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File metadata and controls

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Data Transformation

The @data_transformation (or just @dt) decorator is used for the execution of a data transformation function that should be applied to a given 'PyCOMPSs task' parameter. By specifying the parameter name and a Python function, users can assure that the parameter will go through a transformation process by the given function before the task execution. The result of the data transformation function will be used in the task instead of the initial value of the parameter.

The Data transformation decorator has a simple order for the definition. The first argument of the decorator is a string name of the parameter we want to transform. The second argument is the data transformation function (NOT as a string, but actual reference) that expects at least one input to which the transformation will be applied to. If the transformation function needs more parameters, they can be added to the @dt definition as 'kwargs'. Moreover, if the user wants to use a workflow as a data transformation function and thus avoid the intermediate task creation, PyCOMPSs provides an optional keyword argument is_workflow to do so (by default False). This gives the flexibility of importing workflows from different libraries.

@dt("<parameter_name>", "<dt_function>", "<is_workflow_value>","<kwargs_of_dt_function>")
def task_func(...):


Please note that data transformation definitions should be on top of the @software and/or @task decorator.

Adding data transformation on top of the @software or @task decorator allows the PyCOMPSs Runtime generate an intermediate task. This task method applies the given DT to the given input and the output is sent to the original task as the input. The following code snippet is an example of basic usage of the @dt decorator:

import numpy as np
from pycompss.api.data_transformation import dt
from import software
from pycompss.api.api import compss_wait_on

def simulation():
    return a

def reshape(A, new_x, new_y):
    return A.reshape((new_x, new_y))

@dt("input_data", reshape, new_x=10, new_y=100)
def data_analysis(input_data):
    return result

def main():
    A = simulation()
    result = data_analysis(A)
    result = compss_wait_on(result)

As we can see in the example, the result of the "simulation" function is assigned to the parameter A. However, this data is formatted in columns where the input of "data_analysis" must be shaped in blocks. Thus, before the task execution, parameter A will go through the "reshape" function where "new_x" and "new_y" will be 10 and 100 respectively. Once the execution of the Data Transformation task is finished, the transformed data will be passed to the "data_analysis" as input in the required format.

PyCOMPSs also supports inter-types data transformations which allows the conversion of the input data to another object type. For example, if the user wants to use a object's serialized file as an input for a task, but the task function expects the object itself, then @dt can take care of it. So far PyCOMPSs supports this kind of data transformations only for the FILE, OBJECT and COLLECTION types.

For the cases where type conversions happen, there are some mandatory and optional parameters:

Parameter Description
target (Mandatory) Name of the input parameter that DT will be applied to.
function (Mandatory) The data transformation function.
type (Mandatory) Type of the DT (e.g. FILE_TO_OBJECT)
destination If the output of the DT is a file, then output file name can be specified as "destination".
size (Mandatory only if the output of the DT is a COLLECTION) Size of the output COLLECTION.

In the example below we can see a code snippet where the Data Transformation task deserializes a file and assigns it to the input parameter. That is why its type is FILE_TO_OBJECT:

from pycompss.api.data_transformation import *
from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.parameter import FILE_OUT
from pycompss.api.api import compss_wait_on

def generate(result_file):

def deserialize(some_file):
    # deserialize the file
    return deserialized_object

@dt(target="input", function=deserialize, type=FILE_TO_OBJECT)
def simulation(input):
    # 'input' is deserialized object from its initial file path

def main(self):
    some_file = "src/some_file"
    result = simulation(some_file)
    result = compss_wait_on(result)

It is possible to define multiple data transformations for the same parameter, as well as for multiple parameters of the same task. In both cases each data transformation with "is_workflow=False" will take place in a different task (in the order of the definition from top to bottom):

import dislib as ds
from pycompss.api.data_transformation import *
from pycompss.api.task import task
from import software
from pycompss.api.api import compss_wait_on

def load_w_dislib(file_path, blocK_size=10):
    obj = ds.load_txt_file(file_path, block_size)
    return obj

def extract_columns(input):
    # modifies input
    return input

def scale_by_x(input, rate=100):
    # modifies input
    return input

@dt(target="A", function=load_w_dislib, type=FILE_TO_OBJECT, is_workflow=True)
@dt("A", extract_columns, is_workflow=False)
@dt(target="B", function=load_w_dislib, type=FILE_TO_OBJECT, is_workflow=True)
@dt("B", scale_by_x, rate=5)
def run_simulation(A, B):
    # A and B are both loaded from text files using "dislib" and modified

def main():
    first_file = "src/file_A"
    second_file = "src/file_B"
    run_simulation(first_file, second_file)

For more detailed information about the @dt decorator of PyCOMPSs please see the documentation.