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Console provides the user with tools for storing and executing requests against Elasticsearch.


load_from query parameter

The load_from query parameter enables opening Console with prepopulated requests in two ways: from the docs and from within other parts of Kibana.

Plugins can open requests in Kibana by assigning this parameter a data:text/plain lz-string encoded value. For example, navigating to /dev_tools#/console?load_from=data:text/plain,OIUQKgBA+gzgpgQwE4GMAWAoA3gIgI4CucSAnjgFy4C2CALulAgDZMVYC+nQA will prepopulate Console with the following request:

GET _search

Kibana API support (#100253)

Console plugin now supports Kibana API endpoints. kbn: prefix must be used in the request URL to send a request to Kibana API. For example, the following request sends a request to the Kibana API to retrieve the list of available spaces:

GET kbn:api/spaces/space

Request-body comments

Single-line and multiline comments can be added to the request body. The comments are displayed in the request editor, but are not sent to the cluster. The comments are useful for adding notes to the request body. For example, the following request body contains a single-line comment and a multiline comment:

POST /_some_endpoint
  // This is a single-line comment
  /* This is a multiline comment */
  "field": "value"


Console plugin now supports variables. The variables can be used in the request body and in the request URL. The variables are defined in the Variables flyout in the Console UI and used in the request body and URL by wrapping the variable name with ${}. For example, the following request body contains a variable:

POST /_some_endpoint
  "field": "${variable}"


Console uses Ace editor that is wrapped with CoreEditor, so that if needed it can easily be replaced with another editor, for example Monaco. The autocomplete logic is located in autocomplete folder. Autocomplete rules are computed by classes in components sub-folder.

Autocomplete definitions

Kibana users benefit greatly from autocomplete suggestions since not all Elasticsearch APIs can be provided with a corresponding UI. Autocomplete suggestions improve usability of Console for any Elasticsearch API endpoint. Autocomplete definitions are all created in the form of javascript objects loaded from json and js files.

Creating definitions

The generated folder contains definitions created automatically from Elasticsearch specifications. See this README file for more information on the generate-console-definitions script. The AppEx/Management team (@elastic/platform-deployment-management) regularly runs the script to update the definitions and is planning to automate this process.

Manually created override files in the overrides folder contain additions for request body parameters since those are not created by the script. Any other fixes such as documentation links, request methods and patterns and url parameters should be addressed at the source. That means this should be fixed in Elasticsearch specifications and then autocomplete definitions can be re-generated with the script.

If there are any endpoints missing completely from the generated folder, this should also be addressed at the source, i.e. Elasticsearch specifications. If for some reason, that is not possible, then additional definitions files can be placed in the folder manual.

Top level keys

Use following top level keys in the definitions objects.


Url to Elasticsearch REST API documentation for the endpoint (If the url contains master or current strings in the path, Console automatically replaces them with the docLinkVersion to always redirect the user to the correct version of the documentation).


Allowed http methods (GET, POST etc)


Array of API endpoints that contain dynamic parameters like {index} or {fields}. For example, {index}/_rollup/{rollup_index}. Dynamic parameters used in patterns are not always defined. For example, a pattern _ilm/policy/{policy} indicates that any string can be used as policy name. See the Dynamic parameters section below for more info about dynamic parameters defined in the autocomplete engine, such as {index}.


Query url parameters and their values. See the Query url parameters section below for more info. An example:

  "url_params": {
    "format": "",
    "local": "__flag__",
    "h": [],
    "expand_wildcards": [


Value for selecting one autocomplete definition, if several configurations are loaded from the files. The highest number takes precedence.


A property that describes if an endpoint is available in stack and serverless environments. Endpoints with a false boolean value are filtered out in the corresponding environment. An example of an endpoint that is not available in the serverless environment:

"availability": {
  "stack": true,
  "serverless": false


Request body parameters and their values. Only used in overrides files because REST API specs don't contain any information about body request parameters. Refer to Elasticsearch REST API documentation when configuring this object. See the Request body parameters section below for more info. An example:

  "data_autocomplete_rules": {
    "text": [],
    "field": "{field}",
    "analyzer": "",
    "explain": { "__one_of": [false, true] }

Query url parameters

Query url parameters are configured in form of an object, for example:

  "url_params": {
    "local": "__flag__",
    "scroll": "",
    "expand_wildcards": [

This object specifies 3 query parameters: local (boolean value), scroll (no default value) and expand_wildcards (with a list of accepted values).

When the user types in the url path into Console and at least 2 characters after ?, all matching url parameters are displayed as autocomplete suggestions. In this example, after typing

GET /_some_endpoint?ca

"local" and "expand_wildcards" are displayed as suggestions. When the user types at least 2 characters after =, all matching values for this parameter are displayed as autocomplete suggestions. In this example, after typing

GET /_some_endpoint?expand_wildcards=hi

"hidden" is displayed for autocompletion.

Dynamic parameters such as {index} or {fields} are accepted both as an url parameter and its value in the configuration object. See the Dynamic parameters section below for more information.

Request body parameters

Request body parameters are configured in form of an object, for example:

  "data_autocomplete_rules": {
    "index_patterns": [],
    "mappings": { "__scope_link": "put_mapping" },
    "version": 0,
    "aliases": {
      "__template": {
        "NAME": {}

Object's keys are parameters that will be displayed as autocomplete suggestions when the user starts typing request body. In this example, after typing

PUT /_some_endpoint

"index_patterns", "mappings", "version" and "aliases" are displayed as autocomplete suggestions. Object's values provide default or accepted values of request body parameters. For example, if "version" is selected from the suggestions list, value 0 is automatically filled, resulting in the following request:

PUT /_some_endpoint
  "version": 0

Object's values can contain objects for nested configuration because the engine can work recursively while searching for autocomplete suggestions.

Upper case strings are used to indicate that the property's name is a dynamic value that the user needs to define. For example, the autocomplete suggestion for aggregations displays the following object:

  "aggs": {
    "NAME": {
      "AGG_TYPE": {}

Both upper case strings NAME and AGG_TYPE indicate that those values need to be filled in by the user.

Following values can be used in the configuration object:

One value from the list (__one_of: [..., ...])

Use this configuration for a parameter with a list of allowed values, for example types of snapshot repository:

"type": {"__one_of": ["fs", "url", "s3", "hdfs", "azure"]}

The first value in the list will be automatically filled as parameter value. For example, when "type" is selected from the suggestions list, the request body is autofilled as following:

PUT /_some_endpoint
  "type": "fs"

But if the value fs is deleted, all suggestions will be displayed: "fs", "url", "s3", "hdfs" and "azure". Use __one_of: [true, false] for boolean values.

Array of values ([..., ... ] or __any_of: [..., ...])

Use this configuration for parameters which accept an array of values, for example actions parameter:

"actions": { "__any_of": [ "add", "remove"]}

When "actions" is selected from the suggestions list, it will be autocompleted with an empty array:

POST /_some_endpoint
  "actions": []

All values in the array are displayed as suggestions for parameter values inside the array.

Default object structure (__template: {...})

Use this configuration to insert an object with default values into the request body when the corresponding key is typed in. For example, in this configuration

  "terms": {
    "__template": {
      "field": "",
      "size": 10
    "field": "{field}",
    "size": 10,
    "shard_size": 10,
    "min_doc_count": 10

the terms parameter has several properties, but only field and size are autocompleted in the request body when "terms" is selected from the suggestions list.

POST /_some_endpoint
  terms: {
    field: '',
    size: 10,

The rest of the properties are displayed as autocomplete suggestions, when the terms object is being edited.

Scope link (__scope_link)

Use this type to copy a configuration object specified in a different endpoint definition. For example, the put_settings endpoint definition contains a configuration object that can be reused for settings parameter in a different endpoint:

  "data_autocomplete_rules": {
    "settings": {
      "__scope_link": "put_settings"

Global scope (GLOBAL)

Use GLOBAL keyword with __scope_link to refer to a reusable set of definitions created in the globals file. For example:

  "data_autocomplete_rules": {
    "query": {
      "__scope_link": "GLOBAL.query"

Conditional definition (__condition: { lines_regex: ... })

To provide a different set of autocomplete suggestions based on the value configured in the request. For example, when creating a snapshot repository of different types (fs, url etc) different properties are displayed in the suggestions list based on the type. See snapshot.create_repository.json for an example.

Dynamic parameters

Some autocomplete definitions need to be configured with dynamic values that can't be hard coded into a json or js file, for example a list of indices in the cluster. A list of dynamic parameters is defined in the parametrizedComponentFactories function in kb.js file. The values of these parameters are assigned dynamically for every cluster. Use these dynamic parameters with curly braces, for example {index}, {fields}, {template} etc.

Dynamic parameters can be used in url patterns, for example {index}/_search. Url patterns can also contain unknown parameters just to indicate that any value can be used in the url, for example in the url /_ilm/policy/{policy} the value for {policy} can be any accepted policy name and the dynamic parameter {policy} is not defined in the autocomplete engine.

For request body parameters, only known dynamic properties are allowed. For example:

  "data_autocomplete_rules": {
    "query": {
      "field": "{field}"

If an unknown dynamic parameter (for example, {my_param}) is used in request body parameters, a warning will be logged in the browser: [Console] no factory found for 'my_param'.

Architecture changes in 8.3 release (timeline: 07-04-2022 - 19-06-2022)

One of the main changes in architecture is refactoring the retrieval of autocomplete suggestions. Console used to send a separate request to ES for each autocomplete entity (mappings, aliases, templates, data-streams etc) to retrieve the autocomplete suggestions via the original hand-rolled ES proxy. This had a few drawbacks:

  • The number of requests was dependent on the number of autocomplete entities, which was not scalable and could cause performance issues
  • It added unnecessary dependencies on the ES proxy
  • We risked fetching an enormous response payload for users who have a large number of mappings.

To address these issues, we created a specific route in the Kibana server to retrieve all autocomplete entities in one request and send it to the client. The response for mappings capped to 10MB to avoid sending a huge payload. The client-side code was refactored to use the new response format. For more details, see #130633.

Another change is replacing jQuery with the core http client to communicate with the Kibana server. Console used a custom jQuery ajax function to send requests to the Kibana server to have lower-level control over the requests, specifically controls like crossDomain: true. This is no longer needed since we are using the core http client. For more details, see #127867.

Outstanding issues

Autocomplete suggestions for Kibana API endpoints

Console currently supports autocomplete suggestions for Elasticsearch API endpoints. The autocomplete suggestions for Kibana API endpoints are not supported yet. Related issue: #130661

Migration to Monaco Editor

Console plugin is currently using Ace Editor and it is planned to migrate to Monaco Editor in the future. Related issue: #57435