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ES UI shared modules

This plugin contains reusable code in the form of self-contained modules (or libraries). Each of these modules exports a set of functionality relevant to the domain of the module.

Please note: Modules in ES UI shared are intended for use by the ES UI Management Team (elastic/es-ui@) only. Please reach out to us if there is something you would like to contribute or use in these modules.

Files and folders overview

  • ./public | ./server. Folders for grouping server or public code according to the Kibana plugin pattern.
  • ./__packages_do_not_import__ is where actual functionality is kept. This enables modules more control over what functionality is directly exported and prevents parts of modules to be depended on externally in unintended ways.
  • ./public/index.ts | ./server/index.ts These files export modules (simple JavaScript objects). For example, Monaco is the name of a module. In this way, modules namespace all of their exports and do not have to be concerned about name collisions from other modules.

Conventions for adding code

When adding new functionality, look at the folders in ./__packages_do_not_import__ and consider whether your functionality falls into any of those modules.

If it does not, you should create a module and expose it to public or server code (or both) following the conventions described above.


If I wanted to add functionality for calculating a Fibonacci sequence browser-side one would do the following:

  1. Create a folder ./__packages_do_not_import__/math. The name of the folder should be a snake_case version of the module name. In this case Math -> math. Another case, IndexManagement -> index_management.
  2. Write your function in ./__packages_do_not_import__/math/calculate_fibonacci.ts, adding any relevant tests in the same folder.
  3. Export functionality intended for consumers from ./__packages_do_not_import__/math/index.ts.
  4. Create a folder ./public/math.
  5. Export all functionality from ./__packages_do_not_import__/math in ./public/math/index.ts.
  6. In ./public/index.ts import ./public/math using import * as Math from './public/math;. The name (Math) given here is really important and will be what consumers depend on.
  7. Add the Math module to the list of exported modules in ./public/index.ts, e.g. export { <...other modules>, Math }
  8. Use Math in your public side code elsewhere!

This example assumes no other appropriate home for such a function exists.