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type=page status=published title=Broker Properties Reference next=physical-destination-properties.html prev=command-line-reference.html ~~ Broker Properties Reference

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17 Broker Properties Reference

This chapter provides reference information about configuration
properties for a message broker. It consists of the following sections:

* link:#aeont[Connection Properties]
* link:#aeonu[Routing and Delivery Properties]
* link:#aeonv[Persistence Properties]
* link:#aeony[Security Properties]
* link:#aeonz[Monitoring Properties]
* link:#aeooa[Cluster Configuration Properties]
* link:#gjdkt[Bridge Properties]
* link:#geofd[JMX Properties]
* link:#aeoob[Alphabetical List of Broker Properties]


Connection Properties

link:#gbnni[Table 17-1] lists the broker properties related to
connection services.


Table 17-1 Broker Connection Properties

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`imq.brokerid` |String |None a|
Broker identifier

For brokers using a shared JDBC-based data store, this string is
appended to the names of all database tables to identify each table with
a particular broker.

Must be a unique alphanumeric string of no more than n - 18 characters,
where n is the maximum table name length allowed by the database.

This property is unnecessary for an embedded database or a standalone
database which stores data for only one broker instance.

Note: For enhanced broker clusters (`imq.cluster.ha` = `true`), database
table names also use the `imq.cluster.clusterid` property (see
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]).

|`imq.service.activelist`link:#foot-haclustersame[^Foot 1 ^] |String
|`jms,admin` a|
List of connection services to be activated at broker startup, separated
by commas

See link:connection-services.html#gbnjw[Table 6-1] under
link:connection-services.html#aeocn[Configuring Connection Services] for
the names of the available connection services.

|`imq.hostname` |String |All available IP addresses |Default host name
or IP address for all connection services

|`imq.portmapper.hostname` |String |None a|
Host name or IP address of Port Mapper

If specified, overrides `imq.hostname`. This might be necessary, for
instance, if the broker's host computer has more than one network
interface card installed.

|`imq.portmapper.port`link:#foot-usewithupdatebkr1[^Foot 2 ^] |Integer
|`7676` a|
Port number of Port Mapper

Note: If multiple broker instances are running on the same host, each
must be assigned a unique Port Mapper port.

|`imq.`serviceName`.`protocolType`.hostname`link:#foot-nohttpservices[^Foot 3 ^]
|String |None a|
Host name or IP address for connection service

If specified, overrides `imq.hostname` for the designated connection
service. This might be necessary, for instance, if the broker's host
computer has more than one network interface card installed.

|`imq.`serviceName`.`protocolType`.port`link:#sthref126[^Footref 3^]
|Integer |`0` a|
Port number for connection service

A value of `0` specifies that the port number should be allocated
dynamically by the Port Mapper. You might need to set a different value,
for instance, to specify a static port number for connecting to the
broker through a firewall.

|`imq.portmapper.backlog` |Integer |`50` |Maximum number of pending Port
Mapper requests in operating system backlog

| | | |

| | | |

|`imq.`serviceName`.threadpool_model`link:#foot-jmsadminonly[^Foot 4 ^]
|String |`dedicated` a|
Threading model for thread pool management:

* `dedicated`: Two dedicated threads per connection, one for incoming
and one for outgoing messages
* `shared`: Connections processed by shared thread when sending or
receiving messages

The `dedicated` model limits the number of connections that can be
supported, but provides higher performance; the `shared` model increases
the number of possible connections, but at the cost of lower performance
because of the additional overhead needed for thread management.

|`imq.`serviceName`.min_threads` |Integer |`jms`: `10``ssljms`:
`10``httpjms`: `10` `httpsjms`: `10` `admin`: `4``ssladmin`: `4` a|
Minimum number of threads maintained in connection service's thread pool

When the number of available threads exceeds this threshold, threads
will be shut down as they become free until the minimum is reached.

The default value varies by connection service, as shown.

|`imq.`serviceName`.max_threads` |Integer |`jms`: `1000``ssljms`:
`500``httpjms`: `500``httpsjms` : `500``admin`: `10``ssladmin`: `10` a|
Number of threads beyond which no new threads are added to the thread
pool for use by the named connection service

Must be greater than `0` and greater than the value of

The default value varies by connection service, as shown.

|`imq.shared.connectionMonitor_limit`link:#foot-sharedmodelonly[^Foot 5 ^]
|Integer |Solaris: `512`Linux: `512`Windows: `64` a|
Maximum number of connections monitored by a distributor thread

The system allocates enough distributor threads to monitor all
connections. The smaller the value of this property, the faster threads
can be assigned to active connections. A value of `-1` denotes an
unlimited number of connections per thread.

The default value varies by operating-system platform, as shown.

|`` |Integer |`120` a|
Interval, in seconds, at which to test connection between client and

A value of `0` or `-1` disables periodic testing of the connection.


^Footnote 1 ^Must have the same value for all brokers in an enhanced

^Footnote 2 ^Can be used with `imqcmd` `update` `bkr` command

^Footnote 3 ^`jms`, `ssljms`, `admin`, and `ssladmin` services only; see
link:http_https-support.html#aeopb[HTTP/HTTPS Support] for information on
configuring the `httpjms` and `httpsjms` services

^Footnote 4 ^`jms` and `admin` services only

^Footnote 5 ^Shared threading model only


Routing and Delivery Properties

This section includes the following tables:

* link:#gbnod[Table 17-2] lists the broker properties related to routing
and delivery services
* link:#gbnof[Table 17-3] lists the broker properties that configure the
automatic creation of destinations
* link:#gkudw[Table 17-4] lists the broker properties that configure the
administrative creation of destinations


Table 17-2 Broker Routing and Delivery Properties

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`imq.system.max_count`link:#foot-usewithupdatebkr2[^Foot 1 ^] |Integer
|`-1` a|
Maximum number of messages held by broker

A value of `-1` denotes an unlimited message count.

|`imq.system.max_size`link:#sthref128[^Footref 1^] |String |`-1` a|
Maximum total size of messages held by broker

The value may be expressed in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes, using the
following suffixes:

* `b`: Bytes
* `k`: Kilobytes (1024 bytes)
* `m`: Megabytes (1024 × 1024 = 1,048,576 bytes)

| + | + | + |An unsuffixed value is expressed in bytes; a value of `-1`
denotes an unlimited message capacity.

| + | + | + a|

* `1600`: 1600 bytes
* `1600b`: 1600 bytes
* `16k`: 16 kilobytes (= 16,384 bytes)
* `16m`: 16 megabytes (= 16,777,216 bytes)
* `-1`: No limit

|`imq.message.max_size`link:#sthref129[^Footref 1^] |String |`70m` a|
Maximum size of a single message body

The syntax is the same as for `imq.system.max_size` (see above).

|`imq.message.expiration.interval` |Integer |`60` |Interval, in seconds,
at which expired messages are removed.

|`imq.`resourceState`.threshold` |Integer |`green`: `0``yellow`:
`80``orange`: `90``red`: `98` |Percent utilization at which memory
resource state is triggered (where resourceState is `green`, `yellow`,
`orange`, or `red`)

|`imq.`resourceState`.count` |Integer |`green`: `5000``yellow`:
`500``orange`: `50``red`: `0` a|
Maximum number of incoming messages allowed in a batch before checking
whether memory resource state threshold has been reached (where
resourceState is `green`, `yellow`, `orange` , or `red`)

This limit throttles back message producers as system memory becomes
increasingly scarce.

|`imq.destination.DMQ.truncateBody`link:#sthref130[^Footref 1^] |Boolean
|`false` a|
Remove message body before storing in dead message queue?

If `true`, only the message header and property data will be saved.

|`imq.transaction.autorollback` |Boolean |`false` a|
Automatically roll back distributed transactions left in prepared state
at broker startup?

If `false`, transactions must be manually committed or rolled back using
the Command utility (`imqcmd`).

|`imq.transaction.producer.maxNumMsgs` |Integer |`1000` |The maximum
number of messages that a producer can process in a single transaction.
It is recommended that the value be less than 5000 to prevent the
exhausting of resources.

|`imq.transaction.consumer.maxNumMsgs` |Integer |`100` |The maximum
number of messages that a consumer can process in a single transaction.
It is recommended that the value be less than 1000 to prevent the
exhausting of resources.

|`imq.transaction.message.maxConsecutiveRollbacks` |`Integer` |`0` a|
Specifies the number of consecutive number of rollbacks that may occur
before a broker automatically puts a message to DMQ, If there is more
than one message in the transaction, only the last message in the
transaction is placed in DMQ. The transaction is then rolled back and
returns the error status.

If the value of this property is <= 0, this feature is disabled.

|`imq.txn.reapInterval` |`Integer` |`900` |The interval, in seconds, the
reaper thread periodically runs to reap/cleanup committed transactions.

|`imq.txt.reapLimit` |`Integer` a|
`500` or

`0` for an embedded broker

 |The maximum number of last committed transactions to retain when
reaping/cleaning up committed transactions.

^Footnote 1 ^Can be used with `imqcmd` `update` `bkr` command

This table lists properties that configure the automatic creation of


Table 17-3 Broker Properties for Auto-Created Destinations

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`imq.autocreate.queue`link:#foot-usewithupdatebkr3[^Foot 1 ^]^,^link:#foot-queueonly1[^Foot 2 ^]
|Boolean |`true` |Allow auto-creation of queue destinations?

|`imq.autocreate.topic`link:#foot-topiconly[^Foot 3 ^] |Boolean |`true`
|Allow auto-creation of topic destinations?

|`imq.autocreate.reaptime` |Integer |120 seconds |The delay, in seconds.
before which auto-created destinations are removed from the system when
they no longer have consumers nor contain messages, . A smaller value
means that memory reclamation takes place more often.

|`imq.autocreate.destination.maxNumMsgs` |Integer |`100000` a|
Maximum number of unconsumed messages

A value of `-1` denotes an unlimited number of messages.

Note: When flow control is in effect
(`imq.autocreate.destination.limitBehavior` = `FLOW_CONTROL`), it is
possible for the specified message limit to be exceeded because the
broker cannot react quickly enough to stop the flow of incoming
messages. In such cases, the value specified for
`imq.autocreate.destination.maxNumMsgs` serves as merely a hint for the
broker rather than a strictly enforced limit. However, if the number of
unconsumed messages would exceed `imq.system.max_count`, the broker
generates a `ResourceAllocationException` indicating that the
destination is full and rejecting new messages.

|`imq.autocreate.destination.maxBytesPerMsg` |String |`10k` a|
Maximum size, in bytes, of any single message

The value may be expressed in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes, using the
following suffixes:

* `b`: Bytes
* `k`: Kilobytes (1024 bytes)
* `m`: Megabytes (1024 × 1024 = 1,048,576 bytes)

| + | + | + |An unsuffixed value is expressed in bytes; a value of `-1`
denotes an unlimited message size.

| + | + | + a|

* `1600`: 1600 bytes
* `1600b`: 1600 bytes
* `16k`: 16 kilobytes (= 16,384 bytes)
* `16m`: 16 megabytes (= 16,777,216 bytes)
* `-1`: No limit

|`imq.autocreate.destination.maxTotalMsgBytes` |String |`10m` a|
Maximum total memory, in bytes, for unconsumed messages

The syntax is the same as for
`imq.autocreate.destination.maxBytesPerMsg` (see above).

|`imq.autocreate.destination.limitBehavior` |String |`REJECT_NEWEST` a|
Broker behavior when memory-limit threshold reached:

* `FLOW_CONTROL`: Slow down producers
* `REMOVE_OLDEST`: Throw out oldest messages
* `REMOVE_LOW_PRIORITY`: Throw out lowest-priority messages according to
age; no notification to producing client
* `REJECT_NEWEST`: Reject newest messages; notify producing client with
an exception only if message is persistent

When `FLOW_CONTROL` is specified, it is still possible for the number of
messages to exceed `imq.system.max_count`. In this situation, the broker
generates a `ResourceAllocationException` indicating that the
destination is full and rejecting new messages.

| + | + | + |If the value is `REMOVE_OLDEST` or `REMOVE_LOW_PRIORITY`
and the `imq.autocreate.destination.useDMQ` property is `true`, excess
messages are moved to the dead message queue.

|`imq.autocreate.destination.maxNumProducers` |Integer |`100` a|
Maximum number of message producers for destination

When this limit is reached, no new producers can be created. A value of
`-1` denotes an unlimited number of producers.

|`imq.autocreate.queue.maxNumActiveConsumers`link:#sthref132[^Footref 2^]
|Integer |`-1` a|
Maximum number of active message consumers in load-balanced delivery
from queue destination

A value of `-1` denotes an unlimited number of consumers.

|`imq.autocreate.queue.maxNumBackupConsumers`link:#sthref133[^Footref 2^]
|Integer |`0` a|
Maximum number of backup message consumers in load-balanced delivery
from queue destination

A value of `-1` denotes an unlimited number of consumers.

|`imq.autocreate.queue.consumerFlowLimit`link:#sthref134[^Footref 2^]
|Integer |`1000` a|
Maximum number of messages delivered to queue consumer in a single batch

In load-balanced queue delivery, this is the initial number of queued
messages routed to active consumers before load balancing begins. A
destination consumer can override this limit by specifying a lower value
on a connection.

A value of `0` or `-1` denotes an unlimited number of messages.

|`imq.autocreate.topic.consumerFlowLimit`link:#sthref135[^Footref 3^]
|Integer |`1000` a|
Maximum number of messages delivered to topic consumer in a single batch

A value of `0` or `-1` denotes an unlimited number of messages.

Not used when the JMS resource adapter, jmsra, is used to consume
messages in a GlassFish Server cluster.

|`imq.autocreate.topic.sharedConsumerFlowLimit`link:#sthref136[^Footref 3^]
|Integer |`5` a|
Maximum number of messages prefeteched to a topic shared subscriber or a
topic consumer in a GlassFish server cluster.

A value of `0` or `-1` denotes an unlimited number of messages.

|`imq.autocreate.destination.isLocalOnly` |Boolean |`false` a|
Local delivery only?

This property applies only to destinations in broker clusters, and
cannot be changed once the destination has been created. If `true`, the
destination is not replicated on other brokers and is limited to
delivering messages only to local consumers (those connected to the
broker on which the destination is created).

|`imq.autocreate.queue.localDeliveryPreferred`link:#sthref137[^Footref 2^]
|Boolean |`false` a|
Local delivery preferred?

This property applies only to load-balanced queue delivery in broker
clusters. If `true`, messages will be delivered to remote consumers only
if there are no consumers on the local broker; the destination must not
be restricted to local-only delivery
(`imq.autocreate.destination.isLocalOnly` must be `false`).

|`imq.autocreate.destination.useDMQ` |Boolean |`true` a|
Send dead messages to dead message queue?

If `false`, dead messages will simply be discarded.

|`validateXMLSchemaEnabled` |Boolean |`false` a|
XML schema validation is enabled?

If set to `false` or not set, then XML schema validation is not enabled
for the destination.

|`XMLSchemaURIList` |String |null a|
Space separated list of XML schema document (XSD) URI strings

The URIs point to the location of one or more XSDs to use for XML schema
validation, if enabled.

Use double quotes around this value if multiple URIs are specified.



If this property is not set or null and XML validation is enabled, XML
validation is performed using a DTD specified in the XML document.

|`reloadXMLSchemaOnFailure` |Boolean |`false` a|
Reload XML schema on failure enabled?

If set to false or not set, then the schema is not reloaded if
validation fails.


^Footnote 1 ^Can be used with `imqcmd` `update` `bkr` command

^Footnote 2 ^Queue destinations only

^Footnote 3 ^Topic destinations only

This table lists properties that apply to all administratively created
destinations. They cannot be configured on individual administratively
created destinations.


Table 17-4 Broker Properties for Admin-Created Destinations

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`imq.admincreate.topic.sharedConsumerFlowLimit` |Integer |`5` a|
Maximum number of messages prefetched to a topic shared subscriber or to
a topic consumer in a GlassFish Server cluster.

A value of `0` or `-1` denotes an unlimited number of messages.



Persistence Properties

Message Queue supports both file-based and JDBC-based persistence
modules. The broker property `` (link:#gbnmp[Table
17-5]) specifies which module to use. The following sections describe
the broker configuration properties for the two modules.


Table 17-5 Global Broker Persistence Property

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`` |String |`file` a|
Module used for persistent data storage:

* `file`: File-based persistence
* `jdbc`: JDBC-based persistence

Must be set to `jdbc` for enhanced broker clusters (`imq.cluster.ha` =



File-Based Persistence Properties

link:#gbnnh[Table 17-6] lists the broker properties related to
file-based persistence.


Table 17-6 Broker Properties for File-Based Persistence

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`imq.persist.file.message.max_record_size` |String |`1m` a|
Maximum-size message to add to message storage file

Any message exceeding this size will be stored in a separate file of its

| + | + | + a|
The value may be expressed in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes, using the
following suffixes:

* `b`: Bytes
* `k`: Kilobytes (1024 bytes)
* `m`: Megabytes (1024 × 1024 = 1,048,576 bytes)

An unsuffixed value is expressed in bytes.

| + | + | + a|

* `1600`: 1600 bytes
* `1600b`: 1600 bytes
* `16k`: 16 kilobytes (= 16,384 bytes)
* `16m`: 16 megabytes (= 16,777,216 bytes)

|`imq.persist.file.destination.message.filepool.limit` |Integer |`100`
Maximum number of free files available for reuse in destination file

Free files in excess of this limit will be deleted. The broker will
create and delete additional files in excess of the limit as needed.

The higher the limit, the faster the broker can process persistent data.

|`imq.persist.file.message.filepool.cleanratio` |Integer |`0` a|
Percentage of files in free file pools to be maintained in a clean
(empty) state

The higher this value, the less disk space is required for the file
pool, but the more overhead is needed to clean files during operation.

|`imq.persist.file.message.cleanup` |Boolean |`false` a|
Clean up files in free file pools on shutdown?

Setting this property to `true` saves disk space for the file store, but
slows broker shutdown.

|`imq.persist.file.sync.enabled` |Boolean |`false` a|
Synchronize in-memory state with physical storage device?

Setting this property to `true` eliminates data loss due to system
crashes, but at a cost in performance.

Note: If running Oracle Solaris Cluster and its Data Service for Message
Queue, set this property to `true` for brokers on all cluster nodes.

|`imq.persist.file.transaction.memorymappedfile.enabled` |Boolean
|`true` a|
Use memory-mapped file to store transaction data?

Setting this property to `true` improves performance at the cost of
increased memory usage. Set to `false` for file systems that do not
support memory-mapped files.



File-Based Persistence Properties for Transaction Logging

link:#gjmtg[Table 17-7] lists the file-based persistence properties for
the transaction logging mechanism.


Table 17-7 Broker Properties for File-Based Persistence Using the
Transaction Logging Mechanism

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`imq.persist.file.newTxnLog.enabled` |Boolean |`false` |Enables the
transaction logging mechanism. For information about this mechanism, see
link:persistence-services.html#gjmqy[Optimizing File-Based Transaction

|`imq.persist.file.txnLog.groupCommit` |Boolean |`false` a|
This property is applicable only if `imq.persist.file.newTxnLog.enabled`
is `true`.

Can improve performance if `imq.persist.file.sync.enabled` is `true` and
the number of concurrent transactions being processed is high:

* If `true`, write operations to the transaction log are not handled by
individual connection threads; instead, writes from connection threads
are added to a transaction queue. The connection threads then wait until
they are notified that the transactions have been logged. A separate
thread periodically drains the transaction queue and writes it to the
transaction log. When possible, this thread groups together multiple
active transactions and writes them to the transaction log in a single
operation. After the write completes, waiting client threads are
* If `false`, write operations to the transaction log are handled by
individual connection threads. Only one thread at a time is able to
write to the log.

|`imq.persist.file.txnLog.logNonTransactedMsgSend` |Boolean |`false` a|
This property is applicable only if `imq.persist.file.newTxnLog.enabled`
is `true`.

Overrides the behavior for persisting non-transacted messages (as
defined by the `imq.persist.file.sync.enabled` property):

* If `true`, non-transacted messages are written to the transaction log
before they are written to the persistent store.
* If `false`, non-transacted messages are written directly to the
persistent store.

|`imq.persist.file.txnLog.logNonTransactedMsgAck` |Boolean |`false` a|
This property is applicable only if `imq.persist.file.newTxnLog.enabled`
is `true`.

Overrides the behavior for persisting non-transacted message
acknowledgements (as defined by the `imq.persist.file.sync.enabled`

* If `true`, acknowledgements of non-transacted messages are written to
the transaction log before they are written to the persistent store.
* If `false`, acknowledgements of non-transacted messages are written
directly to the persistent store.



JDBC-Based Persistence Properties

link:#gbnoa[Table 17-8] lists the broker properties related to
JDBC-based persistence. The first of these properties,
`imq.persist.jdbc.dbVendor`, identifies the database vendor being used
for the broker's persistent data store; all of the remaining properties
are qualified by this vendor name.


Table 17-8 Broker Properties for JDBC-Based Persistence

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`imq.persist.jdbc.dbVendor` |String |None a|
Name of database vendor for persistent data store:

* `derby`: Java DB (Oracle Corporation)
* `oracle`: Oracle (Oracle Corporation)
* `mysql`: MySQL (Oracle Corporation)
* `postgresql`: postgreSQL

|`imq.persist.jdbc.connection.retry.delay` |Integer |5000 |The amount of
time, in milliseconds, the broker waits before it attempts to retry
connecting to a database server for a failed connection.

|`imq.persist.jdbc.connection.retry.max` |Integer |60 |The maximum
number of times the broker will retry connecting to a database server
after a failed connection.

|`imq.persist.jdbc.connection.reaptime` |Integer |300 |The interval in
seconds between attempts to close unnecessary database connections.

|`imq.persist.jdbc.max_connections` |Integer |5 |The maximum number of
connections that should be opened to the database. The Message Queue
database connection pool manager uses this value as a guide when
creating new connections to the database.

|`imq.persist.jdbc.min_connections` |Integer |5 |The number of
connections that are opened to the database when the Message Queue
database connection pool is initialized, and the minimum number of
connections that are to be kept open when unnecessary connections are

|`imq.persist.jdbc.connection.timeoutIdle` |Boolean |`true` a|
Should the Message Queue database connection pool manager considers the
age of a connection in the pool?

When `true`, the pool manager operates as follows:

* When closing unnecessary database connections at each
`imq.persist.jdbc.connection.reaptime` interval, the pool manager
destroys any connections in the pool that have been idle for a period
longer than `imq.persist.jdbc.connection.reaptime` seconds, and attempts
to replace them with new connections.
* When getting a connection from the pool, the pool manager destroys the
connection if it has been idle for a period longer than
`imq.persist.jdbc.connection.reaptime` seconds and replaces it with a
new connection.

|`imq.persist.jdbc.connection.validateOnGet` |Boolean |`true` for
brokers in enhanced clusters; otherwise, `false` a|
Should the Message Queue database connection pool manager perform extra
validation when it gets a connection from the pool?

Normally, the pool manager validates a connection it gets from the pool
by checking whether the connection is closed and, if possible, by
checking whether a connection error has occurred on the connection.

When this property is set to `true`, the pool manager performs these
additional validation checks:

* For JDBC 4 connections, check whether the connection is valid.
* Make the validation query specified by
`imq.persist.jdbc.connection.validationQuery` on the connection.

Regardless of the value of this property, Message Queue relies on the
underlying JDBC driver to return a good connection when it needs to
create a new connection through the driver. Therefore, you should set
`imq.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.driver` to a vendor JDBC driver that
performs connection retries when creating a new connection to the
database server; for example, a ConnectionPoolDataSource.

|`imq.persist.jdbc.connection.validationQuery` |String |per vendor |The
validation query for the Message Queue database connection pool manager
to use when `imq.persist.jdbc.connection.validateOnGet` is set to

|`imq.persist.jdbc.connection.limit` |Integer |`5` a|
The maximum number of connections that can be opened to the database.

This property is deprecated and may become unsupported in a future
release of Message Queue.

|`imq.persist.jdbc.``vendorName``.connection.retry.regex.``n` |String
|(?s).* |There can be 0 or many of these properties specified, where `n`
represents the n^th^ such property. Each of these properties specifies a
regular expression that can be used to match a `SQLException` message in
order to identify retriable database communication failures. These
regular expressions are parsed in consecutive order starting with 1 and
stops when a match is found.

|`imq.persist.jdbc.``vendorName``.driver` |String |per vendor |Java
class name of JDBC driver, if needed, for connecting to database from
vendor `vendorName`

|`imq.persist.jdbc.``vendorName``.opendburl` |String |None a|
URL for connecting to existing database from vendor `vendorName`

Applicable when driver is used to connect to database.

|`imq.persist.jdbc.``vendorName``.createdburl`link:#foot-optional1[^Foot 1 ^]
|String |None a|
URL for creating new database from vendor `vendorName`

Applies for embedded database, such as Java DB.

|`imq.persist.jdbc.``vendorName``.closedburl`link:#sthref143[^Footref 1^]
|String |None a|
URL for closing connection to database from vendor `vendorName`

Applies for some embedded databases, such as Java DB.

|`imq.persist.jdbc.``vendorName``.user`link:#sthref144[^Footref 1^]
|String |None a|
User name, if required, for connecting to database from vendor

For security reasons, the value can instead be specified using command
line options `imqbrokerd` `dbuser` and `imqdbmgr` `u`.

|`imq.persist.jdbc.``vendorName``.needpassword`link:#sthref145[^Footref 1^]
|Boolean |`false` a|
Does database from vendor `vendorName` require a password for broker

If `true`, the `imqbrokerd` and `imqdbmgr` commands will prompt for a
password, unless you use the `-passfile` option to specify a password
file containing it.

|`imq.persist.jdbc.``vendorName``.password`link:#sthref146[^Footref 1^]^,^link:#foot-passfileonly1[^Foot 2 ^]
|String |None |Password, if required, for connecting to database from
vendor `vendorName`

|`imq.persist.jdbc.``vendorName``.property.`propNamelink:#sthref147[^Footref 1^]
|String |None |Vendor-specific property `propName` for database from
vendor `vendorName`

|`imq.persist.jdbc.``vendorName``.tableoption`link:#sthref148[^Footref 1^]
|String |None |Vendor-specific options passed to the database when
creating the table schema.

^Footnote 1 ^Optional

^Footnote 2 ^Should be used only in password files


Security Properties

link:#gbnok[Table 17-9] lists broker properties related to security
services: authentication, authorization, and encryption.
link:#gkvxf[Table 17-10] lists broker properties related specifically to
file-based authentication, link:#gewfp[Table 17-11] lists broker
properties related specifically to LDAP-based authentication, and
link:#ggxis[Table 17-12] lists broker properties related specifically to
JAAS-based authentication.


Table 17-9 Broker Security Properties

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`imq.authentication.basic.user_repository` |String |`file` a|
Type of user authentication:

* `file`: File-based
* `ldap`: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
* `jaas`: Java Authentication and Authorization Service

|`imq.authentication.type` |String |`digest` a|
Password encoding method:

* `digest`: MD5 (for file-based authentication)
* `basic`: Base-64 (for LDAP or JAAS authentication)

|`imq.`serviceName`.authentication.type` |String |None a|
Password encoding method for connection service serviceName:

* `digest`: MD5 (for file-based authentication)
* `basic`: Base-64 (for LDAP or JAAS authentication)

If specified, overrides `imq.authentication.type` for the designated
connection service.

|`imq.authentication.client.response.timeout` |Integer |`180` |Interval,
in seconds, to wait for client response to authentication requests

|`imq.accesscontrol.enabled` |Boolean |`true` a|
Use access control?

If `true`, the system will check the access control file to verify that
an authenticated user is authorized to use a connection service or to
perform specific operations with respect to specific destinations.

|`imq.accesscontrol.type` |String |`file` |Specifies the access control

|`imq.`serviceName`.accesscontrol.enabled` |Boolean |None a|
Use access control for connection service?

If specified, overrides `imq.accesscontrol.enabled` for the designated
connection service.

If `true`, the system will check the access control file to verify that
an authenticated user is authorized to use the designated connection
service or to perform specific operations with respect to specific

|`imq.accesscontrol.file.dirpath` |String |`IMQ_VARHOME/instances/` +
instanceName`/etc` |Path to the access control directory

|`imq.accesscontrol.file.filename` |String |``
Name of access control file

The file name specifies a path relative to

|`imq.`serviceName`.accesscontrol.file.filename` |String |None a|
Name of access control file for connection service

If specified, overrides `imq.accesscontrol.file.filename` for the
designated connection service.

The file name specifies a path relative to

|`imq.accesscontrol.file.url` |String |Not set a|
The location, as a URL, of the access control file.

If the URL uses LDAP protocol (`ldap://`), the access control file must
be returned as a single string that uses dollar sign (`$`) as the
separator between the lines of the access control file.

|`imq.`serviceName`.accesscontrol.file.url` |String |None a|
The location, as a URL, of the access control file for the connection

If specified, overrides `imq.accesscontrol.file.url` for the designated
connection service.

If the URL uses LDAP protocol (`ldap://`), the access control file must
be returned as a single string that uses dollar sign (`$`) as the
separator between the lines of the access control file.

|`imq.keystore.file.dirpath` |String |`IMW_HOME/etc` |Path to directory
containing key store file

|`` |String |`keystore` |Name of key store file

|`imq.keystore.password`link:#foot-passfileonly2[^Foot 1 ^] |String
|None |Password for key store file

|`imq.passfile.enabled` |Boolean |`false` |Obtain passwords from
password file?

|`imq.passfile.dirpath` |String |`IMQ_HOME/etc` |Path to directory
containing password file

|`` |String |`passfile` |Name of password file

|`imq.imqcmd.password`link:#sthref150[^Footref 1^] |String |None a|
Password for administrative user

The Command utility (`imqcmd`) uses this password to authenticate the
user before executing a command.

|`imq.audit.enabled` |Boolean |`false` |Is audit logging to broker log
file enabled?

|`imq.audit.bsm.disabled` |Boolean |`true` |Is audit logging to the
Solaris BSM audit log disabled?

^Footnote 1 ^To be used only in password files

link:#gkvxf[Table 17-10] lists broker properties related to user
authentication when using a flat-file user repository.


Table 17-10 Broker Security Properties for Flat-File Authentication

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`imq.user_repository.file.dirpath` |String |`IMQ_VARHOME/instances/` +
instanceName`/etc/` |Path to the directory containing the flat-file user

|`imq.user_repository.file.filename` |String |`passwd` |Name of the
flat-file user repository file in the directory specified by

link:#gewfp[Table 17-11] lists broker properties related to LDAP-based
user authentication.


Table 17-11 Broker Security Properties for LDAP Authentication

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`imq.user_repository.ldap.server` |String |None a|
Host name and port number for LDAP server

The value is of the form

* hostName`:`port

where hostName is the fully qualified DNS name of the host running the
LDAP server and port is the port number used by the server.

| + | + | + a|
To specify a list of failover servers, use the following syntax:

* host1`:`port1
* `ldap://`host2`:` port2
* `ldap://`host3 `:`port3
* …

| + | + | + |Entries in the list are separated by spaces. Note that each
failover server address is prefixed with `ldap://`. Use this format even
if you use SSL and have set the property
`imq.user_repository.ldap.ssl.enabled` to `true`. You need not specify
`ldaps` in the address.

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.principal` |String |None a|
Distinguished name for binding to LDAP user repository

Not needed if the LDAP server allows anonymous searches.

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.password`link:#foot-passfileonly3[^Foot 1 ^]
|String |None a|
Password for binding to LDAP user repository

Not needed if the LDAP server allows anonymous searches.

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.`propertyName | + | + | +

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.base` |String |None |Directory base for LDAP
user entries

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.uidattr` |String |None |Provider-specific
attribute identifier for LDAP user name

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.usrformat` |String |None a|
When set to a value of `dn`, specifies that DN username format is used
for authentication (for example:
`uid=mquser, ou=People, dc=red, dc=sun, dc=com`).

Also, the broker extracts the value of the
`imq.user.repository.lpdap.uidatr` attribute from the DN username, and
uses this value as the user name in access control operations.

If not set, then normal username format is used.

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.usrfilter`link:#foot-optional2[^Foot 2 ^]
|String |None |JNDI filter for LDAP user searches

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.grpsearch` |Boolean |`false` a|
Enable LDAP group searches?

Note: Message Queue does not support nested groups.

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.grpbase` |String |None |Directory base for
LDAP group entries

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.gidattr` |String |None |Provider-specific
attribute identifier for LDAP group name

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.memattr` |String |None |Provider-specific
attribute identifier for user names in LDAP group

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.grpfilter`link:#sthref153[^Footref 2^]
|String |None |JNDI filter for LDAP group searches

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.timeout` |Integer |`280` |Time limit for LDAP
searches, in seconds

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.ssl.enabled` |Boolean |`false` |Use SSL when
communicating with LDAP server?

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.ssl.socketfactory` |String
|`com.sun.messaging.jmq.` +
`jmsserver.auth.ldap.` +
`TrustSSLSocketFactory` a|
The fully qualified class name of the socket factory to use to make SSL
connections to the LDAP server.

When this property is not set and `imq.user_repository.ldap.ssl.enabled`
is set to `true`, the default socket factory designated by the LDAP
naming service is used.


^Footnote 1 ^Should be used only in password files

^Footnote 2 ^Optional

link:#ggxis[Table 17-12] lists broker properties related to JAAS-based
user authentication.


Table 17-12 Broker Security Properties for JAAS Authentication

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`` |String |None |Set to the name of the
desired entry (in the JAAS configuration file) that references the login
modules you want to use as the authentication service.

|`imq.user_repository.jaas.userPrincipalClass` |String |None |This
property, used by Message Queue access control, specifies the
`` implementation class in the login module(s)
that the broker uses to extract the Principal name to represent the user
entity in the Message Queue access control file. If, it is not
specified, the user name passed from the Message Queue client when a
connection was requested is used instead.

|`imq.user_repository.jaas.groupPrincipalClass` |String |None |This
property, used by Message Queue access control, specifies the
`` implementation class in the login module(s)
that the broker uses to extract the Principal name to represent the
group entity in the Message Queue access control file. If, it is not
specified, the user name passed from the Message Queue client when a
connection was requested is used instead.


Monitoring Properties

link:#gbnns[Table 17-13] lists the broker properties related to
monitoring services.


Table 17-13 Broker Monitoring Properties

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`imq.log.level`link:#foot-usewithupdatebkr4[^Foot 1 ^] |String |`INFO`
Logging level

Specifies the categories of logging information that can be written to
an output channel. Possible values, from high to low:

* `INFO`

Each level includes those above it (for example, `WARNING` includes

|`imq.destination.logDeadMsgs`link:#sthref156[^Footref 1^] |Boolean
|`false` a|
Log information about dead messages?

If `true`, the following events will be logged:

* A destination is full, having reached its maximum size or message
* The broker discards a message for a reason other than an
administrative command or delivery acknowledgment.
* The broker moves a message to the dead message queue.

|`` |String |`ERR` a|
Destination for console output:

* `OUT`: `stdout`
* `ERR`: `stderr`

|`imq.log.console.output` |String |`ERROR|WARNING` a|
Categories of logging information to write to console:

* `NONE`
* `INFO`
* `ALL`

The `ERROR`, `WARNING`, and `INFO` categories do not include those above
them, so each must be specified explicitly if desired. Any combination
of categories can be specified, separated by vertical bars (`|`).

|`imq.log.file.dirpath` |String |`IMQ_VARHOME/instances/` +
instanceName`/log` |Path to directory containing log file

|`imq.log.file.filename` |String |`log.txt` |Name of log file

|`imq.log.file.output` |String |`ALL` a|
Categories of logging information to write to log file:

* `NONE`
* `INFO`
* `ALL`

The `ERROR`, `WARNING`, and `INFO` categories do not include those above
them, so each must be specified explicitly if desired. Any combination
of categories can be specified, separated by vertical bars (`|`).

|`imq.log.file.rolloverbytes`link:#sthref157[^Footref 1^] |Integer |`-1`
File length, in bytes, at which output rolls over to a new log file

A value of `-1` denotes an unlimited number of bytes (no rollover based
on file length).

|`imq.log.file.rolloversecs`link:#sthref158[^Footref 1^] |Integer
|`604800` (one week) a|
Age of file, in seconds, at which output rolls over to a new log file

A value of `-1` denotes an unlimited number of seconds (no rollover
based on file age).

|`imq.log.syslog.output`link:#foot-solarisonly[^Foot 2 ^] |String
|`ERROR` a|
Categories of logging information to write to `syslogd(1M)`:

* `NONE`
* `INFO`
* `ALL`

The `ERROR`, `WARNING`, and `INFO` categories do not include those above
them, so each must be specified explicitly if desired. Any combination
of categories can be specified, separated by vertical bars (`|`).

|`imq.log.syslog.facility`link:#sthref159[^Footref 2^] |String
`syslog` facility for logging messages

Possible values mirror those listed on the `syslog(3C)` `man` page.
Appropriate values for use with Message Queue include:


|`imq.log.syslog.identity`link:#sthref160[^Footref 2^] |String
|`imqbrokerd_${imq.`instanceName`}` |Identity string to be prefixed to
all messages logged to `syslog`

|`imq.log.syslog.logpid`link:#sthref161[^Footref 2^] |Boolean |`true`
|Log broker process ID with message?

|`imq.log.syslog.logconsole`link:#sthref162[^Footref 2^] |Boolean
|`false` |Write messages to system console if they cannot be sent to

|`imq.log.timezone` |String |Local time zone a|
Time zone for log time stamps

Possible values are the same as those used by the method


* `GMT`
* `GMT-8:00`
* `America/LosAngeles`
* `Europe/Rome`
* `Asia/Tokyo`

|`imq.metrics.enabled` |Boolean |`true` a|
Enable writing of metrics information to Logger?

Does not affect the production of metrics messages (controlled by

|`imq.metrics.interval` |Integer |`-1` a|
Time interval, in seconds, at which to write metrics information to

Does not affect the time interval for production of metrics messages
(controlled by `imq.metrics.topic.interval`).

A value of `-1` denotes an indefinite interval (never write metrics
information to Logger).

|`imq.metrics.topic.enabled` |Boolean |`true` a|
Enable production of metrics messages to metric topic destinations?

If `false`, an attempt to subscribe to a metric topic destination will
throw a client-side exception.

|`imq.metrics.topic.interval` |Integer |`60` |Time interval, in seconds,
at which to produce metrics messages to metric topic destinations

|`imq.metrics.topic.persist` |Boolean |`false` |Are metrics messages
sent to metric topic destinations persistent?

|`imq.metrics.topic.timetolive` |Integer |`300` |Lifetime, in seconds,
of metrics messages sent to metric topic destinations

|``link:#foot-jesmf[^Foot 3 ^] |String |System
property `` (user who started the broker) |Name of primary
system owner

|``link:#sthref163[^Footref 3^] |String |System
property `` (user who started the broker) |Contact information
for primary system owner

|``link:#sthref164[^Footref 3^]
|Integer |None |Number of defined roles

|``Nlink:#sthref165[^Footref 3^]
|String |Broker instance name a|
Name of defined role N (where N ranges from 0 to .count-1)


...name0=Stocks JMS Server
...name1=JMS provider for appserver


^Footnote 1 ^Can be used with `imqcmd` `update` `bkr` command

^Footnote 2 ^Solaris platform only

^Footnote 3 ^Used by JES Monitoring Framework


Cluster Configuration Properties

link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14] lists the configuration properties related to
broker clusters.


Table 17-14 Broker Properties for Cluster Configuration

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`imq.cluster.url`link:#foot-clustersame[^Foot 1 ^]^,^link:#foot-usewithupdatebkr5[^Foot 2 ^]
|String |None a|
URL of `cluster` configuration file, if any


* `http://webserver/imq/`
* (for a file on a Web server)
* `file:/net/mfsserver/imq/`
* (for a file on a shared drive)

|`imq.cluster.hostname`link:#foot-clusterindependent[^Foot 3 ^] |String
|None a|
Host name or IP address for `cluster` connection service

If specified, overrides `imq.hostname` (see link:#gbnni[Table 17-1]) for
the `cluster` connection service. This might be necessary, for instance,
if the broker's host computer has more than one interface card

|`imq.cluster.port`link:#sthref167[^Footref 3^] |Integer |`0` a|
Port number for `cluster` connection service

A value of `0` specifies that the port number should be allocated
dynamically by the Port Mapper. You might need to set a different value,
for instance, to specify a static port number for connecting to the
broker through a firewall.

|`imq.cluster.transport`link:#sthref168[^Footref 1^] |String |`tcp` a|
Network transport protocol for `cluster` connection service

For secure, encrypted message delivery between brokers, set this
property to `ssl`.

|`imq.cluster.ha` |Boolean |`false` |Is broker part of an enhanced
(high-availability) cluster?

|Additional Properties for Conventional Clusters | | |

|`imq.cluster.brokerlist`link:#sthref169[^Footref 1^]
^,^link:#foot-conventionalonly[^Foot 4 ^] |String |None a|
List of broker addresses belonging to cluster

The list consists of one or more addresses, separated by commas. Each
address specifies the Port Mapper host name and Port Mapper port number
of a broker in the cluster, in the form hostName`:`portNumber.


* `host1:3000,host2:8000,ctrlhost`

Literal IP addresses as host names: You can use a literal IPv4 or IPv6
address as a host name. If you use a literal IPv6 address, its format
must conform to[RFC2732], Format for
Literal IPv6 Addresses in URL's.

Note: If set, this property is ignored (and a warning logged) for
high-availability clusters; all brokers configured to use the cluster's
shared persistent store are automatically recognized as members of the

|`imq.cluster.nomasterbroker`link:#sthref170[^Footref 1^]^,^link:#sthref171[^Footref 4^]
|Boolean |`false` a|
Specifies whether a conventional cluster uses a shared JDBC database
store for the cluster configuration change record instead of using a
master broker.

Set to `true` for a conventional cluster of peer brokers, which uses a
shared JDBC store for the cluster's configuration change record.

When set to `true`, the `imq.cluster.clusterid` must be set, and the
`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.*` properties must be configured for
accessing the shared JDBC store.

|`imq.cluster.masterbroker`link:#sthref172[^Footref 1^]^,^link:#sthref173[^Footref 4^]
|String |None a|
Port Mapper host name and Port Mapper port number of host on which
cluster's master broker (if any) is running.

The value has the form hostName`:`portNumber, where hostName is the Port
Mapper host name of the master broker's host and portNumber is its Port
Mapper port number.


* `ctrlhost:7676`

Literal IP addresses as host names: You can use a literal IPv4 or IPv6
address as a host name. If you use a literal IPv6 address, its format
must conform to[RFC2732], Format for
Literal IPv6 Addresses in URL's.

Note: enhanced clusters cannot have a master broker. If this property is
set for a broker belonging to an enhanced cluster, the broker will log a
warning message and ignore the property.

|`imq.cluster.dynamicChangeMasterBrokerEnabled`link:#sthref174[^Footref 1^]^,^link:#sthref175[^Footref 4^]
|Boolean |`false` a|
Can the master broker for the cluster be changed dynamically; that is,
without stopping all the brokers in the cluster?

If set to `true`, you can use the `imqcmd changemaster` command to
change the master broker without stopping the brokers in the cluster.

If set to `true`, the `imq.cluster.masterbroker` property cannot be
specified on the `imqbrokerd` command line.

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.connection.retry.max` |Integer |60
|The maximum number of times a broker will retry a connection.

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.connection.retry.delay` |Integer
|5000 |The amount of time, in milliseconds, the broker waits before
retrying a failed connection.

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.dbVendor`link:#sthref176[^Footref 1^]^,^link:#sthref177[^Footref 4^]
|String |None a|
Name of database vendor for shared JDBC data store housing the cluster
configuration change record:

* `db2`: DB2
* `derby`: Java DB (Oracle Corporation)
* `oracle`: Oracle (Oracle Corporation)
* `mysql`: MySQL (Oracle Corporation)
* `postgresql`: postgreSQL

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.` +
vendorName`.driver`link:#sthref178[^Footref 1^]
^,^link:#sthref179[^Footref 4^] |String |per Vendor |Java class name of
the JDBC driver, if needed, for connecting to database from vendor
vendorName for shared JDBC data store housing the cluster configuration
change record

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.` +
vendorName`.opendburl`link:#sthref180[^Footref 1^]^,^link:#sthref181[^Footref 4^]
|String |None a|
URL for connecting to existing database from vendor vendorName for
shared JDBC data store housing the cluster configuration change record

Applicable when a `java.sql.Driver` is used to connect to database.

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.` +
vendorName`.createdburl`link:#sthref182[^Footref 1^]^,^link:#sthref183[^Footref 4^]
|String |None a|
URL for creating new database from vendor vendorName for shared JDBC
data store housing the cluster configuration change record

Applicable for embedded databases, such as Java DB.

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.` +
vendorName`.closedburl`link:#sthref184[^Footref 1^]^,^link:#sthref185[^Footref 4^]
|String |None a|
URL for closing connection to database from vendor vendorName for shared
JDBC data store housing the cluster configuration change record

Applicable for some embedded databases, such as Java DB.

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.` +
vendorName`.tableoption`link:#sthref186[^Footref 1^]^,^link:#sthref187[^Footref 4^]
|String |None, except for MySQL a|
Vendor-specific options passed to database from vendor vendorName for
shared JDBC data store housing the cluster configuration change record
when creating the table schema

For information about this property's use, see the default broker
properties file, ``.

|String |None a|
This property specifies a regular expression, n, to be used to match a
`SQLException` message in order to identify a retriable database
communication failure.

There can be 0 or many of these properties (1, 2, 3, ... in consecutive
order) specified. The `SQLException` message is matched to these regular
expressions in the order of n and stops matching when a match is found.

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.` +
vendorName`.user`link:#sthref188[^Footref 1^]
^,^link:#sthref189[^Footref 4^] |String |None |User name, if required,
for connecting to database from vendor vendorName for shared JDBC data
store housing the cluster configuration change record

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.` +
vendorName`.needpassword`link:#sthref190[^Footref 1^]^,^link:#sthref191[^Footref 4^]
|Boolean |`false` a|
Does database from vendor vendorName for shared JDBC data store housing
the cluster configuration change record require a password for broker

If `true`, the `imqbrokerd` and `imqdbmgr` commands will prompt for a
password unless the following property, `password` is set.

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.` +
vendorName`.password`link:#sthref192[^Footref 1^]^,^link:#sthref193[^Footref 4^]
|String |None a|
Password, if required, for connecting to database from vendor vendorName
for shared JDBC data store housing the cluster configuration change

This property should only be specified in a password file, as described
in link:security-services.html#aeogq[Password Files].

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.` +
vendorName`.property.`propNamelink:#sthref194[^Footref 1^]^,^link:#sthref195[^Footref 4^]
|String |None |Optional vendor-specific property propName for the JDBC
driver from vendor vendorName for shared JDBC data store housing the
cluster configuration change record

|Additional Properties for Enhanced (High-Availability) Clusters | | |

|`imq.cluster.clusterid`link:#sthref196[^Footref 1^]
^,^link:#foot-haonly[^Foot 5 ^] |String |None a|
Cluster identifier

Must be a unique alphanumeric string of no more than n-18 characters,
where n is the maximum table name length allowed by the database. No two
running clusters may have the same cluster identifier.

Note: For brokers belonging to a high-availability cluster, this
property is used in database table names in place of `imq.brokerid` (see
link:#gbnni[Table 17-1]). For conventional cluster of peer brokers, this
property is used in the shared database table name for the cluster's
configuration change records.

|`imq.cluster.ha.takeoverWaitTimeout`link:#sthref197[^Footref 5^]
|Integer |300 |Time in seconds a failed broker attempting to restart
waits for an existing takeover activity (from the broker's initial
failure) to complete before exiting its restart attempt

|`imq.cluster.heartbeat.hostname`link:#sthref198[^Footref 5^] |String
|None a|
Host name for heartbeat service

If specified, overrides `imq.hostname` (see link:#gbnni[Table 17-1]) for
the heartbeat service.

|`imq.cluster.heartbeat.port`link:#sthref199[^Footref 5^] |Integer
|`7676` a|
Port number for heartbeat service

A value of `0` specifies that the port number should be allocated
dynamically by the Port Mapper.

|`imq.cluster.heartbeat.interval`link:#sthref200[^Footref 5^] |Integer
|2 |Interval between heartbeats, in seconds

|`imq.cluster.heartbeat.threshold`link:#sthref201[^Footref 5^] |Integer
|3 |Number of missed heartbeat intervals after which to invoke monitor

|`imq.cluster.monitor.interval`link:#sthref202[^Footref 5^] |Integer |30
Interval, in seconds, at which to update monitor time stamp

Note: Larger values for this property will reduce the frequency of
database access and thus improve overall system performance, but at the
cost of slower detection and takeover in the event of broker failure.

|`imq.cluster.monitor.threshold`link:#sthref203[^Footref 5^] |Integer |2
|Number of missed monitor intervals after which to initiate broker

^Footnote 1 ^Must have the same value for all brokers in a cluster.

^Footnote 2 ^Can be used with the `imqcmd update bkr` command.

^Footnote 3 ^Can be specified independently for each broker in a

^Footnote 4 ^Conventional clusters only

^Footnote 5 ^Enhanced (high-availability) clusters only


Bridge Properties

link:#gjdnh[Table 17-15] lists broker properties related to the bridge
service manager. link:#gjdnr[Table 17-16] lists broker properties
related specifically to the JMS bridge service, and link:#gjdma[Table
17-17] lists broker properties related specifically to the STOMP bridge


Table 17-15 Broker Properties for the Bridge Service Manager

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`imq.bridge.enabled` |Boolean |`false` |Is the bridge service enabled
on this broker?

|`imq.bridge.activelist` |String |None a|
List of bridges that will be loaded on broker startup.

The list consists of one or more bridge names, separated by commas. All
bridge names for a broker must be unique.

|`imq.bridge.admin.user` |String |None |The Message Queue broker
administrative user to be used by the bridge service manager and
individual bridges to create ADMIN connections to the broker. For JMS
bridges, this user is also used to access the JMS bridge's built-in DMQ

|`imq.bridge.admin.password` |String |None |The password for the
`imq.bridge.admin.user` user.


Table 17-16 Broker Properties for a JMS Bridge Service

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`imq.bridge.`name`.type` |String |None |The bridge type of the bridge
named name. For JMS bridges, specify a value of `JMS` or `jms`.

|`imq.bridge.`name`.xmlurl` |String |None a|
The URL where the XML configuration file for the JMS bridge name is


* `http://webserver/imq/jmsbridge1.config.xml`
* (for a file on a Web server)
* `file:/net/fileserver/imq/jmsbridge1.config.xml`
* (for a file on a shared drive)

|`imq.bridge.`name`.autostart` |Boolean |`true` |Should the JMS bridge
name be automatically started when the broker is started?

|`imq.bridge.`name`.logfile.limit` |Integer |`0` a|
The approximate maximum number of bytes the JMS bridge name writes to
any one log file.

A value of `0` (zero) indicates that there is no maximum limit.

|`imq.bridge.`name`.logfile.count` |Integer |`1` |The number of log
files the JMS bridge name cycles through.



 |String |None a|
Each of these properties specifies a list of key-value pairs for the
built-in transaction coordinator for the JMS bridge name.

The list consists of one or more key`=`value pairs separated by commas.

When the `` is `file`, the built-in transaction
coordinator supports these keys: `txlogSize`, `txlogSync`, and

If the same key appears in both properties, the value specified in
`imq.bridge.`name`.tm.props` takes precedence.



Table 17-17 Broker Properties for the STOMP Bridge Service

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`imq.bridge.stomp.hostname` |String |None a|
Host name or IP address for the STOMP bridge service

If specified, overrides `imq.hostname` (see link:#gbnni[Table 17-1]) for
the STOMP bridge service.

|`imq.bridge.stomp.tcp.enabled` |Boolean |`true` |Does the STOMP bridge
accept TCP connections?

|`imq.bridge.stomp.tcp.port` |Integer |`7672` |The port on which the
STOMP bridge listens for TCP connections, provided that
`imq.bridge.stomp.tcp.enabled` is `true`.

|`imq.bridge.stomp.tls.enabled` |Boolean |`false` a|
Does the STOMP bridge accept SSL/TLS connections?

If `true`, a keystore must be created using the `imqkeytool` utility
before starting the broker.

|`imq.bridge.stomp.tls.port` |Integer |`7673` |The port on which the
STOMP bridge listens for SSL/TLS connections, provided that
`imq.bridge.stomp.tls.enabled` is `true`.

|`imq.bridge.stomp.tls.requireClientAuth` |Boolean |`false` |Do SSL/TLS
connections require client authentication?

|`imq.bridge.stomp.consumerFlowLimit` |Integer |`1000` |The maximum
number of unacknowledged messages that the STOMP bridge will deliver on
a transacted STOMP subscription. The STOMP client must then acknowledge
the messages and commit the transaction.

|`imq.bridge.stomp.messageTransformer` |String |None |The fully
qualified class name of a class that extends the Message Queue bridge
`MessageTransformer` abstract class by implementing the `transform()`
method. Place this class under the `IMQ_HOME/lib/ext`. directory

|`imq.bridge.stomp.logfile.limit` |Integer |`0` a|
The approximate maximum number of bytes the STOMP bridge writes to any
one log file.

A value of `0` (zero) indicates that there is no maximum limit.

|`imq.bridge.stomp.logfile.count` |Integer |`1` |The number of log files
the STOMP bridge cycles through.


JMX Properties

The broker properties listed in link:#gclfp[Table 17-18] support the use
of the Java Management Extensions (JMX) application programming
interface by Java applications. The JMX API is used to configure and
monitor broker resources.

These JMX-related properties can be set in the broker's instance
configuration file (``) or at broker startup with the
`-D` option of the Broker utility (`imqbrokerd`). None of these
properties can be set dynamically with the Command utility (`imqcmd`).

In addition, some of these properties (`imq.jmx.rmiregistry.start`,
`imq.jmx.rmiregistry.use`, `imq.jmx.rmiregistry.port`) can be set with
corresponding Broker utility`imqbrokerd` options described in
link:command-line-reference.html#gbnla[Table 16-1].

See link:jmx-support.html#geoel[JMX Support] for further information on
administrative support of JMX clients.


Table 17-18 Broker Properties for JMX Support

|Property |Type |Default Value |Description
|`imq.jmx.connector.activelist` |String |`jmxrmi` |Names of JMX
connectors to be activated at broker startup, separated by commas

|`imq.jmx.connector.`RMIconnectorName`.urlpath` |String |Shown in next
column a|
urlpath component of JMX service URL for connector connectorName

Useful in cases where an RMI registry is being used and the JMX service
URL path must be set explicitly (such as when a shared external RMI
registry is used). See link:jmx-support.html#ghbrs[The JMX Service URL].



|`imq.jmx.connector.`RMIconnectorName`.port` |Integer |None: the port is
dynamically allocated a|
Port number of JMX connector

Used to specify a static/known JMX connector port, typically in cases
where a JMX client is accessing the broker's MBean server through a
firewall. See link:jmx-support.html#ggvxj[JMX Connections Through a

|`imq.jmx.connector.`RMIconnectorName`.useSSL` |Boolean |`false` a|
Use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for connector connectorName?

This property is set to `true` for the `ssljmxrmi` connector.

|`imq.jmx.connector.`RMIconnectorName`.brokerHostTrusted` |Boolean
|`false` a|
Trust any certificate presented by broker for connector connectorName?

Applies only when `imq.jmx.connector.`connectorName`.useSSL` is `true`.

If `false`, the JMX client runtime will validate all certificates
presented to it. Validation will fail if the signer of the certificate
is not in the client's trust store.

If `true`, validation of certificates is skipped. This can be useful,
for instance, during software testing when a self-signed certificate is

|`imq.jmx.rmiregistry.start` |Boolean |`false` a|
Start RMI registry at broker startup?

If `true`, the broker will start an RMI registry at the port specified
by `imq.jmx.rmiregistry.port` and use the regsitry to store the JMX
connector stub. (The value of `imq.jmx.rmiregistry.use` is ignored in
this case.)

For convenience, this property can also be set at broker startup with
the `-startRmiRegistry` option of`imqbrokerd`.

|`imq.jmx.rmiregistry.use` |Boolean |`false` a|
Use an existing RMI registry?

Applies only if `imq.jmx.rmiregistry.start` is `false`.

If `true`, the broker will use an existing RMI registry on the local
host at the port specified by `imq.jmx.rmiregistry.port` to store the
JMX connector stub. The existing RMI registry must already be running at
broker startup.

For convenience, this property can also be set at broker startup with
the `-useRmiRegistry` option of`imqbrokerd`.

|`imq.jmx.rmiregistry.port` |Integer |`1099` a|
Port number of RMI registry

Applies only if `imq.jmx.rmiregistry.start` is `true` or
`imq.jmx.rmiregistry.use` is `true`.

This port number will be included in the URL path of the JMX service

For convenience, this property can also be set at broker startup with
the `-rmiRegistryPort` option of `imqbrokerd`.



Alphabetical List of Broker Properties

link:#aeoob[Alphabetical List of Broker Properties] is an alphabetical
list of broker configuration properties, with cross-references to the
relevant tables in this chapter.


Table 17-19 Alphabetical List of Broker Properties

|Property |Table
|`imq.accesscontrol.enabled` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`imq.accesscontrol.type` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`imq.accesscontrol.file.filename` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`imq.admincreate.topic.sharedConsumerFlowLimit` a|
link:#gkudw[Table 17-4]

|`imq.audit.bsm.disabled` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`imq.audit.enabled` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`imq.authentication.basic.user_repository` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`imq.authentication.client.response.timeout` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`imq.authentication.type` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`imq.autocreate.destination.isLocalOnly` a|
link:#gbnof[Table 17-3]

|`imq.autocreate.destination.limitBehavior` a|
link:#gbnof[Table 17-3]

|`imq.autocreate.destination.maxBytesPerMsg` a|
link:#gbnof[Table 17-3]

|`imq.autocreate.destination.maxNumMsgs` a|
link:#gbnof[Table 17-3]

|`imq.autocreate.destination.maxNumProducers` a|
link:#gbnof[Table 17-3]

|`imq.autocreate.destination.maxTotalMsgBytes` a|
link:#gbnof[Table 17-3]

|`imq.autocreate.destination.useDMQ` a|
link:#gbnof[Table 17-3]

|`imq.autocreate.queue` a|
link:#gbnof[Table 17-3]

|`imq.autocreate.queue.consumerFlowLimit` a|
link:#gbnof[Table 17-3]

|`imq.autocreate.queue.localDeliveryPreferred` a|
link:#gbnof[Table 17-3]

|`imq.autocreate.queue.maxNumActiveConsumers` a|
link:#gbnof[Table 17-3]

|`imq.autocreate.queue.maxNumBackupConsumers` a|
link:#gbnof[Table 17-3]

|`imq.autocreate.reaptime` a|
link:#gbnof[Table 17-3]

|`imq.autocreate.topic` a|
link:#gbnof[Table 17-3]

|`imq.autocreate.topic.consumerFlowLimit` a|
link:#gbnof[Table 17-3]

|`imq.autocreate.topic.sharedConsumerFlowLimit` a|
link:#gbnof[Table 17-3]

|`` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|``n a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.brokerid` a|
link:#gbnni[Table 17-1]

|`imq.bridge.activelist` a|
link:#gjdnh[Table 17-15]

|`imq.bridge.admin.password` a|
link:#gjdnh[Table 17-15]

|`imq.bridge.admin.user` a|
link:#gjdnh[Table 17-15]

|`imq.bridge.enabled` a|
link:#gjdnh[Table 17-15]

|`imq.bridge.`name`.autostart` a|
link:#gjdnr[Table 17-16]

|`imq.bridge.`name`.logfile.count` a|
link:#gjdnr[Table 17-16]

|`imq.bridge.`name`.logfile.limit` a|
link:#gjdnr[Table 17-16]

|`imq.bridge.`name`.tm.props` a|
link:#gjdnr[Table 17-16]

|`imq.bridge.`name`.type` a|
link:#gjdnr[Table 17-16]

|`imq.bridge.`name`.xmlurl` a|
link:#gjdnr[Table 17-16]

|`imq.bridge.stomp.consumerFlowLimit` a|
link:#gjdma[Table 17-17]

|`imq.bridge.stomp.logfile.count` a|
link:#gjdma[Table 17-17]

|`imq.bridge.stomp.logfile.limit` a|
link:#gjdma[Table 17-17]

|`imq.bridge.stomp.messageTransformer` a|
link:#gjdma[Table 17-17]

|`imq.bridge.stomp.tcp.enabled` a|
link:#gjdma[Table 17-17]

|`imq.bridge.stomp.tcp.port` a|
link:#gjdma[Table 17-17]

|`imq.bridge.stomp.tls.enabled` a|
link:#gjdma[Table 17-17]

|`imq.bridge.stomp.tls.port` a|
link:#gjdma[Table 17-17]

|`imq.bridge.stomp.tls.requireClientAuth` a|
link:#gjdma[Table 17-17]

|`` a|
link:#gjdnr[Table 17-16]

|`imq.cluster.brokerlist` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.clusterid` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.dynamicChangeMasterBrokerEnabled` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.ha` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.heartbeat.hostname` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.heartbeat.interval` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.heartbeat.port` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.heartbeat.threshold` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.hostname` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.nomasterbroker` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.masterbroker` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.monitor.interval` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.monitor.threshold` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.port` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.connection.retry.delay` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.connection.retry.max` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.dbVendor` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.driver` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.closedburl` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.createdburl` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.needpassword` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.opendburl` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.password` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.property.`propName a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.tableoption` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.sharecc.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.user` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.transport` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.cluster.url` a|
link:#gbnmu[Table 17-14]

|`imq.destination.DMQ.truncateBody` a|
link:#gbnod[Table 17-2]

|`imq.destination.logDeadMsgs` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.hostname` a|
link:#gbnni[Table 17-1]

|`imq.imqcmd.password` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`imq.jmx.connector.activelist` a|
link:#gclfp[Table 17-18]

|`imq.jmx.connector.`RMIconnectorName`.brokerHostTrusted` a|
link:#gclfp[Table 17-18]

|`imq.jmx.connector.`RMIconnectorName`.port` a|
link:#gclfp[Table 17-18]

|`imq.jmx.connector.`RMIconnectorName`.urlpath` a|
link:#gclfp[Table 17-18]

|`imq.jmx.connector.`RMIconnectorName`.useSSL` a|
link:#gclfp[Table 17-18]

|`imq.jmx.rmiregistry.port` a|
link:#gclfp[Table 17-18]

|`imq.jmx.rmiregistry.start` a|
link:#gclfp[Table 17-18]

|`imq.jmx.rmiregistry.use` a|
link:#gclfp[Table 17-18]

|`imq.keystore.file.dirpath` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`imq.keystore.password` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`imq.keystore.`propertyName a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`imq.log.console.output` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.log.file.dirpath` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.log.file.filename` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.log.file.output` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.log.file.rolloverbytes` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.log.file.rolloversecs` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.log.level` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.log.syslog.facility` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.log.syslog.identity` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.log.syslog.logconsole` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.log.syslog.logpid` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.log.syslog.output` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.log.timezone` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.message.expiration.interval` a|
link:#gbnod[Table 17-2]

|`imq.message.max_size` a|
link:#gbnod[Table 17-2]

|`imq.metrics.enabled` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.metrics.interval` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.metrics.topic.enabled` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.metrics.topic.interval` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.metrics.topic.persist` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.metrics.topic.timetolive` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.passfile.dirpath` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`imq.passfile.enabled` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`imq.persist.file.destination.message.filepool.limit` a|
link:#gbnnh[Table 17-6]

|`imq.persist.file.message.cleanup` a|
link:#gbnnh[Table 17-6]

|`imq.persist.file.message.filepool.cleanratio` a|
link:#gbnnh[Table 17-6]

|`imq.persist.file.message.max_record_size` a|
link:#gbnnh[Table 17-6]

|`imq.persist.file.sync.enabled` a|
link:#gbnnh[Table 17-6]

|`imq.persist.file.transaction.memorymappedfile.enabled` a|
link:#gbnnh[Table 17-6]

|`imq.persist.jdbc.dbVendor` a|
link:#gbnoa[Table 17-8]

|`imq.persist.jdbc.connection.retry.delay` a|
link:#gbnoa[Table 17-8]

|`imq.persist.jdbc.connection.retry.max` a|
link:#gbnoa[Table 17-8]

|`imq.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.connection.retry.regex.`n a|
link:#gbnoa[Table 17-8]

|`imq.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.closedburl` a|
link:#gbnoa[Table 17-8]

|`imq.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.createdburl` a|
link:#gbnoa[Table 17-8]

|`imq.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.driver` a|
link:#gbnoa[Table 17-8]

|`imq.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.needpassword` a|
link:#gbnoa[Table 17-8]

|`imq.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.opendburl` a|
link:#gbnoa[Table 17-8]

|`imq.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.password` a|
link:#gbnoa[Table 17-8]

|`imq.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.property.`propName a|
link:#gbnoa[Table 17-8]

|`imq.persist.jdbc.`vendorName`.user` a|
link:#gbnoa[Table 17-8]

|`` a|
link:#gbnmp[Table 17-5]

|`` a|
link:#gbnni[Table 17-1]

|`imq.portmapper.backlog` a|
link:#gbnni[Table 17-1]

|`imq.portmapper.hostname` a|
link:#gbnni[Table 17-1]

|`imq.portmapper.port` a|
link:#gbnni[Table 17-1]

|`` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`` a|
link:#gbnns[Table 17-13]

|`imq.`resourceState`.count` a|
link:#gbnod[Table 17-2]

|`imq.`resourceState`.threshold` a|
link:#gbnod[Table 17-2]

|`imq.service.activelist` a|
link:#gbnni[Table 17-1]

|`imq.`serviceName`.accesscontrol.enabled` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`imq.`serviceName`.accesscontrol.file.filename` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`imq.`serviceName`.authentication.type` a|
link:#gbnok[Table 17-9]

|`imq.`serviceName`.max_threads` a|
link:#gbnni[Table 17-1]

|`imq.`serviceName`.min_threads` a|
link:#gbnni[Table 17-1]

|`imq.`serviceName`.`protocolType`.hostname` a|
link:#gbnni[Table 17-1]

|`imq.`serviceName`.`protocolType`.port` a|
link:#gbnni[Table 17-1]

|`imq.`serviceName`.threadpool_model` a|
link:#gbnni[Table 17-1]

|`imq.shared.connectionMonitor_limit` a|
link:#gbnni[Table 17-1]

|`imq.system.max_count` a|
link:#gbnod[Table 17-2]

|`imq.system.max_size` a|
link:#gbnod[Table 17-2]

|`imq.transaction.autorollback` a|
link:#gbnod[Table 17-2]

|`imq.user_repository.file.dirpath` a|
link:#gkvxf[Table 17-10]

|`imq.user_repository.file.filename` a|
link:#gkvxf[Table 17-10]

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.base` a|
link:#gewfp[Table 17-11]

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.gidattr` a|
link:#gewfp[Table 17-11]

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.grpbase` a|
link:#gewfp[Table 17-11]

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.grpfilter` a|
link:#gewfp[Table 17-11]

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.grpsearch` a|
link:#gewfp[Table 17-11]

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.memattr` a|
link:#gewfp[Table 17-11]

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.password` a|
link:#gewfp[Table 17-11]

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.principal` a|
link:#gewfp[Table 17-11]

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.`propertyName a|
link:#gewfp[Table 17-11]

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.server` a|
link:#gewfp[Table 17-11]

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.ssl.enabled` a|
link:#gewfp[Table 17-11]

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.ssl.socketfactory` a|
link:#gewfp[Table 17-11]

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.timeout` a|
link:#gewfp[Table 17-11]

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.uidattr` a|
link:#gewfp[Table 17-11]

|`imq.user_repository.ldap.usrfilter` a|
link:#gewfp[Table 17-11]

|`` a|
link:#ggxis[Table 17-12]

|`imq.user_repository.jaas.userPrincipalClass` a|
link:#ggxis[Table 17-12]

|`imq.user_repository.jaas.groupPrincipalClass` a|
link:#ggxis[Table 17-12]
