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Go provides a mechanism called reflection to update variables and inspect their values at run time, to call their methods, and to apply the operations intrinsic to their representation, which also lets us treat types themselves as first-class values.

Reflection increases the expressiveness of the language and are crucial for implementation of important APIs, specifically string formatting provided by fmt, protocol encoding provided by packages like encoding/json and encoding/xml, and the mechanism provided by text/template and html/template packages.

Why Reflection

  • To write a function capable of dealing uniformly with values of types that don't satisfy a common interface, don't have a known representation, or don't exist at the same time we design a function (or all of the above).
  • A good example is the logic within fmt.Fprintf, which can usefully print values of any type, even user-defined ones.
  • To implement this ourselves, we'll create a function called Sprint, as it will return the result as a string like fmt.Sprintf does. It starts with a type switch that tests whether argument defines a String method, and call it if so. Then add switch cases to test the value's dynamic type against each of the basic types (string, int bool, etc), then perform the appropriate formatting operation.
func Spring(x interface{}) string {
  type stringer interface {
    String() string

  switch x := x.(type) {
    case stringer:
      return x.String()
    case string:
      return x
    case int:
      return strconv.Itoa(x)
    // ...similar cases for int16, uint32, so on...
    case bool:
      if x {
        return "true"
      return "false"
      // array, chan, func, map, pointer, slice, struct
      return "???"
  • So how do we deal with the composite types. We could add more cases but number of types is infinite. And what about named types like url.Values. Even for underlying values, it wouldn't match because two types are not identical and the type switch can't include a case for each type like url.Values because that requires the library to depend on its client.
  • To handle this scenario, we need to inspect the representation of values of unknown types, which is why we need reflection.

reflect.Type and reflect.Value

See reflect package for more documentation.

  • Perhaps the two most important types are Type and Value.

Type and Typeof

  • Type represents a Go type, an interface with many methods for discriminating among types and inspecting their components, like the fields of a struct or the parameters of a function.
  • The sole implementation of reflect.Type is the type descriptor which is the same entity that identifies the dynamic type of an interface value.
  • reflect.TypeOf is a function that accepts any type (interface{})and returns its dynamic type as a reflect.Type:
t := reflect.Typeof(3) // a reflect.Type
fmt.Println(t.String()) // "int"
fmt.Println(t)          // "int
  • Recall that an assignment from a concrete value to an interface type performs an implicit interface conversion, which creates an interface value consisting of two components: its dynamic type its the operand's type (int) and the dynamic value is the operand's value (3).
  • It is also capable of representing interface types:
var w io.Writer = os.Stdout
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(w)) // "*os.File"
  • Note that reflect.Type satisifes fmt.Stringer. The dynamic type of an interface value is useful for debugging and logging, and fmt.Printf provides the short hand %T that uses reflect.TypeOf internally: fmt.Printf("%T\n", 3) // int

Value and ValueOf

  • A reflect.Value can hold a value of any type.
  • reflect.ValueOf accepts any interface{} and returns a reflect.Value containing the interface's dynamic value. The results are always concrete, but reflect.Value can hold interfaces values too:
v := reflect.ValueOf(3) // a reflect.Value
fmt.Println(v) // "3"
fmt.Printf("%v\n", v) // "3"
fmt.Println(v.String()) // NOTE: "<int Value>"
  • Calling the type method on a Value returns its type as a reflect.Type:
t := v.Type() // a reflect.Type
fmt.Println(t.String()) // "int"
  • The inverse operation to reflect.ValueOf is the reflect.Value.Interface method which returns an interface{} holding the same concrete value as the reflect.Value:
v := reflect.ValueOf(3) // a reflect.Value
x := v.Interface() // an interface{}
i := x.(int) // an int
fmt.Printf("%d\n", i) // "3"
  • The difference between reflect.Value and an interface{} is that an empty interface hides the representation and intrinsic operations of the value it holds and exposes none of its methods, so unless the dynamic type is known and we use a type assertion to peer inside (as above), there is little we can do to the value within. But with a Value, it has many methods for inspecting its contents, regardless of its type.
  • See format example for a second attempt at a formatting function. Instead of a type switch, it uses reflect.Value's Kind method to discriminate cases as their are only a finite number of kinds: the basic types Bool, String, and all the numbers; the aggretate types Array and Struct; the reference types Chan, Func, Ptr, Slice, and Map; Interface types; and finally Invalid meaning no value at all (the zero value kind of reflect.Value is reflect Invalid).

Display Example: a Recursive Value Printer

  • See display example for example of improving the display of composite types.
  • Best practice is to avoid exposing reflection in the API of a package by wrapping it:
func Display(name string, x interface {}) {
  fmt.Printf("Display %s (%T):\n", name, x)
  display(name, reflect.ValueOf(x))
  • Explanation of each case in examples:

    • Slices and arrays: display recursively invokes itself on each element of the sequence, appending the subscript notation "[i]" to the path. Only a few of reflect.Value's methods are safe to call on any given value, e.g., Index() is only safe to call on Slice, Array, or String.
    • Structs: Field(i) returns the i-th field as a reflect.Value including fields promoted from anonymous fields. We use reflect.Type of the struct to append the field selector notation ".f" to the path and access the name of its i-th field.
    • Maps: The subscript notation "[key]" is appended to path as a shortcut because the type of map key isn't restricted to the types of the format example. Extending cases to other composite types requires more effort since these can also be valid map keys.
    • Pointers: The reflect.Value operation is safe even if the pointer value is nil (where more appropriate case is Invalid, but isNil is used to detect nil pointers explicitly. We prefix the path with an asterisk and parenthesize it to avoid ambiguity.
    • Interfaces: Use isNil to determine if interface is nil and if not, retrieve the value using the Elem() method to simply print its type and value.
  • The example represents some cycles, and many Go programs contain at least some cyclic data. Additional bookkeeping is required to record the set of references that have been followed so far (this is also costly). The general solution requires using unsafe language features, exemplified in low level programming notes.

    • When fmt.Sprint encounters a pointer, it breaks the recursion by printing the pointer's numeric value. Occasionally it gets stuck trying to print a slice or map that contains itself as an element, but rare cases don't warrant the considerable extra trouble of handling cycles.
  • See Encoding S-Expressions example for another way of handling additional constructs such as integer, string with Go style quotations, symbols with unquoted names, and a list (zero or more items enclosed in parentheses).

Setting Variables with reflect.Value

  • So far, we've seen how to interpret values, but the point of knowing how to do this is to change them.
  • A variable is an addressable storage location that contains a value, and its value may be updated through that address.
  • With reflect.Values, some are addressable while others are not. For example:
x := 2                   // value type  variable?
a := reflect.ValueOf(2)  // 2     int   no
b := reflect.ValueOf(x)  // 2     int   no
c := reflect.ValueOf(&x) // &x    *int  no
d := c.Elem()            // 2     int   yes (x)
  • No reflect.Value returned by reflect.ValueOf(x) is addressable. But d, derived from c by dereferencing the pointer within it, refers to a variable and and is thus an addressable Value for any variable x.
  • To determine if a reflect.Value is addressable, we can use the method CanAddr:
fmt.Println(a.CanAddr()) // "false"
fmt.Println(b.CanAddr()) // "false"
fmt.Println(c.CanAddr()) // "false"
fmt.Println(d.CanAddr()) // "true"
  • We obtain an addressable reflect.Value whenever we indirect through a pointer, even if we started from a non-addressable Value.

    • reflect.ValueOf(e).Index(i) refers to a variable, and is thus addressableeven if reflect.ValueOf(e) is not.
  • To recover the variable from an addressable reflect.Value requires three steps.

    • First, call Addr(), which returns a Value holding a pointer to the variable.
    • Second, call Interface() on the Value, which returns an interface{} value containing the pointer.
    • Finally, if we know type of variable, we can use type assertion to retrieve the contents of the interface as an ordinary pointer and update the variable through the pointner:
    x := 2 
    d := reflect.ValueOf(&x).Elem()   // d refers to the variable x
    px := d.Addr().Interface().(*int) // px := &x
    *px = 3                           // x = 3
    fmt.Println(x)                    // "3
    // or update the variable referred to by an
    // addressable `reflect.Value` directly,
    // without using a pointer by calling `reflect.Value.Set`
    fmt.Println(x) // "4"
    // It is crucial to make sure the value is assignable
    // to the type of the variable or causes a panic:
    d.Set(reflect.ValueOf(int64(5))) // panic: int64 is not assignable to int
    // calling `Set` on a non-addressable reflect.Value panics too
    x := 2
    b := reflect.ValueOf(x)
    b.Set(reflect.ValueOf(3)) // panic: Set using unaddr val
    // Variants of Set exist for certain groups of basic types: 
    d := reflect.ValueOf(&x).Elem()
    fmt.Println(x) // "3"
  • The specialized methods are somehwat more forgiving. For example, SetInt will succeed so long as the variable's type is some kind of signed integer, or even a named type whose underlying type is a signed integer. Even if the value is too large, ti will be truncated to fit.

  • An addressable reflect.Value records whether it was obtained by traversing an unexported struct field, and if so, disallows modification. CanAddr is not usually the right check to use before setting a variable. CanSet is better since it can report whether a variable is addressable and settable:

fmt.Println(fd.CanAddr(), fd.CanSet()) // "true false"

Accesing Struct Field Tags

  • The first thing that most web server handlers do is extract request parameters into local variables. See params example for the Unpack() method that uses struct field tags to make writing HTTP handlers more convenient.
  • Unpack builds a mapping from the effective name of each field to the variable for that field. (note the effective name may differ from the actual name if the field has a tag.)
  • We use the Field method of reflect.Type to return a reflect.StructField that provides information about the type of each field such as its name, type and optional tag. The Tag field is a reflect.StructTag, which is a string type that provides a Get method to parse and extract the substring for a particular key, such as http:... in the example.

Displaying the Methods of a Type

  • Both reflect.Type and reflect.Value have a method called Method. Each t.Method(i) call returns an instance of reflect.Method, a struct type that describes the name and type of a single method and each v.Method(i) call returns a reflect.Value representing a method value ( a method bound to its receiver).
  • Using reflect.Value.Call, its possible to call Values of kind Func, but the program needs only its Type.
package methods

import (
// Print prints the method set of the value x.
func Print(x interface{}) {
  v := reflect.ValueOf(x)
  t := v.Type()
  fmt.Printf("type %s\n", t)

  for i := 0; i < v.NumMethod(); i++ {
    methType := v.Method(i).Type()
    fmt.Printf("func (%s) %s%s\n", t, t.Method(i).Name,
        strings.TrimPrefix(methType.String(), "func"))

// type time.Duration
// func (time.Duration) Hours() float64
// func time.Duration) Minutes() float64
// ...
// func (time.Duration) String() string

// type *Strings.Replacer
// func (*strings.Replacer) Replace(string) string
// func (*strings.Replacer) WriteString(io.Writer, string) (int, error)

Caution Around Reflection

  • Reflection-based code an be fragile and can be even more dangerous as compiler-type errors are reported during build time, but reflection errors are reported during execution as a panic.
  • The best way to avoid fragility is to ensure that the use of reflection si fully encapsulated within the package and if possible, avoid reflect.Value in favor of specific types in package's API.
  • Always carefully document the expected types and other invariants of functions that accept an interface{} or reflect.Value.
  • Testing is a particularly good fit for reflection since most tests use small data sets, but for functions on the critical path, reflection is best avoided.