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File metadata and controls

641 lines (631 loc) · 94.3 KB

title: Pelican Configuration Settings date: 2020-10-10 10:00 status: published tags: pelican category: HOWTO summary: Details on use of configuration settings in Pelican

The legends used to describe settings are: [jtable caption="Legend"] string, a text-based string; may use '{}' variables. boolean, a binary type that only accepts 'True' or 'False' filename, a filename that has no directory path nor slash symbol. filespec, a relative directory path and a filename abs_filepath, a full, complete (absolute) directory path and a filename dirspec, a directory name or an incomplete path to the directory (relative) abs_dirpath, a full, complete path to the directory (absolute) dict of, a Python type that uses '{' and '}' to contain all its comma-separated key AND values (looks like 'key_name : key_value'). list of, a Python type that uses '[' and ']' to contain all its comma-separated values tuples of, a Python type that uses '(' and ')' to contain all its comma-separated values varname, the variable name in which to use for metadata ip_address, IP address [/jtable]

abs_dirpath, abs_filepath, dirspec, filename, and filespec can use and embedded any of the following string variables:

[jtable caption="Variables" separator=','] variable name, description {attach}, the full absolute URL specification to where all articles are found under. Useful for image or a link. Same as ARTICLES_URL_PATH. {author}, the full URL path AND closing QUERY/parameters to add toward its author. Expanded from AUTHOR_URL. Any period symbol found gets removed here before its usage. {category}, the directory name of a category that this article/page is metadata as. Same as CATEGORY_URL. Any period symbol found outside of the {category} gets removed here before its usage. {filename}, the full absolute URL specification toward this generated article/page. Any relative URL will be expanded to a full URL path, including its slug filename. {index}, the full URL specification to this article/page's index.html file. Same as $INDEX_SAVE_AS. Any other character other than {index} will be ignored. {static}, the full absolute URL specification to its article/page. Any other character outside of {static} shall be ignored. {tag}, the full URL specification to where all tags are kept in. Any period symbol found outside of the {tag} part gets removed before its usage. [/jtable]

Common Settings

Many of the Pelican configuration key name have a common suffix.

[jtable caption="Pelican Generic Settings" separator=','] suffix , value type , description \_EXCLUDES , string , what to omit \_PATHS , string , filesystem path either file or directory. \_REGEX_SUBSTITUTIONS , string , what to search for \_SAVE_AS , string , the dirpath to use in the $OUTPUT directory. \_URL , string , the dirpath to use in the URL ending with a filename/filetype. You can customize the URLs and locations where files will be saved. The *_URL and *_SAVE_AS variables use Python's format strings. These variables allow you to place your articles in a location such as {slug}/index.html and link to them as {slug} for clean URLs. These settings give you the flexibility to place your articles and pages anywhere you want. \_URL_PATH , string , the dirpath to use in the URL but without the filespec. \_SUBSTITUTIONS , string , what to substitute [/jtable]

The common suffixes found in most Pelican's Python-based configuration key names are:

[jtable caption="Pelican Settings" separator=','] Setting name,Value Type,Description ARCHIVE_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of archive subdirectory within the OUTPUT directory in which to contain older articles and pages. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec. ARCHIVE_URL,url_path,URL to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a page or article as an archive file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL. ARCHIVES_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Directory path to store this all-archives HTML index file within the OUTPUT directory. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec. ARCHIVES_URL_PATH,string, ARCHIVES_URL,url_path,"What URL to use, in the HTML <src=> attribute, to store this all-archives HTML index file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL." ARTICLE_EXCLUDES,list of dirspec ,The subdirectory name under $PATH where selected directories are to be excluded from chronological indexing. Pelican will also seed this from PAGE_PATHS. ARTICLE_LANG_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Where to put an language-specific article content within the OUTPUT directory. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec. ARTICLE_LANG_URL,url_path,What URL to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a language-specific page or article file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL. ARTICLE_ORDER_BY,string ,"The choices of how are articles organized by are: 'reversed-date', 'reversed-prefix', 'prefix', 'basename'. Defines how the articles (articles_page.object_list in the template) are sorted. Valid options are: metadata as a string (use reversed- prefix the reverse the sort order) then special option 'basename' which will use the basename of the file (without path) or a custom function to extract the sorting key from articles. The default value 'reversed-date' will sort articles by date in reverse order (i.e. newest article comes first)." ARTICLE_PATHS,list of dirspec,A list of subdirectory(s) to ignore as well as ignoring PAGE_PATHS. ARTICLE_PERMALINK_STRUCTURE,string , ARTICLE_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of an article file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec. ARTICLE_TRANSLATION_ID,varname , ARTICLE_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store an article file. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL. ARTICLES_URL_PATH,filespec , ARTICLES_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store all article files. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL. AUTHOR_FEED_ATOM,filespec ,Where to put the author Atom feeds in the OUTPUT directory AUTHOR_FEED_RSS,filespec ,Where to put the author RSS feeds in the OUTPUT directory AUTHOR_REGEX_SUBSTITUTIONS,list of tuple of regex ,"Substitutions to make prior to stripping out non-alphanumerics when generating author(s). Specified as a list of 2-tuples of (from, to) which are applied in order." AUTHOR_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of author file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec. AUTHOR_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store an author file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL. AUTHOR,string ,Default author (put your name) AUTHORS_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of an all-authors file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec. AUTHORS_URL_PATH,url_path, AUTHORS_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store an all-authors file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL. AUTORELOAD_IGNORE_CACHE,string,Deprecated. Now ignored. BIND,ip_address ,"When starting Pelican in webserver mode, what IP address to bind with during local viewing of the OUTPUT directory. Pelican CLI option is --bind or -b." CACHE_CONTENT,boolean ,"If True, saves content in caches. See Reading only modified content for details about caching." CACHE_PATH,abs_filespec ,Directory in which to store cache files. Pelican CLI option is --cache-path. CATEGORIES_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of an all-category index HTML file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec. CATEGORIES_TO_COLLATE,list of string , CATEGORIES_URL_PATH,filespec , CATEGORIES_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store an all-category index HTML file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL. CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM_URL,url_path,What URL to use in the HTML <src=> attribute for the category part of Atom feed. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL. CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM,filespec ,Where to put this category Atom feed into the OUTPUT directory. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec. CATEGORY_FEED_RSS_URL,url_path, CATEGORY_FEED_RSS,filespec , Where to put the category RSS feeds. CATEGORY_SAVE_AS,filespec , The location to save a category. CATEGORY_URL,url_path, The URL to use for a category. CHECK_MODIFIED_METHOD,string ," What checksum methods to use when checking wether a file has been modified or not. 'mtime' uses your filesystem modified time of the file in question. Otherwise, not specifying 'mtime' will attempt to consult your specified function name of hashlib module. At this moment using Python3.8 the additional available options are: 'blake2b', 'blake2s', 'md5', 'pbkdf2_hmac' 'sha1' 'sha224' 'sha256' 'sha384' 'sha3_224' 'sha3_256' 'sha3_384' 'sha3_512' 'sha512' 'shake_128' 'shake_256'. " CLEAN_URLS,string,Deprecated. Now ignored. CONTENT_CACHING_LAYER,string ,"Two depths of cache mechanism, only one can be used: 'reader' or 'generator'. If set to 'reader' then save only the raw content and metadata returned by readers. If set to 'generator' then save processed content objects." CSS_FILE, filename , Specify the CSS file you want to load. The filename of CSS used by this theme ($THEME). DATE_FORMATS,dict of string ," A dictionary of string of date format whose key is in by two-char country code. If left blank, ISO-8601 is used. If you manage multiple languages, you can set the date formatting here. " DAY_ARCHIVE_SAVE_AS,filespec , The location to save per-day archives of your posts. DAY_ARCHIVE_URL,url_path, The URL to use per-day archives of your posts. DEBUG,boolean,The Pelican CLI options for debug are -D or --debug. Both take debug level number as an argument. DEFAULT_CATEGORY,string , The category name to use if a content file did not have category: metadata in its file. The default category to fall back on. DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME,string, DEFAULT_CONFIG,string, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT,string, the date format to use that is located before the summary line of each chronological (article) contents. The default date format you want to use. DEFAULT_DATE,string," The default date format for all two-char country code, unless overriden by DATE_FORMATS. If fs is specified then modified timestamp of file is used. The default date you want to use. If 'fs' Pelican will use the file system timestamp information (mtime) if it can't get date information from the metadata. If set to a tuple object the default datetime object will instead be generated by passing the tuple to the datetime.datetime() constructor." DEFAULT_LANG,string, The default language to use.
DEFAULT_METADATA,dict of string ," If your articles should be automatically published as a draft (to not accidentally publish an article before it is finished) include the status in the DEFAULT_METADATA. Key name is the metadata label and its key value is the metadata value (e.g. DEFAULT_METADATA = { 'status': 'draft', }." DEFAULT_ORPHANS,integer, The minimum number of articles allowed on the last page. Use this when you don't want the last page to only contain a handful of articles. DEFAULT_PAGINATION,boolean," The maximum number of articles to include on a page, not including orphans. False to disable pagination. Numbers of chronological (article) content to list per page." DELETE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY,boolean," Every time that Pelican is executed, purge the output directory before starting anew. Delete the output directory and all of its contents before generating new files. This can be useful in preventing older unnecessary files from persisting in your output. However this is a destructive setting and should be handled with extreme care. Pelican CLI option is --delete-output-directory." DESCRIPTION,string, DIRECT_TEMPLATES,list of string," List of templates that are used directly to render content. Typically direct templates are used to generate index pages for collections of content (e.g., tags and category index pages). If the tag and category collections are not needed then set DIRECT_TEMPLATES = ['index', 'archives']" DISPLAY_CATEGORIES_ON_MENU,boolean, Put the Categories on primary navigation menu. You can use the DISPLAY_PAGES_ON_MENU setting to control whether all those pages are displayed in the primary navigation menu. Whether to display categories on the menu of the template. Templates may or not honor this setting. DISPLAY_PAGES_ON_MENU,boolean, Put the Pages on navigation menu. Whether to display pages on the menu of the template. Templates may or may not honor this setting. DOCUTILS_SETTINGS,dict of string, Extra configuration settings for the docutils publisher (applicable only to reStructuredText). See Docutils Configuration settings for more details. DRAFT_ARTICLES_SAVE_AS,filespec , DRAFT_ARTICLES_URL_PATH,filespec , DRAFT_ARTICLES_URL,url_path, DRAFT_LANG_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of a language-specific draft page file within the OUTPUT directory. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec. DRAFT_LANG_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a language-specific draft page file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL. DRAFT_PAGE_LANG_SAVE_AS,filespec , {lang} denotes the two-letter country code DRAFT_PAGE_LANG_URL,url_path, {lang} denotes the two-letter country code DRAFT_PAGE_SAVE_AS,filespec , DRAFT_PAGE_URL,url_path, DRAFT_PAGES_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of draft page file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec. DRAFT_PAGES_URL_PATH,url_path, DRAFT_PAGES_URL,filespec ,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a draft page file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL. DRAFT_SAVE_AS,filespec , The place where we will save an article draft. DRAFT_URL,url_path, The URL to refer to an article draft. DRAFTS_SAVE_AS,filespec , DRAFTS_URL,url_path, EACH_SLUG_HAS_SUBDIR,boolean," Instead of a markdown file, you could have a slug subdirectory and put all your related images under that subdir." EXTRA_PATH_METADATA, dict of items , Extra metadata dictionaries keyed by relative path. Relative paths require correct OS-specific directory separators (i.e. / in UNIX and \ in Windows) unlike some other Pelican file settings. See Path metadata. EXTRA_TEMPLATES_PATHS, list of dirspec ,Deprecated. Now ignored. Use THEME_TEMPLATES_OVERRIDES instead. FEED_ALL_ATOM_URL,url_path, FEED_ALL_ATOM,filespec , Relative URL to output the all-posts Atom feed: this feed will contain all posts regardless of their language. FEED_ALL_RSS_URL,url_path, FEED_ALL_RSS,filespec , Relative URL to output the all-posts RSS feed: this feed will contain all posts regardless of their language. FEED_ATOM,string , Relative URL to output the Atom feed. FEED_DOMAIN,string ," The domain prepended to feed URLs. Since feed URLs should always be absolute, it is highly recommended to define this (e.g. ''). If you have already explicitly defined SITEURL (see above) and want to use the same domain for your feeds then you can just set: FEED_DOMAIN = SITEURL." FEED_MAX_ITEMS,string , Maximum number of items allowed in a feed. Feed item quantity is unrestricted by default. FEED_RSS_URL,url_path, FEED_RSS,filespec , Relative URL to output the RSS feed. FILENAME_METADATA,string ," You can also extract any metadata from the filename through a regular expression to be set in the FILENAME_METADATA setting. All named groups that are matched will be set in the metadata object. The default value for the FILENAME_METADATA setting will only extract the date from the filename. For example, if you would like to extract both the date and the slug, you could set something like: '(?P<date>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})_(?P<slug>.*)'" FORMATTED_FIELDS, list ofstring ,A list of metadata fields found in reST/Markdown content that are to be parsed and translated into HTML. GZIP_CACHE,boolean,"Enables gzipping of cache. If True, use gzip to (de)compress the cache files." IGNORE_FILES,list of string,"Files to skip during processing. A list of glob patterns. Files and directories matching any of these patterns will be ignored by the processor. For example, the default ['.#*'] will ignore emacs lock files, and ['__pycache__'] would ignore Python 3's bytecode caches." INDEX_SAVE_AS,filespec ,The location to save the list of all articles. INTRASITE_LINK_REGEX,string ,Regular expression that is used to parse internal links. Default syntax when linking to internal files tags etc. is to enclose the identifier let us say filename in {} or []. Identifier between { and } goes into the what capturing group. For details see Linking to internal content. JINJA_ENVIRONMENT,dict of items,A dictionary of custom Jinja2 environment variables you want to use. This also includes a list of extensions you may want to include. See Jinja Environment documentation. JINJA_EXTENSIONS,dict of items,Deprecated. Now ignored. Use JINJA_ENVIRONMENT. JINJA_FILTERS,dict of items,A dictionary of custom Jinja2 filters you want to use. The dictionary should map the filtername to the filter function. LOAD_CONTENT_CACHE,boolean,"If True, load unmodified content from caches. When experimenting with different settings (especially the metadata ones) caching may interfere and the changes may not be visible. In such cases disable caching with LOAD_CONTENT_CACHE = False or use the --ignore-cache command-line switch." LOCALE,list of string, LOG_FILTER,list of string,"A list of tuples containing the logging level (up to warning) and the message to be ignored. For example: [(logging.WARN, 'TAG_SAVE_AS is set to False')]" MARKDOWN,dict of dict of items,Extra configuration settings for the Markdown processor. Refer to the Python Markdown documentation's Options section <> for a complete list of supported options. The extensions option will be automatically computed from the extension_configs option. MD_EXTENSIONS,list of string,"Deprecated. No replacement used. Falling back to internal Pelican defaults of '.markdown', '.mkd', or '.mdown', the Markdown filetype extension(s) for its content file to be recognized by a Markdown reader." MINIBIO,string ,a minibiography about the author MONTH_ARCHIVE_SAVE_AS,filespec ,The location to save per-month archives of your posts. MONTH_ARCHIVE_URL,url_path,The URL to use per-month archives of your posts. NEWEST_FIRST_ARCHIVES,boolean,Order archives by newest first by date. (False: orders by date with older articles first.) OUTPUT_PATH,dirspec,"The output directory that contains the fully-formatted generated HTML pages, and is ready for uploading to websites or viewing by a local webbrowser directly. Pelican CLI options is --output= or -o." OUTPUT_RETENTION,list of string,"A list of outputted files that you want to keep despite $DELETE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY being enabled. A list of filenames that should be retained and not deleted from the output directory. One use case would be the preservation of version control data. For example: preserving versioning control files ["".hg"", "".git"", "".bzr""]." OUTPUT_SOURCES_EXTENSION, filetype ,"Add this filetype toward its filename of all original, untranslated contents." OUTPUT_SOURCES,boolean,"Put all of the original, untranslated contents into the output directories for later export to the website. Any such directory must be added to both STATIC_PATHS and PAGE_PATHS (or STATIC_PATHS and ARTICLE_PATHS). Set to True if you want to copy the articles and pages in their original format (e.g. Markdown or reStructuredText) to the specified OUTPUT_PATH." PAGE_EXCLUDES,list of dirspec,A list of subdirectory(s) to ignore as well as ignoring ARTICLE_PATHS. PAGE_LANG_SAVE_AS,filespec ,The location we will save the page which doesn't use the default language. {lang} denotes the two-letter country code PAGE_LANG_URL,url_path,The URL we will use to link to a page which doesn't use the default language. {lang} denotes the two-letter country code PAGE_ORDER_BY,string ,How do you want your pages sorted by at the 'Pages' menu? Defines how the pages (PAGES variable in the template) are sorted. Options are same as ARTICLE_ORDER_BY. The default value 'basename' will sort pages by their basename. PAGE_PATHS,list of dirspec,A list of subdirectory names where all content pages (non-chronological content) files are to be processed from. Pelican will also seed this with ARTICLE_EXCLUDES.. CONTENT is appe gets appended to this. PAGE_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of a page file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec. PAGE_TRANSLATION_ID, varname , PAGE_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a page file. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL. PAGES_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of page file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec. PAGES_URL_PATH,string, PAGES_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a page file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL. PAGINATED_DIRECT_TEMPLATES,list of filename,Deprecated. Use PAGINATED_TEMPLATES instead. PAGINATED_TEMPLATES,dict of items,Provides the direct templates that should be paginated. PAGINATION_PATTERNS,list of tuples,A set of patterns that are used to determine advanced pagination output. PATH_KEY, , PATH_METADATA,string ,"Like FILENAME_METADATA, but parsed from a page's full path relative to the content source directory. See Path metadata." PATH,dirspec,"Where you keep all your original, unformatted website contents at (mostly Markdowns/RST/images documents)." PDF_PROCESSOR,boolean, PDF_STYLE_PATH,string , PDF_STYLE,string , PELICAN_CLASS,module, PLUGIN_PATHS,list of abs_filespec,Directory location(s) of where the plugins are. The list of plugins to load. See Plugins. PLUGINS,list of string,Deprecated. Use PLUGIN_PATHS. PORT,integer,Port number of TCP socket to use. Pelican CLI option is -p or --port. PYGMENTS_RST_OPTIONS,dict of items,A list of default Pygments settings for your reStructuredText code blocks. See Syntax highlighting for a list of supported options. READERS,dict of string,"A list of special readers, keyed by filetype. A list of file extensions / Reader classes for Pelican to process or ignore. For example to avoid processing '.html' files set: READERS = {'html': None}. To add a custom reader for the foo extension set: READERS = {'foo': FooReader} " RELATIVE_URLS,boolean,Defines whether Pelican should use document-relative URLs or not. Only set this to True when developing/testing and only if you fully understand the effect it can have on links/feeds. Never used in publish mode. REVERSE_CATEGORY_ORDER,boolean,"Reverse the category order. (True: lists by reverse alphabetical order, default lists alphabetically.)" RSS_FEED_SUMMARY_ONLY,boolean,RSS outputs only the summary of chronological ('articles') contents. SITE_DIR,dirname, SITE_SUBPATH,dirname, SITEMAP,dict of items, SITENAME,string ,The formal name of your website SITESUBTITLE, dict of items , SITEURL, url ,"The top-level part of the destination URL. Base URL of your website. Not defined by default, so it is best to specify your SITEURL, if you do not then feeds will not be generated with properly-formed URLs. You should include http:// and your domain along with no trailing slash at the end. Example: SITEURL = ''. No ending slash '/' permitted here." SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTION, list of tuples,"Substitutions to make prior to stripping out non-alphanumerics when generating slug(s). Specified as a list of 2-tuples of (from, to) which are applied in order." SLUG_SUBSTITUTIONS,,Deprecated. Use SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTION instead. SLUGIFY_SOURCE,string ,The process of turning a content file into a slug name is based on one of two options: 'basename' or 'title'. Specifies where you want the slug to be automatically generated from. Can be set to title to use the Title: metadata tag or basename to use the article's file name when creating this slug. STATIC_CHECK_IF_MODIFIED,boolean,"If set to True, and STATIC_CREATE_LINKS is False, compare mtimes of content and output files, and only copy content files that are newer than existing output files." STATIC_CREATE_LINKS,boolean,"Create links instead of copying files. If the content and output directories are on the same device, then create hard links. Falls back to symbolic links if the output directory is on a different filesystem. If symlinks are created, don't forget to add the -L or --copy-links option to rsync when uploading your site." STATIC_EXCLUDE_SOURCES,boolean,"Ignore the source files. If set to False, content source files will not be skipped when copying files found in STATIC_PATHS. This setting is for backward compatibility with Pelican releases before version 3.5. It has no effect unless STATIC_PATHS contains a directory that is also in ARTICLE_PATHS or PAGE_PATHS. If you are trying to publish your site's source files, consider using the OUTPUT_SOURCES setting instead." STATIC_EXCLUDE,list of filespec,A list of files to be excluded if found in STATIC_PATHS. STATIC_PATHS,list of dirspec,"A list of relative subdirectory(s) that are not to be pre-processed and copied as-is. A list of directories (relative to $PATH) in which to look for static files. Such files will be copied to the output directory without modification. Articles, pages, and other content source files will normally be skipped, so it is safe for a directory to appear both here and in PAGE_PATHS or ARTICLE_PATHS. Pelican's default settings include the ""images"" directory here." STATIC_SAVE_AS,dirspec,(Per-file save_as and url overrides can still be set in EXTRA_PATH_METADATA.) STATIC_URL,dirspec,(Per-file save_as and url overrides can still be set in EXTRA_PATH_METADATA.) SUMMARY_MAX_LENGTH,integer,"If you do not explicitly specify summary metadata for a given post, the SUMMARY_MAX_LENGTH setting can be used to specify how many words from the beginning of an article are used as the summary. When creating a short summary of an article then this will be the default length (measured in words) of the text created. This only applies if your content does not otherwise specify a summary. Setting to None will cause the summary to be a copy of the original content." TAG_CLOUD_BADGE,boolean, TAG_CLOUD_MAX_ITEMS,integer,The maximum number of tags to show. Its selection is based on TAG_CLOUD_SORTING and TAG_CLOUD_SORTING,string ,"Valid choices to sort the Tag Cloud are: 'alphabetically', 'alphabetically-rev', 'size', 'size-rev', and 'random'." TAG_CLOUD_STEPS,integer,The total amount of font sizes to use for Tag Cloud. Pelican will choose font sizes based on its THEME. TAG_FEED_ATOM_URL,url_path, TAG_FEED_ATOM,dirspec,"Relative URL to output the tag Atom feed. It should be defined using a ""%s"" match in the tag name." TAG_FEED_RSS_URL,url_path, TAG_FEED_RSS,dirspec,"Relative URL to output the tag RSS feed. It should be defined using a ""%s"" match in the tag name." TAG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTION,list of tuples,"Substitutions to make prior to stripping out non-alphanumerics when generating tag(s). Specified as a list of 2-tuples of (from, to) which are applied in order." TAG_SAVE_AS,dirspec,The location to save the tag page. TAG_URL,url_path,The URL to use for a tag.
TAGS_SAVE_AS,dirspec,The location to save the tag list. TAGS_URL_PATH,string,The file path to use inside HTML links. TAGS_URL,url_path,The URL to use the tag list. TEMPLATE_EXTENSIONS,list of string, TEMPLATE_PAGES,dict of items,Useful for a different styled home page. A mapping containing template pages that will be rendered with the blog entries. See Template pages. THEME_STATIC_DIR,dirpath,Destination directory in the output path where Pelican will place the files collected from THEME_STATIC_PATHS. Default is theme. THEME_STATIC_PATHS,list of dirspec,"Static theme paths you want to copy. Default value is static, but if your theme has other static paths then you can put them here. If files or directories with the same names are included in the paths defined in this settings then they will be progressively overwritten." THEME_TEMPLATES_OVERRIDES,list of filespec,"A list of paths you want your selection of extenions (e.g., Jinja2) to search for templates. Can be used to separate templates from the theme. Example:, projects, resume, profile ... These templates need to use DIRECT_TEMPLATES setting." THEME_TEMPLATES, , THEME,dirpath,"Directory location of a selected theme. Theme to use to produce the output. Can be a relative or absolute path to a theme folder, or the name of a default theme or a theme installed via pelican-themes. Pelican CLI option is --theme-path or -t." TIMEZONE,string,"The timezone used in the date information, to generate Atom and RSS feeds. See the Timezone section below for more info." TRANSLATION_FEED_ATOM,filespec ,Where to put the Atom feed for translations. TRANSLATION_FEED_ATOM_URL,url_path,Where to put the Atom feed for translations. TRANSLATION_FEED_RSS_URL,filespec ,{lang} denotes the two-letter ISO country TRANSLATION_FEED_RSS,url_path,Where to put the RSS feed for translations. TYPOGRIFY_IGNORE_TAGS,list of string,A list of tags for Typogrify to ignore. By default Typogrify will ignore pre and code tags. This requires that Typogrify version 2.0.4 or later is installed TYPOGRIFY,boolean,"Perform spelling correction and proper hypenation. If set to True, several typographical improvements will be incorporated into the generated HTML via the Typogrify library which can be installed via: pip install typogrify" USE_FOLDER_AS_CATEGORY,boolean,"If you would like to organize your files in other ways where the name of the subfolder would not be a good category name, you can set the setting USE_FOLDER_AS_CATEGORY to False. When you don't specify a category in your post metadata set this setting to True and organize your articles in subfolders, the subfolder will become the category of your post. If set to False DEFAULT_CATEGORY will be used as a fallback. " WITH_FUTURE_DATES,boolean,"If False, contents with metadata date that are in the future will get a default status of ""draft"". See Reading only modified content for caveats." WRITE_SELECTED,list of string,If this list is not empty then only output files with their paths in this list get written into the output directory. Paths should be either absolute or relative to the current Pelican working directory. For possible use cases see Writing only selected content. Any relative filespec will be converted to absolute (full-path) filespec. Pelican CLI option is --write-selected. YEAR_ARCHIVE_SAVE_AS,dirspec,Location to save per-year archives of your posts. YEAR_ARCHIVE_URL,url_path,URL to use per-year archives of your posts. [/jtable]

[jtable caption="Pelican Settings" separator=','] Setting name,Value Type,Description,Default Value ARCHIVE_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of archive subdirectory within the OUTPUT directory in which to contain older articles and pages. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec., 'archives/{slug}.html' ARCHIVE_URL,url_path,URL to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a page or article as an archive file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL., 'archives/{slug}.html' ARCHIVES_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Directory path to store this all-archives HTML index file within the OUTPUT directory. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec., 'archives/index.html' ARCHIVES_URL_PATH,string,, 'archives' ARCHIVES_URL,url_path,"What URL to use, in the HTML <src=> attribute, to store this all-archives HTML index file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.", 'archives/index.html' ARTICLE_EXCLUDES,list of dirspec ,The subdirectory name under $PATH where selected directories are to be excluded from chronological indexing. Pelican will also seed this from PAGE_PATHS., ['pages'] ARTICLE_LANG_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Where to put an language-specific article content within the OUTPUT directory. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec., '{slug}-{lang}.html' ARTICLE_LANG_URL,url_path,What URL to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a language-specific page or article file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL., '{slug}-{lang}.html' ARTICLE_ORDER_BY,string ,"The choices of how are articles organized by are: 'reversed-date', 'reversed-prefix', 'prefix', 'basename'. Defines how the articles (articles_page.object_list in the template) are sorted. Valid options are: metadata as a string (use reversed- prefix the reverse the sort order) then special option 'basename' which will use the basename of the file (without path) or a custom function to extract the sorting key from articles. The default value 'reversed-date' will sort articles by date in reverse order (i.e. newest article comes first).", 'reversed-date' ARTICLE_PATHS,list of dirspec,A list of subdirectory(s) to ignore as well as ignoring PAGE_PATHS.,[''] ARTICLE_PERMALINK_STRUCTURE,string ,, '' ARTICLE_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of an article file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec., '{slug}.html' ARTICLE_TRANSLATION_ID,varname ,, 'slug' ARTICLE_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store an article file. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL., '{slug}.html' ARTICLES_URL_PATH,filespec ,,'' ARTICLES_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store all article files. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,'index.html' AUTHOR_FEED_ATOM,filespec ,Where to put the author Atom feeds in the OUTPUT directory,'feeds/{slug}.atom.xml' AUTHOR_FEED_RSS,filespec ,Where to put the author RSS feeds in the OUTPUT directory,'feeds/{slug}.rss.xml' AUTHOR_REGEX_SUBSTITUTIONS,list of tuple of regex ,"Substitutions to make prior to stripping out non-alphanumerics when generating author(s). Specified as a list of 2-tuples of (from, to) which are applied in order.",None AUTHOR_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of author file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec.,'authors/{slug}.html' AUTHOR_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store an author file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,"'authors/{slug}.html?and&in&url=""""'" AUTHOR,string ,Default author (put your name),(must define) AUTHORS_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of an all-authors file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec.,'authors/index.html' AUTHORS_URL_PATH,url_path,,'authors' AUTHORS_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store an all-authors file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,'authors/index.html' AUTORELOAD_IGNORE_CACHE,string,Deprecated. Now ignored.,
BIND,ip_address ,"When starting Pelican in webserver mode, what IP address to bind with during local viewing of the OUTPUT directory. Pelican CLI option is --bind or -b.", CACHE_CONTENT,boolean ,"If True, saves content in caches. See Reading only modified content for details about caching.",False CACHE_PATH,abs_filespec ,Directory in which to store cache files. Pelican CLI option is --cache-path.,${PWD}/cache CATEGORIES_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of an all-category index HTML file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec.,'categories/index.html' CATEGORIES_TO_COLLATE,list of string ,,"['category-of-interest', 'another-cool-category']" CATEGORIES_URL_PATH,filespec ,,'categories' CATEGORIES_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store an all-category index HTML file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,'categories/index.html' CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM_URL,url_path,What URL to use in the HTML <src=> attribute for the category part of Atom feed. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,'feeds/{slug}.atom.xml' CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM,filespec ,Where to put this category Atom feed into the OUTPUT directory. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec.,'feeds/{slug}.atom.xml' CATEGORY_FEED_RSS_URL,url_path,,None CATEGORY_FEED_RSS,filespec , Where to put the category RSS feeds.,None CATEGORY_SAVE_AS,filespec , The location to save a category.,'category/{slug}.html' CATEGORY_URL,url_path, The URL to use for a category.,'category/{slug}.html' CHECK_MODIFIED_METHOD,string ," What checksum methods to use when checking wether a file has been modified or not. 'mtime' uses your filesystem modified time of the file in question. Otherwise, not specifying 'mtime' will attempt to consult your specified function name of hashlib module. At this moment using Python3.8 the additional available options are: 'blake2b', 'blake2s', 'md5', 'pbkdf2_hmac' 'sha1' 'sha224' 'sha256' 'sha384' 'sha3_224' 'sha3_256' 'sha3_384' 'sha3_512' 'sha512' 'shake_128' 'shake_256'. ",'mtime' CLEAN_URLS,string,Deprecated. Now ignored.,
CONTENT_CACHING_LAYER,string ,"Two depths of cache mechanism, only one can be used: 'reader' or 'generator'. If set to 'reader' then save only the raw content and metadata returned by readers. If set to 'generator' then save processed content objects.",'reader' CSS_FILE, filename , Specify the CSS file you want to load. The filename of CSS used by this theme ($THEME).,'main.css' DATE_FORMATS,dict of string ," A dictionary of string of date format whose key is in by two-char country code. If left blank, ISO-8601 is used. If you manage multiple languages, you can set the date formatting here. ",{} DAY_ARCHIVE_SAVE_AS,filespec , The location to save per-day archives of your posts.,'' DAY_ARCHIVE_URL,url_path, The URL to use per-day archives of your posts.,'' DEBUG,boolean,The Pelican CLI options for debug are -D or --debug. Both take debug level number as an argument.,False DEFAULT_CATEGORY,string , The category name to use if a content file did not have category: metadata in its file. The default category to fall back on.,'misc' DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME,string,, DEFAULT_CONFIG,string,,
DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT,string, the date format to use that is located before the summary line of each chronological (article) contents. The default date format you want to use.,'%a %d %B %Y' DEFAULT_DATE,string," The default date format for all two-char country code, unless overriden by DATE_FORMATS. If fs is specified then modified timestamp of file is used. The default date you want to use. If 'fs' Pelican will use the file system timestamp information (mtime) if it can't get date information from the metadata. If set to a tuple object the default datetime object will instead be generated by passing the tuple to the datetime.datetime() constructor.",None DEFAULT_LANG,string, The default language to use. ,'en' DEFAULT_METADATA,dict of string ," If your articles should be automatically published as a draft (to not accidentally publish an article before it is finished) include the status in the DEFAULT_METADATA. Key name is the metadata label and its key value is the metadata value (e.g. DEFAULT_METADATA = { 'status': 'draft', }.",{} DEFAULT_ORPHANS,integer, The minimum number of articles allowed on the last page. Use this when you don't want the last page to only contain a handful of articles.,0 DEFAULT_PAGINATION,boolean," The maximum number of articles to include on a page, not including orphans. False to disable pagination. Numbers of chronological (article) content to list per page.",False DELETE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY,boolean," Every time that Pelican is executed, purge the output directory before starting anew. Delete the output directory and all of its contents before generating new files. This can be useful in preventing older unnecessary files from persisting in your output. However this is a destructive setting and should be handled with extreme care. Pelican CLI option is --delete-output-directory.",True DESCRIPTION,string,,(must define) DIRECT_TEMPLATES,list of string," List of templates that are used directly to render content. Typically direct templates are used to generate index pages for collections of content (e.g., tags and category index pages). If the tag and category collections are not needed then set DIRECT_TEMPLATES = ['index', 'archives']","['index', 'categories', 'tags', 'archives', 'authors']" DISPLAY_CATEGORIES_ON_MENU,boolean, Put the Categories on primary navigation menu. You can use the DISPLAY_PAGES_ON_MENU setting to control whether all those pages are displayed in the primary navigation menu. Whether to display categories on the menu of the template. Templates may or not honor this setting.,True DISPLAY_PAGES_ON_MENU,boolean, Put the Pages on navigation menu. Whether to display pages on the menu of the template. Templates may or may not honor this setting.,True DOCUTILS_SETTINGS,dict of string, Extra configuration settings for the docutils publisher (applicable only to reStructuredText). See Docutils Configuration settings for more details.,{} DRAFT_ARTICLES_SAVE_AS,filespec ,,'drafts/articles/index.html' DRAFT_ARTICLES_URL_PATH,filespec ,,'drafts/articles' DRAFT_ARTICLES_URL, url_path,,'drafts/articles/index.html' DRAFT_LANG_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of a language-specific draft page file within the OUTPUT directory. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec.,'drafts/{slug}-{lang}.html' DRAFT_LANG_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a language-specific draft page file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,'drafts/{slug}-{lang}.html' DRAFT_PAGE_LANG_SAVE_AS,filespec , {lang} denotes the two-letter country code,'drafts/pages/{slug}-{lang}.html' DRAFT_PAGE_LANG_URL,url_path, {lang} denotes the two-letter country code,'drafts/pages/{slug}-{lang}.html' DRAFT_PAGE_SAVE_AS,filespec ,,'drafts/pages/{slug}.html' DRAFT_PAGE_URL,url_path,,'drafts/pages/{slug}.html' DRAFT_PAGES_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of draft page file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec.,'drafts/pages/index.html' DRAFT_PAGES_URL_PATH,url_path,,'drafts/pages' DRAFT_PAGES_URL,filespec ,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a draft page file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,'drafts/pages/index.html' DRAFT_SAVE_AS,filespec , The place where we will save an article draft.,'drafts/{slug}.html' DRAFT_URL,url_path, The URL to refer to an article draft.,'drafts/{slug}.html' DRAFTS_SAVE_AS,filespec ,,'drafts/index.html' DRAFTS_URL,url_path,,'drafts/index.html' EACH_SLUG_HAS_SUBDIR,boolean," Instead of a markdown file, you could have a slug subdirectory and put all your related images under that subdir.",False EXTRA_PATH_METADATA, dict of items , Extra metadata dictionaries keyed by relative path. Relative paths require correct OS-specific directory separators (i.e. / in UNIX and \ in Windows) unlike some other Pelican file settings. See Path metadata.,{} EXTRA_TEMPLATES_PATHS, list of dirspec ,Deprecated. Now ignored. Use THEME_TEMPLATES_OVERRIDES instead.,'[]' FEED_ALL_ATOM_URL,url_path,,'feeds/atom.xml' FEED_ALL_ATOM,filespec , Relative URL to output the all-posts Atom feed: this feed will contain all posts regardless of their language.,feeds/all.atom.xml FEED_ALL_RSS_URL,url_path,,'' FEED_ALL_RSS,filespec , Relative URL to output the all-posts RSS feed: this feed will contain all posts regardless of their language.,'' FEED_ATOM,string , Relative URL to output the Atom feed.,'' FEED_DOMAIN,string ," The domain prepended to feed URLs. Since feed URLs should always be absolute, it is highly recommended to define this (e.g. ''). If you have already explicitly defined SITEURL (see above) and want to use the same domain for your feeds then you can just set: FEED_DOMAIN = SITEURL.",(must define) FEED_MAX_ITEMS,string , Maximum number of items allowed in a feed. Feed item quantity is unrestricted by default., '' FEED_RSS_URL,url_path,,'' FEED_RSS,filespec , Relative URL to output the RSS feed.,'' FILENAME_METADATA,string ," You can also extract any metadata from the filename through a regular expression to be set in the FILENAME_METADATA setting. All named groups that are matched will be set in the metadata object. The default value for the FILENAME_METADATA setting will only extract the date from the filename. For example, if you would like to extract both the date and the slug, you could set something like: '(?P<date>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})_(?P<slug>.*)'", '(?P<date>\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}).*' FORMATTED_FIELDS, list ofstring ,A list of metadata fields found in reST/Markdown content that are to be parsed and translated into HTML.,['summary'] GZIP_CACHE,boolean,"Enables gzipping of cache. If True, use gzip to (de)compress the cache files.",True IGNORE_FILES,list of string,"Files to skip during processing. A list of glob patterns. Files and directories matching any of these patterns will be ignored by the processor. For example, the default ['.#*'] will ignore emacs lock files, and ['__pycache__'] would ignore Python 3's bytecode caches.",['.#*'] INDEX_SAVE_AS,filespec ,The location to save the list of all articles.,'index.html' INTRASITE_LINK_REGEX,string ,Regular expression that is used to parse internal links. Default syntax when linking to internal files tags etc. is to enclose the identifier let us say filename in {} or []. Identifier between { and } goes into the what capturing group. For details see Linking to internal content.,"'[{,](?P<what>.*?)[}]'" JINJA_ENVIRONMENT,dict of items,A dictionary of custom Jinja2 environment variables you want to use. This also includes a list of extensions you may want to include. See Jinja Environment documentation.,"{'trim_blocks': True, 'lstrip_blocks': True}" JINJA_EXTENSIONS,dict of items,Deprecated. Now ignored. Use JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.,n/a JINJA_FILTERS,dict of items,A dictionary of custom Jinja2 filters you want to use. The dictionary should map the filtername to the filter function.,'{}' LOAD_CONTENT_CACHE,boolean,"If True, load unmodified content from caches. When experimenting with different settings (especially the metadata ones) caching may interfere and the changes may not be visible. In such cases disable caching with LOAD_CONTENT_CACHE = False or use the --ignore-cache command-line switch.",False LOCALE,list of string,,[''] LOG_FILTER,list of string,"A list of tuples containing the logging level (up to warning) and the message to be ignored. For example: [(logging.WARN, 'TAG_SAVE_AS is set to False')]",[] MARKDOWN,dict of dict of items,Extra configuration settings for the Markdown processor. Refer to the Python Markdown documentation's Options section <>_ for a complete list of supported options. The extensions option will be automatically computed from the extension_configs option.,* MD_EXTENSIONS,list of string,"Deprecated. No replacement used. Falling back to internal Pelican defaults of '.markdown', '.mkd', or '.mdown', the Markdown filetype extension(s) for its content file to be recognized by a Markdown reader.",['.md' MINIBIO,string ,a minibiography about the author,None MONTH_ARCHIVE_SAVE_AS,filespec ,The location to save per-month archives of your posts.,'' MONTH_ARCHIVE_URL,url_path,The URL to use per-month archives of your posts.,'' NEWEST_FIRST_ARCHIVES,boolean,Order archives by newest first by date. (False: orders by date with older articles first.),True OUTPUT_PATH,dirspec,"The output directory that contains the fully-formatted generated HTML pages, and is ready for uploading to websites or viewing by a local webbrowser directly. Pelican CLI options is --output= or -o.",'output' OUTPUT_RETENTION,list of string,"A list of outputted files that you want to keep despite $DELETE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY being enabled. A list of filenames that should be retained and not deleted from the output directory. One use case would be the preservation of version control data. For example: preserving versioning control files ["".hg"", "".git"", "".bzr""].",[] OUTPUT_SOURCES_EXTENSION, filetype ,"Add this filetype toward its filename of all original, untranslated contents.", '.text' OUTPUT_SOURCES,boolean,"Put all of the original, untranslated contents into the output directories for later export to the website. Any such directory must be added to both STATIC_PATHS and PAGE_PATHS (or STATIC_PATHS and ARTICLE_PATHS). Set to True if you want to copy the articles and pages in their original format (e.g. Markdown or reStructuredText) to the specified OUTPUT_PATH.", False PAGE_EXCLUDES,list of dirspec,A list of subdirectory(s) to ignore as well as ignoring ARTICLE_PATHS., [''] PAGE_LANG_SAVE_AS,filespec ,The location we will save the page which doesn't use the default language. {lang} denotes the two-letter country code, pages/{slug}-{lang}.html' PAGE_LANG_URL,url_path,The URL we will use to link to a page which doesn't use the default language. {lang} denotes the two-letter country code, pages/{slug}-{lang}.html' PAGE_ORDER_BY,string ,How do you want your pages sorted by at the 'Pages' menu? Defines how the pages (PAGES variable in the template) are sorted. Options are same as ARTICLE_ORDER_BY. The default value 'basename' will sort pages by their basename.,'basename' PAGE_PATHS,list of dirspec,A list of subdirectory names where all content pages (non-chronological content) files are to be processed from. Pelican will also seed this with ARTICLE_EXCLUDES.. CONTENT is appe gets appended to this.,['pages'] PAGE_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of a page file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec.,'pages/{slug}.html' PAGE_TRANSLATION_ID, varname ,,'slug' PAGE_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a page file. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,'pages/{slug}.html' PAGES_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of page file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec.,'pages/index.html' PAGES_URL_PATH,string,,'pages' PAGES_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a page file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,'pages/index.html' PAGINATED_DIRECT_TEMPLATES,list of filename,Deprecated. Use PAGINATED_TEMPLATES instead.,['index'] PAGINATED_TEMPLATES,dict of items,Provides the direct templates that should be paginated.,{} PAGINATION_PATTERNS,list of tuples,A set of patterns that are used to determine advanced pagination output.,[] PATH_KEY, ,,
PATH_METADATA,string ,"Like FILENAME_METADATA, but parsed from a page's full path relative to the content source directory. See Path metadata.",'' PATH,dirspec,"Where you keep all your original, unformatted website contents at (mostly Markdowns/RST/images documents).",. PDF_PROCESSOR,boolean,,False PDF_STYLE_PATH,string ,,'' PDF_STYLE,string ,,'' PELICAN_CLASS,module,,'pelican.Pelican' PLUGIN_PATHS,list of abs_filespec,Directory location(s) of where the plugins are. The list of plugins to load. See Plugins.,(must define) PLUGINS,list of string,Deprecated. Use PLUGIN_PATHS.,None PORT,integer,Port number of TCP socket to use. Pelican CLI option is -p or --port.,8000 PYGMENTS_RST_OPTIONS,dict of items,A list of default Pygments settings for your reStructuredText code blocks. See Syntax highlighting for a list of supported options.,{} READERS,dict of string,"A list of special readers, keyed by filetype. A list of file extensions / Reader classes for Pelican to process or ignore. For example to avoid processing '.html' files set: READERS = {'html': None}. To add a custom reader for the foo extension set: READERS = {'foo': FooReader} ",{'html': None} RELATIVE_URLS,boolean,Defines whether Pelican should use document-relative URLs or not. Only set this to True when developing/testing and only if you fully understand the effect it can have on links/feeds. Never used in publish mode.,False REVERSE_CATEGORY_ORDER,boolean,"Reverse the category order. (True: lists by reverse alphabetical order, default lists alphabetically.)",False RSS_FEED_SUMMARY_ONLY,boolean,RSS outputs only the summary of chronological ('articles') contents.,True SITE_DIR,dirname,,(must define) SITE_SUBPATH,dirname,,$SITE_DIR/ SITEMAP,dict of items,, SITENAME,string ,The formal name of your website,(must define) SITESUBTITLE, dict of items ,, SITEURL, url ,"The top-level part of the destination URL. Base URL of your website. Not defined by default, so it is best to specify your SITEURL, if you do not then feeds will not be generated with properly-formed URLs. You should include http:// and your domain along with no trailing slash at the end. Example: SITEURL = ''. No ending slash '/' permitted here.",(must define) SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTION, list of tuples,"Substitutions to make prior to stripping out non-alphanumerics when generating slug(s). Specified as a list of 2-tuples of (from, to) which are applied in order.",[] SLUG_SUBSTITUTIONS,,Deprecated. Use SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTION instead., SLUGIFY_SOURCE,string ,The process of turning a content file into a slug name is based on one of two options: 'basename' or 'title'. Specifies where you want the slug to be automatically generated from. Can be set to title to use the Title: metadata tag or basename to use the article's file name when creating this slug.,'title' STATIC_CHECK_IF_MODIFIED,boolean,"If set to True, and STATIC_CREATE_LINKS is False, compare mtimes of content and output files, and only copy content files that are newer than existing output files.",False STATIC_CREATE_LINKS,boolean,"Create links instead of copying files. If the content and output directories are on the same device, then create hard links. Falls back to symbolic links if the output directory is on a different filesystem. If symlinks are created, don't forget to add the -L or --copy-links option to rsync when uploading your site.",False STATIC_EXCLUDE_SOURCES,boolean,"Ignore the source files. If set to False, content source files will not be skipped when copying files found in STATIC_PATHS. This setting is for backward compatibility with Pelican releases before version 3.5. It has no effect unless STATIC_PATHS contains a directory that is also in ARTICLE_PATHS or PAGE_PATHS. If you are trying to publish your site's source files, consider using the OUTPUT_SOURCES setting instead.",True STATIC_EXCLUDE,list of filespec,A list of files to be excluded if found in STATIC_PATHS.,'' STATIC_PATHS,list of dirspec,"A list of relative subdirectory(s) that are not to be pre-processed and copied as-is. A list of directories (relative to $PATH) in which to look for static files. Such files will be copied to the output directory without modification. Articles, pages, and other content source files will normally be skipped, so it is safe for a directory to appear both here and in PAGE_PATHS or ARTICLE_PATHS. Pelican's default settings include the ""images"" directory here.",['images'] STATIC_SAVE_AS,dirspec,(Per-file save_as and url overrides can still be set in EXTRA_PATH_METADATA.), '{path}' STATIC_URL,dirspec,(Per-file save_as and url overrides can still be set in EXTRA_PATH_METADATA.), '{path}' SUMMARY_MAX_LENGTH,integer,"If you do not explicitly specify summary metadata for a given post, the SUMMARY_MAX_LENGTH setting can be used to specify how many words from the beginning of an article are used as the summary. When creating a short summary of an article then this will be the default length (measured in words) of the text created. This only applies if your content does not otherwise specify a summary. Setting to None will cause the summary to be a copy of the original content.", 50 TAG_CLOUD_BADGE,boolean,,False TAG_CLOUD_MAX_ITEMS,integer,The maximum number of tags to show. Its selection is based on TAG_CLOUD_SORTING and ,100 TAG_CLOUD_SORTING,string ,"Valid choices to sort the Tag Cloud are: 'alphabetically', 'alphabetically-rev', 'size', 'size-rev', and 'random'.",random TAG_CLOUD_STEPS,integer,The total amount of font sizes to use for Tag Cloud. Pelican will choose font sizes based on its THEME.,4 TAG_FEED_ATOM_URL,url_path,,None TAG_FEED_ATOM,dirspec,"Relative URL to output the tag Atom feed. It should be defined using a ""%s"" match in the tag name.",None TAG_FEED_RSS_URL,url_path,,None TAG_FEED_RSS,dirspec,"Relative URL to output the tag RSS feed. It should be defined using a ""%s"" match in the tag name.",None TAG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTION,list of tuples,"Substitutions to make prior to stripping out non-alphanumerics when generating tag(s). Specified as a list of 2-tuples of (from, to) which are applied in order.",[] TAG_SAVE_AS,dirspec,The location to save the tag page.,'tags/{slug}.html' TAG_URL,url_path,The URL to use for a tag. ,'tags/{slug}.html' TAGS_SAVE_AS,dirspec,The location to save the tag list.,'tags/index.html' TAGS_URL_PATH,string,The file path to use inside HTML links.,'tags' TAGS_URL,url_path,The URL to use the tag list.,'tags/index.html' TEMPLATE_EXTENSIONS,list of string,,['html'] TEMPLATE_PAGES,dict of items,Useful for a different styled home page. A mapping containing template pages that will be rendered with the blog entries. See Template pages.,{} THEME_STATIC_DIR,dirpath,Destination directory in the output path where Pelican will place the files collected from THEME_STATIC_PATHS. Default is theme.,'theme' THEME_STATIC_PATHS,list of dirspec,"Static theme paths you want to copy. Default value is static, but if your theme has other static paths then you can put them here. If files or directories with the same names are included in the paths defined in this settings then they will be progressively overwritten.",['static'] THEME_TEMPLATES_OVERRIDES,list of filespec,"A list of paths you want your selection of extenions (e.g., Jinja2) to search for templates. Can be used to separate templates from the theme. Example:, projects, resume, profile ... These templates need to use DIRECT_TEMPLATES setting.",[] THEME_TEMPLATES, ,,
THEME,dirpath,"Directory location of a selected theme. Theme to use to produce the output. Can be a relative or absolute path to a theme folder, or the name of a default theme or a theme installed via pelican-themes. Pelican CLI option is --theme-path or -t.",'/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pelican/themes' TIMEZONE,string,"The timezone used in the date information, to generate Atom and RSS feeds. See the Timezone section below for more info.",(must define) TRANSLATION_FEED_ATOM,filespec ,Where to put the Atom feed for translations.,None TRANSLATION_FEED_ATOM_URL,url_path,Where to put the Atom feed for translations.,None TRANSLATION_FEED_RSS_URL,filespec ,{lang} denotes the two-letter ISO country,None TRANSLATION_FEED_RSS,url_path,Where to put the RSS feed for translations.,None TYPOGRIFY_IGNORE_TAGS,list of string,A list of tags for Typogrify to ignore. By default Typogrify will ignore pre and code tags. This requires that Typogrify version 2.0.4 or later is installed,"['pre', 'code']" TYPOGRIFY,boolean,"Perform spelling correction and proper hypenation. If set to True, several typographical improvements will be incorporated into the generated HTML via the Typogrify library which can be installed via: pip install typogrify",False USE_FOLDER_AS_CATEGORY,boolean,"If you would like to organize your files in other ways where the name of the subfolder would not be a good category name, you can set the setting USE_FOLDER_AS_CATEGORY to False. When you don't specify a category in your post metadata set this setting to True and organize your articles in subfolders, the subfolder will become the category of your post. If set to False DEFAULT_CATEGORY will be used as a fallback. ",True WITH_FUTURE_DATES,boolean,"If False, contents with metadata date that are in the future will get a default status of ""draft"". See Reading only modified content for caveats.",True WRITE_SELECTED,list of string,If this list is not empty then only output files with their paths in this list get written into the output directory. Paths should be either absolute or relative to the current Pelican working directory. For possible use cases see Writing only selected content. Any relative filespec will be converted to absolute (full-path) filespec. Pelican CLI option is --write-selected.,[] YEAR_ARCHIVE_SAVE_AS,dirspec,Location to save per-year archives of your posts.,'' YEAR_ARCHIVE_URL,url_path,URL to use per-year archives of your posts.,'' [/jtable]

Sorted by functionality [jtable] Setting name,Value Type,Description,Default Value ARCHIVE_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of archive subdirectory within the OUTPUT directory in which to contain older articles and pages. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec., 'archives/{slug}.html' DAY_ARCHIVE_SAVE_AS,filespec , The location to save per-day archives of your posts.,'' MONTH_ARCHIVE_SAVE_AS,filespec ,The location to save per-month archives of your posts.,'' YEAR_ARCHIVE_SAVE_AS,dirspec,Location to save per-year archives of your posts.,'' ARCHIVE_URL,url_path,URL to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a page or article as an archive file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL., 'archives/{slug}.html' DAY_ARCHIVE_URL,url_path, The URL to use per-day archives of your posts.,'' MONTH_ARCHIVE_URL,url_path,The URL to use per-month archives of your posts.,'' YEAR_ARCHIVE_URL,url_path,URL to use per-year archives of your posts.,'' ARCHIVES_URL_PATH,string,, 'archives' ARCHIVES_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Directory path to store this all-archives HTML index file within the OUTPUT directory. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec., 'archives/index.html' ARCHIVES_URL,url_path,"What URL to use, in the HTML <src=> attribute, to store this all-archives HTML index file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.", 'archives/index.html' NEWEST_FIRST_ARCHIVES,boolean,Order archives by newest first by date. (False: orders by date with older articles first.),True ARTICLE_ORDER_BY,string ,"The choices of how are articles organized by are: 'reversed-date', 'reversed-prefix', 'prefix', 'basename'. Defines how the articles (articles_page.object_list in the template) are sorted. Valid options are: metadata as a string (use reversed- prefix the reverse the sort order) then special option 'basename' which will use the basename of the file (without path) or a custom function to extract the sorting key from articles. The default value 'reversed-date' will sort articles by date in reverse order (i.e. newest article comes first).", 'reversed-date' ARTICLE_PATHS,list of dirspec,A list of subdirectory(s) to ignore as well as ignoring PAGE_PATHS.,[''] ARTICLE_PERMALINK_STRUCTURE,string ,, '' ARTICLE_TRANSLATION_ID,varname ,, 'slug' ARTICLE_EXCLUDES,list of dirspec ,The subdirectory name under $PATH where selected directories are to be excluded from chronological indexing. Pelican will also seed this from PAGE_PATHS., ['pages'] ARTICLE_LANG_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Where to put an language-specific article content within the OUTPUT directory. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec., '{slug}-{lang}.html' ARTICLE_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of an article file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec., '{slug}.html' ARTICLE_LANG_URL,url_path,What URL to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a language-specific page or article file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL., '{slug}-{lang}.html' ARTICLE_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store an article file. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL., '{slug}.html' ARTICLES_URL_PATH,filespec ,,'' ARTICLES_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store all article files. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,'index.html' AUTHOR_REGEX_SUBSTITUTIONS,list of tuple of regex ,"Substitutions to make prior to stripping out non-alphanumerics when generating author(s). Specified as a list of 2-tuples of (from, to) which are applied in order.",None AUTHOR,string ,Default author (put your name),(must define) AUTHORS_URL_PATH,url_path,,'authors' AUTHOR_FEED_ATOM,filespec ,Where to put the author Atom feeds in the OUTPUT directory,'feeds/{slug}.atom.xml' AUTHOR_FEED_RSS,filespec ,Where to put the author RSS feeds in the OUTPUT directory,'feeds/{slug}.rss.xml' AUTHOR_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of author file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec.,'authors/{slug}.html' AUTHORS_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of an all-authors file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec.,'authors/index.html' AUTHOR_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store an author file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,"'authors/{slug}.html?and&in&url=""""'" AUTHORS_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store an all-authors file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,'authors/index.html' AUTORELOAD_IGNORE_CACHE,string,Deprecated. Now ignored.,
CACHE_CONTENT,boolean ,"If True, saves content in caches. See Reading only modified content for details about caching.",False CACHE_PATH,abs_filespec ,Directory in which to store cache files. Pelican CLI option is --cache-path.,${PWD}/cache CHECK_MODIFIED_METHOD,string ," What checksum methods to use when checking wether a file has been modified or not. 'mtime' uses your filesystem modified time of the file in question. Otherwise, not specifying 'mtime' will attempt to consult your specified function name of hashlib module. At this moment using Python3.8 the additional available options are: 'blake2b', 'blake2s', 'md5', 'pbkdf2_hmac' 'sha1' 'sha224' 'sha256' 'sha384' 'sha3_224' 'sha3_256' 'sha3_384' 'sha3_512' 'sha512' 'shake_128' 'shake_256'. ",'mtime' CONTENT_CACHING_LAYER,string ,"Two depths of cache mechanism, only one can be used: 'reader' or 'generator'. If set to 'reader' then save only the raw content and metadata returned by readers. If set to 'generator' then save processed content objects.",'reader' GZIP_CACHE,boolean,"Enables gzipping of cache. If True, use gzip to (de)compress the cache files.",True LOAD_CONTENT_CACHE,boolean,"If True, load unmodified content from caches. When experimenting with different settings (especially the metadata ones) caching may interfere and the changes may not be visible. In such cases disable caching with LOAD_CONTENT_CACHE = False or use the --ignore-cache command-line switch.",False CATEGORIES_TO_COLLATE,list of string ,,"['category-of-interest', 'another-cool-category']" CATEGORIES_URL_PATH,filespec ,,'categories' DISPLAY_CATEGORIES_ON_MENU,boolean, Put the Categories on primary navigation menu. You can use the DISPLAY_PAGES_ON_MENU setting to control whether all those pages are displayed in the primary navigation menu. Whether to display categories on the menu of the template. Templates may or not honor this setting.,True CATEGORIES_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of an all-category index HTML file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec.,'categories/index.html' CATEGORIES_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store an all-category index HTML file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,'categories/index.html' DEFAULT_CATEGORY,string , The category name to use if a content file did not have category: metadata in its file. The default category to fall back on.,'misc' REVERSE_CATEGORY_ORDER,boolean,"Reverse the category order. (True: lists by reverse alphabetical order, default lists alphabetically.)",False CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM_URL,url_path,What URL to use in the HTML <src=> attribute for the category part of Atom feed. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,'feeds/{slug}.atom.xml' CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM,filespec ,Where to put this category Atom feed into the OUTPUT directory. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec.,'feeds/{slug}.atom.xml' CATEGORY_FEED_RSS_URL,url_path,,None CATEGORY_FEED_RSS,filespec , Where to put the category RSS feeds.,None CATEGORY_SAVE_AS,filespec , The location to save a category.,'category/{slug}.html' USE_FOLDER_AS_CATEGORY,boolean,"If you would like to organize your files in other ways where the name of the subfolder would not be a good category name, you can set the setting USE_FOLDER_AS_CATEGORY to False. When you don't specify a category in your post metadata set this setting to True and organize your articles in subfolders, the subfolder will become the category of your post. If set to False DEFAULT_CATEGORY will be used as a fallback. ",True CATEGORY_URL,url_path, The URL to use for a category.,'category/{slug}.html' BIND,ip_address ,"When starting Pelican in webserver mode, what IP address to bind with during local viewing of the OUTPUT directory. Pelican CLI option is --bind or -b.", CLEAN_URLS,string,Deprecated. Now ignored.,
CSS_FILE, filename , Specify the CSS file you want to load. The filename of CSS used by this theme ($THEME).,'main.css' DATE_FORMATS,dict of string ," A dictionary of string of date format whose key is in by two-char country code. If left blank, ISO-8601 is used. If you manage multiple languages, you can set the date formatting here. ",{} DEBUG,boolean,The Pelican CLI options for debug are -D or --debug. Both take debug level number as an argument.,False DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME,string,, DEFAULT_CONFIG,string,,
DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT,string, the date format to use that is located before the summary line of each chronological (article) contents. The default date format you want to use.,'%a %d %B %Y' DEFAULT_DATE,string," The default date format for all two-char country code, unless overriden by DATE_FORMATS. If fs is specified then modified timestamp of file is used. The default date you want to use. If 'fs' Pelican will use the file system timestamp information (mtime) if it can't get date information from the metadata. If set to a tuple object the default datetime object will instead be generated by passing the tuple to the datetime.datetime() constructor.",None DEFAULT_LANG,string, The default language to use. ,'en' DEFAULT_ORPHANS,integer, The minimum number of articles allowed on the last page. Use this when you don't want the last page to only contain a handful of articles.,0 DEFAULT_PAGINATION,boolean," The maximum number of articles to include on a page, not including orphans. False to disable pagination. Numbers of chronological (article) content to list per page.",False DESCRIPTION,string,,(must define) DOCUTILS_SETTINGS,dict of string, Extra configuration settings for the docutils publisher (applicable only to reStructuredText). See Docutils Configuration settings for more details.,{} FILENAME_METADATA,string ," You can also extract any metadata from the filename through a regular expression to be set in the FILENAME_METADATA setting. All named groups that are matched will be set in the metadata object. The default value for the FILENAME_METADATA setting will only extract the date from the filename. For example, if you would like to extract both the date and the slug, you could set something like: '(?P<date>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})_(?P<slug>.*)'",'(?P<date>\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}).*' FORMATTED_FIELDS, list ofstring ,A list of metadata fields found in reST/Markdown content that are to be parsed and translated into HTML.,['summary'] INTRASITE_LINK_REGEX,string ,Regular expression that is used to parse internal links. Default syntax when linking to internal files tags etc. is to enclose the identifier let us say filename in {} or []. Identifier between { and } goes into the what capturing group. For details see Linking to internal content.,"'[{,](?P<what>.*?)[}]'" LOCALE,list of string,,[''] LOG_FILTER,list of string,"A list of tuples containing the logging level (up to warning) and the message to be ignored. For example: [(logging.WARN, 'TAG_SAVE_AS is set to False')]",[] MINIBIO,string ,a minibiography about the author,None PAGINATION_PATTERNS,list of tuples,A set of patterns that are used to determine advanced pagination output.,[] PATH_KEY, ,,
PATH_METADATA,string ,"Like FILENAME_METADATA, but parsed from a page's full path relative to the content source directory. See Path metadata.",'' PATH,dirspec,"Where you keep all your original, unformatted website contents at (mostly Markdowns/RST/images documents).",. PELICAN_CLASS,module,,'pelican.Pelican' READERS,dict of string,"A list of special readers, keyed by filetype. A list of file extensions / Reader classes for Pelican to process or ignore. For example to avoid processing '.html' files set: READERS = {'html': None}. To add a custom reader for the foo extension set: READERS = {'foo': FooReader} ",{'html': None} RELATIVE_URLS,boolean,Defines whether Pelican should use document-relative URLs or not. Only set this to True when developing/testing and only if you fully understand the effect it can have on links/feeds. Never used in publish mode.,False SITE_DIR,dirname,,(must define) SITE_SUBPATH,dirname,,$SITE_DIR/ SITEMAP,dict of items,, SITENAME,string ,The formal name of your website,(must define) SITESUBTITLE, dict of items ,, SITEURL, url ,"The top-level part of the destination URL. Base URL of your website. Not defined by default, so it is best to specify your SITEURL, if you do not then feeds will not be generated with properly-formed URLs. You should include http:// and your domain along with no trailing slash at the end. Example: SITEURL = ''. No ending slash '/' permitted here.",(must define) SUMMARY_MAX_LENGTH,integer,"If you do not explicitly specify summary metadata for a given post, the SUMMARY_MAX_LENGTH setting can be used to specify how many words from the beginning of an article are used as the summary. When creating a short summary of an article then this will be the default length (measured in words) of the text created. This only applies if your content does not otherwise specify a summary. Setting to None will cause the summary to be a copy of the original content.", 50 TIMEZONE,string,"The timezone used in the date information, to generate Atom and RSS feeds. See the Timezone section below for more info.",(must define) DIRECT_TEMPLATES,list of string," List of templates that are used directly to render content. Typically direct templates are used to generate index pages for collections of content (e.g., tags and category index pages). If the tag and category collections are not needed then set DIRECT_TEMPLATES = ['index', 'archives']","['index', 'categories', 'tags', 'archives', 'authors']" DEFAULT_METADATA,dict of string ," If your articles should be automatically published as a draft (to not accidentally publish an article before it is finished) include the status in the DEFAULT_METADATA. Key name is the metadata label and its key value is the metadata value (e.g. DEFAULT_METADATA = { 'status': 'draft', }.",{} WITH_FUTURE_DATES,boolean,"If False, contents with metadata date that are in the future will get a default status of ""draft"". See Reading only modified content for caveats.",True PLUGIN_PATHS,list of abs_filespec,Directory location(s) of where the plugins are. The list of plugins to load. See Plugins.,(must define) PLUGINS,list of string,Deprecated. Use PLUGIN_PATHS.,None THEME,dirpath,"Directory location of a selected theme. Theme to use to produce the output. Can be a relative or absolute path to a theme folder, or the name of a default theme or a theme installed via pelican-themes. Pelican CLI option is --theme-path or -t.",'/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pelican/themes' PORT,integer,Port number of TCP socket to use. Pelican CLI option is -p or --port.,8000 DRAFT_ARTICLES_URL_PATH,filespec ,,'drafts/articles' DRAFT_ARTICLES_SAVE_AS,filespec ,,'drafts/articles/index.html' DRAFT_ARTICLES_URL,url_path,,'drafts/articles/index.html' DRAFT_LANG_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of a language-specific draft page file within the OUTPUT directory. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec.,'drafts/{slug}-{lang}.html' DRAFT_PAGE_LANG_SAVE_AS,filespec , {lang} denotes the two-letter country code,'drafts/pages/{slug}-{lang}.html' DRAFT_PAGE_SAVE_AS,filespec ,,'drafts/pages/{slug}.html' DRAFT_PAGE_LANG_URL,url_path, {lang} denotes the two-letter country code,'drafts/pages/{slug}-{lang}.html' DRAFT_PAGE_URL,url_path,,'drafts/pages/{slug}.html' DRAFT_PAGES_URL_PATH,url_path,,'drafts/pages' DRAFT_PAGES_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of draft page file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec.,'drafts/pages/index.html' DRAFT_PAGES_URL,filespec ,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a draft page file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,'drafts/pages/index.html' DRAFT_LANG_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a language-specific draft page file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,'drafts/{slug}-{lang}.html' DRAFT_URL,url_path, The URL to refer to an article draft.,'drafts/{slug}.html' DRAFTS_SAVE_AS,filespec ,,'drafts/index.html' DRAFTS_URL,url_path,,'drafts/index.html' FEED_DOMAIN,string ," The domain prepended to feed URLs. Since feed URLs should always be absolute, it is highly recommended to define this (e.g. ''). If you have already explicitly defined SITEURL (see above) and want to use the same domain for your feeds then you can just set: FEED_DOMAIN = SITEURL.",(must define) FEED_MAX_ITEMS,string , Maximum number of items allowed in a feed. Feed item quantity is unrestricted by default., '' FEED_ATOM,string , Relative URL to output the Atom feed.,'' FEED_ALL_ATOM,filespec , Relative URL to output the all-posts Atom feed: this feed will contain all posts regardless of their language.,feeds/all.atom.xml FEED_ALL_ATOM_URL,url_path,,'feeds/atom.xml' FEED_ALL_RSS,filespec , Relative URL to output the all-posts RSS feed: this feed will contain all posts regardless of their language.,'' FEED_RSS,filespec , Relative URL to output the RSS feed.,'' FEED_ALL_RSS_URL,url_path,,'' FEED_RSS_URL,url_path,,'' INDEX_SAVE_AS,filespec ,The location to save the list of all articles.,'index.html' JINJA_ENVIRONMENT,dict of items,A dictionary of custom Jinja2 environment variables you want to use. This also includes a list of extensions you may want to include. See Jinja Environment documentation.,"{'trim_blocks': True, 'lstrip_blocks': True}" JINJA_EXTENSIONS,dict of items,Deprecated. Now ignored. Use JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.,n/a JINJA_FILTERS,dict of items,A dictionary of custom Jinja2 filters you want to use. The dictionary should map the filtername to the filter function.,'{}' MARKDOWN,dict of dict of items,Extra configuration settings for the Markdown processor. Refer to the Python Markdown documentation's Options section <>_ for a complete list of supported options. The extensions option will be automatically computed from the extension_configs option.,'*' MD_EXTENSIONS,list of string,"Deprecated. No replacement used. Falling back to internal Pelican defaults of '.markdown', '.mkd', or '.mdown', the Markdown filetype extension(s) for its content file to be recognized by a Markdown reader.",['.md' EXTRA_PATH_METADATA, dict of items , Extra metadata dictionaries keyed by relative path. Relative paths require correct OS-specific directory separators (i.e. / in UNIX and \ in Windows) unlike some other Pelican file settings. See Path metadata.,{} DELETE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY,boolean," Every time that Pelican is executed, purge the output directory before starting anew. Delete the output directory and all of its contents before generating new files. This can be useful in preventing older unnecessary files from persisting in your output. However this is a destructive setting and should be handled with extreme care. Pelican CLI option is --delete-output-directory.",True DRAFT_SAVE_AS,filespec , The place where we will save an article draft.,'drafts/{slug}.html' IGNORE_FILES,list of string,"Files to skip during processing. A list of glob patterns. Files and directories matching any of these patterns will be ignored by the processor. For example, the default ['.#*'] will ignore emacs lock files, and ['__pycache__'] would ignore Python 3's bytecode caches.",['.#*'] OUTPUT_PATH,dirspec,"The output directory that contains the fully-formatted generated HTML pages, and is ready for uploading to websites or viewing by a local webbrowser directly. Pelican CLI options is --output= or -o.",'output' OUTPUT_RETENTION,list of string,"A list of outputted files that you want to keep despite $DELETE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY being enabled. A list of filenames that should be retained and not deleted from the output directory. One use case would be the preservation of version control data. For example: preserving versioning control files ["".hg"", "".git"", "".bzr""].",[] WRITE_SELECTED,list of string,If this list is not empty then only output files with their paths in this list get written into the output directory. Paths should be either absolute or relative to the current Pelican working directory. For possible use cases see Writing only selected content. Any relative filespec will be converted to absolute (full-path) filespec. Pelican CLI option is --write-selected.,[] OUTPUT_SOURCES_EXTENSION, filetype ,"Add this filetype toward its filename of all original, untranslated contents.", '.text' OUTPUT_SOURCES,boolean,"Put all of the original, untranslated contents into the output directories for later export to the website. Any such directory must be added to both STATIC_PATHS and PAGE_PATHS (or STATIC_PATHS and ARTICLE_PATHS). Set to True if you want to copy the articles and pages in their original format (e.g. Markdown or reStructuredText) to the specified OUTPUT_PATH.", False PAGE_ORDER_BY,string ,How do you want your pages sorted by at the 'Pages' menu? Defines how the pages (PAGES variable in the template) are sorted. Options are same as ARTICLE_ORDER_BY. The default value 'basename' will sort pages by their basename.,'basename' PAGE_PATHS,list of dirspec,A list of subdirectory names where all content pages (non-chronological content) files are to be processed from. Pelican will also seed this with ARTICLE_EXCLUDES.. CONTENT is appe gets appended to this.,['pages'] PAGE_TRANSLATION_ID, varname ,,'slug' PAGE_LANG_URL,url_path,The URL we will use to link to a page which doesn't use the default language. {lang} denotes the two-letter country code, pages/{slug}-{lang}.html' PAGE_EXCLUDES,list of dirspec,A list of subdirectory(s) to ignore as well as ignoring ARTICLE_PATHS., [''] PAGE_LANG_SAVE_AS,filespec ,The location we will save the page which doesn't use the default language. {lang} denotes the two-letter country code, pages/{slug}-{lang}.html' PAGE_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of a page file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec.,'pages/{slug}.html' PAGE_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a page file. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,'pages/{slug}.html' DISPLAY_PAGES_ON_MENU,boolean, Put the Pages on navigation menu. Whether to display pages on the menu of the template. Templates may or may not honor this setting.,True PAGES_URL_PATH,string,,'pages' PAGES_SAVE_AS,filespec ,Location of page file within the OUTPUT directory. Only for default language. It is common to use {slug} to construct this filespec.,'pages/index.html' PAGES_URL,url_path,URL location to use in the HTML <src=> attribute to store a page file. It is common to use {slug} to construct this URL.,'pages/index.html' PDF_PROCESSOR,boolean,,False PDF_STYLE_PATH,string ,,'' PDF_STYLE,string ,,'' PYGMENTS_RST_OPTIONS,dict of items,A list of default Pygments settings for your reStructuredText code blocks. See Syntax highlighting for a list of supported options.,{} RSS_FEED_SUMMARY_ONLY,boolean,RSS outputs only the summary of chronological ('articles') contents.,True EACH_SLUG_HAS_SUBDIR,boolean," Instead of a markdown file, you could have a slug subdirectory and put all your related images under that subdir.",False SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTION, list of tuples,"Substitutions to make prior to stripping out non-alphanumerics when generating slug(s). Specified as a list of 2-tuples of (from, to) which are applied in order.",[] SLUG_SUBSTITUTIONS,,Deprecated. Use SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTION instead., SLUGIFY_SOURCE,string ,The process of turning a content file into a slug name is based on one of two options: 'basename' or 'title'. Specifies where you want the slug to be automatically generated from. Can be set to title to use the Title: metadata tag or basename to use the article's file name when creating this slug.,'title' STATIC_CHECK_IF_MODIFIED,boolean,"If set to True, and STATIC_CREATE_LINKS is False, compare mtimes of content and output files, and only copy content files that are newer than existing output files.",False STATIC_EXCLUDE,list of filespec,A list of files to be excluded if found in STATIC_PATHS.,'' STATIC_PATHS,list of dirspec,"A list of relative subdirectory(s) that are not to be pre-processed and copied as-is. A list of directories (relative to $PATH) in which to look for static files. Such files will be copied to the output directory without modification. Articles, pages, and other content source files will normally be skipped, so it is safe for a directory to appear both here and in PAGE_PATHS or ARTICLE_PATHS. Pelican's default settings include the ""images"" directory here.",['images'] STATIC_SAVE_AS,dirspec,(Per-file save_as and url overrides can still be set in EXTRA_PATH_METADATA.), '{path}' STATIC_EXCLUDE_SOURCES,boolean,"Ignore the source files. If set to False, content source files will not be skipped when copying files found in STATIC_PATHS. This setting is for backward compatibility with Pelican releases before version 3.5. It has no effect unless STATIC_PATHS contains a directory that is also in ARTICLE_PATHS or PAGE_PATHS. If you are trying to publish your site's source files, consider using the OUTPUT_SOURCES setting instead.",True STATIC_CREATE_LINKS,boolean,"Create links instead of copying files. If the content and output directories are on the same device, then create hard links. Falls back to symbolic links if the output directory is on a different filesystem. If symlinks are created, don't forget to add the -L or --copy-links option to rsync when uploading your site.",False STATIC_URL,dirspec,(Per-file save_as and url overrides can still be set in EXTRA_PATH_METADATA.), '{path}' TAG_CLOUD_BADGE,boolean,,False TAG_CLOUD_MAX_ITEMS,integer,The maximum number of tags to show. Its selection is based on TAG_CLOUD_SORTING and ,100 TAG_CLOUD_SORTING,string ,"Valid choices to sort the Tag Cloud are: 'alphabetically', 'alphabetically-rev', 'size', 'size-rev', and 'random'.",random TAG_CLOUD_STEPS,integer,The total amount of font sizes to use for Tag Cloud. Pelican will choose font sizes based on its THEME.,4 TAG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTION,list of tuples,"Substitutions to make prior to stripping out non-alphanumerics when generating tag(s). Specified as a list of 2-tuples of (from, to) which are applied in order.",[] TAG_FEED_ATOM,dirspec,"Relative URL to output the tag Atom feed. It should be defined using a ""%s"" match in the tag name.",None TAG_FEED_ATOM_URL,url_path,,None TAG_FEED_RSS,dirspec,"Relative URL to output the tag RSS feed. It should be defined using a ""%s"" match in the tag name.",None TAG_FEED_RSS_URL,url_path,,None TAG_SAVE_AS,dirspec,The location to save the tag page.,'tags/{slug}.html' TAG_URL,url_path,The URL to use for a tag. ,'tags/{slug}.html' TAGS_SAVE_AS,dirspec,The location to save the tag list.,'tags/index.html' TAGS_URL_PATH,string,The file path to use inside HTML links.,'tags' TAGS_URL,url_path,The URL to use the tag list.,'tags/index.html' EXTRA_TEMPLATES_PATHS, list of dirspec ,Deprecated. Now ignored. Use THEME_TEMPLATES_OVERRIDES instead.,'[]' TEMPLATE_EXTENSIONS,list of string,,['html'] TEMPLATE_PAGES,dict of items,Useful for a different styled home page. A mapping containing template pages that will be rendered with the blog entries. See Template pages.,{} PAGINATED_DIRECT_TEMPLATES,list of filename,Deprecated. Use PAGINATED_TEMPLATES instead.,['index'] PAGINATED_TEMPLATES,dict of items,Provides the direct templates that should be paginated.,{} THEME_STATIC_DIR,dirpath,Destination directory in the output path where Pelican will place the files collected from THEME_STATIC_PATHS. Default is theme.,'theme' THEME_STATIC_PATHS,list of dirspec,"Static theme paths you want to copy. Default value is static, but if your theme has other static paths then you can put them here. If files or directories with the same names are included in the paths defined in this settings then they will be progressively overwritten.",['static'] THEME_TEMPLATES_OVERRIDES,list of filespec,"A list of paths you want your selection of extenions (e.g., Jinja2) to search for templates. Can be used to separate templates from the theme. Example:, projects, resume, profile ... These templates need to use DIRECT_TEMPLATES setting.",[] THEME_TEMPLATES, ,,
TRANSLATION_FEED_ATOM,filespec ,Where to put the Atom feed for translations.,None TRANSLATION_FEED_ATOM_URL,url_path,Where to put the Atom feed for translations.,None TRANSLATION_FEED_RSS,url_path,Where to put the RSS feed for translations.,None TRANSLATION_FEED_RSS_URL,filespec ,{lang} denotes the two-letter ISO country,None TYPOGRIFY_IGNORE_TAGS,list of string,A list of tags for Typogrify to ignore. By default Typogrify will ignore pre and code tags. This requires that Typogrify version 2.0.4 or later is installed,"['pre', 'code']" TYPOGRIFY,boolean,"Perform spelling correction and proper hypenation. If set to True, several typographical improvements will be incorporated into the generated HTML via the Typogrify library which can be installed via: pip install typogrify",False [/jtable]