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File metadata and controls

412 lines (277 loc) · 13.1 KB

Data sources

What is a data Source?

A data Source is an object created using cml.load_source(name, *args, **kwargs) with the appropriate name and arguments, which provides access to the data.

A Source also provides metadata and additional functionalities:

  • The source name is a string that uniquely identifies the source type.
  • The arguments (args and kwargs) are used to specify the data location to access the data. They can include additional parameters to access the data.
  • The additional functionalities include python code related to caching, plotting and interacting with other data.
>>> import climetlab as cml
>>> source = cml.load_source(name, *args, **kwargs)

The Source object provides methods to access and use its data such as to_xarray() or to_pandas() or to_numpy() (there are other methods that can be used to access data <base-class-methods> from a data Source).

>>> source.to_xarray() # for gridded data
>>> source.to_pandas() # for non-gridded data
>>> source.to_numpy() # When the data is a n-dimensional array.
>>> source.to_tfrecord() # Experimental


Source <data-sources> objects differ from data Dataset <datasets> objects, as Datasets refer to a given set of data (such as "the 2m temperature on Europe in 2015", while Sources are more generic such as "url").

Which data Sources are available?

CliMetLab has built-in sources and additional sources can be made available as plugins <source_plugins>.

Built-in data sources:

  • data-sources-file source: Load data from a file.
  • data-sources-url source: Load data from a URL.
  • data-sources-url-pattern source: Load data from list of URL created from a pattern.
  • data-sources-cds source: Load data from the Copernicus Data Store (CDS).
  • data-sources-mars source: Load data from the Meteorological Archival and Retrieval System at ECMWF (MARS).
  • data-sources-multi source: Aggregate multiple sources.
  • data-sources-zenodo source (experimental): Load data from Zenodo.
  • data-sources-indexed-urls source (experimental): Load data from GRIB urls with partial download.


The simplest data source is the "file" source that accesses a local file.

>>> import climetlab as cml
>>> data = cml.load_source("file", "path/to/file")
>>> data.to_xarray() # for gridded data fields
>>> data.to_pandas() # for non-gridded data 

CliMetLab will inspect the content of the file to check for any of the supported data formats listed below:

  • Fields:
    • NetCDF
    • GRIB (see grib_support)
  • Observations:
  • Archive formats:

    When given an archive format such as .zip, .tar, .tar.gz, etc, CliMetLab will attempt to open it and (recursively) extract any usable file.

>>> import climetlab as cml
>>> data = cml.load_source("url",

Support for additionnal formats could be implemented as plugins.

GRIB file example

>>> import climetlab as cml >>> data = cml.load_source("file", "examples/test.grib") >>> data.to_xarray() <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (number: 1, time: 1, step: 1, surface: 1, latitude: 11, longitude: 19) Coordinates: * number (number) int64 0 * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2020-05-13T12:00:00 * step (step) timedelta64[ns] 00:00:00 * surface (surface) float64 0.0 * latitude (latitude) float64 73.0 69.0 65.0 61.0 ... 45.0 41.0 37.0 33.0 * longitude (longitude) float64 -27.0 -23.0 -19.0 -15.0 ... 37.0 41.0 45.0 valid_time (time, step) datetime64[ns] ... Data variables: t2m (number, time, step, surface, latitude, longitude) float32 ... msl (number, time, step, surface, latitude, longitude) float32 ... Attributes: GRIB_edition: 1 GRIB_centre: ecmf GRIB_centreDescription: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts GRIB_subCentre: 0 Conventions: CF-1.7 institution: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts history: 2022-02-08T10:50 GRIB to CDM+CF via cfgrib-0.9.1...

NetCDF file example

>>> import climetlab as cml >>> data = cml.load_source("file", "examples/") >>> data.to_xarray() <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (number: 1, time: 1, step: 1, surface: 1, latitude: 11, longitude: 19) Coordinates: * number (number) int64 0 * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2020-05-13T12:00:00 * step (step) timedelta64[ns] 00:00:00 * surface (surface) float64 0.0 * latitude (latitude) float64 73.0 69.0 65.0 61.0 ... 45.0 41.0 37.0 33.0 * longitude (longitude) float64 -27.0 -23.0 -19.0 -15.0 ... 37.0 41.0 45.0 valid_time (time, step) datetime64[ns] ... Data variables: t2m (number, time, step, surface, latitude, longitude) float32 ... msl (number, time, step, surface, latitude, longitude) float32 ... Attributes: GRIB_edition: 1 GRIB_centre: ecmf GRIB_centreDescription: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts GRIB_subCentre: 0 Conventions: CF-1.7 institution: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts history: 2022-02-08T10:50 GRIB to CDM+CF via cfgrib-0.9.1...

Other format file example

If the format is supported, see the Examples notebooks for a working example.

If the format is not supported, additional code can be included in CliMetLab to support it.

Support for additionnal formats could be implemented as plugins.


The "url" data source is very similar to the "file" source.

This sources downloads the data from the specified address and stores it in the cache <caching>, then it operates similarly to the "file" source <data-sources-file> above. The supported data formats are the same as for the "file" source <data-sources-file>.

>>> import climetlab as cml
>>> data = cml.load_source("url", "")

When given an archive format such as .zip, .tar, .tar.gz, etc, CliMetLab will attempt to open it and extract any usable file. If you want to keep the downloaded file as is, pass unpack=False to the method.

>>> import climetlab as cml
>>> data = cml.load_source("url",


The "url-pattern" data source will build urls from the pattern specified, using the other arguments to fill the pattern. Each argument can be a list to iterate and create the cartesian product of all lists. Then each url is downloaded and stored it in the cache <caching>. The supported download the data from the address data formats are the same as for the file and url data sources above.

import climetlab as cml

data = cml.load_source("url-pattern",
     foo = [1,2,3],
     bar = ["a", "b"],
     qux = "unique"

The code above will download and process the data from the six following urls:


If the urls are pointing to archive format, the data will be unpacked by url-pattern according to the unpack argument, similarly to what the source url does (see above the data-sources-url source).

Once the data have been properly downloaded [and unpacked] and cached. It can can be accessed using to_xarray() or to_pandas().

To provide a unique xarray.Dataset (or pandas.DataFrame), the different datasets are merged. The default merger strategy for field data is to use xarray.open_mfdataset from xarray. This can be changed by providing a custom merger to the url-pattern source. See merging sources <custom-merge>


The "cds" data source accesses the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS), using the cdsapi package. A typical cdsapi request has the following format:

import cdsapi

client = cdsapi.Client()

                {"parameter1": "value1",
                 "parameter2": "value2",

to perform the same operation with CliMetLab, use the following code:

import climetlab as cml

data = cml.load_source("cds",
                       {"parameter1": "value1",
                        "parameter2": "value2",

Data downloaded from the CDS is stored in the the cache <caching>.

To access data from the CDS, you will need to register and retrieve an access token. The process is described here.

For more information, see the CDS knowledge base.


The "mars" source allows handling data from the Meteorological Archival and Retrieval System (MARS).

To figure out which data you need, or discover relevant data available on MARS, see the publicly accessible MARS catalog (or this access restricted catalog). Notice that various datasets of interests are also publicly available. To access data from the MARS, you will need to register and retrieve an access token. For a more extensive documentation about MARS, please refer to the MARS documentation (or its access from the internet through its web API).

from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer

server = ECMWFDataServer()

    { "parameter1": "value1",
      "parameter2": "value2",

to perform the same operation with CliMetLab, use the following code:

import climetlab as cml

data = cml.load_source("mars",
    { "parameter1": "value1",
      "parameter2": "value2",

Data downloaded from MARS is stored in the the cache <caching>.


See the Examples notebooks for a working example.


Zenodo is a general-purpose open repository developed and operated by CERN. It allows researchers to deposit research papers, datasets, etc. For each submission, a persistent digital object identifier (DOI) is minted, which makes the stored items easily citeable.

The "zenodo" source provides access data from, including downloading, caching, etc.

>>> ds = load_source("zenodo", record_id=...)


>>> import climetlab as cml
>>> def only_csv(path):
        return path.endswith(".csv")
>>> source = cml.load_source("zenodo", record_id=5020468, filter=only_csv)
>>> source.to_pandas() 


Support for zenodo access is experimental.


>>> ds = load_source( "indexed-urls", index, request)

Experimental. See grib_support.

multi (advanced usage)

>>> ds = load_source( "multi", source1, source2, ...)

add documentation on multi-source.