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File metadata and controls

371 lines (251 loc) · 13 KB

Geopoints object

.. py:class:: Geopoints

   Geopoints is the format used by Metview to handle spatially irregular data (e.g. observations)
   in an ASCII format.

The Geopoints file formats

A geopoints file is an ASCII file containing a header section and a data section consisting of several columns. There are some different 'flavours' of the format, described below.

The data elements that can be present in a geopoints file are the point coordinates (latitude and longitude), the level, date, time and value of either one or two parameters. A two-parameter geopoints file is considered by the plotting engine to contain the components of a vector quantity such as wind.

The format does not care about the alignment of columns, it just requires that there is at least one whitespace character between entries. The elements that must be present are an initial line tagged with the keyword #GEO, a line tagged with the keyword #DATA and the data points themselves. There can also be an optional section for meta-data, which must start with #METADATA - see section below for details. The lines in-between the header and the data sections are for human-readable information only and are not used in the interpretation of the file. All formats apart from the Standard format require an additional line in the header section to specify the format; this line must start with #FORMAT followed by the name of the format being used.

Note that a time should be expressed as HHMM; a time of 12 will be interpreted as 0012 , ie 00:12.

Standard (6-column) geopoints

This is the default format that Metview uses. This example shows a geopoints file containing dry bulb temperature at 2m (PARAMETER = 12004).

lat        long    level  date       time    value
36.15      -5.35     0   19970810    1200    300.9
34.58      32.98     0   19970810    1200    301.6
41.97      21.65     0   19970810    1200    299.4
45.03       7.73     0   19970810    1200    294
45.67       9.7      0   19970810    1200    302.2
44.43       9.93     0   19970810    1200    293.4

Format XYV (Compact format)

This format allows data to be specified with just three columns: X (longitude), Y (latitude) and V (value). The start of an example file would look like the following:

x/long y/lat value
-5.35  36.15  300.9
32.98  34.58  301.6
21.65  41.97  299.4

Format XY_VECTOR (XY Vector format)

This format allows two parameters to be stored as the components of a two-dimensional vector (for example uv wind components). The start of an example file would look like the following:

# lat    lon   height   date       time      u       v
80       0      0      20030617    1200   -4.9001  -8.3126
80       5.5    0      20030617    1200   -5.6628  -7.7252
80       11     0      20030617    1200   -6.4254  -7.13829

Format POLAR_VECTOR (Polar Vector format)

This format allows two parameters to be stored as the speed and direction of a two-dimensional vector, the direction being specified in degrees where zero is due South and angles increase clockwise. The start of an example file would look like the following:

# lat      lon     height     date       time   speed   direction
50.97     6.05      0      20030614     1200     4       90
41.97     21.65     0      20030614     1200     5       330
35.85     14.48     0      20030614     1200     11      170

Format NCOLS (Multi-column format)

This format allows any number of parameters to be stored in a geopoints file. The #COLUMNS section is used to understand the columns, as they can be put in any order. The following column names are reserved and are treated specially: longitude, level, date, time, stnid. A column with a different name will be treated as a value column. The data should all be numeric, apart from stnid, which is stored as a string.

The start of an example file would look like the following:

latitude longitude  time date       t2     o3    td    rh
32.55   35.85  0600    20120218    273.9   35   280.3   75
31.72   35.98  1800    20120218    274.9   24   290.4   68
51.93   8.32   1200    20140218    278.9   28   300.5   34
41.1    20.82  1200    20150218    279.9   83   310.6   42


A geopoints file can be read from disk using :ref:`read() <read_fn>`:

import metview as mv

gpt ="obs.gpt") # create from geopoints file

The :func:`create_geo` function can be used to construct a Geopoints object from scratch.


Indexing a single element of a Geopoints variable works in the standard Python way. The return value is a dict describing the nth point:

g0 = gpt[0] # first element
g7 = gpt[7] # eighth field
print(g7.latitude, g7.longitude, g7.value)

Extracting and setting columns

There are two ways to extract columns of data from a geopoints variable.

  1. Use the methods provided, e.g.
lats = gpt.latitudes()
vals = gpt.values()
rh   = gpt.values('rh') # assuming NCOLS format with a value column of name 'rh'
  1. Use column indexing, e.g.
lats = gpt['latitude']
vals = gpt['value']
rh   = gpt['rh'] # assuming NCOLS format with a value column of name 'rh'

To assign values to a column, again there are 2 methods, but they have different behaviours:

Use the set_ methods provided - these create new Geopoints variables and do not modify the originals, e.g.

gpt_new = gpt.set_latitudes(lats) # lats is a numpy array

Use column indexing - this modifies the original Geopoints variable and is therefore more efficient, e.g.

gpt['latitude'] = lats # lats is a vector

Storing and retrieving meta-data

A geopoints file can have a section of meta-data key-value pairs in its header before the #DATA section, as illustrated here:

#lat    long    level   date    time    value
55.01   8.41    0.2     20130804  1200  294.4
54.33   8.60    0.2     20130804  1200  296.9

Here, four pieces of meta-data are stored. They can be set and queried in the Macro (or Python) language, like this:

data ='geopoints_with_metadata.gpt')
md = data.metadata()



Storing Data Origin Information in a Geopoints File

It is possible to store details of the origin of the geopoints data in its file. The following example shows the meta-information generated by an ODB query:

lat long level date time value
DB_COLUMN: lldegrees(lat@hdr);lldegrees(lon@hdr); ; ; ;obsvalue@body
DB_COLUMN_ALIAS: lldegrees(lat);lldegrees(lon); ; ; ;obsvalue@body
DB_PATH: /tmp/cgi/odb/ECMA.conv
DB_QUERY_BEGIN select lldegrees(lat), lldegrees(lon), obsvalue from hdr, body where varno=$t2m and obsvalue is not null
36.150 -5.350 0.000 0 0000 295.10000000

Currently, ODB is the only database system to generate this meta-information. It is not discussed in detail here because it is generated automatically. Functions exist to extract this information from a geopoints variable - see those whose names begin with "db_".

Exporting as a pandas dataframe

The Geopoints data type has an additional function, :py:meth:`to_dataframe`, which can be used to produce a Pandas Dataframe object as shown. Note that the date and time columns are combined into a single datetime column.

import metview as mv
import pandas as pd

gpt ="gpts.gpt") # returns a Geopoints
df = gpt.to_dataframe()   # returns a Pandas Dataframe


               date  latitude   level  longitude    value
0 2018-01-14 12:00:00      30.0  1000.0      -24.0  288.736
1 2018-01-14 12:00:00      30.0  1000.0      -18.0  288.736
2 2018-01-14 12:00:00      30.0  1000.0      -12.0  286.736
3 2018-01-14 12:00:00      30.0  1000.0       -6.0      NaN
4 2018-01-14 12:00:00      30.0  1000.0        0.0      NaN

Per-point methods

Numeric operations typically operate on just the value column of a Geopoints object; latitudes and longitudes for example are untouched unless otherwise stated. For the format XY_VECTOR, both value columns are used in calculations. For the NCOLS format, all value columns are manipulated during operations. Currently the level, date and time can only be used for filtering (or can be extracted into Vector variables for other uses). They must be present in the file but you can specify any dummy value if you do not intend to use them.

Unary functions and methods on Geopoints act on each point. For example, the :py:meth:`abs` method will return a new Geopoints where all the values have the absolute of their original value.

Operations between Geopoints act on corresponding points in each Geopoints. Both Geopoints must have the same number of points. For example, if we have one Geopoints containing observation data for one time step, and another containing observations for the same points at another time step, then we can easily compute the difference Geopoints like this:

diff = gpt1 - gpt2

Similarly, operations work between Geopoints and numbers, for example:

temperature_in_K ="temp.gpt")
temperature_in_C = temperature_in_K - 273.15

The following list of operators are valid when acting between two Geopoints and also when acting between a Geopoints and a number. Of these, the logical operators return a Geopoints containing values of 1 where they pass the test, or 0 where they fail.

Operations between geopoints and fieldsets

When you carry out an operation between geopoints and fieldset (or images) variables the result is another geopoints variable:

  • When operating with fieldsets, the values of the field(s) at the geopoints locations are calculated by interpolation and the resulting field values undergo the operation with the geopoints values
  • When combining with an image no interpolation takes place; the pixel values where the geopoints are located are extracted and these undergo the operation with the geopoints values
  • Unless otherwise stated in the operator or function description, only the first value of a two-valued geopoint is considered during a calculation
  • Combinations include algebraic operations, boolean operations and a number of functions.

Missing values in geopoints

When you combine fieldset data with geopoints, you may end up with some missing values in your Geopoints variable. These will have the value numpy.nan. Any operation on a geopoints variable will bypass missing values (e.g. :func:`mean`) or retain them unaltered (e.g. :func:`max`); see individual function descriptions for more details.

In order to remove missing values from a geopoints variable, use the function :func:`remove_missing_values` as illustrated below:

geo_clean = geo_source.remove_missing_values()

Missing coordinates in geopoints

It is possible to include missing values in the latitude or longitude columns (or both). A point with either coordinate missing will be excluded from any operation that requires location information.


Geopoints objects can be plotted with :func:`plot` command and customised using :func:`msymb`.

Methods and functions