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executable file
30 lines (26 loc) · 1.05 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
30 lines (26 loc) · 1.05 KB

Feathers-errors currently provides the following error types, all of which are instances of FeathersError:

  • BadRequest: 400
  • NotAuthenticated: 401
  • PaymentError: 402
  • Forbidden: 403
  • NotFound: 404
  • MethodNotAllowed: 405
  • NotAcceptable: 406
  • Timeout: 408
  • Conflict: 409
  • Unprocessable: 422
  • GeneralError: 500
  • NotImplemented: 501
  • Unavailable: 503

They contain the following fields:

  • type - FeathersError
  • name - The error name (ie. "BadRequest", "ValidationError", etc.)
  • message - The error message string
  • code - The HTTP status code
  • className - A CSS class name that can be handy for styling errors based on the error type. (ie. "bad-request" , etc.)
  • data - An object containing anything you passed to a Feathers error except for the errors object.
  • errors - An object containing whatever was passed to a Feathers error inside errors. This is typically validation errors or if you want to group multiple errors together.