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File metadata and controls

73 lines (52 loc) · 4.28 KB


.. py:function:: ml_to_hl(fs, z, zs, h, ref_level, method, [fs_surf])

   Interpolates ``fs`` on model levels (i.e. on hybrid or eta levels used by the IFS) onto height levels (in m) above sea or ground level.

   :param fs: fieldset to be interpolated. There is no restriction on the order or range of model levels in ``fs``.
   :type fs: :class:`Fieldset`
   :param z: geopotential fieldset on model levels (it must contain the same levels as ``fs`` but their order can be different)
   :type z: :class:`Fieldset`
   :param zs: surface geopotential field (if ``ref_level`` is set to "sea" it should be set to None).
   :type zs: :class:`Fieldset` or None
   :param h: list of target height levels in **metres** (they can came in any given order). Values must be non-negative.
   :type h: list or :class:`Fieldset`
   :param str ref_level: specifies the reference level for the target heights. The possible values are "sea" and "ground". If it is "ground" a valid ``zs`` must be provided.
   :param str method: specifies the interpolation method. The possible values are "linear" and "log". For target height levels very close to 0 always a "linear" interpolation is used.
   :param fs_surf: (optional) specifies the field values on the surface. With this it is possible to interpolate to target heights between the surface and the bottom-most model level. If ``fs_surf`` is a number it defines a constant :class:`Fieldset`. Only available when ``ref_level`` is "ground". *New in Metview version 5.14.0*.
   :type fs_surf: number or :class:`Fieldset`

   :rtype: :class:`Fieldset`

   The input data (``fs``) must contain one field per model level only. It means that e.g. data containing multiple timesteps cannot be used as an input.

   At gridpoints where the interpolation is not possible a missing value is returned. It happens where the target height level is below the bottom-most model level in ``fs`` or the surface when ``fs_surf`` is used. It also happens where the target height is above the top-most model level in ``fs``. Please note that the model levels we are dealing with in :func:`ml_to_hl` are "full-levels" and the lowest possible model level does match the surface but it is above it. If you need to interpolate to height levels close to the surface use ``fs_surf``.

   .. note::
      The actual ECMWF model level definition is stored in the **"pv" array** in the GRIB message metadata. You can figure out the total number of model levels in the given vertical coordinate system by using the **len(pv)/2-1** formula. The typical values are 137 and 91. This can be then used to look up details about actual the model level definitions (e.g. approximate pressure and height values) on this `page <>`_.

   .. note::
      Geopotential is not archived operationally on model levels in MARS at ECMWF. To compute it use :func:`mvl_geopotential_on_ml`.


      This code illustrates how to use :func:`ml_to_hl` together with :func:`mvl_geopotential_on_ml` with data retrieved from MARS:

      .. code-block:: python

         import metview as mv

         # retrieve the data on model levels - surface geopotential (zs)
         # is taken from the analyis on level 1!
         ret_core = {
            "levtype": "ml", "date": 20191023, "time": 12 "grid": [2,2]}

         fs_ml = mv.retrieve(**ret_core,
                  param=["t", "q", "lnsp"])

         t =, param="t")
         q =, param="q")
         lnsp =, param="lnsp")

         zs = mv.retrieve(**ret_core,

         # compute geopotential on model levels
         z = mv.mvl_geopotential_on_ml(t, q, lnsp, zs)

         # interpolate the t field onto a list of height levels above sea level
         hlevs = [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000]
         th_sea = mv.ml_to_hl (t, z, None, hlevs, "sea", "linear")

         # interpolate the t field onto another list of height levels above ground
         hlevs = [100, 200, 300, 400, 500]
         th_ground = mv.ml_to_hl (t, z, zs, hlevs, "ground", "linear")

.. mv-minigallery:: ml_to_hl