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Emile Gluck-Thaler edited this page Dec 16, 2023 · 19 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. Main workflow and dependencies
  2. Additional dependencies

Main workflow and dependencies

start by cloning the latest version of this github repository:

git clone
cd starfish/

then use conda to install other dependencies into a new, dedicated environment:

conda env create --file starfish.yml

activate the new conda environment anytime you want to use starfish:

conda activate starfish

starfish uses a customized version of cnef by Ayad et al. 2017

download a modified version of CNEFinder:

git clone

If using a linux machine, compile CNEFinder as follows:

make -f Makefile

If using Mac OS, compile CNEFinder as follows:

brew install gcc --without-multilib
make -f Makefile_M

finally, add the following lines to your $HOME/.bash_profile:

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/starfish/
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/starfish/CNEFinder/

starfish comes with a command auto-completion, which can be activated by adding these additional lines to your $HOME/.bash_profile:

if [ -f $HOME/starfish/aux/ ]; then
    source $HOME/starfish/aux/

Additional dependencies

The R package gggenomes is used in some visualization commands and can be installed by visiting the gggenomes github page

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