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This plugin provides cases management in Kibana

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Cases API

Explore the API docs »

Cases UI

Embed Cases UI components in any Kibana plugin

  • Add CasesUiStart to Kibana plugin StartServices dependencies:
cases: CasesUiStart;

CasesContext setup

To use any of the Cases UI hooks you must first initialize CasesContext in your plugin.

Without a CasesContext the hooks won't work and won't be able to render.

CasesContext works a bridge between your plugin and the Cases UI. It effectively renders the Cases UI.

To initialize the CasesContext you can use this code:

// somewhere high on your plugin render tree
  <RouteRender /> {/* or something similar */}


prop type description
PLUGIN_CASES_OWNER_ID string The owner string for your plugin. e.g: securitySolution
CASES_PERMISSIONS CasesPermissions CasesPermissions object defining the user's permissions
CASES_FEATURES CasesFeatures CasesFeatures object defining the features to enable/disable

Cases UI client

The cases UI client exports the following contract:

Property Description Type
api Methods related to the Cases API object
ui Cases UI components object
hooks Cases React hooks object
helpers Cases helpers object

You can get the cases UI client from the useKibana hook start services. Example:

const { cases } = useKibana().services;
// call in the return as you would any component
  basePath: '/investigate/cases',
  permissions: {
    all: true,
    read: true,
  owner: ['securitySolution'],
  features: { alerts: { sync: false }, metrics: ['alerts.count', 'lifespan'] }
  timelineIntegration: {
    plugins: {
    hooks: {



Returns all cases where the alert is attached to.


Property Description Type
alertId The alert ID string
query The alert ID object


Property Description Type
owner The type of cases to retrieve given an alert ID. If no owner is provided, all cases that the user has access to will be returned. string | string[] | undefined


An array of:

Property Description Type
id The ID of the case string
title The title of the case string


Retrieves a paginated subset of cases.


Property Description Type
query The request parameters object
signal The abort signal Optional, AbortSignal


Property Description Type
defaultSearchOperator The default operator to use for the simple_query_string. Defaults to OR. Optional, string
fields The fields in the entity to return in the response. Optional, array of strings
from Returns only cases that were created after a specific date. The date must be specified as a KQL data range or date match expression. Optional, string
owner A filter to limit the retrieved cases to a specific set of applications. Valid values are: cases, observability, and securitySolution. If this parameter is omitted, the response contains all cases that the user has access to read.
page The page number to return. Defaults to 1 . Optional, integer
perPage The number of rules to return per page. Defaults to 20 . Optional, integer
reporters Filters the returned cases by the reporter's `username. Optional, string or array of strings
search simple_query_string query that filters the objects in the response. Optional, string
searchFields The fields to perform the simple_query_string parsed query against. Optional, string or array of strings
severity The severity of the case. Valid values are: critical, high, low, and medium. Optional, string
sortField Determines which field is used to sort the results,createdAt or updatedAt. Defaults to createdAt. Optional, string
sortOrder Determines the sort order, which can be desc or asc. Defaults to desc. Optional, string
status Filters the returned cases by state, which can be open, in-progress, or closed. Optional, string
tags Filters the returned cases by tags. Optional, string or array of strings
to Returns only cases that were created before a specific date. The date must be specified as a KQL data range or date match expression. Optional, string


Returns the number of cases that are open, closed, and in progress.


Property Description Type
query The request parameters object
signal The abort signal Optional, AbortSignal


Property Description Type
from Returns only cases that were created after a specific date. The date must be specified as a KQL data range or date match expression. Optional, string
owner A filter to limit the retrieved cases to a specific set of applications. Valid values are: cases, observability, and securitySolution. If this parameter is omitted, the response contains all cases that the user has access to read.
to Returns only cases that were created before a specific date. The date must be specified as a KQL data range or date match expression. Optional, string


Returns the number of cases that are open, closed, and in progress.


Property Description Type
query The request parameters object
signal The abort signal Optional, AbortSignal


Property Description Type
features The metrics to retrieve. Optional, array of strings
from Returns only cases that were created after a specific date. The date must be specified as a KQL data range or date match expression. Optional, string
owner A filter to limit the retrieved cases to a specific set of applications. Valid values are: cases, observability, and securitySolution. If this parameter is omitted, the response contains all cases that the user has access to read.
to Returns only cases that were created before a specific date. The date must be specified as a KQL data range or date match expression. Optional, string



Property Description
permissions CasesPermissions object defining the user's permissions
owner string[]; owner ids of the cases
basePath string; path to mount the Cases router on top of
useFetchAlertData (alertIds: string[]) => [boolean, Record<string, unknown>]; fetch alerts
disableAlerts? boolean (default: false) flag to not show alerts information
actionsNavigation? CasesNavigation<string, 'configurable'>
ruleDetailsNavigation? CasesNavigation<string | null | undefined, 'configurable'>
onComponentInitialized? () => void; callback when component has initialized
showAlertDetails? (alertId: string, index: string) => void; callback to show alert details
features? CasesFeatures object defining the features to enable/disable
features?.alerts.sync boolean (default: true) defines wether the alert sync action should be enabled/disabled
features?.metrics string[] (default: []) defines the metrics to show in the Case Detail View. Allowed metrics: "alerts.count", "alerts.users", "alerts.hosts", "connectors", "lifespan".
timelineIntegration?.editor_plugins Plugins needed for integrating timeline into markdown editor.
timelineIntegration?.editor_plugins.parsingPlugin Plugin;
timelineIntegration?.editor_plugins.processingPluginRenderer React.FC<TimelineProcessingPluginRendererProps & { position: EuiMarkdownAstNodePosition }>
timelineIntegration?.editor_plugins.uiPlugin? EuiMarkdownEditorUiPlugin
timelineIntegration?.hooks.useInsertTimeline (value: string, onChange: (newValue: string) => void): UseInsertTimelineReturn
timelineIntegration?.ui?.renderInvestigateInTimelineActionComponent? (alertIds: string[]) => JSX.Element; space to render InvestigateInTimelineActionComponent
timelineIntegration?.ui?renderTimelineDetailsPanel? () => JSX.Element; space to render TimelineDetailsPanel


UI component: All Cases Component



Property Description
permissions CasesPermissions object defining the user's permissions
owner string[]; owner ids of the cases
alertData? Omit<CommentRequestAlertType, 'type'>; alert data to post to case
hiddenStatuses? CaseStatuses[]; array of hidden statuses
onRowClick (theCase?: Case) => void; callback for row click, passing case in row
updateCase? (theCase: Case) => void; callback after case has been updated
onClose? () => void called when the modal is closed without selecting a case

UI component: All Cases Selector Modal Component



Property Description
permissions CasesPermissions object defining the user's permissions
owner string[]; owner ids of the cases
onClose () => void; callback when create case is canceled
onSuccess (theCase: Case) => Promise<void>; callback passing newly created case after pushCaseToExternalService is called
afterCaseCreated? (theCase: Case) => Promise<void>; callback passing newly created case before pushCaseToExternalService is called
disableAlerts? boolean (default: false) flag to not show alerts information

UI component: Create Component



Property Description
permissions CasesPermissions object defining the user's permissions
owner string[]; owner ids of the cases
maxCasesToShow number; number of cases to show in widget

UI component: Recent Cases Component



Returns an object containing two methods: open and close to either open or close the add to new case flyout. You can use this hook to prompt the user to create a new case with some attachments directly attached to it. e.g.: alerts or text comments.


Property Description
permissions CasesPermissions object defining the user's permissions
onClose () => void; callback when create case is canceled
onSuccess (theCase: Case) => Promise<void>; callback passing newly created case after pushCaseToExternalService is called
afterCaseCreated? (theCase: Case) => Promise<void>; callback passing newly created case before pushCaseToExternalService is called
attachments? CaseAttachments; array of SupportedCaseAttachment (see types) that will be attached to the newly created case

returns: an object with open and close methods to open or close the flyout.

open() and close() don't take any arguments. They will open or close the flyout at will.


Returns an object containing two methods: open and close to either open or close the case selector modal.

You can use this hook to prompt the user to select a case and get the selected case. You can also pass attachments directly and have them attached to the selected case after selection. e.g.: alerts or text comments.


Property Description
onRowClick (theCase?: Case) => void; callback for row click, passing case in row
updateCase? (theCase: Case) => void; callback after case has been updated
onClose? () => void called when the modal is closed without selecting a case
attachments? CaseAttachments; array of SupportedCaseAttachment (see types) that will be attached to the newly created case



Returns the Cases capabilities for the current user. Specifically:

Property Description Type
crud Denotes if the user has all access to Cases boolean
read? Denotes if the user has read access to Cases boolean


Returns an object with a rule id and name of the event passed. This helper method is necessary to bridge the gap between previous events schema and new ones.


property Description Type
event Event containing an ecs attribute with ecs data and a data attribute with nonEcs data. object