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.. index:: Reference; SQL

SQL Reference

The query language supported by odc is a small subset of SQL (Structured Query Language) with a few domain-specific extensions, most notably bitfields allow for naming and accessing sequences of bits in a column.


All example commands on this page can be run against the following file:

The examples assume the odc binary is in your $PATH.

Built-in Functions

Scalar Functions

Scalar functions return a single value, based on one or more input values.

Function Arity Description
year(date) 1 Returns the year part of date
month(date) 1 Returns the month part of date
day(date) 1 Returns the day part of date
hour(time) 1 Returns the hour part of time
minute(time) 1 Returns the minute part of time
second(time) 1 Returns the second part of time
timestamp(date, time) 2 Returns the timestamp of date and time values (format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)
julian_seconds(date, time) 2 Returns the number of Julian seconds of date and time values
julian(date, time) or jd(date, time) or julian_date(date, time) 2 Returns the Julian date of date and time values
tdiff(tgdate, tgtime, andate, antime) 4 Time difference in seconds (tgdate, tgtime) are target times from which the nominal analysis timestamp (andate, antime) is getting subtracted from
cos(x) 1 Cosine (where x is in degrees)
sin(x) 1 Sine (where x is in degrees)
tan(x) 1 Tangent (where x is in degrees)
acos(x) 1 Arc cosine (the result is in degrees)
asin(x) 1 Arc sine (the result is in degrees)
atan(x) 1 Arc tangent (the result is in degrees)
atan2(x, y) 2 Arc tangent of two variables (the result in degrees)
exp(x) 1 Exponent
ldexp_double(x,n) 2 Returns multiplied floating point value x by the number 2 raised to n power (x*2^n)
cosh(x) 1 Hyperbolic cosine
sinh(x) 1 Hyperbolic sine
tanh(x) 1 Hyperbolic tangent
int(x) or trunc(x) 1 Truncate to integer
nint(x) 1 Round-up to integer
floor(x) 1 Calculate floor value
ceil(x) 1 Calculate ceiling value
abs(x) or fabs(x) 1 Absolute value
ibits(x, pos, len) 3 Extract len bits from x offset pos
mod(x, y) 2 x modulo y with floating point numbers accepted
pow(x, y) 2 x power of y (x^y)
sqrt(x) 1 Square root (\sqrt{x})
log(x) or ln(x) 1 Natural logarithm
log10(x) or lg(x) 1 Base-10 logarithm
deg2rad(x) or radians(x) 1 Convert degrees to radians
rad2deg(x) or degrees(x) 1 Convert radians to degrees
celsius(x) or k2c(x) 1 Convert Kelvin to Celsius
c2k(x) 1 Convert Celsius to Kelvin
fahrenheit(x) or k2f(x) 1 Convert Kelvin to Fahrenheit
f2k(x) 1 Convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin
c2f(x) 1 Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
f2c(x) 1 Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
circle(x, x0, y, y0, r) 4 Returns 1, if the point (x, y) is inside (or on) the (planar) circle with origin at (x0, y0) and radius r
rad(lat0, lon0, angle, lat, lon) 4 Returns 1, if the (lat, lon) is inside the great-circle (of any radius) with origin (lat0, lon0) and view angle (in degrees)
distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) 4 Distance (expressed in metres) between two positions (lat1, lon1) and (lat2, lon2) along a great-circle of the Earth (R=6371km)
km(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) 4 Synonym of distance function, but expressed in kilometres
dist(reflat, reflon, refdist_km, lat, lon) 5 Returns 1, if (lat, lon) is inside the great-circle of radius refdist_km (in kilometres) with origin (reflat, reflon)
rownumber() 0 Returns the current row number, indexed at 1
nvl(expression, alt_value) 2 Returns an alt_value when expression is null
speed(u, v) or ff(u, v) 2 Returns wind speed for u and v components
direction(u, v) or dd(u, v) or dir(u, v) 2 Returns wind direction for u and v components

Aggregate Functions

Aggregate functions return a single value, calculated from values an expression passed as parameter to the function evaluates to for selected rows.

Function Arity Description
dotp(x, y) 2 Compute dot product of x and y
rms(x) 1 Compute Root Mean Square of x
stdev(x) 1 Compute standard deviation
norm(x, y) 2 Compute the norm of x and y
var(x) or varp(x) 1 Compute variance
avg(x) 1 Returns average value
max(x) 1 Returns largest value
count(x) 1 Returns number of rows
min(x) 1 Returns smallest value
sum(x) 1 Returns sum
first(x) 1 Returns value of the given expression evaluated for the first row of the query’s result set
last(x) 1 Returns value of the given expression evaluated for the last row of the query’s result set

Data Types

The columns in ODB-2 files can currently be one of :ref:`the following data types <column-type>`.

The actual type of a column can be found using :ref:`odc header <odc-header>` tool.


Bitfields allow for naming and accessing sequences of bits in a column.

Referring to Bitfield Members

Syntax for accessing a member of a bitfield is:


In case it is necessary to specify table name when referring to a column, correct way of referring to a member is:


For example:

Expanding List of Members

The list of bitfield members can be expanded with the asterisk (*) operator.

For example:


will be expanded to:, report_status.passive@hdr, report_status.rejected@hdr, report_status.blacklisted@hdr, report_status.use_emiskf_only@hdr

Finding Details of Bitfield Definition

The :ref:`odc header <odc-header>` tool can be used to find out details of bitfield definition: its members and number of bits they occupy.


Unique station identifiers

Which station identifiers are in the ODB-2 file?

odc sql -i example.odb 'select distinct statid'

'   96413'
'   27707'
'   27730'
'   27962'
'   27995'
'   34009'
'   34172'
Row limit

How to display first 10 rows from an ODB-2 file?

odc sql -i example.odb 'select date, lat, lon, obsvalue where rownumber() < 10'

date@hdr         lat@hdr         lon@hdr   obsvalue@body
20210618        1.480000      110.330002      260.000000
20210618        1.480000      110.330002      296.399994
20210618        1.480000      110.330002      295.600006
20210618        1.480000      110.330002        0.952672
20210618        1.480000      110.330002        0.016915
20210618        1.480000      110.330002       50.000000
20210618        1.480000      110.330002        1.000000
20210618        1.480000      110.330002       -0.766044
20210618        1.480000      110.330002       -0.642788
Geophysical variables

What geophysical variables are in the ODB-2 file?

odc sql -i example.odb 'select distinct varno'


See ODB Governance for description of numeric values of varno. For example:

varno Description
1 Geopotential
2 Upper air temperature
3 Upper air meridional wind
4 Upper air zonal wind
7 Specific humidity
29 Upper air rel. humidity
39 2m temperature
40 2m dew point
41 10m meridional component
42 10m zonal component
58 2m relative humidity
59 Upper air dew point
111 Wind direction
112 Wind speed
Number of temperature records

Count the number of temperature records.

odc sql -i example.odb 'select count(*) where varno=2'


count(*) is an :ref:`aggregation function <aggregate-functions>`. Based on the other keys present in the SQL query (here: filtering to select only the temperature entries), each population of identified entries see the data subjected to the aggregation function.

Number of temperature records per station identifier

Count the number of temperature records, this time per station identifier, where the observation values are not missing.

odc sql -i example.odb 'select count(*), statid where varno=2 and obsvalue is not null'

      count(1)    statid@hdr
     39.000000    '   27707'
     49.000000    '   27730'
     37.000000    '   27962'
     44.000000    '   27995'
     38.000000    '   34009'
      9.000000    '   34172'
     50.000000    '   96413'
Average temperature at 100 hPa

Get the observation count at one station and average temperature observation value by pressure level bins of 100 hPa each, showing also the average pressure in each pressure bin.

odc sql -i example.odb 'select count(*), avg(fg_depar), floor(vertco_reference_1/10000.0), avg(vertco_reference_1/100.0) where varno=2 and statid="27707" and fg_depar is not null'

      count(1)     avg(fg_depar)    floor(/(vertco_reference_1,10000))    avg(/(vertco_reference_1,100))
     11.000000          0.505271                                     0                         43.318182
      5.000000         -0.160176                                     1                        120.600000
      5.000000         -0.227211                                     2                        218.400000
      2.000000          1.077009                                     3                        316.500000
      3.000000          0.370587                                     4                        438.666667
      3.000000          0.385093                                     5                        553.666667
      1.000000          0.324625                                     6                        637.000000
      1.000000         -0.013323                                     7                        700.000000
      4.000000          0.635424                                     8                        836.000000
      4.000000          0.118218                                     9                        932.500000
Meridional and zonal wind near 500 hPa

Get the observation count at one station and mean observation minus first-guess departure for meridional wind and zonal wind near 500 hPa.

odc sql -i example.odb 'select count(*), avg(fg_depar) where varno in (3,4) and statid="27707" and vertco_reference_1>=45000. and vertco_reference_1<55000. and fg_depar is not null'

      count(1)     avg(fg_depar)
      4.000000         -0.238838