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Disallowing Course Number Changes in Publisher




Course team - The team of people from a partner Organization that work in Publisher to create and manage Courses and Course Runs.

Course number - Course team defined number of their Course. Becomes part of the Course key. Looks like CS101.

Course key - Combination of the Organization and the Course number. Looks like edX+CS101

Course Run key - Combination of Course key and term (based on start date). Looks like course-v1:edX+CS101+2T2019. Immutable after creation.


Upon Course Run creation, the Course key is used to create the Course Run key. The Course Run key is then used as part of the URL in the LMS and in many other places throughout the edX ecosystem.

In today's world, if a Course team wants to change their Course number, they have to create a brand new Course with the number they want, despite the actual course content being identical to the old Course. All runs created under the new Course will have the new Course number reflected in their Course Run key, and thus LMS URL. When this happens, Course teams will also move their old (or new) Course Runs to point to the new (or old) Course so all of their Course Runs continue to live together.

    Current Course Number: 100x
    Current Course Run Key: course-v1:edX+100x+2T2019

    *New Course is created with Course Number 101x*

    New Course Number: 101x
    Newly created Course Run Key: course-v1:edX+101x+3T2019

    *PC repoints course-v1:edX+100x+2T2019 at the new Course edX+101x
    (creating the Course/Course Run key mismatch)*

It was previously thought that the Course key would always be a substring of the Course Run key. However, with the above situation, it is possible to end up in the case where the Course Run key and the Course key differ because the Course Run has been remapped to a different Course. Since this assumption about Course keys being a substring was already invalid, we wanted to investigate if we could instead enable Course teams to change their Course numbers so we do not have to create new Courses to have the desired result.


At this time, we disallow modifying the Course number in both the Publisher app and the Publisher Microfrontend. The Course number is used as a matching string between data sets in too many places.

But we do allow setting a separate Course field that controls what key new reruns use as a course key. So if we want to rename a course key, we'll instead set this new key. The course key will remain constant at the old value and continue to be able to be used for matching data sets. But all new reruns in that course will use course run keys derived from this new field.

I believe this could (and should) change in the future to simply allow renaming a course key, so I am documenting below the investigation I did including some of the changes that would need to happen before allowing that.


Upon inspection of the course-discovery code base as well as the Ecommerce, Prospectus, and edx-platform repos, we determined that Course keys were not being used in such a way that would require them to be immutable and decided to look into allowing Course teams to freely alter their Course numbers. The relevant JIRA ticket can be found here. Although switching Course numbers could be supported in this code base, the decision to not allow modifying Course numbers was confirmed after speaking to many of the stakeholders involved that could or do use Course keys. Below is documentation of the different groups spoken to and the outcomes of those conversations. It also includes some avenues that were not explored, but should be if we ever decide to revisit this decision.

Marketing - uses course keys as part of their scripts or reporting. Open to switching to UUIDs, but would need to make the switch. See thread here:

Dillon Dumesnil
    Hi Marketing! I’ve been looking into the possibility of changing
    Course numbers (NOT Course Run keys) and was curious if anyone here
    currently uses them in any manually maintained lists or spreadsheets.
    If so, please let me know in a thread here so we can talk further.
    Thanks for your help!

Ned Elwell
    Can you give an example of a course number? (our terminology isn't
    great in the course key, course number department)

Dillon Dumesnil
    Totally understand. Something like this: Say you have the course key
    MichiganX+PUBLIB606x. The idea would be to allow them to change it to
    something like MichiganX+PUBLIB616x. The change being going from 606x
    to 616x

Ned Elwell
    We don't have any manual sheets that key off of that, but it would
    break a LOT of reporting.
    Unless we're equipped to redo reporting on a value that's not related
    to course number/name, I can foresee problems with this.

Dillon Dumesnil
    Would UUID be a potential fix for this issue?

Ned Elwell
    I think the uuid fix would unblock any marketing reporting. it's just
    a major perspective shift. Otherwise, I see no issues as almost all
    other reporting is based on course run.

Ned Elwell
    Would there be no historical record of the Course once the number

Dillon Dumesnil
    Well the row will continue to exist, but the course key on that row
    would be changed. We do have historical course tables in
    course_metadata that would see these changes, but as far as the actual
    table goes, that one row would just change course keys

Data Engineering - Brian Wilson did research into this and does not believe there are any major concerns here. Should also encourage to always use UUIDs. See thread here:

Brian Wilson
    I’m assuming that the only things in SQL scripts that would actually
    break on a change to values in
    discovery_read_replica.course_metadata_course.key would be tables that
    are calculated incrementally and store and make use of this value.
    I’ve identified the following as incremental tables:
        * business_intelligence.user_session_summary
        * finance.recognized_certificate_revenue_total
        * business_intelligence.activity_engagement_user_daily
        * business_intelligence.identify
        * business_intelligence.deprecated_user_activity_engagement_eligible_users
        * business_intelligence.survey_history
        * business_intelligence.experiment_exposure
        * business_intelligence.utm_touch
        * business_intelligence.country_region_mapping
        * financial_reporting.intermediate_organization_courserun_previously_paid
    The main one I’m worried about is
    finance.recognized_certificate_revenue_total.  As we’ve seen before,
    it’s not the easiest set of queries to analyze.

    I should also note that this change would also affect
    production.d_course., not just course_metadata_course.

    finance.recognized_certificate_revenue_total, of course, depends on

    Okay, the latter table doesn’t actually persist a course-level
    identifier, only the course run key (as course_id).  And it looks like
    all the places that group by the catalog_course will switch to using
    the new values in case of any change. So I think things should be okay.

    One level where there may be issues is with a lag between
    course_metadata_course changing, and when the change shows up in
    production.d_course. That lag effect might be an issue. But I’m
    hoping it would be only temporary.

Data Science - Details for the impact to financial reporting if we change course keys (as reported by Jacqueline Finkielsztein):

We have some policy tables that hold exceptions for revenue share contract
business logic. These policy tables come from google sheets that partner
managers fill out in which they only provide us with course keys. We take
these course keys and join them on other tables in our database. However,
these are hardcoded keys on a google sheet. Therefore, when we join these
policy tables to tables in our database, the course keys wouldn't match if
we were to change them in our database tables. The tables are:

I believe a potential fix for this issue is to get partner managers to start using UUIDs and change the scripts to match on UUIDs instead of Course keys. On that note, I think we should encourage Data Science to always use UUIDs if possible.

Support - I reached out if this change could cause any issues and heard no response. This is to be expected since Support deals more with Learners who would not really be affected by this change.

Enterprise - There is an issue with catalogs (stored in the LMS) and those being updated since they use course keys now. Additionally, they construct URLs that businesses use to enroll their users in courses that utilize course keys and would break if course keys began changing. Solution is to move to UUIDs, but will likely require a script to pull in all of the UUIDs based on the course keys they have now and also ensuring there is backwards compatibility. Benefit is they already use UUIDs for subjects so this wouldn’t be a huge change once we are able to start using UUIDs for courses in their URLs.

PCs - Very open to the idea and didn’t identify any causes of concern.

Revenue/edx-platform - The StackedConfigurationModel inside of platform has a field called org_course that uses course keys and can choose to include or exclude course runs from different experiments based on that. Additionally, if the course (being course run in this case) is passed in, it will create the org_course based on the course run key and that may not always match with what is in the database. The current models that utilize the StackedConfigurationModel are DiscountRestrictionConfig, CourseDurationLimitConfig, and ContentTypeGatingConfig. Possible solution to this problem could be to add in some course information in the CourseOverview model in platform, but definitely going to need this information in platform so we can have quick lookups

edx-platform Repo - Do a double check in edx-platform to look for anything using org+course relationships

Research data packages for Partners - Brian Wilson looked into this and found we only use Course Run keys as part of the research data packages. Specifically, we pull the org from the course run and map the org to Partner, so there’s no concept of course — just course_run and org.