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Developing Modes

Modes are associated with the basic Ginga viewer widget and are used to make bindings between keyboard, mouse, trackpad and gesture events and certain operations on the viewer. There are lots of operations possible, but only a limited number of key and cursor events; by invoking a mode, certain keystrokes and cursor operations are enabled. These same keystrokes and cursor events might do something different in another mode. You can read about the standard modes and the default bindings that come with Ginga in :ref:`concepts-modes` "concepts", "about" :ref:`ch-modes` and in the :ref:`ginga-quick-reference`.

Writing a mode

If you are familiar with the Reference Viewer you may know about its plugin architecture. You can think of modes as mini-plugins that don't know about channels or other Reference Viewer entities, but only know about the Ginga viewer widget with which they are associated. The mode functions manipulate the viewer according to key and cursor bindings that they register.

Methods of a mode

A mode is a subclass derived from ~ginga.modes.mode_base.Mode. As far as the class structure goes, the following methods are required and explained below.


The constructor is called when the mode is first instantiated for a viewer; it should at a minimum call the superclass, and define an attribute named actions that is assigned a dictionary of bindings.


start() is called when the mode is activated by the user. It should do any initialization necessary since the constructor or the last call to stop(). For many cases, this may be nothing, since the purpose of most modes is simply to enable the new bindings for the duration of the mode.


stop() is called when a mode is deactivated. It does any cleanup necessary and puts the mode in a state where it will be ready for a future call to start().


The __str__ method should be set to return a unique, lower-case string that is used to identify the mode and indicate the mode in the viewer mode indicator.

Other methods

All other methods are typically event callback bindings for cursor and key actions that are being handled by the mode, or helper functions used by those callbacks.

Bindings DSL and Event Callbacks

Ginga actions for binding cursor and key events is specified as a kind of Domain Specific Language that is compatible with the format for Ginga settings files. This is to allow the user to customize the bindings completely by providing a bindings.cfg file in their $HOME/.ginga folder. In the modes, this takes the form of a dictionary defined in the constructor and assigned to the attribute actions.

The key of each element of the dictionary usually matches the name of a method defined in the mode, and the value is a list of triggers (specified as strings) that should invoke the method. There are conventions that must be followed for both the name and the triggers.

Method names

For handling events, the (method) name must start with one of the following prefixes, which indicate the type of binding that will be made and the event handling:

  • kp_ : a key press and release
  • ms_ : a cursor (mouse, trackpad, etc) action: button down, button up, move
  • sc_ : a scrolling (mouse, trackpad) action
  • pi_ : a pinch gesture action
  • pa_ : a pan gesture action


Gestures are not supported equally on all platforms and toolkits. For example, under Qt on Mac OSX, a pan gesture is supported using the trackpad, but on Linux, that same gesture on a trackpad is handled as a scrolling action.

It is typical (but not essential) to have the next part of the method name match the mode in which it is implemented. Then, the suffix makes the purpose of the callback known.


Triggers are spelled out as a string of the form: <mode>+<modifier>+<action> where either of the <mode> and <modifier> are optional (if omitted, then the preceding plus sign is also omitted).

<mode> is simply the name of the mode for which the binding should be active. This will match the name returned by the __str__ method in the class implementation. If <mode> is omitted, the binding is assigned to the "modeless" operation, which means that it can be activated if no mode is currently activated and the event is not handled by some active canvas. This is mechanism by which "default" actions are handled by a mode for certain events even when no mode is currently active.

<modifier> stands for a keyboard modifier key. The usual defined ones are "shift" and "ctrl". An asterisk can be used as a wildcard in this position to indicate that the event should be bound for any combination of modifiers or lack of a modifier.

The <action> describes what is happening in combination with the <mode> and <modifier> to trigger the event. It is a key symbol, the name of a mouse button (usually "left", "middle", or "right"), "scroll" for the scroll action, and "pinch" or "pan" for the two gestures, respectively.


Assume that these are part of a :py:obj:`dict` being defined, or in a user's bindings.cfg.


The method that will be called is kp_pan_page_up(). The action that will trigger this is being in the "pan" mode, pressing any or no combinations of modifier keys with the key "page_up".


The method is sc_zoom(). It will be called when scrolling happens and the scrolling is not handled by any mode or an active canvas.

kp_zoom_fit=['backquote', 'pan+backquote']

The method is kp_zoom_fit() and it will be called if the backquote key is pressed while in "pan" mode, and also any other time backquote is pressed and a mode or an active canvas does not handle it.


The method is ms_rotate() and it will be called when in the "rotate" mode and the left mouse button or trackpad is pressed, moved while pressed (a drag motion), and when released.

Event handler method signatures

Keyboard and cursor events both have the same callback method signature:

def kp_handler(self, viewer, event, data_x, data_y)
def ms_handler(self, viewer, event, data_x, data_y)

These are instance methods, as evidenced by the presence of self. The other parameters in the callback are:

  • viewer : the viewer in which the action happened
  • event : the event which was caught by the trigger
  • data_x, data_y : the X/Y data coordinates where the cursor was when the event happened (this is also available in the event)


The data_x and data_y parameters are for backward compatibility. It is recommended not to use them as they may be removed from the callback in a future version. Instead, use the values found in the event object.

Scroll, pinch, and pan events have a slightly different method signature:

def sc_handler(self, viewer, event)
def pi_handler(self, viewer, event)
def pa_handler(self, viewer, event)

These just receive the viewer and the event which precipitated the callback.


To see what attributes are available in each event, see the KeyEvent, PointEvent, ScrollEvent, PanEvent, and PinchEvent in the :ref:`api` (look under