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Eclipse Keyple

This is the raw GitHub repository referencing all repositories of the Eclipse Keyple project (

  • Keyple offers Java and C++ libraries to build ticketing terminals operating smart cards.
  • The Eclipse Keypop project ( provides Java and C++ code of the ticketing terminal APIs implemented by Keyple.

Keyple component repositories for Java and C++ implementations

Keyple component Guide Implementation
Type Name Java C++
Core Service Lib Service guide Repository keyple-service-java-lib keyple-service-cpp-lib
API doc UML & Java Doc C++ Doc
Plugin API Plugin guide Repository keyple-plugin-java-api keyple-plugin-cpp-api
API doc UML & Java Doc C++ Doc
Common API Common guide Repository keyple-common-java-api keyple-common-cpp-api
API doc UML & Java Doc C++ Doc
Util Lib Util guide Repository keyple-util-java-lib keyple-util-cpp-lib
API doc UML & Java Doc C++ Doc
Card resource
manager extension
Service Resource Lib Service Resource guide Repository keyple-service-resource-java-lib keyple-service-resource-cpp-lib
API doc UML & Java Doc C++ Doc
Distributed module
Distributed Remote API Distributed Remote guide Repository keyple-distributed-remote-java-api
API doc UML & Java Doc
Distributed Remote Lib Repository keyple-distributed-remote-java-lib
API doc UML & Java Doc
Distributed Local API Distributed Local guide Repository keyple-distributed-local-java-api
API doc UML & Java Doc
Distributed Local Lib Repository keyple-distributed-local-java-lib
API doc UML & Java Doc
Distributed Network Lib Distributed Network guide Repository keyple-distributed-network-java-lib
API doc UML & Java Doc
Card solution
Generic Card Lib Generic Card guide Repository keyple-card-generic-java-lib keyple-card-generic-cpp-lib
API doc UML & Java Doc C++ Doc
Calypso Card Lib Calypso Card guide Repository keyple-card-calypso-java-lib keyple-card-calypso-cpp-lib
API doc UML & Java Doc C++ Doc
Plugin extension
for standardized
reader solutions
Stub Plugin Lib Stub Plugin guide Repository keyple-plugin-stub-java-lib keyple-plugin-stub-cpp-lib
API doc UML & Java Doc C++ Doc
PC/SC Plugin Lib PC/SC Plugin guide Repository keyple-plugin-pcsc-java-lib keyple-plugin-pcsc-cpp-lib
API doc UML & Java Doc C++ Doc
Android NFC Lib Android NFC guide Repository keyple-plugin-android-nfc-java-lib
API doc UML & Kotlin Doc
Android OMAPI Lib Android OMAPI guide Repository keyple-plugin-android-omapi-java-lib
API doc UML & Kotlin Doc

External repositories of Keypop API implemented by Keyple

Keypop repositories are listed in the GitHub organization of the Eclipse Keypop project.

Keyple project support repositories

Support type Repository
Project website keyple-website
Meta scripts for C++ components' download & build keyple-cpp-meta
Use examples in Java keyple-java-example
in C++ keyple-cpp-example
Continuous integration Jenkins configuration keyple-ops
Java integration tests keyple-integration-java-test

Repositories of older, no-longer-maintained versions of Keyple

$\text{\color{red}Deprecated}$ elements $\text{\color{red}Archived}$ repository
Keyple elements from version 0.7 to 1.0 in Java keyple-java
in C++ keyple-cpp


  1. Fork the eclipse/keyple repository
  2. Clone repository: git clone[your_github_username]/keyple.git
  3. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  4. Make your changes
  5. Commit your changes: git commit -m "Add some feature" -s
  6. Push feature branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  7. Submit a pull request

Declared Project Licenses

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at

SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0

Bugs and feature requests

Have a bug or a feature request? Please search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please open a new issue.


  • Eclipse Keyple and the Eclipse Keyple project are Trademarks of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
  • Eclipse® is a Trademark of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
  • Eclipse Foundation is a Trademark of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Copyright and license

Copyright 2020 the Eclipse Foundation, Inc. and the keyple authors. Code released under the Eclipse Public License Version 2.0 (EPL-2.0).


Eclipse Keyple™ Project: raw repository to handle issue: global for the project, or specific for a new component to create



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