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148 lines (101 loc) · 4.44 KB


File metadata and controls

148 lines (101 loc) · 4.44 KB


Copy the file conf/compose.ini.tpl to conf/compose.ini and set the right Configuration parameters. The config validation is defined in configspec.ini

Main configuration parameters should be defined in the [main] section. Another section ([network-block]) has been created to define TCP ports to block for outgoing requests.


Don't use double quotes to protect your values.

Use # to comment your lines and not ;

Network and changes in general

You can define your own network in compose.ini by setting a subnet.


If you change that, run docker-clean which removes orphans images, stopped container, etc ...

For MacOS and Windows, we recommend to expose ports as it's difficult to access the network directly. Then, for each service you have a xxxxx.expose parameter (example : apache.expose = 8080)

Also, if you change any parameter such as an environment variable run a stakkr restart --recreate to make sure that you start from a clean environment.


You can define the list of services you want to have. Each service consists of a yml file in the services/ directory of the source code. Each container ("Virtual Machine") will have a hostname composed of the project name and the service name. To reach, for example, the elasticsearch server from a web application, and if your project_name = stakkr uses stakkr_elasticsearch or to connect to mysql use stakkr_mysql. The service names also works (elasticsearch and mysql)

# Comma separated list of services to start
# Valid values: adminer / apache / elasticsearch / elasticsearch-old / mailcatcher / maildev
# mongo / mysql / php / phpmyadmin / postgres / python / redis / xhgui

A service can launch a post-start script that has the same name with an .sh extension (example: services/

Special case of xhgui service

To be able to profile your script, add the service xhgui and read the documentation

Other useful parameters

Project name (will be used as container's prefix). It should be different for each project.

# Change Machines names only if you need it

PHP Version :

# Set your PHP version from 5.3 to 7.0 (5.6 by default)

MySQL Password if mysql is defined in the services list:

# Password set on first start. Once the data exist won't be changed

Memory assigned to the VMS:


Port Blocking: by default, we can block ports only for the PHP container (as iptables is installed). Define in a list what port you want to block for OUTPUT TCP requests. That has been done to avoid mistakes such as using a production database and send a lot of emails ...


Files location

Public Files

  • All files served by the web server are located into www/

Services Data

  • MySQL data is into data/mysql
  • Mongo data is into data/mongo
  • ElasticSearch data is into data/elasticsearch
  • Redis data is into data/redis


  • Logs for Apache and PHP are located into logs/
  • Logs for MySQL are located into data/mysql/ (slow and error).


  • If you need to override the PHP configuration you can put a file in conf/php-fpm-override with a .conf extension. The format is the fpm configuration files one. Example: php_value[memory_limit] = 127M.
  • If you need to override the mysql configuration you can put a file in conf/mysql-override with a .cnf extension.

Add binaries

You can add binaries (such as phpunit) that will automatically be available from the PATH by putting it to home/www-data/bin/


You can use home/www-data to put everyhting you need to keep: your shell parameters in .bashrc, your ssh keys/config into .ssh, etc.