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Terraform Dataflow Pub/Sub to BigQuery Module

Deploy various types of Pub/Sub to BigQuery Dataflow pipeline templates, either ones provided by Google, or custom ones, together with the other required Google Cloud resources needed for the pipeline execution.

It supports both classic and flex Dataflow templates, and it can deploy multiple jobs in parallel, so that you can migrate to a new job version before draining the old pipeline. For each job you can specify additional parameters which you can use in your pipeline code.

This module can deploy additional resources needed for the pipeline run, e.g. service account and necessary roles, Pub/Sub topic, topic schema, and subscription, Storage bucket for Dataflow job temporary files, BigQuery dataset and table for output records, Storage bucket for failed reords, BigQuery dataset and table for failed records, and Pub/Sub topic and subscription for failed records.

Based on the implementation of the pipeline that you want to deploy, you can opt in to deployment of different resources by using use_* inputs. For example, if your pipeline is writing failed records to a Pub/Sub topic, you can set use_errors_topic = true.

Additional resources needed for the pipeline execution are created by default, but you can opt out of their deployment with create_* inputs. For example, if you already manage the service account for the job outside of this module, you can set create_service_account = false.


This example deploys a simple pipeline which consumes from a Pub/Sub subscription, writes successfully processed records to a BigQuery dataset, while failed records are written to a different BigQuery dataset. It uses a classic Dataflow pipeline made available by Google.

In this example all the necessary resources are managed by the module, so it can be used to quickly provision the whole environment.

For simpler usage check available submodules in modules/, and example use cases in examples/.

module "dataflow-pubsub-to-bigquery" {
  source = "edosrecki/dataflow-pubsub-to-bigquery/google"

  project  = "example-project"
  location = "EU"
  region   = "europe-west3"
  labels = {
    environment = "dev"

  service_account_name = "example-service-account"
  bucket_name          = "example-bucket"
  topic_name           = "example-input-topic"
  subscription_name    = "example-input-subscription"
  dataset_name         = "example_dataset"
  table_name           = "output"
  use_errors_dataset   = true
  errors_dataset_name  = "example_errors_dataset"
  create_errors_table  = false
  errors_table_name    = "errors"
  job_name             = "example-job"

  jobs = toset([
      version    = "1",
      path       = "gs://dataflow-templates/latest/PubSub_Subscription_to_BigQuery"
      flex       = false
      parameters = {
        inputSubscription     = "projects/example-project/subscriptions/example-subscription"
        outputTableSpec       = "example-project:example_dataset.output"
        outputDeadletterTable = "example-project:example_errors_dataset.errors"

  topic_schema = {
    type     = "AVRO"
    encoding = "JSON"
    gcs_path = null
    definition = jsonencode({
      name = "Message"
      type = "record"
      fields = [
          name = "key"
          type = "string"
          name = "value"
          type = "double"

  table_schema = jsonencode([
      name = "key"
      type = "STRING"
      mode = "REQUIRED"
      name = "value"
      type = "FLOAT64"
      mode = "REQUIRED"


Name Description Type Default Required
bucket_name Storage bucket name for Dataflow files. string "bucket" no
create_bucket Create Storage bucket for Dataflow files? bool true no
create_dataset Create BigQuery dataset for Dataflow output? bool true no
create_errors_bucket Create Storage bucket for Dataflow errors? bool true no
create_errors_dataset Create BigQuery dataset for Dataflow errors? bool true no
create_errors_subscription Create Pub/Sub subscription for Dataflow errors? bool true no
create_errors_table Create BigQuery table for Dataflow errors? bool true no
create_errors_topic Create Pub/Sub topic for Dataflow errors? bool true no
create_roles Create service account roles for Dataflow job? bool true no
create_service_account Create service account for Dataflow job? bool true no
create_subscription Create Pub/Sub subscription for Dataflow input? bool true no
create_table Create BigQuery table for Dataflow output? bool true no
create_topic Create Pub/Sub topic for Dataflow input? bool true no
dataset_description BigQuery dataset description for Dataflow output. string "" no
dataset_name BigQuery dataset name for Dataflow output. string "dataset" no
errors_bucket_name Storage bucket name for Dataflow errors. string "errors-bucket" no
errors_dataset_description BigQuery dataset description for Dataflow errors. string "" no
errors_dataset_name BigQuery dataset name for Dataflow errors. string "errors_dataset" no
errors_subscription_name Pub/Sub subscription name for Dataflow errors. string "errors-subscription" no
errors_table_description BigQuery table description for Dataflow errors. string "" no
errors_table_name BigQuery table name for Dataflow errors. string "table" no
errors_topic_name Pub/Sub topic name for Dataflow errors. string "errors-topic" no
job_name Dataflow job name. string "job" no
jobs Dataflow job(s).
version = string
path = string
flex = bool
parameters = map(string)
n/a yes
labels Labels for all resources. map(any) {} no
location Location for Storage bucket, and BigQuery dataset. string "EU" no
machine_type Dataflow worker machine type for the job. string null no
max_workers Maximum number of Dataflow workers for the job. string null no
project Project ID. string n/a yes
region Region for Dataflow job. string "europe-west3" no
service_account_description Service account description for Dataflow job. string "" no
service_account_name Service account name for Dataflow job. string "service-account" no
subscription_name Pub/Sub subscription name for Dataflow input. string "subscription" no
table_description BigQuery table description for Dataflow output. string "" no
table_name BigQuery table name for Dataflow output. string "table" no
table_schema BigQuery table JSON schema for Dataflow output. string null no
temp_folder_name Storage bucket folder name for Dataflow temporary files. string "temp" no
topic_name Pub/Sub topic name for Dataflow input. string "topic" no
topic_schema Pub/Sub topic message schema.
type = string
definition = string
encoding = string
gcs_path = string
null no
use_errors_bucket Use Storage bucket for Dataflow errors? bool false no
use_errors_dataset Use BigQuery dataset for Dataflow errors? bool false no
use_errors_topic Use Pub/Sub topic for Dataflow errors? bool false no


Name Description
bucket_location Storage bucket location for Dataflow files.
dataset_name BigQuery dataset name for Dataflow output.
errors_bucket_location Storage bucket location for Dataflow errors.
errors_dataset_name BigQuery dataset name for Dataflow errors
errors_topic_name Pub/Sub topic name for Dataflow errors.
job_name Dataflow job name.
job_versions Running Dataflow job versions.
location Location for Storage bucket, and BigQuery dataset.
project Project ID.
region Region for Dataflow job.
service_account_email Service account for Dataflow job.
subscription_name Pub/Sub subscription name for Dataflow input.