store. The object has lookup name `cn=myQCF` and connects to a
broker running on host `myHost` at port number `7272`, using the `jms`
connection service.


Example 11-1 Adding a Connection Factory


imqobjmgr add
   -l "cn=myQCF"
   -j "java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"
   -j "java.naming.provider.url=ldap://"
   -j ",ou=People,o=imq"
   -j ""
   -j ""
   -t qf
   -o "imqAddressList=mq://myHost:7272/jms"


Adding a Destination

When creating an administered object representing a destination, it is
good practice to create the physical destination first, before adding
the administered object to the object store. Use the Command utility
(`imqcmd`) to create the physical destination, as described in
link:message-delivery.html#aeoep[Creating and Destroying Physical

The command shown in link:#gbnkl[Example 11-2] adds an administered
object to an LDAP object store representing a topic destination with
lookup name `myTopic` and physical destination name `physTopic`. The
command for adding a queue destination would be similar, except that the
administered object type (`-t` option) would be `q` (for "queue
destination") instead of `t` (for "topic destination").


Example 11-2 Adding a Destination to an LDAP Object Store


imqobjmgr add
   -l "cn=myTopic"
   -j "java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"
   -j "java.naming.provider.url=ldap://"
   -j ",ou=People,o=imq"
   -j ""
   -j ""
   -t t
   -o "imqDestinationName=physTopic"

link:#gbnkg[Example 11-3] shows the same command, but with the
administered object stored in a Solaris file system instead of an LDAP


Example 11-3 Adding a Destination to a File-System Object Store


imqobjmgr add
   -l "cn=myTopic"
   -j "java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory"
   -j "java.naming.provider.url=file:///home/foo/imq_admin_objects"
   -t t
   -o "imqDestinationName=physTopic"


Deleting Administered Objects

To delete an administered object from the object store, use the
`imqobjmgr` `delete` subcommand, specifying the lookup name, type, and
location of the object to be deleted. The command shown in
link:#gbnkq[Example 11-4] deletes the object that was added in
link:#aeohp[Adding a Destination] above.


Example 11-4 Deleting an Administered Object

imqobjmgr delete
   -l "cn=myTopic"
   -j "java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"
   -j "java.naming.provider.url=ldap://"
   -j ",ou=People,o=imq"
   -j ""
   -j ""
   -t t


Listing Administered Objects

You can use the `imqobjmgr` `list` subcommand to get a list of all
administered objects in an object store or those of a specific type.
link:#gbnjf[Example 11-5] shows how to list all administered objects on
an LDAP server.


Example 11-5 Listing All Administered Objects


imqobjmgr list
   -j "java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"
   -j "java.naming.provider.url=ldap://"
   -j ",ou=People,o=imq"
   -j ""
   -j ""

link:#gbnlk[Example 11-6] lists all queue destinations (type `q`).


Example 11-6 Listing Administered Objects of a Specific Type


imqobjmgr list
   -j "java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"
   -j "java.naming.provider.url=ldap://"
   -j ",ou=People,o=imq"
   -j ""
   -j ""
   -t q


Viewing Administered Object Information

The `imqobjmgr` `query` subcommand displays information about a
specified administered object, identified by its lookup name and the
attributes of the object store containing it. link:#gbnmc[Example 11-7]
displays information about an object whose lookup name is `cn=myTopic`.


Example 11-7 Viewing Administered Object Information


imqobjmgr query
   -l "cn=myTopic"
   -j "java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"
   -j "java.naming.provider.url=ldap://"
   -j ",ou=People,o=imq"
   -j ""
   -j ""


Modifying Administered Object Attributes

To modify the attributes of an administered object, use the `imqobjmgr`
`update` subcommand. You supply the object's lookup name and location,
and use the `-o` option to specify the new attribute values.

link:#gbnlv[Example 11-8] changes the value of the
`imqReconnectAttempts` attribute for the queue connection factory that
was added to the object store in link:#gbnjs[Example 11-1].


Example 11-8 Modifying an Administered Object's Attributes


imqobjmgr update
   -l "cn=myQCF"
   -j "java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"
   -j "java.naming.provider.url=ldap://"
   -j ",ou=People,o=imq"
   -j ""
   -j ""
   -t qf
   -o "imqReconnectAttempts=3"


Using Command Files

The `-i` option to the `imqobjmgr` command allows you to specify the
name of a command file that uses Java property file syntax to represent
all or part of the subcommand clause. This feature is especially useful
for specifying object store attributes, which typically require a lot of
typing and are likely to be the same across multiple invocations of
`imqobjmgr`. Using a command file can also allow you to avoid exceeding
the maximum number of characters allowed for the command line.

link:#gbnmi[Example 11-9] shows the general syntax for an Object Manager
command file. Note that the `version` property is not a command line
option: it refers to the version of the command file itself (not that of
the Message Queue product) and must be set to the value `2.0`.


Example 11-9 Object Manager Command File Syntax


cmdtype=[ add | delete | list | query | update ]
obj.lookupName=lookup name
   . . .
obj.type=[ q | t | cf | qf | tf | xcf | xqf | xtf | e ]
   . . .

As an example, consider the Object Manager command shown earlier in
link:#gbnjs[Example 11-1], which adds a queue connection factory to an
LDAP object store. This command can be encapsulated in a command file as
shown in link:#gbnma[Example 11-10]. If the command file is named
`MyCmdFile`, you can then execute the command with the command line

imqobjmgr  -i MyCmdFile


Example 11-10 Example Command File



A command file can also be used to specify only part of the `imqobjmgr`
subcommand clause, with the remainder supplied directly on the command
line. For example, the command file shown in link:#gbnll[Example 11-11]
specifies only the attribute values for an LDAP object store.


Example 11-11 Partial Command File



You could then use this command file to specify the object store in an
`imqobjmgr` command while supplying the remaining options explicitly, as
shown in link:#gbnmg[Example 11-12].


Example 11-12 Using a Partial Command File


imqobjmgr add
   -l "cn=myQCF"
   -i MyCmdFile
   -t qf
   -o "imqAddressList=mq://myHost:7272/jms"

Additional examples of command files can be found in the
`IMQ_HOME/examples/imqobjmgr` directory.