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Bible Tags Widget API


Include <script src="" id="bibletags-widget-script"></script> within the head tag of your HTML.

  • Note that being in your head tag will require this file to be downloaded prior to page load. However, this file is very small (~5k) and will be delivered fast from AWS's worldwide cdn. In addition, its cache policy will require it to be downloaded only once. The effect is virtually no slow down to your website. The big upside to this approach is that you never need to check if the script has been loaded before using this API.


  • All API function contained in the window.bibleTagsWidget object.
  • Call the function (with proper parameters) to display a text.
  • Note: This widget uses cookies and HTML5 LocalStorage. It is your sole responsibility of embedding websites to comply with "The EU Cookie Law" and any other regulations.


General notes:

  • Parameters followed by ! are required.
  • The bookId parameters must contain an integer between 1-66 (KJV ordering)
  • The chapter parameters must contain an integer between 1-150
  • The verse parameters must contain an integer between 0-176 (where 0 is used for psalm headings)
  • The usfm parameters may contain USFM 3 format markers for some inline styles, footnotes and cross references. Plain text is also acceptable USFM, so long as it does not contain unescaped backslashes. Non-inline styles like chapter markers (\c), verse markers (\v) and paragraph markers (\p) will be ignored. Also, nesting is not presently supported.
  • The wordNum parameters must be >= 1, representing the word number in the verse as split by splitVerseIntoWords. The inclusion of this parameter will cause that word to be initially selected.
  • Verse content (i.e. the usfm parameter) sent to the show() function or fetchVerseCallback's contentCallback will have its word count checked against the word count of the current tagging of this verse. If there is inconsistency, original language tagging will not be available while the inconsistency awaits review.


  • Typically called once. However, this function may be called multiple times to update options, or not at all if there are no options to set.


theme: String
  • Not yet implemented
offlineEnabled: Boolean
  • Not yet implemented
  • Default: false
containerEls: [HTMLElement]
  • Recommended since the first time the show() function is called with a containerEl not included here, rendering of the widget will be slow.
  • An array of up to 10 HTMLElements.
  • Container elements with the css value of position: static will be changed to position: relative.
uiLanguageId: String
  • Not yet implemented
  • Recommended since the first time the show() function is called with a non-English language not included here, rendering of the widget will be slow.
  • Default: eng (English)
  • Can be overridden in the show() function.
  • Language codes
versionIdsToUse: [versionId]
  • Recommended since the first time the show() function is called with a version not included here, rendering of the widget will be slow.

Return value



	containerEls: [
	theme: "dark",
	offlineEnabled: true,
	containerEls: [
	uiLanguageId: "spa",


Useful for having original language data prefetched from the server.


version: {
	id!: String,
	ref!: {
		bookId!: Number,
		chapter!: Number,
		verse: Number,
  • The corresponding original language text will be prefetched. To directly specify an original language reference to be prefetched, use the originalLanguageRef parameter below.
  • You are required to supply either the version or the originalLanguageRef parameter, and may not supply both.
  • To preload an entire chapter, leave verse undefined.
originalLanguageRef: {
	bookId!: Number,
	chapter!: Number,
	verse: Number,
  • The appropriate original language text will be prefetched.
  • You are required to supply either the version or the originalLanguageRef parameter, and may not supply both.
  • To preload an entire chapter, leave verse undefined.
includeLXX: Boolean
  • Not yet implemented
  • Default: false
  • only works with OT passages

Return value



	version: {
		id: "esv",
		refs: [{
			bookId: 1,
			chapter: 1,
			verse: 1,
	originalLanguageRef: {
		bookId: 1,
		chapter: 1,
	includeLXX: true,



version: {
	id!: String,
	ref!: {
		usfm!: String,
		bookId!: Number,
		chapter!: Number,
		verse!: Number,
		wordNum: Number,
  • The appropriate original language text will automatically be displayed in the widget along with this version. To only display the original language version, or to display multiple translations along with the original, see the multipleVersions parameter below.
  • usfm may contain plain text. (See "General notes" above.)
  • You are required to supply either the version or the multipleVersions parameter, and may not supply both.
multipleVersions: {
	originalLanguageRef!: {
		bookId!: Number,
		chapter!: Number,
		verse!: Number,
		wordNum: Number,
	versions: [{
		id!: String,
		refs!: [{
			usfm!: String,
			bookId!: Number,
			chapter!: Number,
			verse!: Number,
  • The appropriate original language text specified by originalLanguageRef will be displayed in the widget along with the versions. To only display the original language text, simply do not include the versions parameter.
  • Note that different versions may have divergent versification models. For this reason, bookId, chapter and verse are required both for the originalLanguageRef as well as for all versions and must correspond to one another in content. If any of the versions do not properly correspond, they will get ignored. Hence, it is highly recommended that the getCorrespondingLocations() function be used to determine the proper verse(s) to send for each version.
  • While the originalLanguageRef only allows for a single verse, multiple refs might be provided for each version. This is because there are times when a single verse in the original corresponds to multiple verses in a translation. In such cases, the additional verses (in full) should simply be added on to the refs array. See the final example in the examples section below.
  • usfm may contain plain text. (See "General notes" above.)
  • You are required to supply either the version or the multipleVersions parameter, and may not supply both.
anchorEl: HTMLElement
  • typically a descendant of containerEl
containerEl: HTMLElement
  • Default: [the body tag]
  • If the container element has the css value of position: static, it will be changed to position: relative.
containerElTargetScroll: {
	x: int,
	y: int,
  • Not yet implemented
  • The target scroll position, if animating.
margin: Number
  • Default: 10
zIndex: Number
  • Default: 100
hideVerse: Boolean
  • Not yet implemented
  • Default: false
  • Only works with a single version.
hideOriginal: Boolean
  • Not yet implemented
  • Default: false
includeLXX: Boolean
  • Not yet implemented
  • Default: false
  • Only works with OT passages.
uiLanguageId: String
  • Not yet implemented
  • Default: [language set in setUp() function, or else the language of the first version]
addlOptions: [{
	label!: String,
	callback!: Function(),
  • Not yet implemented
  • For each additional option provided, the label is listed in the main options menu. If selected by the user, the callback function is executed.
fetchVerseCallback: Function({
	id: String,
	ref: {
		bookId: Number,
		chapter: Number,
		verse: Number,
	contentCallback: Function({
		usfm!: String,
  • Not yet implemented
  • Required for search (unless searchCallback is provided) and for USFM cross reference content.
  • The provided fetchVerseCallback() function must cause contentCallback() to be called in response.
jumpToLocation: {
	includeOptionForBasePassage: Boolean,
	callback!: Function({
		id: String,
		ref: {
			bookId: Number,
			chapter: Number,
			verse: Number,
  • Not yet implemented
  • If present, a Jump to location option will be available to users when viewing search results or USFM cross references.
  • If includeOptionForBasePassage (Default: true) is true, then this option will likewise be available in the main options menu.
searchCallback: Function({
	searchString: String,
  • Not yet implemented
  • When provided, this function is called instead of inline search results being presented.
infoCallback: Function({
	connectedWordNums: [Number],
  • Not yet implemented
  • Only relevant if wordNum was provided in versions.
  • connectedWordNums will contain an array of all the word numbers in the translation associated the relevant original language word. This is important since the wordNum provided might only be one part of the translation of this original language word, while the embedding website/app might want to highlight all relevant translation words.
  • Eg. Genesis 1:1 ESV is sent to the show() function with wordNum set to 3. This is the word "beginning" which is one of two words translated from בְּרֵאשִׁית—the other being "In." Hence, { connectedWordNums: [1,3] } is sent to the infoCallback() function so that the embedding site/app can highlight both "In" and "beginning."

Return value

  • The widgetInstanceId which can be used with the hide function.

	version: {
		id: "esv",
		ref: {
			usfm: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.",
			bookId: 1,
			chapter: 1,
			verse: 1,
	anchorEl: theHTMLElementWhichTheWidgetShouldBeAdjacentTo,
// Returns: 1{
	version: {
		id: "esv",
		ref: {
			usfm: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.",
			bookId: 1,
			chapter: 1,
			verse: 1,
			wordNum: 3,
	anchorEl: theHTMLElementWhichTheWidgetShouldBeAdjacentTo,
	containerEl: theHTMLElementInWhichTheWidgetShouldScroll,
	containerElTargetScroll: {
		x: 0,
		y: 320,
	margin: 20,
	zIndex: 50,
	hideVerse: true,
	hideOriginal: true,
	addlOptions: [{
		label: "Change default text",
		callback: () => {
			// Open settings dialog.
	fetchVerseCallback: ({
		ref: {
	}) => {
		// Get the content for the requested verse and put it in a variabled named `usfm`.
		contentCallback({ usfm });
	jumpToLocation: {
		includeOptionForBasePassage: false,
		callback: ({
			ref: {
		}) => {
			// Jump to the requested location.
	searchCallback: ({
	}) => {
		// Run the search however I like.
	infoCallback: ({
	}) => {
		// Highlight all words in the `connectedWordNums` array.
// Returns: 2{
	multipleVersions: {
		originalLanguageRef: {
			bookId: 49,
			chapter: 1,
			verse: 4,
		versions: [
				id: "esv",
				refs: [{
					usfm: "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love",
					bookId: 49,
					chapter: 1,
					verse: 4,
				id: "exb",
				refs: [
						usfm: "That is, in Christ, he chose us before the world was made so that we would be his holy people—people without blame before him.",
						bookId: 49,
						chapter: 1,
						verse: 4,
						usfm: "Because of his love, God had already decided to make us his own children through Jesus Christ. That was what he wanted and what pleased him,",
						bookId: 49,
						chapter: 1,
						verse: 5,
// Returns: 3



widgetInstanceId: Number
  • The widgetInstanceId for each widget is the return value of the show() function.
  • If this parameter is not provided, all widgets are hidden.

Return value



	widgetInstanceId: 12,


This function is useful when calling show() with the multipleVersions parameter. (See the notes under that function for details.)


originalLanguageRef!: {
	bookId!: Number,
	chapter!: Number,
	verse!: Number,
lookupVersionIds!: [String]
callback: Function([{
	id: String,
	refs: [{
		bookId: Number,
		chapter: Number,
		verse: Number,
		wordRanges: [String] | null,
  • Note that object structure sent in an array to the callback accords with the structure of what is called a version throughout this API.
  • The wordRanges key will be null when the entire verse corresponds. However, when the originalLanguageRef maps to only part of a verse in a particular version, wordRanges will contain an array of word range strings. For example, ["9-"] would indicate a range starting with word nine and going through the end of the verse. ["1-5", "8-10"] would indicate words one through five and eight through ten.
  • If getCorrespondingLocations() is being called in preparation for calling show() with the multipleVersions parameter, the wordRanges parameter is irrelevant and can be ignored.

Return value

Promise  // resolves to the same value as that which is passed to the callback


const versions = await window.bibleTagsWidget.getCorrespondingLocations({
	originalLanguageRef: {
		bookId: 1,
		chapter: 1,
		verse: 1,
	lookupVersionIds: ["nasb", "niv"],
// [
// 	{
// 		id: "nasb",
// 		refs: [{
// 			bookId: 1,
// 			chapter: 1,
// 			verse: 1,
// 		}],
// 	},
// 	{
// 		id: "niv",
// 		refs: [{
// 			bookId: 1,
// 			chapter: 1,
// 			verse: 1,
// 		}],
// 	}
// ]
const versions = await window.bibleTagsWidget.getCorrespondingLocations({
	originalLanguageRef: {
		bookId: 3,
		chapter: 14,
		verse: 55,
	lookupVersionIds: ["syn"],
// [
// 	{
// 		id: "syn",
// 		refs: [{
// 			bookId: 3,
// 			chapter: 14,
// 			verse: 55,
//			wordRanges: ["1-8"],
// 		}],
// 	},
// ]
const versions = await window.bibleTagsWidget.getCorrespondingLocations({
	originalLanguageRef: {
		bookId: 3,
		chapter: 14,
		verse: 56,
	lookupVersionIds: ["syn", "esv"],
// [
// 	{
// 		id: "syn",
// 		refs: [{
// 			bookId: 3,
// 			chapter: 14,
// 			verse: 55,
//			wordRanges: ["9-"],
// 		}],
// 	},
// 	{
// 		id: "esv",
// 		refs: [{
// 			bookId: 3,
// 			chapter: 14,
// 			verse: 56,
// 		}],
// 	},
// ]


This function can be useful as a precursor to calling show() with the multipleVersions parameter.


version!: {
	id!: String,
	ref!: {
		bookId!: Number,
		chapter!: Number,
		verse!: Number,
callback: Function({
	bookId: Number,
	chapter: Number,
	verse: Number,
	wordRanges: [String] | null,

Return value

Promise  // resolves to the same value as that which is passed to the callback


const originalLanguageRef = await window.bibleTagsWidget.getOriginalLanguageRef({
	version: {
		id: "syn",
		ref: {
			bookId: 3,
			chapter: 14,
			verse: 55,
// [
// 	{
//		bookId: 3,
//		chapter: 14,
//		verse: 55,
// 	},
// 	{
//		bookId: 3,
//		chapter: 14,
//		verse: 56,
// 	},
// ]


This function allows the embedding site/app to split verses into words in a manner consistent with Bible Tags.

  • Not yet implemented


version!: {
	id!: String,
	ref: {
		usfm: String,
callback: Function(
	[String] | null  // null, if the version id is invalid
  • An array of words from the verse, with punctuation stripped out.

Return value

Promise  // resolves to the same value as that which is passed to the callback


const wordsArray = await window.bibleTagsWidget.splitVerseIntoWords({
	version: {
		id: "esv",
		ref: {
			usfm: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.",
// [
// 	"In",
// 	"the",
// 	"beginning",
// 	"God",
// 	"created",
// 	"the",
// 	"heavens",
// 	"and",
// 	"the",
// 	"earth",
// ]