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ElectricDB CLI

The ElectricDB CLI is the command line interface utility for the ElectricDB geo-distributed database hosting service. It's developed in Python and the code is published under the MIT License at


You can install the CLI for local development by installing the dependencies into a Python3 environment and developing the egg:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python develop

This will install a electric binary in your local Python environment's bin folder. You can check that this is on your path with e.g.:

which electric


If you want to build standalone binaries, you first need to install the extra development requirements:

pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Then you can build a Pex executable using:

python bdist_pex --bdist-all

This will create a ./dist/electric binary which you can copy and run anywhere on your system.

Alternatively, you can build a standalone binary with an embedded Python interpretor using PyOxidizer:

pyoxidizer run

This will create a binary at ./build/:target/debug/install/electric that you can run on any machine with the same architecture and OS as your build machine.


Run the electric command without arguments or with the --help flag for usage information:

electric --help

You can drill down into usage information for the resources / command groups and for individual commands, e.g.:

electric auth --help
electric auth login --help

Further documentation is available on the ElectricDB website.


Running the tests requires nose and coverage, included in the dev-requirements.txt.

Then, run e.g.:

nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package electric