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You must have Docker installed on your computer. Pick the right version for your OS from


Also, to use docker for Linux as a normal user, you need to add your user to the docker group (see the documentation)


Stakkr is installable via pip, system-wide (or for a specific user). It's clean and detects automatically the config file (stakkr.yml) presence in a directory or parent directory to execute commands. stakkr.yml acts like docker-compose.yml with super power (plus, it is super simple !).

It means that a directory with a stakkr.yml is a complete stack.

Installation and configuration

To install stakkr, you need python 3 and docker.

  • For Ubuntu, install python3 with

sudo apt -y install python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-virtualenv python3-wheel. You can download Docker from :

with brew install python3. Then docker from **Don't forget to allow docker to access some of your directories (where stakkr is installed, such as /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages and where you put your projects).


Then :

$ sudo python3 -m pip --no-cache-dir install stakkr

# If you want a beta / rc version append "--pre" at the end
# If you don't want to install it system wide, you can remove "sudo" and append "--user" at the end
# but to make it work, you'll need to change your $PATH variable
# That option is recommended when you know how to do and especially for MacOs
# For windows just run : python -m pip --no-cache-dir install stakkr

$ mkdir my_project
$ cd my_project

# RECIPE is optional but better to start from an existing one !
# Examples (see below for the current list) :
#   stakkr-init wordpress
#   stakkr-init symfony

$ stakkr-init {RECIPE}

stakkr-init copies some templates and creates base directories to work.


Currently, the following recipes are available (see :

  • LAMP : PHP (latest) + Apache (2.4) + MySQL (5.7) + stakkr composer to use composer and stakkr mysql to use mysql.
  • LEMP : PHP (latest) + Nginx (latest alpine) + MySQL (5.7) + stakkr composer to use composer and stakkr mysql to use mysql.
  • LEPP : PHP (latest) + Nginx (latest alpine) + PostgreSQL (latest) + stakkr composer to use composer.
  • Symfony : PHP (7.2) + Nginx (latest alpine) + stakkr composer to use composer + Symfony Framework pre-installed.
  • Wordpress : PHP (7.2) + Apache (2.4) + MySQL (5.7) + stakkr wp to use wp-cli + Wordpress pre-installed.

Use stakkr from a docker dind (Docker-In-Docker) image

You can else use the ready-to-go Docker Image edyan/stakkr to test the tool.

Be careful that uid and gid of stakkr user into the container won't be the same than for your user. The volume will contain files with other permissions.

$ mkdir ~/my_project
$ docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v ~/my_project:/home/stakkr/app -d --privileged --rm --name stakkr-dev stakkr/stakkr
$ docker exec -ti stakkr-dev ash
$ chown -R stakkr:stakkr /home/stakkr
$ su - stakkr
# Create a symfony project from a recipe
$ cd ~/app
$ stakkr-init symfony

Now open from your browser.


Setup your env

To develop stakkr, you have to create a virtual environment :

$ git clone stakkr
$ cd stakkr
$ python3 -m venv venv_stakkr
$ source venv_stakkr/bin/activate
# For Windows use "venv_stakkr\Scripts\activate"

Then install stakkr and its dependencies :

$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
$ python -m pip install -e .
$ python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
$ stakkr-init

Run Tests

$ py.test

Generate that doc

$ cd docs
$ sphinx-autobuild . _build_html

Try stakkr from a docker in docker container

The code below starts a dind container and init a symfony app :

# From the host
$ docker run -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --privileged --rm --name stakkr-test docker:dind
$ docker exec -ti stakkr-test ash

# From the container
# Install packages required by stakkr + w3m as a local browser
$ apk add curl git python3 w3m

# Install stakkr
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade
# Stakkr should always be started as another user than root
$ addgroup stakkr
$ adduser -s /bin/ash -D -S -G stakkr stakkr
$ addgroup stakkr root
$ su - stakkr

# Create a symfony project from a recipe
$ mkdir ~/app && cd ~/app
$ stakkr-init symfony
# The following command should returns the default symfony page
$ w3m

# Go further
$ mkdir ~/wp && cd ~/wp
$ stakkr-init wordpress
# The following command should returns wordpress home
$ w3m http://apache.wp.localhost

Test your local cloned stakkr from a container

The code below starts a dind container, mount stakkr then install it and init a symfony app. You need to be inside the stakkr cloned repository for that :

# From the host
$ docker run -d --privileged -v $(pwd):/stakkr-src --rm --name stakkr-test docker:dind
$ docker exec -ti stakkr-test ash

# From the container
# Install packages required by stakkr + w3m as a local browser
$ apk add --no-cache python3 alpine-sdk curl git openssl-dev python3-dev w3m libffi-dev

# Install stakkr
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade /stakkr-src

# Then do what you want ...