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Development Interface


Alien4Cloud & Yorc

Please refer to the documentation of the Alien4Cloud & Yorc project for more information.

Two instances of Alien4Cloud and Yorc are deployed for the eFlows4HPC project. One is hosted on Juelich cloud, this instance is used for testing and integration of the software stack. The second instance is hosted on BSC cloud and is used to develop pillars use cases. Ask to the project ( to obtain access.

Importing required components into Alien4Cloud

Some TOSCA components and topology templates need to be imported into Alien4Cloud. If you are using one of the instances deployed for the eFlows4HPC project this is already done and you can move to the next paragraph.

You should first move to the Catalog tab and then the Manage archives tab, finally click on Git import to add components as shown in :numref:`fig_alien4cloud_catalog`.

Alien4Cloud catalog

Click on Git import to add components

You should have at least the three repositories defined as shown in :numref:`fig_alien4cloud_git_catalog`:

Alien4Cloud git catalog

Click on Git location to define imports from a git repository

Click on Git location to define imports from a git repository as shown in :numref:`fig_alien4cloud_git_import_setup`

Alien4Cloud setup a catalog git repository

Alien4Cloud setup a catalog git repository

Once done you can click on Import all.

Creating an application based on the minimal workflow example

Move to the Applications tab and click on New application as shown in :numref:`fig_alien4cloud_applications`.

Alien4Cloud applications list

Manage applications in Alien4Cloud

Then create a new application based on the minimal workflow template as shown in :numref:`fig_alien4cloud_app_create`

Alien4Cloud create a new application

Alien4Cloud create a template based application

Edit the topology to fit your needs as shown in :numref:`fig_alien4cloud_topology`.

Alien4Cloud minimal workflow topology

Alien4Cloud minimal workflow topology

Then click on Deploy to deploy the application as shown in :numref:`fig_alien4cloud_deploy`.

Alien4Cloud deploy an application

Alien4Cloud deploy an application

Make your workflow available to end-users using the HPCWaaS API

In order for the HPCWaaS API to know which workflow to allow users to use, you should add a specific tag to your Alien4Cloud application. Move to your application main panel and under the Tags section add a tag named hpcwaas-workflows as shown in :numref:`fig_alien4cloud_application_panel`. The tag value should be a comma-separated list of workflow names that could be called through the HPCWaaS API. In the minimal workflow example, this tag value should be exec_job.

Alien4Cloud application panel with tags

Alien4Cloud add tags to an application

eFlows4HPC TOSCA Components

eFlows4HPC uses TOSCA to describe the high-level execution lifecycle of a workflow, enabling the orchestration of tasks with diverse nature.

To support eFlows4HPC use cases, we have defined the following TOSCA components:

  • Image Creation Service TOSCA component to build container images.
  • Data Logistics Service TOSCA components to manage data movement.
  • PyCOMPSs execution TOSCA component to launch and monitor PyCOMPSs jobs.
  • Environment TOSCA component to hold properties of an HPC cluster.

In following sections you will find a detailed description of each of these components and their configurable properties.

Section :ref:`section_usage_example_tosca_topology_template` describes how these components are assembled together in a TOSCA topology template to implement the ROM Pillar I use case. More specifically you can refer to :numref:`tosca-topo-template` to see how properties of the TOSCA components are used in this particular context.

Image Creation Service TOSCA component

The source code of this component is available in the image-creation-tosca github repository in the eFlows4HPC organization.

This components interacts with the Image Creation Service RESTful API to trigger and monitor the creation of container images for specific hardware architectures.

:numref:`tosca-image-creation-service-type.yaml` is a simplified (for the sake of clarity) version of the TOSCA type definition of the Image Creation Service that shows the configurable properties that can be set for this component.

    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
        type: string
        required: true
        type: string
        required: true
        type: string
        required: true

    derived_from: org.alien4cloud.nodes.Job
        type: string
        required: true
        type: boolean
        required: false
        default: false
        type: string
        required: true
        type: string
        required: true
        type: imagecreation.ansible.datatypes.Machine
        required: true
        type: string
        required: true
        type: string
        required: true
        type: boolean
        required: false
        default: false
        type: boolean
        description: Do not redact sensible information on logs
        default: false
        type: boolean
        required: false
        default: true
  • The imagecreation.ansible.datatypes.Machine data type allows to define the build-specific properties for the container image to be created
    • platform is the expected operating system for instance: linux/amd64
    • architecture is the expected processor architecture for instance sandybridge
    • container_engine is the expected container execution engine typically docker or singularity
  • workflow property is the name of the workflow within the workflow-registry github repository
  • step_id property is the name of the sub step of the given workflow in the workflow registry
  • service_url, insecure_tls, username and password are properties used to connect to the Image Creation Service
  • force property allows to force the re-creation of the image even if an existing image with the same configuration already exists
  • debug will print additional information in Alien4Cloud's logs, some sensible information like passwords could be reveled in these logs, this should be used for debug purpose only
  • run_in_standard_mode this property controls in which TOSCA workflows this component interacts with the Image Creation Service by setting this property to true this components will be run in the standard mode meaning at the application deployment time. This is an advanced feature and the default value should fit most of the needs.

Data Logistics Service TOSCA components

The source code of these components is available in the dls-tosca github repository in the eFlows4HPC organization.

These components interact with the Airflow RESTful API to trigger and monitor the execution of Airflow pipelines.

These components leverage TOSCA inheritance to both allow to run generic Airflow pipelines and to make it easier to create TOSCA components with properties specific to a given pipeline. dls.ansible.nodes.DLSDAGRun is the parent of all others DLS TOSCA components. It allows to run any DLS pipeline with an arbitrary configuration. Other DLS TOSCA components extend it by adding or overriding some properties.

:numref:`tosca-dls-type.yaml` is a simplified version of the TOSCA type definition of the Data Logistics Service that shows the configurable properties that can be set for these components. We removed components that are note used in the Pillar I use case.

  derived_from: org.alien4cloud.nodes.Job
      type: string
      required: false
      type: string
      required: true
      type: string
      required: true
      type: string
      required: true
      type: map
      required: false
        description: map of key/value to pass to the dag as inputs
        type: string
      type: boolean
      description: Do not redact sensible information on logs
      default: false
      type: string
      description: User id to use for authentication may be replaced with workflow input
      required: false
      default: ""
      type: string
      description: User id to use for authentication may be replaced with workflow input
      required: false
      default: ""
      type: boolean
      required: false
      default: false
    - environment:
        capability: eflows4hpc.env.capabilities.ExecutionEnvironment
        relationship: tosca.relationships.DependsOn
        occurrences: [ 0, UNBOUNDED ]

  derived_from: dls.ansible.nodes.DLSDAGRun
      type: string
      required: true
      default: plainhttp2ssh
      type: string
      description: URL of the file to transfer
      required: false
      type: boolean
      description: Force transfer of data even if target file already exists
      required: false
      default: true
      type: string
      description: the remote host
      required: false
      type: string
      description: path of the file on the remote host
      required: false
      type: string
      description: >
        Name of the workflow input to use to retrieve the URL.
        If an input with this name exists for the workflow, it overrides the url property.
      required: true
      default : "url"
      type: string
      description: >
        Name of the workflow input to use to retrieve the target path.
        If an input with this name exists for the workflow, it overrides the target_path property.
      required: true
      default : "target_path"

  derived_from: dls.ansible.nodes.DLSDAGRun
        type: string
        description: Transferred Object ID
        required: false
        type: string
        description: the remote host
        required: false
        type: string
        description: path of the file on the remote host
        required: false
        type: string
        required: true
        default : "oid"
        type: string
        required: true
        default : "target_path"

  derived_from: dls.ansible.nodes.DLSDAGRun
      type: string
      description: Uploaded Metadata ID
      required: false
      type: string
      description: the remote host
      required: false
      type: string
      description: path of the file on the remote host
      required: false
      type: boolean
      description: Should the record created in b2share be registered with data cat
      required: false
      default: false
      type: string
      required: true
      default: mid
      type: string
      required: true
      default: source_path
      type: string
      required: true
      default: register

  derived_from: dls.ansible.nodes.DLSDAGRun
      type: string
      description: The image id to transfer
      required: false
      type: string
      description: the remote host
      required: false
      type: string
      description: path of the file on the remote host
      required: false
      type: boolean
      required: false
      default: true
  • dls.ansible.nodes.DLSDAGRun is the parent TOSCA component with the following properties:
    • dls_api_url, dls_api_username and dls_api_password are used to connect to the Airflow REST API.
      • dls_api_url could be overridden by the dls_api_url attribute of a eflows4hpc.env.nodes.AbstractEnvironment if components are linked together
      • dls_api_username and dls_api_password can be provided as plain text for testing purpose but the recommended way to provide it is to use the get_secret TOSCA function as shown in :numref:`tosca-topo-template`
    • dag_id is the unique identifier of the DLS pipeline to run
    • extra_conf is a map of key/value properties to be used as input parameters for the DLS pipeline
    • debug will print additional information in Alien4Cloud's logs, some sensible information like passwords could be reveled in these logs, this should be used for debug purpose only
    • user_id and vault_id are credentials to be used connect to the HPC cluster for data transfer
    • run_in_standard_mode this property controls in which TOSCA workflows this component interacts with the DLS by setting this property to true this components will be run in the standard mode meaning at the application deployment time. This is an advanced feature and the default value should fit most of the needs and it is overridden in derived TOSCA components if needed.
  • dls.ansible.nodes.HTTP2SSH is a TOSCA component that allows to trigger a pipeline that will download a file and copy it to a cluster through SSH
    • dag_id overrides the pipeline identifier to plainhttp2ssh
    • url is the URL of the file to be downloaded
    • force forces transfer of data even if target file already exists
    • target_host the remote host to copy file on. This could be overridden by the cluster_login_host attribute of a eflows4hpc.env.nodes.AbstractEnvironment if components are linked together.
    • input_name_for_url is the name of the workflow input to use to retrieve the URL. If an input with this name exists for the workflow, it overrides the url property. The default value is url.
    • input_name_for_target_path is the name of the workflow input to use to retrieve the target path. If an input with this name exists for the workflow, it overrides the target_path property. The default value is target_path.
  • dls.ansible.nodes.DLSDAGStageInData interacts with the DLS pipeline that download data from the data catalogu and copy it to the HPC cluster through SSH
    • oid is the Obejct ID of the file in the data catalogue
    • target_host the remote host to copy data to. This could be overridden by the cluster_login_host attribute of a eflows4hpc.env.nodes.AbstractEnvironment if components are linked together.
    • target_path is the path of a directory to store the file on the remote host
    • input_name_for_oid is the name of the workflow input to use to retrieve the OID. If an input with this name exists for the workflow, it overrides the oid property. The default value is oid.
    • input_name_for_target_path is the name of the workflow input to use to retrieve the target path. If an input with this name exists for the workflow, it overrides the target_path property. The default value is target_path.
  • dls.ansible.nodes.DLSDAGStageOutData interacts with the DLS pipeline that copy data from the HPC cluster through SSH and upload it to the data catalogue
    • mid is the Metadata ID of the file in the data catalogue
    • target_host the remote host to copy data from. This could be overridden by the cluster_login_host attribute of a eflows4hpc.env.nodes.AbstractEnvironment if components are linked together.
    • source_path is the path of the file on the remote host
    • register controls if the record created in b2share should be registered within the data catalogue
    • input_name_for_mid is the name of the workflow input to use to retrieve the MID. If an input with this name exists for the workflow, it overrides the mid property. The default value is mid.
    • input_name_for_source_path is the name of the workflow input to use to retrieve the source path. If an input with this name exists for the workflow, it overrides the source_path property. The default value is source_path.
    • input_name_for_register is the name of the workflow input to use to retrieve the register flag. If an input with this name exists for the workflow, it overrides the register property. The default value is register.
  • dls.ansible.nodes.DLSDAGImageTransfer:
    • image_id is the identifier of the container image to transfer from the Image Creation Service. If this component is linked to an Image Creation Service component then this id is automatically retrieved from the image creation execution.
    • target_host the remote host to copy the container image to. This could be overridden by the cluster_login_host attribute of a eflows4hpc.env.nodes.AbstractEnvironment if components are linked together.
    • target_path is the path of the container image on the remote host
    • run_in_standard_mode container image creation is typically designed to be run at application deployment time so this property is overridden to run at this stage.

PyCOMPSs TOSCA component

The source code of this component is available in the pycompss-yorc-plugin github repository in the eFlows4HPC organization.

This component is different from the above ones as it does not have an implementation in pure TOSCA. Instead the implementation is done by a plugin directly shipped with the Yorc orchestrator. This allows to handle more complex use-cases like interacting with workflows inputs.

That said a TOSCA component should still be defined to configure how the plugin will run the PyCOMPSs job.

:numref:`tosca-pycompss-type.yaml` is a simplified version of the TOSCA type definition of the PyCOMPSs execution that shows the configurable properties that can be set for this component.

    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
        type: string
        required: false
        default: ""
        type: string
        required: false
        default: ""
        type: string
        required: false
        default: ""

    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
        type: string
        required: true
        type: list
        required: false
          description: list of arguments
          type: string
        type: org.eflows4hpc.pycompss.plugin.types.ContainerOptions

    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
        type: list
        required: false
          description: list of arguments
          type: string
        default: ["compss/3.0", "singularity"]
        type: integer
        required: false
        default: 1
        type: string
        required: false
        default: debug
        type: string
        required: false
        default: ""
        type: string
        required: false
        default: ""

    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
        type: string
        description: The endpoint of the pycomps server
        required: false
        type: string
        description: user used to connect to the cluster may be overridden by a workflow input
        required: false

    derived_from: org.alien4cloud.nodes.Job
      icon: COMPSs-logo.png
        type: org.eflows4hpc.pycompss.plugin.types.Environment
        required: false

        type: org.eflows4hpc.pycompss.plugin.types.SubmissionParams
        required: false

        type: org.eflows4hpc.pycompss.plugin.types.COMPSsApplication
        required: false

        type: boolean
        default: false
        required: false
        description: keep pycompss environment for troubleshooting
      - img_transfer:
          capability: tosca.capabilities.Node
          relationship: tosca.relationships.DependsOn
          occurrences: [ 0, UNBOUNDED ]
      - environment:
          capability: eflows4hpc.env.capabilities.ExecutionEnvironment
          relationship: tosca.relationships.DependsOn
          occurrences: [ 0, UNBOUNDED ]
  • The org.eflows4hpc.pycompss.plugin.types.ContainerOptions data type allows to define container specific options for the PyCOMPSs job
    • container_image is the path the container image to use to run the execution. If connected to a dls.ansible.nodes.DLSDAGImageTransfer component the path of the transferred image is automatically detected.
    • container_compss_path is the path where compss is installed in the container image
    • container_opts are the options to pass to the container engine
  • The org.eflows4hpc.pycompss.plugin.types.COMPSsApplication data type allows to define how a PyCOMPSs application is run
    • command is the actual command to run
    • arguments is a list of arguments
    • container_opts is org.eflows4hpc.pycompss.plugin.types.ContainerOptions data type described above
  • The org.eflows4hpc.pycompss.plugin.types.SubmissionParams data type defines PyCOMPSs parameters related to job submission
    • compss_modules is the list of modules to load for the job. This could be overridden by the pycompss_modules attribute of a eflows4hpc.env.nodes.AbstractEnvironment if components are linked together.
    • num_nodes is the number of nodes a job should run on
    • qos is the quality of Service to pass to the queue system
    • python_interpreter Python interpreter to use (python/python3)
    • extra_compss_opts is an arbitrary list of extra options to pass to PyCOMPSs
  • The org.eflows4hpc.pycompss.plugin.types.Environment data type define properties related to the cluster where the job should be run
    • endpoint the remote host to run jobs on. This could be overridden by the cluster_login_host attribute of a eflows4hpc.env.nodes.AbstractEnvironment if components are linked together.
    • user_name user used to connect to the cluster may be overridden by a workflow input
  • The org.eflows4hpc.pycompss.plugin.nodes.PyCOMPSJob TOSCA component
    • environment is org.eflows4hpc.pycompss.plugin.types.Environment data type described above
    • submission_params is org.eflows4hpc.pycompss.plugin.types.SubmissionParams data type described above
    • application is org.eflows4hpc.pycompss.plugin.types.COMPSsApplication data type described above
    • keep_environment is a flag to keep pycompss execution data for troubleshooting

Environment TOSCA component

The source code of this component is available in the environment-tosca github repository in the eFlows4HPC organization.

This components holds properties of an HPC cluster. It is an abstract TOSCA component, meaning that it's values does not need to be known when designing the application and can be matched to a concrete type just before the deployment. This is a powerful tool combined with Alien4Cloud's services that allows to define concrete types for abstract components.

:numref:`tosca-environment-type.yaml` is a simplified version of the TOSCA type definition of the Environment that shows attributes of this component.

  derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
  abstract: true
      type: string
      type: string
      type: string
  • cluster_login_host the host (generally a login node) of the HPC cluster to connects to
  • pycompss_modules a coma-separated list of PyCOMPSs modules installed on this cluster and that should be loaded by PyCOMPSs
  • dls_api_url the URL of the Data Logistics Service API