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A flexible I/O library for audio files in Python.

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Why another audio file library? There are two (and a half) reasons you may want to use audiophile (over audioread):

  • We use SoX under the hood: SoX is nice, fast, and codec support is diverse. You should use it.
  • Frame-based generators: Audio signals are often (easily) processed in frames / windows / blocks of samples. Because blocks are yielded as read, audiophile can handle arbitrarily long audio files, which might be challenging for long (≈hours) recordings.
  • (Coming soon) Abstracted overlap-and-add file-writing: It is on the roadmap (admittedly, without a timeline) to provide a simple interface for writing blocks of audio back to a rolling buffer.


The easiest way to install audiophile is with pip:

$ pip install git+git://

Alternatively, you can clone the repository and do it the hard way:

$ cd ~/to/a/good/place
$ git clone
$ cd audiophile
$ python build
$ [sudo] python install

Testing your install

Clone the repository and run the tests directly; nose is recommended, and installed as a dependency:

$ cd {wherever_you_cloned_it}/audiophile
$ nosetests


... more to come // see the tests in the meantime ...