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Data services
The data plugin contains services for searching, querying and filtering.
api docs


The data plugin provides common data access services, such as search and query, for solutions and application developers.


The autocomplete service provides suggestions for field names and values.

It is wired into the TopNavMenu component, but can be used independently.

Fetch Query Suggestions

The getQuerySuggestions function helps to construct a query. KQL suggestion functions are registered in X-Pack, so this API does not return results in OSS.

    // `inputValue` is the user input
    const querySuggestions = await autocomplete.getQuerySuggestions({
        language: 'kuery',
        indexPatterns: [indexPattern],
        query: inputValue,

Fetch Value Suggestions

The getValueSuggestions function returns suggestions for field values. This is helpful when you want to provide a user with options, for example when constructing a filter.

    // `inputValue` is the user input
    const valueSuggestions = await autocomplete.getValueSuggestions({
      query: inputValue,

Field Formats

Coming soon.

Index Patterns

The Index Patterns API provides a consistent method of structuring and formatting documents and field lists across the various Kibana apps. Its typically used in conjunction with SearchSource for composing queries.

Index Patterns API

  • Get list of index patterns
  • Get default index pattern and examine fields
  • Get index pattern by id
  • Find index pattern by title
  • Create index pattern
  • Create index pattern and save it
  • Modify index pattern and save it
  • Delete index pattern

Get list of index pattern titles and ids

const idsAndTitles = await data.indexPatterns.getIdsWithTitle();
idsAndTitles.forEach(({id, title}) => console.log(`Index pattern id: ${id} title: ${title}`));

Get default index pattern and examine fields

const defaultIndexPattern = await data.indexPatterns.getDefault();
defaultIndexPattern.fields.forEach(({name}) => { console.log(name); })

Get index pattern by id

const id = 'xxxxxx-xxx-xxxxxx';
const indexPattern = await data.indexPatterns.get(id);

Find index pattern by title

const title = 'kibana-*';
const [indexPattern] = await data.indexPatterns.find(title);

Create index pattern

const indexPattern = await data.indexPatterns.create({ title: 'kibana-*' });

Create index pattern and save it immediately

const indexPattern = await data.indexPatterns.createAndSave({ title: 'kibana-*' });

Create index pattern, modify, and save

const indexPattern = await data.indexPatterns.create({ title: 'kibana-*' });
indexPattern.setFieldCustomLabel('customer_name', 'Customer Name');

Modify index pattern and save it

indexPattern.setFieldCustomLabel('customer_name', 'Customer Name');
await data.indexPatterns.updateSavedObject(indexPattern);

Delete index pattern

await data.indexPatterns.delete(indexPatternId);

Index Patterns HTTP API

Index patterns provide Rest-like HTTP CRUD+ API with the following endpoints:

  • Index Patterns API
    • Create an index pattern — POST /api/index_patterns/index_pattern
    • Fetch an index pattern by {id}GET /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/{id}
    • Delete an index pattern by {id}DELETE /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/{id}
    • Partially update an index pattern by {id}POST /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/{id}
  • Fields API
    • Update field — POST /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/{id}/fields
  • Scripted Fields API
    • Create a scripted field — POST /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/{id}/scripted_field
    • Upsert a scripted field — PUT /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/{id}/scripted_field
    • Fetch a scripted field — GET /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/{id}/scripted_field/{name}
    • Remove a scripted field — DELETE /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/{id}/scripted_field/{name}
    • Update a scripted field — POST /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/{id}/scripted_field/{name}

Index Patterns API

Index Patterns REST API allows you to create, retrieve and delete index patterns. I also exposes an update endpoint which allows you to update specific fields without changing the rest of the index pattern object.

Create an index pattern

Create an index pattern with a custom title.

POST /api/index_patterns/index_pattern
    "index_pattern": {
        "title": "hello"

Customize creation behavior with:

  • override — if set to true, replaces an existing index pattern if an index pattern with the provided title already exists. Defaults to false.
  • refresh_fields — if set to true reloads index pattern fields after the index pattern is stored. Defaults to false.
POST /api/index_patterns/index_pattern
    "override": false,
    "refresh_fields": true,
    "index_pattern": {
        "title": "hello"

At creation all index pattern fields are option and you can provide them.

POST /api/index_patterns/index_pattern
    "index_pattern": {
        "id": "...",
        "version": "...",
        "title": "...",
        "type": "...",
        "intervalName": "...",
        "timeFieldName": "...",
        "sourceFilters": [],
        "fields": {},
        "typeMeta": {},
        "fieldFormats": {},
        "fieldAttrs": {}

The endpoint returns the created index pattern object.

    "index_pattern": {}

Fetch an index pattern by ID

Retrieve an index pattern by its ID.

GET /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Returns an index pattern object.

    "index_pattern": {
        "id": "...",
        "version": "...",
        "title": "...",
        "type": "...",
        "intervalName": "...",
        "timeFieldName": "...",
        "sourceFilters": [],
        "fields": {},
        "typeMeta": {},
        "fieldFormats": {},
        "fieldAttrs": {}

Delete an index pattern by ID

Delete and index pattern by its ID.

DELETE /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Returns an '200 OK` response with empty body on success.

Partially update an index pattern by ID

Update part of an index pattern. Only provided fields will be updated on the index pattern, missing fields will stay as they are persisted.

These fields can be update partially:

  • title
  • timeFieldName
  • intervalName
  • fields (optionally refresh fields)
  • sourceFilters
  • fieldFormatMap
  • type
  • typeMeta

Update a title of an index pattern.

POST /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
    "index_pattern": {
        "title": "new_title"

All update fields are optional, you can specify the following fields.

POST /api/index_patterns/index_pattern
    "index_pattern": {
        "title": "...",
        "timeFieldName": "...",
        "intervalName": "...",
        "sourceFilters": [],
        "fieldFormats": {},
        "type": "...",
        "typeMeta": {},
        "fields": {}
  • refresh_fields — if set to true reloads index pattern fields after the index pattern is stored. Defaults to false.
POST /api/index_patterns/index_pattern
    "refresh_fields": true,
    "index_pattern": {
        "fields": {}

This endpoint returns the updated index pattern object.

    "index_pattern": {


Fields API

Fields API allows to change field metadata, such as count, customLabel, and format.

Update fields

Update endpoint allows you to update fields presentation metadata, such as count, customLabel, and format. You can update multiple fields in one request. Updates are merges with persisted metadata. To remove existing metadata specify null as value.

Set popularity count for field foo:

POST /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/fields
    "fields": {
        "foo": {
            "count": 123

Update multiple metadata values and fields in one request:

POST /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/fields
    "fields": {
        "foo": {
            "count": 123,
            "customLabel": "Foo"
        "bar": {
            "customLabel": "Bar"

Use null value to delete metadata:

POST /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/fields
    "fields": {
        "foo": {
            "customLabel": null

This endpoint returns the updated index pattern object.

    "index_pattern": {


Scripted Fields API

Scripted Fields API provides CRUD API for scripted fields of an index pattern.

Create a scripted field

Create a field by simply specifying its name, will default to string type. Returns an error if a field with the provided name already exists.

POST /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/scripted_field
    "field": {
        "name": "my_field"

Create a field by specifying all field properties.

POST /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/scripted_field
    "field": {
        "name": "",
        "type": "",
        "searchable": false,
        "aggregatable": false,
        "count": 0,
        "script": "",
        "scripted": false,
        "lang": "",
        "conflictDescriptions": {},
        "format": {},
        "esTypes": [],
        "readFromDocValues": false,
        "subType": {},
        "indexed": false,
        "customLabel": "",
        "shortDotsEnable": false

Upsert a scripted field

Creates a new field or updates an existing one, if one already exists with the same name.

Create a field by simply specifying its name.

PUT /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/scripted_field
    "field": {
        "name": "my_field"

Create a field by specifying all field properties.

PUT /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/scripted_field
    "field": {
        "name": "",
        "type": "",
        "searchable": false,
        "aggregatable": false,
        "count": 0,
        "script": "",
        "scripted": false,
        "lang": "",
        "conflictDescriptions": {},
        "format": {},
        "esTypes": [],
        "readFromDocValues": false,
        "subType": {},
        "indexed": false,
        "customLabel": "",
        "shortDotsEnable": false

Fetch a scripted field

Fetch an existing index pattern field by field name.

GET /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/scripted_field/<name>

Returns the field object.

    "field": {}

Delete a scripted field

Delete a field of an index pattern.

DELETE /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/scripted_field/<name>

Update a an existing scripted field

Updates an exiting field by mergin provided properties with the existing ones. If there is no existing field with the specified name, returns a 404 Not Found error.

You can specify any field properties, except name which is specified in the URL path.

POST /api/index_patterns/index_pattern/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/scripted_field/<name>
    "field": {
        "type": "",
        "searchable": false,
        "aggregatable": false,
        "count": 0,
        "script": "",
        "scripted": false,
        "lang": "",
        "conflictDescriptions": {},
        "format": {},
        "esTypes": [],
        "readFromDocValues": false,
        "subType": {},
        "indexed": false,
        "customLabel": "",
        "shortDotsEnable": false


The query service is responsible for managing the configuration of a search query (QueryState): filters, time range, query string, and settings such as the auto refresh behavior and saved queries.

It contains sub-services for each of those configurations:

  • data.query.filterManager - Manages the filters component of a QueryState. The global filter state (filters that are persisted between applications) are owned by this service.
  • data.query.timefilter - Responsible for the time range filter and the auto refresh behavior settings.
  • data.query.queryString - Responsible for the query string and query language settings.
  • data.query.savedQueries - Responsible for persisting a QueryState into a SavedObject, so it can be restored and used by other applications.

Any changes to the QueryState are published on the data.query.state$, which is useful when wanting to persist global state or run a search upon data changes.

A simple use case is:

function searchOnChange(indexPattern: IndexPattern, aggConfigs: AggConfigs) {
   data.query.state$.subscribe(() => {

       // Constuct the query portion of the search request
       const query = data.query.getEsQuery(indexPattern);

       // Construct a request
       const request = {
           params: {
               index: indexPattern.title,
               body: {
                   aggs: aggConfigs.toDsl(),

       // Search with the `data.query` config
       const search$ =;



Provides access to Elasticsearch using the high-level SearchSource API or low-level Search Strategies.


The SearchSource API is a convenient way to construct and run an Elasticsearch search query.

    const searchSource = await;
    const searchResponse = await searchSource
      .setField('index', indexPattern)
      .setField('filter', filters)

Low-level search

Default Search Strategy

One benefit of using the low-level search API, is partial response support in X-Pack, allowing for a better and more responsive user experience. In OSS only the final result is returned.

    import { isCompleteResponse } from '../plugins/data/public';

    const search$ =
        next: (response) => {
            if (isCompleteResponse(response)) {
                // Final result
            } else {
                // Partial result - you can update the UI, but data is still loading
        error: (e: Error) => {
            // Show customized toast notifications.
            // You may choose to handle errors differently if you prefer.