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Well-formed Brackets

Plain Python Definition

from pegger import *

brackets = RuleAlias('Brackets')
round = RuleAlias('Round')
curly = RuleAlias('Curly')
square = RuleAlias('Square')

brackets.rule = ZeroOrMore(Choices(round, curly, square))
round.rule = Sequence('(', brackets, ')')
curly.rule = Sequence('{', brackets, '}')
square.rule = Sequence('[', brackets, ']')

brackets.match_whole('()({}[{}{}])({})') # Checks if the whole string matches the grammar.
brackets.match('()({}[{}{}])({})') # Checks if a prefix of the string matches the grammar.
brackets.parse('()({}[{}{}])({})') # Parses the string into a syntax tree.

Textual definition
Consider the variable string defined as:

<Brackets> := (<Round> / <Curly> / <Square>)*
<Round> := "(" <Brackets> ")"
<Curly> := "{" <Brackets> "}"
<Square> := "[" <Brackets> "]"

We can use the generate_grammar function.

from pegger.grammar_parser import generate_grammar

grammar = generate_grammar(string)

brackets.match_whole('()({}[{}{}])({})') # Checks if the whole string matches the grammar.
brackets.match('()({}[{}{}])({})') # Checks if a prefix of the string matches the grammar.
brackets.parse('()({}[{}{}])({})') # Parses the string into a syntax tree.

{anbncn | n ∈ ℕ}

grammar = RuleAlias('Grammar')
A = RuleAlias('A')
B = RuleAlias('B')

grammar.rule = Choices(Not(Any()), Sequence(And(Sequence(A, Not('b'))), ZeroOrMore('a'), B, Not(Any())))
A.rule = Choices(Sequence('a', A, 'b'), 'ab')
B.rule = Choices(Sequence('b', B, 'c'), 'bc')


As seen in the first example you also can use a grammar definition as string

<Grammar> := !. / &(<A>!"b")"a"*<B>!.
<A> := "a" <A> "b" / "ab"
<B> := "b" <B> "c" / "bc"


Rule String Definition Python Definition
String "abc", 'abc' String('abc'), 'abc'
Character class [a-z0-9] Choices(Range('a', 'z'), Range('0', '9'))
Any . Any()
Optional <A>? Optional(A)
Zero-or-more <A>* ZeroOrMore(A)
One-or-more <A>+ OneOrMore(A)
And &<A> And(A)
Not !<A> Not(A)
Sequence <First> <Second> 'string' <Fourth> Sequence(first, second, 'string', fourth)
Choices <First> / <Second> / 'string' / <Fourth> Choices(first, second, 'string', fourth)

The Grammar

The grammar can be defined using its own syntax. The grammar is defined very closely to the grammar of the first PEG pager by Bryan Ford.

# Hierarchical syntax
<Grammar>     := <Spacing> <Definition>+ <EndOfFile>
<Definition>  := <Identifier> <ASSIGN> <Expression>
<Expression>  := <Sequence> (<SLASH> <Sequence>)*
<Sequence>    := <Prefix>*
<Prefix>      := (<AND> / <NOT>)? <Suffix>
<Suffix>      := <Primary> (<QUESTION> / <STAR> / <PLUS>)?
<Primary>     := <Identifier> !<ASSIGN>
               / <OPEN> <Expression> <CLOSE>
               / <Literal>
               / <Class>
               / <DOT>

# Lexical syntax
<Identifier>  := '<' <IdentStart> <IdentCont>* '>' <Spacing>
<IdentStart>  := [a-zA-Z_]
<IdentCont>   := <IdentStart> / [0-9]
<Literal>     := ['] (!['] <Char>)* ['] <Spacing>
               / ["] (!["] <Char>)* ["] <Spacing>
<Class>       := '[' (!']' <Range>)* ']' <Spacing>
<Range>       := <Char> '-' <Char> / <Char>
<Char>        := '\\' [nrt'"\[\]\\]
               / !'\\' .
<ASSIGN>      := ':=' <Spacing>
<SLASH>       := '/' <Spacing>
<AND>         := '&' <Spacing>
<NOT>         := '!' <Spacing>
<QUESTION>    := '?' <Spacing>
<STAR>        := '*' <Spacing>
<PLUS>        := '+' <Spacing>
<OPEN>        := '(' <Spacing>
<CLOSE>       := ')' <Spacing>
<DOT>         := '.' <Spacing>
<Spacing>     := (<Space> / <Comment>)*
<Comment>     := '#' (!(<EndOfLine> / <EndOfFile>) .)* <EndOfLine>
<Space>       := ' ' / '\t' / <EndOfLine>
<EndOfLine>   := '\r\n' / '\n' / '\r'
<EndOfFile>   := !.