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Enabling HPC Ready Container Image Creation

In the previous section, we have seen how to implement the computational workflow with PyCOMPSs. To enable the deployment of this workflow with containers, we have to indicate what software is required for the execution of this service. Previously, we have seen that the Reduced Order Model computation requires Kratos Multiphysics for the FOM and ROM simulations, dislib for rSVD and results comparison and COMPSs as the runtime system to manage PyCOMPSs workflows. These requirements have to be defined as a simplified Spack environment (spack.yml) inside the workflow folder stored in the Workflow Registry as shown in :numref:`spack_description`. Developers just need to indicate the required software package name and optionally specify the version and variants for this software. For instance, this workflow requires Kratos version 9.1.4 with the app variant which indicates the Kratos applications to include in the compilation. No other Spack environment information must be included in this description, the rest of the options of the spack environment will be included during the image creation process depending on the description of the target supercomputer.

                - compss
                - py-dislib
                - kratos@9.1.4 apps=LinearSolversApplication,FluidDynamicsApplication,StructuralMechanicsApplication,ConvectionDiffusionApplication,RomApplication

The description of the software packages indicated in spack.yml must be included in the Software Catalog or supported by Spack. This description must follow the Spack package description format. It is a Python class which defines the packaging type (Autotools, CMake, Python modules, etc.), the location from where to download the sources, available versions, software dependencies, and other options depending on the packaging type. For instance, :numref:`compss_spack_description` shows how this description has been implemented for COMPSs. It uses the basic packaging type (extends Package) and the installation procedure is described by implementing the install method. More examples can be found in the Software Catalog repository.

class Compss(Package):
    """COMP Superscalar programming model and runtime."""

    url      = ""
    version('2.10', sha256='0795ca7674f1bdd0faeac950fa329377596494f64223650fe65a096807d58a60', preferred=True)

    # dependencies.

    def install(self, spec, prefix):
        install_script = Executable('./install')
        install_script('-A', '--only-python-3', prefix.compss)

    def setup_run_environment(self, env):
        env.set('COMPSS_HOME', self.prefix.compss)
        env.prepend_path('PATH', self.prefix.compss + '/Runtime/scripts/user')

Once the workflow software requirements and the software package description have been included in the Workflow Registry and Software Catalog respectively, we can start to create the container images for this workflow. With this goal, developers have to request it to the Container Image Creation service using the command line interface (CLI). :numref:`cic_request` and :numref:`request_json` shows the command and JSON file of the request for creating the ROM workflow container image for the MareNostrum4. This supercomputer has a skylake_avx512 architecture and supports Singularity containers. In this section, we have shown how a developer can use the Container Image Creation to build the workflow containers, however the Container Image Creation can be also part of the workflow deployment and it can be executed via the TOSCA descriptions. More details about this option can be found in :ref:`cictosca`.

$ image_creation> ./cic_cli user pass build rom_for_MN4.json
     "machine": {
          "platform": "linux/amd64",
          "architecture": "skylake_avx512",
          "container_engine": "singularity"
     "step_id" :"reduce_order_model"

More details about the Container Image Creation service can be found in this link.