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Releases: elden1337/hass-peaq


12 Apr 07:12
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While this version has been tested and versioned for a while, there could still be async hickups.

Requires HA 2023.4 >


  • #249 - get attr error for non price aware - typo fixes

Full Changelog: v2.9.1...v2.9.2

🥇 Has Peaqev helped you save money? Sponsoring me on Github, PayPal or BuyMeACoffee would be much appreciated.

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v2.9.1 - hotfix

11 Apr 14:10
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While this version has been tested and versioned for a while, there could still be async hickups.

Requires HA 2023.4 >


  • #248 - No entities - interim fix with retry-attempts due to chargertype (easee or chargeamps manily) not being done when calling ready.
  • elden1337/peaqev-core#78 - Refactor Hourselection async
  • elden1337/peaqev-core#81 - Scheduler wrong type into hub - noticed when calling scheduler through service calls

Full Changelog: v2.9.0...v2.9.1

🥇 Has Peaqev helped you save money? Sponsoring me on Github, PayPal or BuyMeACoffee would be much appreciated.

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09 Apr 17:43
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While this version has been tested and versioned for a while, there could still be async hickups. If so, try to reboot and report any anomalies. I need to push this version to gain momentum.

Requires HA 2023.4 >

Speeding up

This time a large portion of the code-base has been refactored as async.
This should give a snappier response to the usage and startup (will still vary with your system and other integrations). For my setup (rpi4) it went from ~90s - 10-30s.

Another important change for system-resources is that I've made the previously implemented gain/loss-sensors optional. They are True by default on the last page of the options-page.
If you don't use price-awareness they don't add themselves anyways.

Last but not least is that I've lowered the precision on some sensors to lessen the load on the HA-recorder. Hopefully these improvements will make Peaqev load faster and stress the system less.

🚗 So, keep an extra eye out for async-issues. Thanks for testing and reporting. 🚀


  • #233 - Make Gainloss-sensors optional
  • #232 - Keyerror: Quarterhourly - (Belgium only, typo from HA-constants)
  • #231 - No peaks stored -
  • #229 - Very slow startup times - this is the major refactor of this release. Look out for update-issues over all.
  • #227 - Unable to get amps for Easee - Hopefully last time we'll revisit this type of issue with Easee.
  • #209 - Excessive calling to stop charger - Should be better now
  • #196 - Add more update_timer in chargecontroller - this ended up being a change in "is_done"-behavior. Test thoroughly that it works.
  • N/A - Update calls for easee - Changed pause and resume-calls to be more generic
  • elden1337/peaqev-core#76 - Preserve interim and midnight issue
  • elden1337/peaqev-core#79 - Use tomorrow avg in monthly average (for tomorrow)

Full Changelog: v2.8.2...v2.9.0

🥇 Has Peaqev helped you save money? Sponsoring me on Github, PayPal or BuyMeACoffee would be much appreciated.

📔 First time here? Do check the getting-started wiki for the most common questions

💬 Join my Discord-server to interact with other peaq-users.

2.9.0beta 7

05 Apr 18:48
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2.9.0beta 7 Pre-release

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Changelog since v2.9.0b3: v2.9.0b3...v2.9.0b7

Speeding up

This time a large portion of the code-base has been refactored as async.
This should give a snappier response to the usage and startup (will still vary with your system and other integrations). For my setup (rpi4) it went from ~90s - 10-30s.

Another important change for system-resources is that I've made the previously implemented gain/loss-sensors optional. They are True by default on the last page of the options-page.
If you don't use price-awareness they don't add themselves anyways.

Last but not least is that I've lowered the precision on some sensors to lessen the load on the HA-recorder. Hopefully these improvements will make Peaqev load faster and stress the system less.

🚗 So, keep an extra eye out for async-issues. Thanks for testing. 🚀


  • #233 - Make Gainloss-sensors optional
  • #232 - Keyerror: Quarterhourly - (Belgium only, typo from HA-constants)
  • #231 - No peaks stored -
  • #229 - Very slow startup times - this is the major refactor of this release. Look out for update-issues over all.
  • #227 - Unable to get amps for Easee - Hopefully last time we'll revisit this type of issue with Easee.
  • #209 - Excessive calling to stop charger - Should be better now
  • #196 - Add more update_timer in chargecontroller - this ended up being a change in "is_done"-behavior. Test thoroughly that it works.
  • N/A - Update calls for easee - Changed pause and resume-calls to be more generic
  • elden1337/peaqev-core#76 - Preserve interim and midnight issue
  • elden1337/peaqev-core#79 - Use tomorrow avg in monthly average (for tomorrow)

Full Changelog: v2.8.2...v2.9.0b7

If you are beta-testing it is suggested that you turn on debug-logs for peaqev in your configuration.yaml:

  default: error
    custom_components.peaqev: debug

🥇 Has Peaqev helped you save money? Sponsoring me on Github, PayPal or BuyMeACoffee would be much appreciated.

📔 First time here? Do check the getting-started wiki for the most common questions

💬 Join my Discord-server to interact with other peaq-users.

v2.9.0 beta4

03 Apr 08:50
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v2.9.0 beta4 Pre-release

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v2.9.0b3 (beta4)

Changelog since v2.9.0b2: v2.9.0b2...v2.9.0b3

Speeding up

This time a large portion of the code-base has been refactored as async.
This should give a snappier response to the usage and startup (will still vary with your system and other integrations). For my setup (rpi4) it went from ~90s - 10-30s.

Another important change for system-resources is that I've made the previously implemented gain/loss-sensors optional. They are True by default on the last page of the options-page.
If you don't use price-awareness they don't add themselves anyways.

Last but not least is that I've lowered the precision on some sensors to lessen the load on the HA-recorder. Hopefully these improvements will make Peaqev load faster and stress the system less.

🚗 So, keep an extra eye out for async-issues. Thanks for testing. 🚀


  • #233 - Make Gainloss-sensors optional
  • #232 - Keyerror: Quarterhourly - (Belgium only, typo from HA-constants)
  • #231 - No peaks stored -
  • #229 - Very slow startup times - this is the major refactor of this release. Look out for update-issues over all.
  • #227 - Unable to get amps for Easee - Hopefully last time we'll revisit this type of issue with Easee.
  • #209 - Excessive calling to stop charger - Should be better now
  • #196 - Add more update_timer in chargecontroller - this ended up being a change in "is_done"-behavior. Test thoroughly that it works.
  • N/A - Update calls for easee - Changed pause and resume-calls to be more generic
  • elden1337/peaqev-core#76 - Preserve interim and midnight issue

Full Changelog: v2.8.2...v2.9.0b3

If you are beta-testing it is suggested that you turn on debug-logs for peaqev in your configuration.yaml:

  default: error
    custom_components.peaqev: debug

🥇 Has Peaqev helped you save money? Sponsoring me on Github, PayPal or BuyMeACoffee would be much appreciated.

📔 First time here? Do check the getting-started wiki for the most common questions

💬 Join my Discord-server to interact with other peaq-users.

V2.9.0 beta 3

31 Mar 18:39
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V2.9.0 beta 3 Pre-release

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v2.9.0b2 (beta3)

#236 fixed.
No more known issues at this time.

Changelog since v2.9.0b1: v2.9.0b1...v2.9.0b2

Speeding up

This time a large portion of the code-base has been refactored as async.
This should give a snappier response to the usage and startup (will still vary with your system and other integrations). For my setup (rpi4) it went from ~90s - 10-30s.

Another important change for system-resources is that I've made the previously implemented gain/loss-sensors optional. They are True by default on the last page of the options-page.
If you don't use price-awareness they don't add themselves anyways.

Last but not least is that I've lowered the precision on some sensors to lessen the load on the HA-recorder. Hopefully these improvements will make Peaqev load faster and stress the system less.

🚗 So, keep an extra eye out for async-issues. Thanks for testing. 🚀


  • #233 - Make Gainloss-sensors optional
  • #232 - Keyerror: Quarterhourly - (Belgium only, typo from HA-constants)
  • #231 - No peaks stored -
  • #229 - Very slow startup times - this is the major refactor of this release. Look out for update-issues over all.
  • #227 - Unable to get amps for Easee - Hopefully last time we'll revisit this type of issue with Easee.
  • #209 - Excessive calling to stop charger - Should be better now
  • #196 - Add more update_timer in chargecontroller - this ended up being a change in "is_done"-behavior. Test thoroughly that it works.
  • N/A - Update calls for easee - Changed pause and resume-calls to be more generic
  • elden1337/peaqev-core#76 - Preserve interim and midnight issue

Full Changelog: v2.8.2...v2.9.0b2

If you are beta-testing it is suggested that you turn on debug-logs for peaqev in your configuration.yaml:

  default: error
    custom_components.peaqev: debug

🥇 Has Peaqev helped you save money? Sponsoring me on Github, PayPal or BuyMeACoffee would be much appreciated.

📔 First time here? Do check the getting-started wiki for the most common questions

💬 Join my Discord-server to interact with other peaq-users.

v2.9.0 beta2

30 Mar 20:23
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v2.9.0 beta2 Pre-release

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Async-fixes in #235, larger re-write.
Changelog since v2.9.0b0: v2.9.0b0...v2.9.0b1

Speeding up

This time a large portion of the code-base has been refactored as async.
This should give a snappier response to the usage and startup (will still vary with your system and other integrations). For my setup (rpi4) it went from ~90s - 10-30s.

Another important change for system-resources is that I've made the previously implemented gain/loss-sensors optional. They are True by default on the last page of the options-page.
If you don't use price-awareness they don't add themselves anyways.

Last but not least is that I've lowered the precision on some sensors to lessen the load on the HA-recorder. Hopefully these improvements will make Peaqev load faster and stress the system less.

🚗 So, keep an extra eye out for async-issues. Thanks for testing. 🚀


  • #233 - Make Gainloss-sensors optional
  • #232 - Keyerror: Quarterhourly - (Belgium only, typo from HA-constants)
  • #231 - No peaks stored -
  • #229 - Very slow startup times - this is the major refactor of this release. Look out for update-issues over all.
  • #227 - Unable to get amps for Easee - Hopefully last time we'll revisit this type of issue with Easee.
  • #209 - Excessive calling to stop charger - Should be better now
  • #196 - Add more update_timer in chargecontroller - this ended up being a change in "is_done"-behavior. Test thoroughly that it works.
  • N/A - Update calls for easee - Changed pause and resume-calls to be more generic
  • elden1337/peaqev-core#76 - Preserve interim and midnight issue

Full Changelog: v2.8.2...v2.9.0b1

If you are beta-testing it is suggested that you turn on debug-logs for peaqev in your configuration.yaml:

  default: error
    custom_components.peaqev: debug

🥇 Has Peaqev helped you save money? Sponsoring me on Github, PayPal or BuyMeACoffee would be much appreciated.

📔 First time here? Do check the getting-started wiki for the most common questions

💬 Join my Discord-server to interact with other peaq-users.

v2.9.0 beta

29 Mar 19:58
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v2.9.0 beta Pre-release

Downloads for this release

If you are beta-testing it is suggested that you turn on debug-logs for peaqev in your configuration.yaml:

  default: error
    custom_components.peaqev: debug

Speeding up

This time a large portion of the code-base has been refactored as async.
This should give a snappier response to the usage and startup (will still vary with your system and other integrations). For my setup (rpi4) it went from ~90s - 10-30s.

Another important change for system-resources is that I've made the previously implemented gain/loss-sensors optional. They are True by default on the last page of the options-page.
If you don't use price-awareness they don't add themselves anyways.

Last but not least is that I've lowered the precision on some sensors to lessen the load on the HA-recorder. Hopefully these improvements will make Peaqev load faster and stress the system less.

🚗 So, keep an extra eye out for async-issues. Thanks for testing. 🚀


  • #233 - Make Gainloss-sensors optional
  • #232 - Keyerror: Quarterhourly - (Belgium only, typo from HA-constants)
  • #231 - No peaks stored -
  • #229 - Very slow startup times - this is the major refactor of this release. Look out for update-issues over all.
  • #227 - Unable to get amps for Easee - Hopefully last time we'll revisit this type of issue with Easee.
  • #209 - Excessive calling to stop charger - Should be better now
  • #196 - Add more update_timer in chargecontroller - this ended up being a change in "is_done"-behavior. Test thoroughly that it works.
  • N/A - Update calls for easee - Changed pause and resume-calls to be more generic
  • elden1337/peaqev-core#76 - Preserve interim and midnight issue

Full Changelog: v2.8.2...v2.9.0b0

🥇 Has Peaqev helped you save money? Sponsoring me on Github, PayPal or BuyMeACoffee would be much appreciated.

📔 First time here? Do check the getting-started wiki for the most common questions

💬 Join my Discord-server to interact with other peaq-users.

v2.8.2, hotfix dst-issue

25 Mar 15:42
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Issue with DST-shift which happens tomorrow 2023-03-26.
This fix is interim and will be done better going forward.


  • #230 - Fix dst-issue

Full Changelog: v2.8.1...v2.8.2

🥇 Has Peaqev helped you save money? Sponsoring me on Github, PayPal or BuyMeACoffee would be much appreciated.

📔 First time here? Do check the getting-started wiki for the most common questions

💬 Join my Discord-server to interact with other peaq-users.


24 Mar 07:03
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Identified critical fix #226, causing all non-priceaware users to fail.
Price aware users are not affected but #226.

Other fixes that are non critical but were ready for shipping.


  • #225 - Hours recalc at midnight
  • #226 - Fault filling up log. Unable to handle data-update
  • #228 - Fix servicecall to set scheduler (date format bug)

Full Changelog: v2.8.0...v2.8.1

🥇 Has Peaqev helped you save money? Sponsoring me on Github, PayPal or BuyMeACoffee would be much appreciated.

📔 First time here? Do check the getting-started wiki for the most common questions

💬 Join my Discord-server to interact with other peaq-users.