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File metadata and controls

151 lines (94 loc) · 4.24 KB


Search for historical mementos (archived copies) of a URL. Download metadata about the mementos and/or the memento content itself.


What is the earliest memento of

Instantiate a :class:`WaybackClient`.

.. ipython:: python

   from wayback import WaybackClient
   client = WaybackClient()

Search for all Wayback's records for

.. ipython:: python

   results ='')

This statement should execute fairly quickly because it doesn't actually do much work. The object we get back, results, is a generator, a "lazy" object from which we can pull results, one at a time. As we pull items out of it, it loads them as needed from the Wayback Machine in chronological order. We can see that results by itself is not informative:

.. ipython:: python


There are couple ways to pull items out of generator like results. One simple way is to use the built-in Python function :func:`next`, like so:

.. ipython:: python

   record = next(results)

This takes a moment to run because, now that we've asked to see the first item in the generator, this lazy object goes to fetch a chunk of results from the Wayback Machine. Looking at the record in detail,

.. ipython:: python


we can find our answer: Wayback's first memento of was in 1996. We can use dot access on record to access the timestamp specifically.

.. ipython:: python


How many times does the word 'mars' appear on

Above, we access the metadata for the oldest memento on, stored in the variable record. Starting from where we left off, we'll access the content of the memento and do a very simple analysis.

The Wayback Machine provides multiple playback modes to view the data it has captured. The :attr:`wayback.Mode.view` mode is a copy edited for human viewers on the web, and the :attr:`wayback.Mode.original` mode is the original copy of what was captured when the page was scraped. For analysis purposes, we generally want original. (Check the documentation of :class:`wayback.Mode` for a few other, less commonly used modes.)

Let's download the original content using WaybackClient. (You could download the content directly with an HTTP library like requests, but WaybackClient adds extra tools for dealing with Wayback Machine servers.)

.. ipython:: python

   from wayback import Mode

   # `Mode.original` is the default and doesn't need to be explicitly set;
   # we've set it here to show how you might choose other modes.
   response = client.get_memento(record, mode=Mode.original)
   content = response.content.decode()

We can use the built-in method count on strings to count the number of times that 'mars' appears in the content.

.. ipython:: python


This is case-sensitive, so to be more accurate we should convert the content to lowercase first.

.. ipython:: python


We picked up a couple additional occurrences that the original count missed.

API Documentation

The Wayback Machine exposes its data through two different mechanisms, implementing two different standards for archival data, the CDX API and the Memento API. We implement a Python client that can speak both.

.. autoclass:: wayback.WaybackClient

    .. automethod:: search
    .. automethod:: get_memento

.. autoclass:: wayback.CdxRecord

.. autoclass:: wayback.Memento

    .. automethod:: close
    .. automethod:: parse_memento_headers

.. autoclass:: wayback.WaybackSession

    .. automethod:: reset


.. autofunction:: wayback.memento_url_data

.. autoclass:: wayback.Mode

Exception Classes

.. autoclass:: wayback.exceptions.WaybackException

.. autoclass:: wayback.exceptions.UnexpectedResponseFormat

.. autoclass:: wayback.exceptions.BlockedByRobotsError

.. autoclass:: wayback.exceptions.BlockedSiteError

.. autoclass:: wayback.exceptions.MementoPlaybackError

.. autoclass:: wayback.exceptions.NoMementoError

.. autoclass:: wayback.exceptions.RateLimitError

.. autoclass:: wayback.exceptions.WaybackRetryError

.. autoclass:: wayback.exceptions.SessionClosedError