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type=page status=published title=Client Design Issues next=reference.html prev=using-the-c-api.html ~~ Client Design Issues

3 Client Design Issues

This chapter describes a number of messaging issues that impact Message
Queue C client design. It covers the following topics:

* link:#aelcq[Producers and Consumers]
* link:#aelcr[Using Selectors Efficiently]
* link:#aelcs[Determining Message Order and Priority]
* link:#aelct[Managing Threads]
* link:#aelcy[Managing Physical Destination Limits]
* link:#aelcz[Managing the Dead Message Queue]
* link:#aelda[Factors Affecting Performance]

This chapter does not discuss the particulars of the C-API and how to
use the data types and functions it defines to create messaging clients.
For this information, see link:using-the-c-api.html#aelba[Using the C


Producers and Consumers

Aside from the reliability your client requires, the design decisions
that relate to producers and consumers include the following:

* Do you want to use a point-to-point or a publish/subscribe domain? +
There are some interesting permutations here. There are times when you
would want to use publish/subscribe even when you have only one
subscriber. Performance considerations might make the point-to-point
model more efficient than the publish/subscribe model, when the work of
sorting messages between subscribers is too costly. Sometimes these
decisions cannot be made in the abstract, but different prototypes must
be developed and tested.
* Are you using an asynchronous message consumer that does not get
called often or a producer that is seldom used? +
You might need to adjust the `MQ_PING_INTERVAL_PROPERTY` when you create
your connection, so that your client gets an exception if the connection
should fail. For more information see
link:using-the-c-api.html#aelbi[Connection Handling].
* Are you using a synchronous consumer in a distributed application? +
You might need to allow a small time interval between connecting and
calling the `MQReceiveMessageNoWait` function in order not to miss a
pending message. For more information, see usage information in the
section link:reference.html#aelfo[MQReceiveMessageNoWait].


Using Selectors Efficiently

The use of selectors can have a significant impact on the performance of
your application. It's difficult to put an exact cost on the expense of
using selectors since it varies with the complexity of the selector
expression, but the more you can do to eliminate or simplify selectors
the better.

One way to eliminate (or simplify) selectors is to use multiple
destinations to sort messages. This has the additional benefit of
spreading the message load over more than one producer, which can
improve the scalability of your application. For those cases when it is
not possible to do that, here are some techniques that you can use to
improve the performance of your application when using selectors:

* Have consumers share selectors. As of version 3.5 of Message Queue,
message consumers with identical selectors "share" that selector in the
broker, which can significantly improve performance. So if there is a
way to structure your application to have some selector sharing,
consider doing so.
* Use `IN` instead of multiple string comparisons. For example,
expression number 1 is much more efficient than expression number 2,
especially if expression 2 usually evaluates to false. +
color IN ('red', 'green', 'white') \\ Expression 1

color = 'red' OR color = 'green' OR color = 'white' \\Expression 2
* Use `BETWEEN` instead of multiple integer comparisons. For example,
expression 1 is more efficient than expression 2, especially if
expression 2 usually evaluates to true. +
size BETWEEN 6 AND 10 \\Expression 1

size>= 6 AND size <= 10 \\Expression 2
* Order the selector expression so that MQ can short circuit the
evaluation. The short circuiting of selector evaluation was added in MQ
3.5 and can easily double or triple performance when using selectors
depending on the complexity of the expression.

** If you have two expressions joined by an `OR`, put the expression
that is most likely to evaluate to `TRUE` first.

** If you have two expressions joined by an `AND`, put the expression
that is most likely to evaluate to `FALSE` first. +
For example, if `size` is usually greater than 6, but color is rarely
`red` you would want the order of an `OR` expression to be the
following. +
size> 6 OR color = 'red'
If you are using `AND`, use the following order. +
color = 'red' AND size> 6


Determining Message Order and Priority

In general, all messages sent to a destination by a single session are
guaranteed to be delivered to a consumer in the order they were sent.
However, if they are assigned different priorities, a messaging system
will attempt to deliver higher priority messages first.

Beyond this, the ordering of messages consumed by a client can have only
a rough relationship to the order in which they were produced. This is
because the delivery of messages to a number of destinations and the
delivery from those destinations can depend on a number of issues that
affect timing, such as the order in which the messages are sent, the
sessions from which they are sent, whether the messages are persistent,
the lifetime of the messages, the priority of the messages, the message
delivery policy of queue destinations, and message service availability.


Managing Threads

This section addresses a number of thread management issues that you
should be aware of in designing and programming a Message Queue C
client. It covers the following topics:'

* link:#aelcu[Message Queue C Runtime Thread Model]
* link:#aelcv[Concurrent Use of Handles]
* link:#aelcw[Single-Threaded Session Control]
* link:#aelcx[Connection Exceptions]


Message Queue C Runtime Thread Model

The Message Queue C-API library creates the threads needed to provide
runtime support for a Message Queue C client. It uses NSPR (Netscape
Portable Runtime) `GLOBAL` threads. NSPR `GLOBAL` threads are fully
compatible with native threads on each supported platform.
link:#aelcu[Message Queue C Runtime Thread Model] shows the thread model
that the NSPR `GLOBAL` threads map to on each platform. For more
information on NSPR, see



Table 3-1 Thread Model for NSPR GLOBAL Threads

|Platform |Thread Model
|Solaris |pthreads

|Linux |pthreads

|AIX |pthreads

|Windows |Win32 threads (from Microsoft Visual C++ runtime library


Concurrent Use of Handles

link:#gblyq[Table 3-2] lists the handles (objects) used in a C client
program and specifies which of these may be used concurrently and which
can only be used by one logical thread at a time.


Table 3-2 Handles and Concurrency

|Handle |Supports Concurrent Use
|`MQDestinationHandle` |YES
|`MQConnectionHandle` |YES
|`MQSessionHandle` |NO
|`MQProducerHandle` |NO
|`MQConsumerHandle` |NO
|`MQMessageHandle` |NO
|`MQPropertiesHandle` |NO


Single-Threaded Session Control

A session is a single-threaded context for producing and consuming
messages. Multiple threads should not use the same session concurrently
nor use the objects it creates concurrently. The only exception to this
occurs during the orderly shutdown of the session or its connection when
the client calls the `MQCloseSession` or the `MQCloseConnection`
function. Follow these guidelines in designing your client:

* If a client wants to have one thread producing messages and other
threads consuming messages, the client should use a separate session for
its producing thread.
* Do not create an asynchronous message consumer while the connection is
in started mode.
* A session created with `MQ_SESION_ASYNC_RECEIVE` mode uses a single
thread to run all its consumers' `MQMessageListenerFunc` callback
functions. Clients that want concurrent delivery should use multiple
* Do not call the `MQStopConnection`, `MQCloseSession` , or the
`MQCloseConnection` functions from a `MQMessageListenerFunc` callback
function. (These calls will not return until delivery of messages has
* Call the `MQFreeConnection` function after `MQCloseConnection` and all
of the application threads associated with a connection and its
sessions, producers, and consumers have returned.

The Message Queue C runtime library provides one thread to a session in
`MQ_SESSION_ASYNC_RECEIVE` mode for asynchronous message delivery to its
consumers. When the connection is started, all its sessions that have
created asynchronous consumers are dedicated to the thread of control
that delivers messages. Client code should not use such a session from
another thread of control. The only exception to this is the use of
`MQCloseSession` and `MQCloseConnection`.


Connection Exceptions

When a connection exception occurs, the Message Queue C library thread
that is provided to the connection calls its
`MQConnectionExceptionListenerFunc` callback if one exists. If an
`MQConnectionExceptionListenerFunc` callback is used for multiple
connections, it can potentially be called concurrently from different
connection threads.

You should not call the `MQCloseConnection` function in an
`MQConnectionExceptionListenerFunc` callback. Instead the callback
function should notify another thread to call `MQCloseConnection` and


Managing Physical Destination Limits

When creating a topic or queue destination, the administrator can
specify how the broker should behave when certain memory limits are
reached. Specifically, when the number of messages reaching a physical
destination exceeds the number specified with the `maxNumMsgs` property
or when the total amount of memory allowed for messages exceeds the
number specified with the `maxTotalMsgBytes` property, the broker takes
one of the following actions, depending on the setting of the
`limitBehavior` property:

* Slows message producers (`FLOW_CONTROL`)
* Throws out the oldest message in memory (`REMOVE_OLDEST`)
* Throws out the lowest priority message in memory
* Rejects the newest messages (`REJECT_NEWEST`)

If the default value `REJECT_NEWEST` is specified for the
`limitBehavior` property, the broker throws out the newest messages
received when memory limits are exceeded. If the message discarded is a
persistent message, the producing client gets an error which you should
handle by re-sending the message later.

If any of the other values is selected for the `limitBehavior` property
or if the message is not persistent (or persistent and
`MQ_ACK_ON_PRODUCE_PROPERTY` is false), the application client is not
notified if a message is discarded. Application clients should let the
administrator know how they prefer this property to be set for best
performance and reliability.


Managing the Dead Message Queue

When a message is deemed undeliverable, it is automatically placed on a
special queue called the dead message queue. A message placed on this
queue retains all of its original headers (including its original
destination) and information is added to the message's properties to
explain why it became a dead message. For a description of the
destination properties and of the broker properties that control the
system's use of the dead message queue, see "link:../mq-admin-guide/message-delivery.html#GMADG00538[Using the
Dead Message Queue]" in Open Message Queue Administration Guide.

This section describes the message properties that you can set or
examine programmatically to determine the following:

* Whether a dead message can be sent to the dead message queue.
* Whether the broker should log information when a message is destroyed
or moved to the dead message queue.
* Whether the body of the message should also be stored when the message
is placed on the dead message queue.
* Why the message was placed on the dead message queue and any ancillary

(Message Queue 5.0 clients can set properties related to the dead
message queue on messages and send those messages to clients compiled
against Message Queue 3.5x or earlier versions. However clients
receiving such messages cannot examine these properties without
recompiling against Message Queue 5.0 libraries.)

The dead message queue is automatically created by the system and called
`mq.sys.dmq.` You can write a Java program that uses the metrics
monitoring API, described in "link:../mq-dev-guide-java/using-the-metrics-monitoring-api.html#GMJVG00015[Using the Metrics
Monitoring API]" in Open Message Queue Developer's Guide for Java
Clients. or the JMX API, described in the link:../mq-dev-guide-jmx/toc.html#GMJMG[Open Message Queue
Developer's Guide for JMX Clients], to determine whether that queue is
growing, to examine messages on that queue, and so on.

You can set the properties described in link:#gblxz[Table 3-3] for any
message to control how the broker should handle that message if it deems
it to be undeliverable. Note that these message properties are needed
only to override default destination, or default broker-based behavior.


Table 3-3 Message Properties Relating to Dead Message Queue

|Property |Type |Description
For a dead message, the default value of unset, specifies that the
message should be handled as specified by the `useDMQ` property of the
destination to which the message was sent.

A value of `true` overrides the setting of the `useDMQ` property and
sends the dead message to the dead message queue,.

A value of `false` overrides the setting of the `useDMQ` property and
prevents the dead message from being placed in the dead message queue.

The default value of unset, will behave as specified by the broker
configuration property `imq.destination.logDeadMsgs`.

A value of `true` overrides the setting of the
`imq.destination.logDeadMsgs` broker property and specifies that the
broker should log the action of removing a message or moving it to the
dead message queue.

A value of `false` overrides the setting of the
`imq.destination.logDeadMsgs` broker property and specifies that the
broker should not log these actions.

The default value of unset, will behave as specified by the broker
property `imq.destination.DMQ.truncateBody`.

A value of `true` overrides the setting of the
`imq.destination.DMQ.truncateBody` property and specifies that the body
of the message should be discarded when the message is placed in the
dead message queue.

A value of `false` overrides the setting of the
`imq.destination.DMQ.truncateBody` property and specifies that the body
of the message should be stored along with the message header and
properties when the message is placed in the dead message queue.


The properties described in link:#gblyf[Table 3-4] are set by the client
runtime for a message placed in the dead message queue.


Table 3-4 Dead Message Properties

|Property |Type |Description
|`JMS_SUN_DMQ_DELIVERY_COUNT` |Integer |Specifies the most number of
times the message was delivered to a given consumer. This value is set
only for `ERROR` or `UNDELIVERABLE` messages.

|`JMS_SUN_DMQ_UNDELIVERED_TIMESTAMP` |Long |Specifies the time (in
milliseconds) when the message was placed on the dead message queue.

Specifies one of the following values to indicate the reason why the
message was placed on the dead message queue:


If the message was marked dead for multiple reasons, for example it was
undeliverable and expired, only one reason will be specified by this

The `ERROR` value is returned when a message cannot be delivered due to
an internal error; this is an unusual condition. In this case, the
sender should just resend the message.

|`JMS_SUN_DMQ_PRODUCING_BROKER` |String |For message traffic in broker
clusters: specifies the name and port number of the broker that sent the
message. A null value indicates that it was the local broker.

|`JMS_SUN_DMQ_DEAD_BROKER` |String |For message traffic in broker
clusters: specifies the name and port number of the broker that placed
the message on the dead message queue. A null value indicates that it
was the local broker.

|`JMS_SUN_DMQ_UNDELIVERED_EXCEPTION` |String |Specifies the name of the
exception (if the message was dead because of an exception) on either
the client or the broker.

|`JMS_SUN_DMQ_UNDELIVERED_COMMENTS` |String |An optional comment
provided when the message is marked dead.

|`JMS_SUN_DMQ_BODY_TRUNCATED` |Boolean |A value of `true` indicates that
the message body was not stored. A value of `false` indicates that the
message body was stored.


Factors Affecting Performance

Application design decisions can have a significant effect on overall
messaging performance. In general, the more reliable the delivery of
messages, the more overhead and bandwidth are required to achieve it.
The trade-off between reliability and performance is a significant
design consideration. You can maximize performance and throughput by
choosing to produce and consume non-persistent messages. On the other
hand, you can maximize reliability by producing and consuming persistent
messages using a transacted session. Between these extremes are a number
of options, depending on the needs of your application. This section
describes how these options or factors affect performance. They include
the following:

* link:#aeldb[Delivery Mode (Persistent/Non-persistent)]
* link:#aeldc[Use of Transactions]
* link:#aeldd[Acknowledgement Mode]
* link:#aelde[Durable and Non-Durable Subscriptions]
* link:#aeldf[Use of Selectors (Message Filtering)]
* link:#aeldg[Message Size]
* link:#aeldh[Message Type].

link:#gblzp[Table 3-5] summarizes how application design factors affect
messaging performance. The table shows two scenarios (a high
reliability, low performance scenario and a high performance, low
reliability scenario) and the choice of application design factors that
characterizes each. Between these extremes, there are many choices and
trade-offs that affect both reliability and performance.


Table 3-5 Comparison of High Reliability and High Performance Scenarios

|Application Design Factor |High ReliabilityLow Performance Scenario
|High PerformanceLow Reliability Scenario
|Delivery mode |Persistent messages |Non-persistent messages

|Use of transactions |Transacted sessions |No transactions


|Durable/non-durable subscriptions |Durable subscriptions |Non-durable

|Use of selectors |Message filtering |No message filtering

|Message size |Small messages |Large messages

|Message body type |Complex body types |Simple body types


In the discussion that follows, performance data was generated on a
two-CPU, 1002 Mhz, Solaris 8 system, using file-based persistence. The
performance test first warmed up the Message Queue broker, allowing the
Just-In-Time compiler to optimize the system and the persistent database
to be primed.

Once the broker was warmed up, a single producer and a single consumer
were created, and messages were produced for 30 seconds. The time
required for the consumer to receive all produced messages was recorded,
and a throughput rate (messages per second) was calculated. This
scenario was repeated for different combinations of the application
design factors shown in link:#aelda[Factors Affecting Performance].



Delivery Mode (Persistent/Non-persistent)

Persistent messages guarantee message delivery in case of message server
failure. The broker stores these message in a persistent store until all
intended consumers acknowledge they have consumed the message.

Broker processing of persistent messages is slower than for
non-persistent messages for the following reasons:

* A broker must reliably store a persistent message so that it will not
be lost should the broker fail.
* The broker must confirm receipt of each persistent message it
receives. Delivery to the broker is guaranteed once the method producing
the message returns without an exception.
* Depending on the client acknowledgment mode, the broker might need to
confirm a consuming client's acknowledgement of a persistent message.

The differences in performance for persistent and non-persistent modes
can be significant--about 25% faster for non-persistent messages.


Use of Transactions

A transaction guarantees that all messages produced or consumed within
the scope of the transaction will be either processed (committed) or not
processed (rolled back) as a unit. In general, the overhead of both
local and distributed transaction processing dwarfs all other
performance differentiators.

A message produced or consumed within a transaction is slower than those
produced or consumed outside of a transaction for the following reasons:

* Additional information must be stored with each produced message.
* In some situations, messages in a transaction are stored when normally
they would not be. For example, a persistent message delivered to a
topic destination with no subscriptions would normally be deleted,
however, at the time the transaction is begun, information about
subscriptions is not available.
* Information on the consumption and acknowledgement of messages within
a transaction must be stored and processed when the transaction is


Acknowledgement Mode

Other than using transactions, you can ensure reliable delivery by
having the client acknowledge receiving a message. If a session is
closed without the client acknowledging the message or if the message
server fails before the acknowledgment is processed, the broker
redelivers that message, setting the `MQ_REDELIVERED_HEADER_PROPERTY`
message header.

For a non-transacted session, the client can choose one of three
acknowledgement modes, each of which has its own performance

* `AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE`. The system automatically acknowledges a message
once the consumer has processed it. This mode guarantees at most one
redelivered message after a provider failure.
* `CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE`. The application controls the point at which
messages are acknowledged. All messages that have been received in the
same session up to the message where the acknowledge function is called
upon are acknowledged. If the message server fails while processing a
set of acknowledgments, one or more messages in that group might be
redelivered. +
Note that this behavior models the JMS 1.0.2 specification rather than
the JMS 1.1 specification +
(Using `CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE` mode is similar to using transactions,
except there is no guarantee that all acknowledgments will be processed
together if a provider fails during processing.)
* `DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE`. This mode instructs the system to acknowledge
messages in a lazy manner. Multiple messages can be redelivered after a
provider failure.

Performance is impacted by acknowledgement mode for the following

* Extra control messages between broker and client are required in
control messages add processing overhead and can interfere with JMS
payload messages, causing processing delays.
* In `AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE` and `CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE` modes, the client must
wait until the broker confirms that it has processed the client's
acknowledgment before the client can consume more messages. (This broker
confirmation guarantees that the broker will not inadvertently redeliver
these messages.)
* The Message Queue persistent store must be updated with the
acknowledgement information for all persistent messages received by
consumers, thereby decreasing performance.

In general, our tests show about a 7% difference in performance between
pesistent and nonpersistent messages, no matter which acknowledgment
mode is used. That is, while persistence is a significant factor
affecting performance, acknowledgment mode is not.


Durable and Non-Durable Subscriptions

Subscribers to a topic destination have either durable or non-durable
subscriptions. Durable subscriptions provide increased reliability at
the cost of slower throughput for the following reasons:

* The Message Queue message server must persistently store the list of
messages assigned to each durable subscription so that should a message
server fail, the list is available after recovery.
* Persistent messages for durable subscriptions are stored persistently,
so that should a message server fail, the messages can still be
delivered after recovery, when the corresponding consumer becomes
active. By contrast, persistent messages for non-durable subscriptions
are not stored persistently (should a message server fail, the
corresponding consumer connection is lost and the message would never be

For nonpersistent messages, performance is about the same for durable
and non durable subscriptions. For persistent messages, performance is
about 20% lower for durable subscriptions than for nondurable


Use of Selectors (Message Filtering)

Application developers can have the messaging provider sort messages
according to criteria specified in the message selector associated with
a consumer and deliver to that consumer only those messages whose
property value matches the message selector. For example, if an
application creates a subscriber to the topic `WidgetOrders` and
specifies the expression `NumberOfOrders>1000` for the message selector,
messages with a `NumberOfOrders` property value of `1001` or more are
delivered to that subscriber.

Creating consumers with selectors lowers performance (as compared to
using multiple destinations) because additional processing is required
to handle each message. When a selector is used, it must be parsed so
that it can be matched against future messages. Additionally, the
message properties of each message must be retrieved and compared
against the selector as each message is routed. However, using selectors
provides more flexibility in a messaging application and may lower
resource requirements at the expense of speed.

In our tests, performance results were affected by the use of selectors
only in the case of nondurable subscribers, which ran about 33% faster
without selectors. For durable subscribers and for queue consumers,
performance was not affected by the use of selectors. For more
information on using selectors, see link:#aelcr[Using Selectors


Message Size

Message size affects performance because more data must be passed from
producing client to broker and from broker to consuming client, and
because for persistent messages a larger message must be stored.

However, by batching smaller messages into a single message, the routing
and processing of individual messages can be minimized, providing an
overall performance gain. In this case, information about the state of
individual messages is lost.

In our tests we compared performance for persistent and non-persistent
1k, 10k, and 100k messages. We found that 100k messages were processed
two to three times faster than 10k messages, and 10k messages were
processed five to six times faster than 1k messages. For both persistent
and non-persistent messages, the size of the message affected the
processing rate much more than its delivery mode. For 1k messages,
non-persistent messages were almost twice as fast; for 10k messages,
non-persistent messages were about 33% faster; for 100k messages, non
persistent messages were about 5% faster. In our tests all messages were
sent to a queue destination and used the `AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE`
acknowledgement mode.


Message Type

The C API supports three message types:

* `MQ_BYTES_MESSAGE`, which contains a set of bytes in a format
determined by the application
* `MQ_TEXT_MESSAGE`, which is a simple `MQString`
* `MQ_MESSAGE`, which contains a header and properties but no body

Since performance varies with the complexity of the data, text messages
are slightly more expensive to send than byte messages, and messages
that have no body are the fastest.