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Eclipse Hono

Eclipse Hono™ provides remote service interfaces for connecting large numbers of IoT devices to a back end and interacting with them in a uniform way regardless of the device communication protocol.

This repository contains a chart that can be used to install Hono to a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


Installing Hono using the chart requires the Helm tool to be installed as described on the IoT Packages chart repository prerequisites page.

In addition, a Kubernetes cluster to install the chart to is required. See the corresponding section on the IoT Packages prerequisites page for information on how to set up a cluster suitable for running Hono.

The Helm chart is being tested to successfully install on the four most recent Kubernetes versions.

Installing the chart

Helm can be used to install applications multiple times to the same cluster. Each such installation is called a release in Helm. Each release needs to have a unique name within a Kubernetes namespace.

The instructions below illustrate how Hono can be installed to the hono namespace in a Kubernetes cluster using release name eclipse-hono. The commands can easily be adapted to use a different namespace or release name.

  1. The target namespace in Kubernetes only needs to be created if it doesn't exist yet:
    kubectl create namespace hono
  2. Install the chart to namespace hono using release name eclipse-hono:
    helm install eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono -n hono --wait

Verifying the Installation

Once installation has completed, Hono's external API endpoints are exposed via corresponding Kubernetes Services. The following command lists all services and their endpoints (replace hono with the namespace that you have installed to):

kubectl get service -n hono

NAME                                            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                           AGE
eclipse-hono-adapter-amqp                       LoadBalancer     5671:32671/TCP                    2m30s
eclipse-hono-adapter-http                       LoadBalancer     8443:30443/TCP                    2m29s
eclipse-hono-adapter-mqtt                       LoadBalancer     8883:30883/TCP                    2m29s
eclipse-hono-kafka                              ClusterIP   <none>        9092/TCP,9095/TCP                 2m30s
eclipse-hono-kafka-controller0-external         LoadBalancer     9094:32094/TCP                    2m29s
eclipse-hono-kafka-controller-headless          ClusterIP      None            <none>        9094/TCP,9092/TCP,9093/TCP        2m30s
eclipse-hono-service-auth                       ClusterIP   <none>        5671/TCP,8088/TCP                 2m29s
eclipse-hono-service-command-router             ClusterIP     <none>        5671/TCP                          2m29s
eclipse-hono-service-device-registry            ClusterIP   <none>        5671/TCP,8080/TCP,8443/TCP        2m29s
eclipse-hono-service-device-registry-ext        LoadBalancer     28443:31443/TCP                   2m29s
eclipse-hono-service-device-registry-headless   ClusterIP      None            <none>        <none>                            2m30s

The listing above has been retrieved from a Minikube cluster that emulates a load balancer via the minikube tunnel command (refer to the Minikube docs for details). The service endpoints can be accessed at the EXTERNAL-IP addresses and corresponding PORT(S), e.g. 8080 for the HTTP adapter (hono-adapter-http) and 28080 for the device registry (hono-service-device-registry).

The following command assigns the IP address of the device registry service to the REGISTRY_IP environment variable so that it can easily be used from the command line:

export REGISTRY_IP=$(kubectl get service eclipse-hono-service-device-registry-ext --output='jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}' -n hono)

The following command can then be used to check for the existence of the DEFAULT_TENANT which is created as part of the installation:

curl -skIX GET https://$REGISTRY_IP:28443/v1/tenants/DEFAULT_TENANT

the output should look similar to

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
etag: 89d40d26-5956-4cc6-b978-b15fda5d1823
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
content-length: 445

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the eclipse-hono release from the target namespace:

helm uninstall eclipse-hono -n hono

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Release Notes


  • Recreate expired demo certificates.


  • Use Hono 2.6.0 container images.


  • Use Hono 2.5.1 container images.
  • Update jaegertracing/all-in-one and opentelemetry-collector image versions.


  • Use Hono 2.5.0 container images.
  • Update bitnami/kafka chart to version 26.8.x which uses Kafka 3.6 in Kraft mode.
  • Update to latest MongoDB chart version 13.x.
  • Add a useLegacyAmqpTraceContextFormat configuration property, allowing usage of a more generic format for storing OpenTelemetry trace context information in messages exchanged with an AMQP messaging network.


  • Update bitnami/kafka chart to version 21.x which uses Kafka 3.4.
  • Fix creation of example tenant and devices when Device Registry is configured to expose secure ports only.


  • Add service account for protocol-adapter pods. Needed to query the container id via the K8s API, as it is done in upcoming Hono releases in case cgroups v2 is used.
  • Update jaegertracing/all-in-one and opentelemetry-collector image versions.


  • Fix Grafana dashboard being empty in case a release name is used that doesn't contain 'hono'.
  • Use Bitnami OCI packages in Hono chart dependencies.
  • Support using Chart/Release value references in ''.
  • Fix some links, apply README corrections.


  • Allow configuring pod affinities.


  • Allow setting the priorityClass for all pods to have more control over kubernetes scheduling.


  • Allow customizing the PVC storage size for the Device Registry service.


  • Allow customizing the pod/service names irrespective of .Release.Name.


  • Pin MongoDB chart version to 13.16.x to fix incompatibilities with the used Kafka chart version.


  • Use Hono 2.4.0 container images.


  • Recreate expired demo certificates.


  • Add the ability to use secrets to load environment variables.


  • Do not expose insecure service port if insecure port is disabled for a component. Support disabling the insecure port of the Dispatch Router of the AMQP 1.0 based example messaging infrastructure.


  • Fix using custom host with amqp Messaging Network Example.


  • Update to Grafana Dashboard to work with the new metrics.


  • Use Hono 2.3.0 container images.


  • Update to Kafka chart version 20.x (using Kafka 3.3.x).
  • Update to MongoDB chart version 13.x (using Mongo DB 6.x).
  • Limit Kafka and Zookeeper JVM's memory consumption.


  • Use Hono 2.2.0 container images.


  • Use Hono 2.1.1 container images.


  • Allow adding labels and annotations to pods by using pod.labels and pod.annotations properties per component.


  • The Jaeger 'all-in-one' container, deployed if jaegerBackendExample.enabled: true is set, now supports collecting traces in the OpenTelemetry (OTLP) format.


  • Upgraded app version to Hono 2.1.0.
  • The Device Registry and the Command Router components are no longer explicitly configured with the Auth server's certificate for validating tokens but instead download the required public key(s) from the Auth server during runtime via its JWK resource.


  • Upgraded app version to Hono 2.0.1.


  • Instructions for setting up an Azure Kubernetes Service instance and installing Hono to it have been added. NOTE: The instructions have been moved here from the Hono code base as-is without review, i.e. the instructions might be outdated and no longer work with the current version of AKS.


  • livenessProbeInitialDelaySeconds and readinessProbeInitialDelaySeconds have been deprecated due to the introduction of the probes parameter which allows you to configure the HTTP GET probes more specifically instead of just the initialDelaySeconds. The probes parameter is configurable globally but can be overwritten per component.


  • The chart now uses Helm API version 2 and thus requires at least Helm version 3 to install.
  • The chart has been adapted to support Hono 2.0.0 container images. Previous versions of Hono are no longer supported by the chart. All properties for configuring components that are not part of Hono 2.0.0 have been removed as well. In particular, this affects properties for the Device Connection service, the Kura protocol adapter and the file based device registry implementation.
  • The dataGridSpec configuration property has been removed. The commandRouterService.hono.commandRouter.cache property now is the only place to use for configuring the connection to a remote cache.
  • The extraSecretMounts property that was available for most components has been replaced with the extraVolumes and extraVolumeMounts properties which allow mounting any kind of volume supported by kubernetes into the container file system.


The chart's values.yaml file contains all possible configuration values along with documentation.

In order to set a property to a non-default value, the --set key=value[,key=value] command line parameter can be passed to helm install. For example:

helm install eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono -n hono --wait --set jaegerBackendExample.enabled=true

Alternatively, one or more YAML files that contain the properties can be provided when installing the chart:

helm install eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono -n hono --wait -f /path/to/config.yaml -f /path/to/other-config.yaml

Enabling or disabling Protocol Adapters

The Helm chart by default installs the HTTP, MQTT and AMQP protocol adapters. However, the chart also supports deployment of additional protocol adapters which are still considered experimental or have been deprecated. The following table provides an overview of the corresponding configuration properties that need to be set during installation.

Property Default Description
adapters.amqp.enabled true Indicates if the AMQP protocol adapter should be deployed.
adapters.coap.enabled false Indicates if the CoAP protocol adapter should be deployed.
adapters.http.enabled true Indicates if the HTTP protocol adapter should be deployed.
adapters.lora.enabled false Indicates if the (experimental) LoRa WAN protocol adapter should be deployed.
adapters.mqtt.enabled true Indicates if the MQTT protocol adapter should be deployed.

The following command will deploy the LoRa adapter along with Hono's standard adapters (AMQP, HTTP and MQTT):

helm install eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono -n hono --wait --set adapters.lora.enabled=true

Using a production grade Kafka Cluster and Device Registry

The Helm chart by default deploys the example Device Registry that comes with Hono. The example registry provides implementations of the Tenant, Device Registration and Credentials APIs which can be used for example/demo purposes.

The chart also deploys example messaging infrastructure consisting of a single Apache Kafka broker and an Apache Zookeeper instance.

The protocol adapters are configured to connect to the example messaging infrastructure and registry by default.

In a production environment, though, usage of the example registry and messaging infrastructure is strongly discouraged and more sophisticated (custom) implementations of the service APIs should be used.

The Helm chart supports configuration of the protocol adapters to connect to other service implementations than the example registry and messaging infrastructure as described in the following sections.

Integrating with an existing Kafka Cluster

The Helm chart can be configured to use an existing Kafka cluster instead of the example deployment. In order to do so, the protocol adapters need to be configured with information about the bootstrap server addresses and configuration properties.

The easiest way to set these properties is by means of putting them into a YAML file with content like this:

# configure protocol adapters for Kafka messaging
- "kafka"

# do not deploy example AMQP Messaging Network
  enabled: false

# do not deploy example Kafka cluster
  enabled: false

  # provide connection params
      bootstrap.servers: ","

adapters.kafkaMessagingSpec needs to contain configuration properties as described in Hono's Kafka client admin guide. Make sure to adapt/add properties as required by the Kafka cluster.

Assuming that the file is named customKafkaCluster.yaml, the values can then be passed in to the Helm install command as follows:

helm install eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono -n hono --wait -f /path/to/customKafkaCluster.yaml

Integrating with a custom Device Registry

The Helm chart can be configured to use existing implementations of the Tenant, Device Registration and Credentials APIs instead of the example device registry. In order to do so, the protocol adapters need to be configured with information about the service endpoints and connection properties.

The easiest way to set these properties is by means of putting them into a YAML file with the following content:

# do not deploy example Device Registry
  enabled: false


  # mount (existing) Kubernetes secret which contains
  # credentials for connecting to services to all enabled adapters
    - name: "custom-registry"
        secretName: "custom-http-secret"
    - name: "custom-registry"
      mountPath: "/etc/custom"

    - name: "custom-registry"
        secretName: "custom-mqtt-secret"
    - name: "custom-registry"
      mountPath: "/etc/custom"

  # provide connection params
  # assuming that "custom-*-secret" contains an "adapter.credentials" file
    port: 5672
    trustStorePath: "/etc/custom/registry-trust-store.pem"
    credentialsPath: "/etc/custom/adapter.credentials"
    port: 5672
    trustStorePath: "/etc/custom/registry-trust-store.pem"
    credentialsPath: "/etc/custom/adapter.credentials"
    port: 5672
    trustStorePath: "/etc/custom/registry-trust-store.pem"
    credentialsPath: "/etc/custom/adapter.credentials"

All of the specs need to contain Hono client configuration properties as described in the client admin guide. Make sure to adapt/add properties as required by the custom service implementations. The information contained in the specs will then be used by all protocol adapters that get deployed.

Note that custom-http-secret and custom-http-secret are expected to already exist in the namespace that Hono gets installed to, i.e. the Helm chart will not create these secrets. Also note that even if the two secrets both contain a file, the content of these files can be specific to each adapter, i.e. the adapters can still use credentials that are specific to the type of adapter.

Assuming that the file is named customRegistry.yaml, the values can then be passed to the Helm 3 install command as follows:

helm install eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono -n hono --wait -f /path/to/customRegistry.yaml

Using AMQP 1.0 based Messaging Infrastructure

The chart can be configured to use AMQP 1.0 based messaging infrastructure instead of a Kafka broker. The configuration messagingNetworkTypes[0]=amqp deploys Hono configured to use AMQP 1.0 for messaging. It is possible to enable both Kafka and AMQP based messaging at the same time using command line parameters --set messagingNetworkTypes[0]=kafka --set messagingNetworkTypes[1]=amqp. Each tenant in Hono can then be configured separately to use either Kafka or AMQP for messaging.

The following command provides a quick start for AMQP 1.0 based messaging (ensure minikube tunnel is running when using Minikube):

helm install eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono -n hono --wait --set messagingNetworkTypes[0]=amqp --set kafkaMessagingClusterExample.enabled=false --set amqpMessagingNetworkExample.enabled=true

The parameters enable the deployment of a simple AMQP 1.0 based messaging infrastructure, disable the deployment of the Kafka broker and configure adapters and services to use AMQP 1.0 based messaging.

To use the service type NodePort instead of LoadBalancer, the following parameters must be added: --set useLoadBalancer=false --set --set kafka.externalAccess.controller.service.type=NodePort.

Integrating with an existing AMQP Messaging Network

The Helm chart can be configured to use an existing AMQP Messaging Network implementation instead of the example implementation. In order to do so, the protocol adapters need to be configured with information about the AMQP Messaging Network's endpoint address and connection parameters.

The easiest way to set these properties is by means of putting them into a YAML file with content like this:

# configure protocol adapters for AMQP 1.0 based messaging
- "amqp"

# do not deploy example AMQP Messaging Network
  enabled: false

# mount (existing) Kubernetes secret which contains
# credentials for connecting to AMQP network
# into Command Router and protocol adapter containers
  - name: "amqp-network"
      secretName: "my-secret"
  - name: "amqp-network"
    mountPath: "/etc/custom"

    - name: "amqp-network"
        secretName: "my-secret"
    - name: "amqp-network"
      mountPath: "/etc/custom"
    - name: "amqp-network"
        secretName: "my-secret"
    - name: "amqp-network"
      mountPath: "/etc/custom"
    - name: "amqp-network"
        secretName: "my-secret"
    - name: "amqp-network"
      mountPath: "/etc/custom"

  # provide connection params
  # assuming that "my-secret" contains an "" file
    port: 5672
    credentialsPath: "/etc/custom/"
    port: 5672
    credentialsPath: "/etc/custom/"

Both the amqpMessagingNetworkSpec and the commandAndControlSpec need to contain Hono client configuration properties as described in the client admin guide. Make sure to adapt/add properties as required by the AMQP Messaging Network.

Note that my-secret is expected to already exist in the namespace that Hono gets installed to, i.e. the Helm chart will not create this secret.

Assuming that the file is named customAmqpNetwork.yaml, the values can then be passed in to the Helm install command as follows:

helm install eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono -n hono --wait -f /path/to/customAmqpNetwork.yaml

Installing Prometheus and Grafana

The chart supports installation and configuration of an example Prometheus instance for collecting metrics from Hono's components and a Grafana instance for visualizing the metrics on dashboards in a web browser.

Both Prometheus and Grafana are completely optional and are not required to run Hono. The following configuration properties can be used to install the Prometheus and Grafana servers along with Hono:

helm install eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono -n hono --wait --set prometheus.createInstance=true --set grafana.enabled=true

Accessing the Example Grafana Dashboard

Hono comes with an example Grafana dashboard which provides some insight into the messages flowing through the protocol adapters. The following command needs to be run first in order to forward the Grafana service's endpoint to the local host:

kubectl port-forward service/eclipse-hono-grafana 3000 -n hono

The dashboard can then be opened by pointing your browser to http://localhost:3000 using credentials admin:admin.

Using specific Container Images

The chart can be customized to use container images other than the default ones. This can be used to install an older version of the images or to install a Hono milestone using the chart. It can also be used to install custom built images that need to be pulled from a different (private) container registry. Please refer to Hono's build instructions for details regarding building custom images and pushing them to a private container registry.

The values.yaml file contains configuration properties for setting the container image and tag names to use for Hono's components. The easiest way to override the version of all Hono components in one go is to set the honoImagesTag and/or honoContainerRegistry properties to the desired values during installation.

The following command installs Hono using custom built images published on a private registry with tag 2.0.0-custom instead of the ones indicated by the chart's appVersion property:

helm install eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono -n hono --wait --set honoImagesTag=2.0.0-custom --set honoContainerRegistry=my-registry:9090

It is also possible to define the image and tag names and container registry for each component separately. The easiest way to do that is to create a YAML file that specifies the particular properties:

# pull standard adapter images in version 2.0.0 from Docker Hub by default
honoImagesTag: "2.0.0"

  # pull custom Device Registry image from private container registry
  imageName: "my-hono/hono-service-device-registry-custom"
  imageTag: "1.0.0"
  containerRegistry: ""

  # pull "older" release from Docker Hub
  imageName: "eclipse/hono-service-auth"
  imageTag: "1.12.2"

Assuming that the file is named customImages.yaml, the values can then be passed in to the Helm install command as follows:

helm install eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono -n hono --wait -f /path/to/customImages.yaml

Using custom built Container Images

The chart by default installs Hono's official container images. In some cases it might be desirable to build Hono from source, e.g. in order to use a different metrics back end.

The container images created as part of the build process need to be made available to the Kubernetes cluster that Hono should be installed to. This usually requires the images to be pushed to a (private) container registry that the cluster can pull them from. Please refer to the documentation of the employed Kubernetes service provider for details regarding the setup and configuration of a private container registry.

Deploying via a private Registry

Please refer to Hono's Building from Source instructions for details regarding getting the source code, building and pushing the container images.

As in the previous section, the names of the custom images are configured in a YAML file:

# use version 2.0.0-CUSTOM
honoImagesTag: "2.0.0-CUSTOM"

  imageName: ""
  imageName: ""
  imageName: ""
    imageName: ""
    imageName: ""
    imageName: ""

Assuming that the file is named customImages.yaml, the values can then be passed in to the Helm install command as follows:

helm install eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono -n hono --wait -f /path/to/customImages.yaml

Deploying to Minikube

When using Minikube as the deployment target, things are a little easier. Minikube comes with an embedded Docker daemon which can be used to build the container images instead of using a local Docker daemon, thus eliminating the need to push the images to a registry altogether. In order to use Minikube's Docker daemon, the following command needs to be run:

eval $(minikube docker-env)

This will set the Docker environment variables to point to Minikube's Docker daemon which can then be used for building the container images and storing them locally in the Minikube VM.

In any case the build process can be started using the following command:

# in base directory of Hono working tree:
mvn clean install -Pbuild-docker-image,metrics-prometheus

To obtain the used Hono version and store it in an environment variable, use:

# in base directory of Hono working tree:
HONO_VERSION=$(mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout)

The newly built images can then be deployed using Helm:

helm install eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono -n hono --wait --set honoImagesTag=$HONO_VERSION

Using Native Executable Images

The Hono container images that are used by default contain Java byte code that is being executed using a standard Java VM. For most of the images there also exists a variant that contains a native OS executable that has been created from the Java byte code using the Graal project's native-image compiler. These images start up more quickly than their corresponding JVM based counterparts. However, for these images no just-in-time compilation is taking place during runtime because the byte code has been compiled ahead of time already. Consequently, the code can also not be optimized during runtime which may result in a reduced performance when compared to the JVM based images.

The Helm chart can be configured to use these native images by means of explicitly specifying the component's image name as described in Using specific Container Images. The names of the images based on native executables are the standard image names appended by -native.

In order to make the native executables aware of the memory limits, the -Xmx GraalVM parameter can be passed to the native executable as a command line parameter. This can be done by setting the cmdLineArgs property of the component in the values.yaml. For example, the Authentication server can be configured to use the native executable based image with 80% of the container's memory limit being available to the process like this:

  imageName: "eclipse/hono-service-auth-native"
  - "-Xmx24m"
      memory: "30Mi"
      memory: "30Mi"

Configuring Storage for Command Routing Data

Hono needs to store information about the connection status of devices during runtime. This kind of information is used for determining how command & control messages, that are sent by business applications, can be routed to the protocol adapters that the target devices are connected to.

Hono's protocol adapters can use the Command Router API to supply device connection information with which a Command Router service component can route command & control messages to the protocol adapters that the target devices are connected to.

Hono comes with a ready to use implementation of the Command Router API which is used by default when installing Hono using the Helm chart.

Using an Embedded Cache

By default, the Command Router service component uses an embedded cache for the command routing data. All data is kept in-memory only and will therefore be lost after restarting the Command Router service.

NB With this configuration, only one Command Router service component instance can be used. For a storage configuration suitable for production, with the possibility to use multiple instances, use the data grid configuration as described below.

Using a Data Grid

The Command Router service component can also be configured to use a data grid for storing the command routing data. The Helm chart supports deployment of an example data grid which can be used for experimenting by means of setting the dataGridExample.enabled property to true:

helm install eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono -n hono --wait --set dataGridExample.enabled=true

This will deploy the data grid based Command Router service component.

The Command Router service component can also be configured to connect to an already existing data grid. In this case the commandRouterService.hono.commandRouter.cache property needs to be configured with the data grid's connection information.

Jaeger Tracing

Hono's components are instrumented using OpenTracing to allow tracking of the distributed processing of messages flowing through the system. The Hono chart can be configured to report tracing information via an OpenTelemetry Collector to the Jaeger tracing system. The Spans reported by the components can then be viewed in a web browser.

The chart can be configured to deploy and use an example Jaeger back end by means of setting the jaegerBackendExample.enabled property to true when installing Hono:

helm install eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono -n hono --wait --set jaegerBackendExample.enabled=true

This will create a Jaeger back end instance suitable for testing purposes and will configure all deployed Hono components to use the Jaeger back end. The example Jaeger back end server's environment variables can be set via the chart's jaegerBackendExample.env property.

The following command can be used to return the IP address at which the Jaeger UI can be accessed in a browser (ensure minikube tunnel is running when using minikube):

kubectl get service eclipse-hono-jaeger-query --output="jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0]['hostname','ip']}" -n hono

If no example Jaeger back end should be deployed but instead another (existing) tracing back end that is supported by OpenTelemetry should be used, the chart's otelCollectorAgentConfigMap property can be set to the name of an existing ConfigMap that contains a corresponding OpenTelemetry Collector configuration file under key otel-collector-config.yaml.

Using Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

This section describes how to use Microsoft's Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to create a managed Kubernetes cluster and how to install Hono to it. The steps described include:

NOTE This deployment model is not meant for production use but rather for evaluation as well as demonstration purposes or as a baseline to evolve a production grade Application architecture out of it which includes Hono. The instructions provided in this section have been created in 2018 and may therefore be outdated!



As described here we will create an explicit service principal. Later we add roles to this principal to access the Azure Container Registry.

# Create service principal
service_principal=`az ad sp create-for-rbac --name http://honoServicePrincipal --skip-assignment --output tsv`
app_id_principal=`echo $service_principal | cut -f1 -d ' '`
password_principal=`echo $service_principal | cut -f4 -d ' '`
object_id_principal=`az ad sp show --id $app_id_principal --query objectId --output tsv`

Note: it might take a few seconds until the principal is available for the next steps.

Now we create the Azure Container Registry instance and provide read access to the service principal.

# Resource group where the ACR is deployed.
# Name of your ACR.
# Full name of the ACR.

az acr create --resource-group $acr_resourcegroupname --name $acr_registry-name  --sku Basic
acr_id_access_registry=`az acr show --resource-group $acr_resourcegroupname --name $acr_registry_name --query "id" --output tsv`
az role assignment create --assignee $app_id_principal --scope $acr_id_access_registry --role Reader

With the next command we will use the provided Azure Resource Manager templates to setup the AKS cluster. This might take a while.

az group create --name $resourcegroup_name --location "westeurope"
cd infra/azure
az group deployment create --name HonoBasicInfrastructure --resource-group $resourcegroup_name --template-file arm/honoInfrastructureDeployment.json --parameters uniqueSolutionPrefix=$unique_solution_prefix servicePrincipalObjectId=$object_id_principal servicePrincipalClientId=$app_id_principal servicePrincipalClientSecret=$password_principal


  • add the following parameter in case you want to opt for the Azure Service Bus as broker in Hono's AMQP 1.0 based messaging infrastructure instead of deploying an Apache ActiveMQ Artemis instance into AKS: serviceBus=true
  • add the kubernetesVersion parameter to define the k8s version to use for the AKS cluster, e.g. kubernetesVersion=1.23. Note that not all versions might be supported in your Azure region, though.

After the deployment is complete you can set your cluster in kubectl.

az aks get-credentials --resource-group $resourcegroup_name --name $aks_cluster_name

Next create retain storage for the device registry.

kubectl apply -f managed-premium-retain.yaml

Now Hono can be installed to the AKS cluster as described in the next section.


You can monitor your cluster using Azure Monitor for containers.

Navigate to -> your resource group -> your kubernetes cluster

On an overview tab you fill find information about your cluster (status, location, version, etc.). Also, here you will find a Monitor Containers link. Navigate to Monitor Containers and explore metrics and the current status of your Cluster, Nodes, Controllers and Containers.

Cleaning up

Use the following command to delete all created resources once they are no longer needed:

az group delete --name $resourcegroup_name --yes --no-wait

Installing Hono to AKS

First we build the docker images and push them into the Azure Container Registry (ACR). Note that when using a custom image tag, the tag name needs to be specified on the command line when installing the chart using Helm as described above.

# Resource group where the ACR is deployed.
# Name of your ACR.
# Full name of the ACR.
# Authenticate your docker daemon with the ACR.
az acr login --name $ACR_NAME
# Build images.
cd hono
mvn install -Pbuild-docker-image -Ddocker.registry=$acr_login_server
# Push images to ACR.
./ 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT $acr_login_server

Now we can retrieve settings from the deployment for the following steps:

# Resource group of the AKS deployment

aks_cluster_name=`az group deployment show --name HonoBasicInfrastructure --resource-group $resourcegroup_name --query properties.outputs.aksClusterName.value -o tsv`
http_ip_address=`az group deployment show --name HonoBasicInfrastructure --resource-group $resourcegroup_name --query properties.outputs.httpPublicIPAddress.value -o tsv`
amqp_ip_address=`az group deployment show --name HonoBasicInfrastructure --resource-group $resourcegroup_name --query properties.outputs.amqpPublicIPAddress.value -o tsv`
mqtt_ip_address=`az group deployment show --name HonoBasicInfrastructure --resource-group $resourcegroup_name --query properties.outputs.mqttPublicIPAddress.value -o tsv`
registry_ip_address=`az group deployment show --name HonoBasicInfrastructure --resource-group $resourcegroup_name --query properties.outputs.registryPublicIPAddress.value -o tsv`
network_ip_address=`az group deployment show --name HonoBasicInfrastructure --resource-group $resourcegroup_name --query properties.outputs.networkPublicIPAddress.value -o tsv`

Note: add the following lines in case you opted for the Azure Service Bus variant:

service_bus_namespace=`az group deployment show --name HonoBasicInfrastructure --resource-group $resourcegroup_name --query properties.outputs.serviceBusNamespaceName.value -o tsv`
service_bus_key_name=`az group deployment show --name HonoBasicInfrastructure --resource-group $resourcegroup_name --query properties.outputs.serviceBusKeyName.value -o tsv`
service_bus_key=`az group deployment show --name HonoBasicInfrastructure --resource-group $resourcegroup_name --query properties.outputs.serviceBusKey.value -o tsv`

Finally install Hono. Leveraging the managed-premium-retain storage in combination with deviceRegistry.resetFiles=false parameter is optional but ensures that Device registry storage will retain future update deployments.

# in Hono working tree directory: hono/deploy
helm install eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono -n hono --wait \
    --set adapters.mqtt.svc.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-resource-group"=$resourcegroup_name \
    --set adapters.http.svc.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-resource-group"=$resourcegroup_name \
    --set adapters.amqp.svc.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-resource-group"=$resourcegroup_name \
    --set deviceRegistryExample.svc.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-resource-group"=$resourcegroup_name \
    --set amqpMessagingNetworkExample.dispatchRouter.svc.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-resource-group"=$resourcegroup_name \
    --set deviceRegistryExample.storageClass=managed-premium-retain \
    --set deviceRegistryExample.resetFiles=false \
    --set adapters.mqtt.svc.loadBalancerIP=$mqtt_ip_address \
    --set adapters.http.svc.loadBalancerIP=$http_ip_address \
    --set adapters.amqp.svc.loadBalancerIP=$amqp_ip_address \
    --set deviceRegistryExample.svc.loadBalancerIP=$registry_ip_address \
    --set amqpMessagingNetworkExample.dispatchRouter.svc.loadBalancerIP=$network_ip_address

Note: add the following lines in case you opted for the Azure Service Bus variant:

    # Router update required to work together with Azure Service Bus
    --set$ \
    --set$service_bus_key_name \

Have fun with Hono on Microsoft Azure!

Next steps:

You can follow the steps as described in the [Getting Started]({{% homelink "getting-started/" %}}) guide with the following differences:

Compared to a plain k8s deployment Azure provides us DNS names with static IPs for the Hono endpoints. To retrieve them:

HTTP_ADAPTER_IP=`az group deployment show --name HonoBasicInfrastructure --resource-group $resourcegroup_name --query properties.outputs.httpPublicIPFQDN.value -o tsv`
AMQP_ADAPTER_IP=`az group deployment show --name HonoBasicInfrastructure --resource-group $resourcegroup_name --query properties.outputs.amqpPublicIPFQDN.value -o tsv`
MQTT_ADAPTER_IP=`az group deployment show --name HonoBasicInfrastructure --resource-group $resourcegroup_name --query properties.outputs.mqttPublicIPFQDN.value -o tsv`
REGISTRY_IP=`az group deployment show --name HonoBasicInfrastructure --resource-group $resourcegroup_name --query properties.outputs.registryPublicIPFQDN.value -o tsv`
AMQP_NETWORK_IP=`az group deployment show --name HonoBasicInfrastructure --resource-group $resourcegroup_name --query properties.outputs.networkPublicIPFQDN.value -o tsv`

As Azure Service Bus does not support auto creation of queues you have to create a queue per tenant (ID), e.g. after you have created your tenant run:

az servicebus queue create --resource-group $resourcegroup_name \
    --namespace-name $service_bus_namespace \
    --name $MY_TENANT