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6. Best Practices

6.1 Testing Python code with pytest

Copy all the files from the folder 4-Deployment/streaming to the folder code in the Best Practices folder.

cp -r 4-Deployment/streaming 6-Best-Practices/code

Create the pipenv enviroment with:

pipenv install

In my case I'm using conda:

conda activate env

Install pytest (conda)

pip install pytest

Install pytest(Pipenv)

pipenv install --dev pytest

Select the python interpreter on VS Code that you want to use:

Ctrl+Shift+P->Type `Python Interpreter`->Select the python interpreter that you want to use

Go to the extension and select the folder tests for the tests.

Add a file to the folder tests to make it a python package.

Working on file.

Following the video, making changes to the file and file.

Build the docker image with:

docker build -t stream-model-duration:v2 .

Test it with:

docker run -it --rm \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -e PREDICTIONS_STREAM_NAME="ride_predictions" \
    -e RUN_ID="133f7f2c17384132b4d4f76682ab6139" \
    -e TEST_RUN="True" \
    -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="eu-west-1" \

Then, work on the file again.

6.2 Integration tests with docker-compose

  • Following the video
  • Using Deepdiff to compare the results of the model with the results of the test.
  • Install it with pip install deepdiff
  • Working on file and files.
  • Build the docker image with:
    docker build -t stream-model-duration:v2 .
    ``` (because we have installed deepdiff)
  • Re run the test with:
    docker run -it --rm \
        -p 8080:8080 \
        -e PREDICTIONS_STREAM_NAME="ride_predictions" \
        -e RUN_ID="133f7f2c17384132b4d4f76682ab6139" \
        -e TEST_RUN="True" \
        -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="eu-west-1" \
  • Compare the results of the model with the results of the test running file.
  • Create integration-test folder and move the file to it.
  • Download the model from aws s3 ls s3://mlflow-models-esteban/1/133f7f2c17384132b4d4f76682ab6139/artifacts/model with the following command:
    aws s3 cp --recursive s3://mlflow-models-esteban/1/133f7f2c17384132b4d4f76682ab6139/artifacts/model model
  • Crete file
  • Create docker-compose.yml file and move it to the integration-test folder.
  • Run docker build -t ${LOCAL_IMAGE_NAME} .. to build the docker image.
  • Run docker-compose up -d to start the docker-compose.

6.3 Testing cloud services with LocalStack

  • Following the video

  • Install localstack with pip install localstack

  • Run docker-compose up kinesis to start the localstack.

  • Test it with aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 kinesis list-streams, the result should be [] because we haven't created any stream.

  • Create a stream with aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 kinesis create-stream --stream-name ride_predictions --shard-count 1

  • Obtain the shard-iterator with:

    kinesis get-shard-iterator \
    --shard-id shardId-000000000000 \
    --shard-iterator-type TRIM_HORIZON \
    --stream-name ride_predictions \
    --query 'ShardIterator'
  • Copy the Shard Iterator and then get Results with aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 kinesis get-records --shard-iterator AAAAAAAAAAEKI4NpH/+OBt9nuDiWveLMU3AC04xCuNo+FAd4A8AG0xie44BvI515xlgURUqDa4yQNbbebn/Mh43NjDCW6tJ8aD87X9PTooaZWjpWklDFXATaLHKT3f+lZSyrsNC8dkb7sS/uLQHyb5OrMKM8YS7kj+LqrX93tZ3hRRaiTavCLF2HYvDA5opnP8sM3/y/dciH2NWrE4PrT4YHoJXSoknd

  • Echo the Data value as follows echo $DATA | base64 -d

  • Create file to test the stream.

6.4 Code quality: linting and formatting

  • Following the video
  • Install Pylint with pip install pylint
  • Test a file with pylint filename
  • You can test all the files in the folder with pylint --recursive=y .
  • Use it in VSCode with Ctrl+Shift+P->Python: Select Linter->Pylint
  • Now you can see the errors in the code.
  • You can add the file .pylintrc to configure the linter.
  • We can use pyproject.toml to configure the linter (global settings).
  • Install black with pip install black
    Black is the uncompromising Python code formatter. By using it, you agree to cede control over minutiae of hand-formatting. In return, Black gives you speed, determinism, and freedom from pycodestyle nagging about formatting. You will save time and mental energy for more important matters.
    Blackened code looks the same regardless of the project you're reading. Formatting becomes transparent after a while and you can focus on the content instead.
  • Install isort with pip install isort. Isort is a tool for managing Python imports. It can sort imports alphabetically, sort imports by their type, and sort imports by their scope.
  • Type black --diff .. This option will show you the changes that black would make to the code.
  • Type isort --diff .. This option will show you the changes that isort would make to the code.
  • Run isort . to sort the code, then run black . to format the code, then pylint --recursive=y . to check the code and run pytest tests/ to test the code.

6.5 Git pre-commit hooks

We're gonna use the pre-commit tool to run the linter and the tests.

  • Following the video
  • Install pre-commit with pip install pre-commit
  • Type pre-commit sample-config to see the sample config.
  • Type pre-commit install to install the hooks. It should show you the hooks that are installed:
    pre-commit installed at .git\hooks\pre-commit
  • Type git commit -m "message" to commit the changes.

6.6 Makefiles and make

  • Following the video
  • Install make with pip install make. Make is a tool for building software. It can build software from source code, and it can also build software from binary packages.
  • Create a Makefile file in the code folder.
  • Run make to build the code.
  • Create

6.X Homework

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