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Kibana Screenshotting

This plugin provides functionality to take screenshots of the Kibana pages. It uses Chromium and Puppeteer underneath to run the browser in headless mode.


  • Canvas workpads screenshots.
  • Dashboards screenshots.
  • Expressions screenshots.
  • PDF generation.
  • Batch screenshotting.


Getting started

After listing the screenshotting plugin in your dependencies, the plugin will be intitalized on the setup stage. The intitalization process downloads (if it is not already present) and verifies the Chromium build.

The start contract exposes a public API to interact with the plugin. Apart from the actual screenshotting functionality, it also provides a way for self-diagnostics.

Here is an example of how you can take a screenshot of a Kibana URL.

import { lastValueFrom } from 'rxjs';
import type { CoreSetup, Plugin } from 'src/core/server';
import type { ScreenshottingStart } from 'x-pack/plugins/screenshotting/server';

interface StartDeps {
  screenshotting: ScreenshottingStart;

class ExamplePlugin implements Plugin<void, void, void, StartDeps> {
  setup({ http, getStartServices }: CoreSetup<StartDeps>) {
    const router = http.createRouter();

        path: '/api/capture',
        validate: {
          query: schema.object({
            id: schema.string(),
      async (context, request, response) => {
        const [, { screenshotting }] = await getStartServices();
        const { metrics, results } = await lastValueFrom(
            urls: [`http://localhost/app/canvas#/workpad/workpad-${}`],

        return response.ok({
          body: JSON.stringify({
            image: results[0]?.screenshots[0]?.data.toString('base64'),
            errors: results[0]?.renderErrors,
          } as ScreenshottingExpressionResponse),

  start() {}

export function plugin() {
  return new ExamplePlugin();


Please use automatically generated API reference or generated TypeDoc comments to find the complete documentation.

getScreenshots(options): Observable

Takes screenshots of multiple pages or an expression and returns an observable with the screenshotting results.

The options parameter is an object with parameters of the screenshotting session.

Option Required Default Description
browserTimezone no none The browser timezone that will be emulated in the browser instance. This option should be used to keep timezone on server and client in sync.
expression no none An expression to capture screenshot of. Mutually exclusive with the urls parameter.
format no 'png' An output format. It can either be PDF or PNG. In case of capturing multiple URLs, all the screenshots will be combined into one document for PDF format. For PNG format, an array of screenshots will be returned.
headers no none Custom headers to be sent with each request. The headers will be used for authorization.
input no undefined The expression input.
layout no {} Page layout parameters describing characteristics of the capturing screenshot (e.g., dimensions, zoom, etc.).
request no none Kibana Request reference to extract headers from.
timeouts no none Timeouts for each phase of the screenshot.
timeouts.openUrl no (kibana.yml setting) The timeout in milliseconds to allow the Chromium browser to wait for the "Loading…" screen to dismiss and find the initial data for the page. If the time is exceeded, a screenshot is captured showing the current page, and the result structure contains an error message.
timeouts.renderComplete no (kibana.yml setting) The timeout in milliseconds to allow the Chromium browser to wait for all visualizations to fetch and render the data. If the time is exceeded, a screenshot is captured showing the current page, and the result structure contains an error message.
timeouts.waitForElements no (kibana.yml setting) The timeout in milliseconds to allow the Chromium browser to wait for all visualization panels to load on the page. If the time is exceeded, a screenshot is captured showing the current page, and the result structure contains an error message.
urls no [] The list or URL to take screenshots of. Every item can either be a string or a tuple containing a URL and a context. The contextual data can be gathered using the screenshot mode plugin. Mutually exclusive with the expression parameter.

diagnose(flags?: string[]): Observable

Runs browser diagnostics. The diagnostic implementation launches Chromium and emits the output in the resulting observable.

There is a way to override some Chromium command line arguments using the flags parameter.


Option Default Description
xpack.screenshotting.networkPolicy.enabled true Capturing a screenshot from a Kibana page involves sending out requests for all the linked web assets. For example, a Markdown visualization can show an image from a remote server.
xpack.screenshotting.networkPolicy.rules Allow http, https, ws, wss, and data. A policy is specified as an array of objects that describe what to allow or deny based on a host or protocol. If a host or protocol is not specified, the rule matches any host or protocol.
xpack.screenshotting.browser.autoDownload Depends on the dist parameter. Flag to automatically download chromium distribution.
xpack.screenshotting.browser.chromium.inspect Depends on the dist parameter. Connects to the browser over a pipe instead of a WebSocket. See puppeteer documentation.
xpack.screenshotting.browser.chromium.disableSandbox Defaults to false for all operating systems except Debian and Red Hat Linux, which use true. It is recommended that you research the feasibility of enabling unprivileged user namespaces. An exception is if you are running Kibana in Docker because the container runs in a user namespace with the built-in seccomp/bpf filters. For more information, refer to Chromium sandbox.
xpack.screenshotting.browser.chromium.proxy.enabled false Enables the proxy for Chromium to use.
xpack.screenshotting.browser.chromium.proxy.server none The uri for the proxy server. Providing the username and password for the proxy server via the uri is not supported.
xpack.screenshotting.browser.chromium.proxy.bypass [] An array of hosts that should not go through the proxy server and should use a direct connection instead. Examples of valid entries are "", "*", "", "".

How It Works

  participant User
  participant Screenshotting
  participant Browser

  User ->> Screenshotting: API call
  Screenshotting ->> Browser: Launch browser
  activate Browser
  Screenshotting ->> Browser: Create page
  Screenshotting ->> Browser: Set parameters
  Note over Screenshotting,Browser: timezone

  Screenshotting ->> Browser: Open URL
  Screenshotting ->> Browser: Set contextual data
  Note over Screenshotting,Browser: custom context, screenshot mode flag
  Browser ->> Screenshotting: Rendering

  Screenshotting ->> Browser: Wait for visualizations
  Note over Screenshotting,Browser: poll for a number of DOM nodes to match <br> the number of dashboard elements
  Screenshotting ->> Browser: Wait for render completion
  Note over Screenshotting,Browser: poll for selectors indicating rendering completion
  Browser ->> Screenshotting: Page is ready

  Screenshotting ->> Browser: Take screenshot
  Browser ->> Screenshotting: Return PNG buffer
  Screenshotting ->> User: Return screenshot



There is an example plugin that demonstrates integration with the screenshotting plugin. That plugin utilizes expression capturing.

Chromium Downloads

To download all Chromium browsers for all platforms and architectures:

cd x-pack
npx gulp downloadChromium

This command is used to provision CI workspaces so that Chromium does not need to be downloaded for every CI run.