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Upgrade Rook-Ceph operator and Ceph

This doc will guide you through upgrading the Rook-Ceph operator from version v1.5 to v1.10, and Ceph from v15 to v17.



# Go to rook directory in compliantkubernetes-kubespray
cd /path/to/compliantkubernetes-kubespray/rook

# Add and update rook helm repo
helm repo add rook-release && helm repo update

# Set variables

# Set kubeconfig
export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/kubeconfig

Before all upgrades make sure that the Ceph cluster is in a healthy state. You can find some details on how to verify the health here.

After an upgrade you should also verify the status of the components before proceeding.

Here are some useful commands that can be used to check the version of the components

kubectl -n ${namespace} exec -it deployments/rook-ceph-tools -- ceph -s

kubectl -n ${namespace} get deployments -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"  \treq/upd/avl: "}{.spec.replicas}{"/"}{.status.updatedReplicas}{"/"}{.status.readyReplicas}{"  \trook-version="}{.metadata.labels.rook-version}{"\n"}{end}'

kubectl -n ${namespace} get jobs -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"  \tsucceeded: "}{.status.succeeded}{"      \trook-version="}{.metadata.labels.rook-version}{"\n"}{end}'

watch --exec kubectl -n ${namespace} get deployments -l rook_cluster=${namespace} -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"  \treq/upd/avl: "}{.spec.replicas}{"/"}{.status.updatedReplicas}{"/"}{.status.readyReplicas}{"  \trook-version="}{.metadata.labels.rook-version}{"\n"}{end}'

Operator to v1.6

Go here for the official upgrade docs.


# Check diff
helm diff upgrade --install --namespace "${namespace}" "${release_name}" "${chart}" \
  --version "${chart_version}" --values operator-values.yaml

# Upgrade
helm upgrade --install --namespace "${namespace}" "${release_name}" "${chart}" \
  --version "${chart_version}" --values operator-values.yaml --wait

Operator to v1.7


# Check diff
helm diff upgrade --install --namespace "${namespace}" "${release_name}" "${chart}" \
  --version "${chart_version}" --values operator-values.yaml

# Upgrade
helm upgrade --install --namespace "${namespace}" "${release_name}" "${chart}" \
  --version "${chart_version}" --values operator-values.yaml --wait

Ceph to v16

Skip this step if you are already running Ceph v16.

If you are using a custom manifest for your CephCluster deployment you need to update spec.cephVersion.image to, and apply the changes.

If you have deployed ceph using the provided cluster.yaml from a previous version of this repo, you can simply deploy the manifest migration/rook-1.5.x-rook-1.10.5/cluster-16.2.10.yaml

kubectl apply -f migration/rook-1.5.x-rook-1.10.5/cluster-16.2.10.yaml

If you see this or a similar message

HEALTH_WARN all OSDs are running pacific or later but require_osd_release < pacific

you need to execute the following command

kubectl -n ${namespace} exec -it deployments/rook-ceph-tools -- ceph osd require-osd-release pacific

Operator to v1.8


# Check diff
helm diff upgrade --install --namespace "${namespace}" "${release_name}" "${chart}" \
  --version "${chart_version}" --values operator-values.yaml

# Upgrade
helm upgrade --install --namespace "${namespace}" "${release_name}" "${chart}" \
  --version "${chart_version}" --values operator-values.yaml --wait

Operator to v1.9


# Check diff
helm diff upgrade --install --namespace "${namespace}" "${release_name}" "${chart}" \
  --version "${chart_version}" --values operator-values.yaml

# Upgrade
helm upgrade --install --namespace "${namespace}" "${release_name}" "${chart}" \
  --version "${chart_version}" --values operator-values.yaml --wait

Operator to 1.10


# Check diff
helm diff upgrade --install --namespace "${namespace}" "${release_name}" "${chart}" \
  --version "${chart_version}" --values operator-values.yaml

# Upgrade
helm upgrade --install --namespace "${namespace}" "${release_name}" "${chart}" \
  --version "${chart_version}" --values operator-values.yaml --wait

Ceph to v17

Skip this step if you are already running Ceph v17.

If you are using a custom manifest for your CephCluster deployment you need to update spec.cephVersion.image to, and apply the changes.

If you have deployed ceph using the provided cluster.yaml from a previous version of this repo, you can simply deploy the manifest migration/rook-1.5.x-rook-1.10.5/cluster-17.2.5.yaml

kubectl apply -f migration/rook-1.5.x-rook-1.10.5/cluster-17.2.5.yaml

Update rook-ceph-tools

kubectl apply -f toolbox-deploy.yaml