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Redis is the implementation of the key-value Data Broker client API for the Redis key-value data store. See cn-infra/db/keyval for the definition of the key-value Data Broker client API.

The entity BytesConnectionRedis provides access to CRUD as well as event subscription API's.

   +-----+   (Broker)   +------------------------+ -->  CRUD      +-------+ -->
   | app |                   |  BytesConnectionRedis  |                 | Redis |
   +-----+    <-- (KeyValProtoWatcher)  +------------------------+  <--  events    +-------+

How to use Redis

The code snippets below provide examples to help you get started. For simplicity, error handling is omitted.

Need to import following dependencies

    import ""
    import ""
    import ""
    import ""

Define client configuration based on your Redis installation.

  • Single Node var cfg redis.NodeConfig
  • Sentinel Enabled Cluster var cfg redis.SentinelConfig
  • Redis Cluster var cfg redis.ClusterConfig
  • See sample YAML configurations (*.yaml files)

You can initialize any of the above configuration instances in memory, or load the settings from file using

   err = config.ParseConfigFromYamlFile(configFile, &cfg)

You can also load any of the three configuration files using

   var cfg interface{}
   cfg, err := redis.LoadConfig(configFile)

Create connection from configuration

   client, err := redis.CreateClient(cfg)
   db, err := redis.NewBytesConnection(client, logrus.DefaultLogger())

Create Brokers / Watchers from connection

   //create broker/watcher that share the same connection pools.
   bytesBroker := db.NewBroker("some-prefix")
   bytesWatcher := db.NewWatcher("some-prefix")

   // create broker/watcher that share the same connection pools,
   // capable of processing protocol-buffer generated data.
   wrapper := kvproto.NewProtoWrapper(db)
   protoBroker := wrapper.NewBroker("some-prefix")
   protoWatcher := wrapper.NewWatcher("some-prefix")

Perform CRUD operations

   // put
   err = db.Put("some-key", []byte("some-value"))
   err = db.Put("some-temp-key", []byte("valid for 20 seconds"),

   // get
   value, found, revision, err := db.GetValue("some-key")
   if found {

   // Note: flight.Info implements proto.Message.
   f := flight.Info{
           Airline:  "UA",
           Number:   1573,
           Priority: 1,
   err = protoBroker.Put("some-key-prefix", &f)
   f2 := flight.Info{}
   found, revision, err = protoBroker.GetValue("some-key-prefix", &f2)

   // list
   keyPrefix := "some"
   kv, err := db.ListValues(keyPrefix)
   for {
       kv, done := kv.GetNext()
       if done {
        key := kv.GetKey()
       value := kv.GetValue()

   // delete
   found, err := db.Delete("some-key")
   // or, delete all keys matching the prefix "some-key".
   found, err := db.Delete("some-key", datasync.WithPrefix())

   // transaction
   var txn keyval.BytesTxn = db.NewTxn()
   txn.Put("key101", []byte("val 101")).Put("key102", []byte("val 102"))
   txn.Put("key103", []byte("val 103")).Put("key104", []byte("val 104"))
   err := txn.Commit()

Subscribe to key space events

   watchChan := make(chan keyval.BytesWatchResp, 10)
   err = db.Watch(watchChan, "some-key")
   for {
       select {
        case r := <-watchChan:
           switch r.GetChangeType() {
           case datasync.Put:
               log.Infof("KeyValProtoWatcher received %v: %s=%s", r.GetChangeType(),
                         r.GetKey(), string(r.GetValue()))
           case datasync.Delete:

NOTE: You must configure Redis for it to publish key space events.

   config SET notify-keyspace-events KA

See EVENT NOTIFICATION for more details.

You can find detailed examples in


Connection/read/write time-outs, failover, reconnection and recovery are validated by running the airport example against a Redis Sentinel Cluster. Redis nodes are paused selectively to simulate server down:

$ docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
dockerredissentinel_master_1 redis ... Paused 6379/tcp
dockerredissentinel_slave_1 redis ... Up 6379/tcp
dockerredissentinel_slave_2 redis ... Up 6379/tcp
dockerredissentinel_sentinel_1 Up 26379/tcp, 6379/tcp
dockerredissentinel_sentinel_2 Up 26379/tcp, 6379/tcp
dockerredissentinel_sentinel_3 Up 26379/tcp, 6379/tcp