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Time Intervals and Time Interval Lists


Time intervals are critical to define the start and end of certain events such as start and end of communications with a groundstation, entering and exiting the eclipse or start and end of a thruster firing. This is particularly useful when two intervals (or sets of intervals) can be evaluated through operations such as union and intersection. This enables us to answer questions such as "What are the time intervals where thruster firings occur during communications?" (an intersection operation between 'intervals of thruster firings' and 'communications interval lists') or "When can I see a satellite at night?" (an intersection operation between intervals of 'satellite above horizon', 'sun below horizon' and 'satellite not in eclipse').

The {py:mod}.timeinterval module provides the basic time interval functionality with the {py:class}.TimeInterval class i.e., a time interval with a start and end time/date, using the high precision {py:class}astropy.time.Time classes under the hood to represent time and {py:class}portion.interval.Interval class to manage and manipulate the time intervals.

A {py:class}.TimeInterval can interact with other intervals through {py:meth}.TimeInterval.union and {py:meth}.TimeInterval.intersect methods. They can change their size through {py:meth}.TimeInterval.expand and they can check whether they contain ({py:meth}.TimeInterval.contains) or intersect with ({py:meth}.TimeInterval.is_intersecting) another time interval.

A list of such time intervals constitute {py:class}.TimeIntervalList class. A list also has a start and end of validity. This usually marks the start and end of an analysis. For example, a communications list that is valid for one day and containing no time intervals would mean that there are no communication opportunities for that day. The list can simply be inverted ({py:meth}.TimeIntervalList.invert) to get a list of 'no communication duration', which would then show a list with a single {py:class}.TimeInterval that spans the entire duration of validity.

Using the Basic {py:class}.TimeInterval Class

A {py:class}.TimeInterval class can be simply initialised with a start time and either with an end time ({py:class}astropy.time.Time) or with a duration ({py:class}astropy.time.TimeDelta). These start and end times can be retrieved by the properties {py:meth}.TimeInterval.start and {py:meth}.TimeInterval.end.

from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
from satmad.utils.timeinterval import TimeInterval

interval_with_end_time = TimeInterval(
    Time("2020-04-11T00:00:00.000", scale="utc"),
    Time("2020-04-11T00:10:00.000", scale="utc"),
interval_with_duration = TimeInterval(
    Time("2020-04-11T00:00:00", scale="utc"),
    TimeDelta(60.0, format='sec'),

The resulting time intervals can be quickly shown as:

>>> str(interval_with_end_time)
'[ 2020-04-11T00:00:00.000  2020-04-11T00:10:00.000 ]\n'
>>> str(interval_with_duration)
'[ 2020-04-11T00:00:00.000  2020-04-11T00:01:00.000 ]\n'

The end time of the interval should be later than the start time. Otherwise, a ValueError will be raised.

The {py:class}.TimeInterval class can answer some questions:

  • {py:meth}.TimeInterval.is_in_interval: Is a given time within this interval?
  • {py:meth}.TimeInterval.is_equal: Is a given interval equal to this interval?
  • {py:meth}.TimeInterval.is_intersecting: Does a given interval have an intersection with this interval?
  • {py:meth}.TimeInterval.contains: Does a given interval contain this interval?
  • {py:meth}.TimeInterval.duration: What is the duration of this interval?

Some examples are given below:

>>> interval_with_end_time.is_in_interval(Time("2020-04-11T00:05:00.000", scale="utc"))
>>> interval_with_end_time.is_equal(TimeInterval(Time("2020-04-09T00:00:00", scale="utc"), TimeDelta(600.0, format="sec")))
>>> interval_with_end_time.is_intersecting(TimeInterval(Time("2020-04-11T00:05:00", scale="utc"), TimeDelta(600.0, format="sec")))
>>> interval_with_end_time.contains(TimeInterval(Time("2020-04-11T00:05:00", scale="utc"), TimeDelta(60.0, format="sec")))
>>> interval_with_end_time.duration().sec

The intervals can be expanded or shrunk through the {py:meth}.TimeInterval.expand method and defining positive or negative {py:class}astropy.time.TimeDelta values to modify the start and end times of the interval.

>>> str(interval_with_end_time)
'[ 2020-04-11T00:00:00.000  2020-04-11T00:10:00.000 ]\n'
>>> expanded = interval_with_end_time.expand(start_delta=TimeDelta(60.0, format="sec"), end_delta=TimeDelta(-120.0, format="sec"))
>>> str(expanded)
'[ 2020-04-10T23:59:00.000  2020-04-11T00:08:00.000 ]\n'

Time intervals can be subjected to an intersection (a new TimeInterval that is the intersection of two intervals) or union (a new TimeInterval that is the union of two intervals) operator. These operators are possible only when these two intervals have some intersection - otherwise the result will be a None.

>>> str(interval_with_end_time.union(expanded))
'[ 2020-04-10T23:59:00.000  2020-04-11T00:10:00.000 ]\n'
>>> str(interval_with_end_time.intersect(expanded))
'[ 2020-04-11T00:00:00.000  2020-04-11T00:08:00.000 ]\n'

List of time intervals: The {py:class}.TimeIntervalList Class

The {py:class}.TimeIntervalList usually will not be generated explicitly by a user, except, for example, as an external constraint such as the durations when a groundstation is not available. Usually such lists are results of certain analyses such as eclipse intervals for a location on ground or different attitude profiles for a satellite.

The {py:class}.TimeIntervalList class stores the {py:class}.TimeInterval objects as well as another TimeInterval to represent the bounds of the validity of this list. If this validity interval is not defined explicitly, then it is assumed to start with the beginning of the first TimeInterval and end with the end of the final TimeInterval.

Operations such as {py:meth}.TimeIntervalList.intersection and {py:meth}.TimeIntervalList.union are also possible for two TimeIntervalList objects. As a TimeIntervalList is defined for a certain validity interval, the union or intersection of two TimeIntervalList objects will yield another TimeIntervalList that is only valid for the intersection of validity of these two intervals.

Any interval within the list can be queried through {py:meth}.TimeIntervalList.get_interval method. Similarly, the TimeInterval that keeps the interval of validity can be queried through {py:meth}.TimeIntervalList.valid_interval property.

The TimeIntervalList will yield a new, inverted (or complementing) version of itself through the {py:meth}.TimeIntervalList.invert method. For example, for a single interval of [t0, t1] in a validity interval [T0,T1], the inverted interval list would be [T0,t0] and [t1,T1]. If there are no intervals, the inverse becomes the entire validity interval.


.. automodule:: satmad.utils.timeinterval