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A Clojure library for combining directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) via unification. Unification is similar to merge (, except that if arguments have the same keys, the arguments' values for those keys will be recursively combined via unification to yield the value for the key in the combined map.


% git clone
% cd dag-unify
% lein repl
nREPL server started on port 56364 on host - nrepl://
REPL-y 0.3.7, nREPL 0.2.12
Clojure 1.8.0
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_121-b13
    Docs: (doc function-name-here)
          (find-doc "part-of-name-here")
  Source: (source function-name-here)
 Javadoc: (javadoc java-object-or-class-here)
    Exit: Control+D or (exit) or (quit)
 Results: Stored in vars *1, *2, *3, an exception in *e

user=> (require '[dag_unify.core :as dag])

First, let's create a directed acyclic graph by using a Clojure atom:

user=> (def foo (let [shared-value (atom :top)]
  #_=>                  {:a {:b shared-value}
  #_=>                   :c shared-value}))
user=> (dag/pprint foo)
{:a {:b #<Atom@2bac2366: :top>}, :c #<Atom@2bac2366: :top>}

Note in the above that in the directed acyclic graph foo, the value for the path [:a :b] is set to the same value as the path [:c].

Now, let's unify this with a specific value at the path: [:c], namely 42.

user=> (dag/pprint (dag/unify foo {:c 42}))
{:c #<Atom@7d8745bd: 42>, :a {:b #<Atom@7d8745bd: 42>}}

Using dag-unify's built-in get-in, we get the same value for the paths [:a :b] and [:c]:

user=> (def foo2 (dag/unify foo {:c 42}))
user=> (dag/get-in foo2 [:a :b])
user=> (dag/get-in foo2 [:c])


Consider the behavior of Clojure's merge:

user> (merge {:a {:b 42}}
             {:a {:c 43}})

{:a {:c 43}}

Note that the the first argument's {:b 42} is lost from the return value - it was overwritten by the second argument's value for :a - {:c 43}.

With unify, however, we preserve both arguments' values for :a and combine them as follows:

user> (unify {:a {:b 42}}
             {:a {:c 43}})

{:a {:b 42, :c 43}}

We can use Atoms with a map to represent a DAG:

user> (def foo (let [shared-value (atom :top)]
                 {:a {:b shared-value}
                  :c shared-value}))
user> foo
{:a {:b #atom[:top 0x57212d5f]}, :c #atom[:top 0x57212d5f]}

And then unify that DAG with another map to cause the atom's value to be modified:

user> (unify foo {:c 42})
{:c #atom[42 0x57212d5f], :a {:b #atom[42 0x57212d5f]}}
user> foo
{:a {:b #atom[42 0x57212d5f]}, :c #atom[42 0x57212d5f]}

If one or more arguments to unify is a map with a key whose value is an atom, then the value of that key will still be that same atom, but its value will be modified to be the unification of the arguments. For example:

(let [shared-value (atom {:b 42})
      foo {:a shared-value}
      bar {:a {:c 43}}]
  (unify foo bar))
=> {:a #<Atom@344dc027: {:c 43, :b 42}>}

Above, foo's value for :a is a reference to the value {:b 42}. foo's value for :a is unified with bar's value for :a ({:c 43}), and the result {:b 42, c 43} is the new value of the reference, and this reference is the value :a for the unification of foo and bar.


For the special keyword :top, the following is true for all X:

(unify X :top) => X

In other words, :top is the identity element of unification. It is the most unspecific, most general value possible.

Atoms work with :top as in the following example:

(let [shared-value (atom :top)
      foo {:a shared-value
           :b shared-value}
      bar {:a 42}]
  (unify foo bar))
=> {:b #<Atom@51670b57: 42>, :a #<Atom@51670b57: 42>}

In the immediately above case, foo has an unspecified :top value that is shared by foo's :a and :b key. bar had a more specific value (i.e. 42) for :a, but no :b key. The result of unification of foo and bar is a map with :a and :b both sharing the same value 42.


For the special keyword :fail, the following is true for all X:

(unify X :fail) => :fail

In any map, if any key's value is equal to :fail, the entire map is equal to :fail. For example, the following map, despite its complicated structure:

{:a 42
 :b {:c {:d :fail
         :e {:f 43}
	 :g 44}}
 :h {:i "hello"}}

is no different from :fail as far as unification is concerned.

:fail is used to represent a failed attempt of trying to unify values which are not equal (if atomic values) or have some part that is not equal. For example:

(let [shared-value (atom :top)
      foo {:a shared-value
           :b shared-value}
      bar {:a 42
           :b 43}]
  (unify foo bar))
=> :fail

Above, the :a value and :b values of bar should be identical because :foo has a shared value which :a and :b both point to. However, these two atomic values (42 and 43) are not equal to one another. The result is that the unification of foo and bar is :fail.

Unification of simple values

For unification of simple values (numbers, strings, keywords), they are compared by equality. If the values to be unified are not equal, then :fail is returned:

(unify 1 1)
=> 1
(unify 1 2)
=> :fail

unify! versus unify

unify! is destructive: it will modify its arguments if they contain references, whereas unify copies its arguments before performing unification, so that the input arguments are never modified.


Copyright © 2015 Eugene Koontz

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.



Unification of Directed Acyclic Graphs in Clojure








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