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792 lines (649 loc) · 31.4 KB
# set up Py 2-3 compatibility
from __future__ import print_function, division
from six.moves import map, range, zip, filter

Vighnesh Birodkar: build a region adjacency graph from nD images

You probably know that digital images are made up of pixels, point samples of a light signal sampled on a regular grid. When computing on images, we often deal with objects much larger than individual pixels. In a landscape, the sky, the earth, trees, rocks, and so on, each span many pixels. A common structure to represent these is the Region Adjacency Graph, or RAG. It holds the properties of each region in the image, and the spatial relationships between them. Building such a structure could be a complicated affair; more so when images are not two-dimensional but 3D and even 4D, as is common in microscopy, materials science, and climatology, among others. But here we will show you how to do it in a few lines of code using NetworkX and a generalized filter from SciPy's N-dimensional image processing submodule.

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage as nd

def add_edge_filter(values, graph):
    current = values[0]
    neighbors = values[1:]
    for neighbor in neighbors:
        graph.add_edge(current, neighbor)
    return 0.

def build_rag(labels, image):
    g = nx.Graph()
    footprint = nd.generate_binary_structure(labels.ndim, connectivity=1)
    for j in range(labels.ndim):
        fp = np.swapaxes(footprint, j, 0)
        fp[0, ...] = 0
    _ = nd.generic_filter(labels, add_edge_filter, footprint=footprint,
                          mode='nearest', extra_arguments=(g,))
    for n in g:
        g.node[n]['total color'] = np.zeros(3, np.double)
        g.node[n]['pixel count'] = 0
    for index in np.ndindex(labels.shape):
        n = labels[index]
        g.node[n]['total color'] += image[index]
        g.node[n]['pixel count'] += 1
    return g

There's a few things going on here: images being represented as numpy arrays, filtering of these images using scipy.ndimage, and building these into a graph (network) using the NetworkX library. We'll go over these in turn.

Images are numpy arrays

In the previous chapter, we saw that numpy arrays can efficiently represent tabular data, as well as perform computations on it.

It turns out that arrays are equally adept at representing images.

Here's how to create an image of white noise using just numpy, and display it with matplotlib. First, we import the necessary packages, and use the matplotlib inline IPython magic:

%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, cm

Next, we set the default matplotlib colormap and interpolation method:

mpl.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray'
mpl.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = None

Finally, "make some noise" and display it as an image:

random_image = np.random.rand(500, 500)
plt.imshow(random_image, cmap=cm.gray, interpolation='none');

This displays a numpy array as an image. The converse is also true: an image can be considered "as" a numpy array. For this example we use the scikit-image library, a collection of image processing tools built on top of NumPy and SciPy.

Here is PNG image from the scikit-image repository. It is a black and white (sometimes called "grayscale") picture of some ancient Roman coins from Pompeii, obtained from the Brooklyn Museum 1:

![Coins]( image/v0.10.1/skimage/data/coins.png)

Here it is loaded with scikit-image:

from skimage import io
url_coins = ''
coins = io.imread(url_coins)
print("Type:", type(coins), "Shape:", coins.shape, "Data type:", coins.dtype)

A grayscale image can be represented as a 2-dimensional array, with each array element containing the grayscale intensity at that position. So, an image is just a numpy array.

Color images are a 3-dimensional array, where the first two dimensions represent the spatial extent of the image, while the final dimension represents color channels, typically the three primary colors of red, green, and blue:

url_astronaut = ''
astro = io.imread(url_astronaut)
print("Type:", type(astro), "Shape:", astro.shape, "Data type:", astro.dtype)

These images are just numpy arrays. Adding a green square to the image is easy once you realize this, using simple numpy slicing:

astro_sq = np.copy(astro)
astro_sq[50:100, 50:100] = [0, 255, 0]  # red, green, blue

You can also use a boolean mask:

astro_sq = np.copy(astro)
sq_mask = np.zeros(astro.shape[:2], bool)
sq_mask[50:100, 50:100] = True
astro_sq[sq_mask] = [0, 255, 0]

Exercise: Create a function to draw a green grid onto a color image, and apply it to the astronaut image of Eileen Collins (above). Your function should take two parameters: the input image, and the grid spacing.

def overlay_grid(image, spacing=128):
    """Return an image with a grid overlay, using the provided spacing.

    image : array, shape (M, N, 3)
        The input image.
    spacing : int
        The spacing between the grid lines.

    image_gridded : array, shape (M, N, 3)
        The original image with a grid superimposed.
    image_gridded = image.copy()
    pass  # fill in here...
    return image_gridded

# plt.imshow(overlay_grid(astro, 128));  # ... and uncomment this line

Image filters

Filtering is one of the most fundamental and common image operations in image processing. You can filter an image to remove noise, to enhance features, or to detect edges between objects in the image.

To understand filters, it's easiest to start with a 1D signal, instead of an image. For example, you might measure the light arriving at your end of a fiber-optic cable. If you sample the signal every ten milliseconds for a second, you end up with an array of length 100. Suppose that after 300ms the light signal is turned on, and 300ms later, it is switched off. You end up with a signal like this:

sig = np.zeros(100, np.float)
sig[30:60] = 1
plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.1);

To find when the light is turned on, you can delay it by, say, 10ms, then subtract the delayed signal from the original, and finally clip this difference to be nonzero.

sigdelta = sig[:-1]  # sigd[0] equals sig[1], and so on
sigdiff = sig[1:] - sigdelta
sigon = np.clip(sigdiff, 0, np.inf)
print(10 + np.flatnonzero(sigon)[0] * 10, 'ms')

It turns out that that can all be accomplished by convolving the signal with a difference filter. In convolution, at every point of the signal, we place the filter and produce the dot-product of the (reversed) filter against the signal values preceding that location: $s'(t) = \sum_{j=t-\tau}^{t}{s(j)f(t-j)}$ where $s$ is the signal, $s'$ is the filtered signal, $f$ is the filter, and $\tau$ is the length of the filter.

Now, think of what happens when the filter is (1, -1), the difference filter: when adjacent values (u, v) of the signal are identical, the filter produces -u + v = 0. But when v > u, the signal produces some positive value.

diff = np.array([1, -1])
from scipy import ndimage as nd
dsig = nd.convolve(sig, diff)

Signals are usually noisy though, not perfect as above:

sig = sig + np.random.normal(0, 0.05, size=sig.shape)

The plain difference filter can amplify that noise:

plt.plot(nd.convolve(sig, diff));

In such cases, you can add smoothing to the filter:

smoothdiff = np.array([.5, 1.5, 3, 5, -5, -3, -1.5, -0.5]) / 10

This smoothed difference filter looks for an edge in the central position, but also for that difference to continue. This is true in the case of a true edge, but not in "spurious" edges caused by noise. We then assign a weight of 0.8 to edges in the center, and 0.2 to the edge extension. Check out the result:

sdsig = nd.convolve(sig, smoothdiff)

(Note: this operation is called filtering because, in physical electrical circuits, many of these operations are implemented by hardware that lets certain kinds of current through, but not others; these components are called filters. For example, a common filter that removes high-frequency voltage fluctuations from a current is called a low-pass filter.)

Now that you've seen filtering in 1D, I hope you'll find it straightforward to extend these concepts to 2D. Here's a 2D difference filter finding the edges in the coins image:

coins = coins.astype(float) / 255  # prevents overflow errors
diff2d = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, -1], [0, -1, 0]])
coins_edges = nd.convolve(coins, diff2d)

The principle is the same as the 1D filter: at every point in the image, place the filter, compute the dot-product of the filter's values with the image values, and place the result at the same location in the output image. And, as with the 1D difference filter, when the filter is placed on a location with little variation, the dot-product cancels out to zero, whereas, placed on a location where the image brightness is changing, the values multiplied by 1 will be different from those multiplied by -1, and the filter's output will be a positive or negative value (depending on whether the image is brighter towards the bottom-right or top-left at that point).

Just as with the 1D filter, you can get more sophisticated and smooth out noise right within the filter. The Sobel filter is designed to do just that:

hsobel = np.array([[1, 2, 1], [0, 0, 0], [-1, -2, -1]])
vsobel = hsobel.T
coins_h = nd.convolve(coins, hsobel)
coins_v = nd.convolve(coins, vsobel)
coins_sobel = np.sqrt(coins_h**2 + coins_v**2)

In addition to dot-products, implemented by nd.convolve, SciPy lets you define a filter that is an arbitrary function of the points in a neighborhood, implemented in nd.generic_filter. This can let you express arbitrarily complex filters.

For example, suppose an image represents median house values in a county, with a 100m x 100m resolution. The local council decides to tax house sales as $10,000 plus 5% of the 90th percentile of house prices in a 1km radius. (So, selling a house in an expensive neighborhood costs more.) With generic_filter, we can produce the map of the tax rate everywhere in the map:

from skimage import morphology
def tax(prices):
    return 10 + 0.05 * np.percentile(prices, 90)
house_price_map = np.ones((100, 100))
footprint = morphology.disk(radius=10)
tax_rate_map = nd.generic_filter(house_price_map, tax, footprint=footprint)

Graphs and the NetworkX library

To introduce you to graphs, we will reproduce some results from the paper "Structural properties of the Caenorhabditis elegans neuronal networks", by Varshney et al, 2011. Note that in this context, "graphs" is synonymous not with "plots", but with "networks". Mathematicians and computer scientists invented slightly different words to discuss these: graph vs network, vertex vs node, and edge vs link. As most people do, we will be using them interchangeably.

You might be slightly more familiar with the network terminology: a network consists of nodes and links between the nodes. Equivalently, a graph consists of vertices and edges between the vertices. In NetworkX, you have Graph objects consisting of nodes and edges between the nodes. Oh well.

Graphs are a natural representation for a bewildering variety of data. Pages on the world wide web, for example, can comprise nodes, while links between those pages can be, well, links. Or, in so-called transcriptional networks, nodes represent genes and edges connect genes that have a direct influence on each other's expression.

In our example, we will represent neurons in the nematode worm's nervous system as nodes, and place an edge between two nodes when a neuron makes a synapse with another. (Synapses are the chemical connections through which neurons communicate.) The worm is an awesome example of neural connectivity analysis because every worm (of this species) has the same number of neurons (302), and the connections between them are all known. This has resulted in the fantastic Openworm project 2, which I encourage you to follow.

You can download the neuronal dataset in Excel format (yuck) from the WormAtlas database at The direct link to the data is: Let's start by getting a list of rows out of the file. An elegant pattern from Tony Yu 3 enables us to open a remote URL as a local file:

import os
import xlrd  # Excel-reading library in Python

    from urllib.request import urlopen  # getting files from the web, Py3
except ImportError:
    from urllib2 import urlopen  # getting files from the web, Py2

import tempfile
from contextlib import contextmanager

def url2filename(url):
    _, ext = os.path.splitext(url)
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=ext) as f:
        remote = urlopen(url)

connectome_url = ""

with url2filename(connectome_url) as fin:
    sheet = xlrd.open_workbook(fin).sheet_by_index(0)
    conn = [sheet.row_values(i) for i in range(1, sheet.nrows)]

conn now contains a list of connections of the form:

[Neuron1, Neuron2, connection type, strength]

We are only going to examine the connectome of chemical synapses, so we filter out other synapse types as follows:

conn_edges = [(n1, n2, {'weight': s}) for n1, n2, t, s in conn
              if t.startswith('S')]

(Look at the WormAtlas page for a description of the different connection types.)

We use weight in a dictionary above because it is a special keyword for edge properties in NetworkX. We then build the graph using NetworkX's DiGraph class:

import networkx as nx
wormbrain = nx.DiGraph()

We can now examine some of the properties of this network. One of the first things researchers ask about directed networks is which nodes are the most critical to information flow within it. Nodes with high betweenness centrality are those that belong the shortest path between many different pairs of nodes. Think of a rail network: certain stations will connect to many lines, so that you will be forced to change lines there for many different trips. They are the ones with high betweenness centrality.

With networkx, we can find similarly important neurons with ease. In the networkx API documentation 4, under "centrality", the docstring for betweenness_centrality 5 specifies a function that takes a graph as input and returns a dictionary mapping node IDs to betweenness centrality values (floating point values).

centrality = nx.betweenness_centrality(wormbrain)

Now we can find the neurons with highest centrality using the Python built-in function sorted:

central = sorted(centrality, key=centrality.__getitem__, reverse=True)

This returns the neurons AVAR, AVAL, PVCR, PVT, and PVCL, which have been implicated in how the worm responds to prodding: the AVA neurons link the worm's front touch receptors (among others) to neurons responsible for backward motion, while the PVC neurons link the rear touch receptors to forward motion.

These neurons' high centrality feels like a bit of an artifact of their placement controlling a large number of motor neurons. Yes, they are in many routes from sensory neurons to motor neurons. But all of the motor neurons do essentially the same thing, as hinted at by their generic names, VA 1-12. If we were to collapse them into one, the high centrality of the "command" neurons AVA R and L, and PVC R and L, might vanish. Returning to the rail lines example, suppose trains between Grand Central Station in New York City and Washington DC's Union Station could end up at one of 12 different platforms, and we counted each of those as a separate train line. The betweenness centrality of Grand Central would be inflated because from it you could get to Union Station platform 1, platform 2, etc. That's not necessarily very interesting.

Varshney et al study the properties of a strongly connected component of 237 neurons, out of a total of 279. In graphs, a connected component is a set of nodes that are reachable by some path through all the links. The connectome is a directed graph, meaning the edges point from one node to the other, rather than merely connecting them. In this case, a strongly connected component is one where all nodes are reachable from each other by traversing links in the correct direction. So A -> B -> C is not strongly connected, because there is no way to get to A from B or C. but A -> B -> C -> A is strongly connected.

In a neuronal circuit, you can think of the strongly connected component as the "brain" of the circuit, where the processing happens, while nodes upstream of it are inputs, and nodes downstream are outputs.


The idea of cyclical neuronal circuits dates back to the 1950s. Here's a lovely paragraph about this idea from an article in Nautilus, "The Man Who Tried to Redeem the World With Logic", by Amanda Gefter:

If one were to see a lightning bolt flash on the sky, the eyes would send a signal to the brain, shuffling it through a chain of neurons. Starting with any given neuron in the chain, you could retrace the signal's steps and figure out just how long ago the lightning struck. Unless, that is, the chain is a loop. In that case, the information encoding the lightning bolt just spins in circles, endlessly. It bears no connection to the time at which the lightning actually occurred. It becomes, as McCulloch put it, "an idea wrenched out of time." In other words, a memory.

NetworkX makes straightforward work out of getting the largest strongly connected component from our wormbrain network:

sccs = nx.strongly_connected_component_subgraphs(wormbrain)
sccs = sorted(sccs, key=len, reverse=True)
giantscc = sccs[0]
print('The largest strongly connected component has %i nodes,' %
      giantscc.number_of_nodes(), 'out of %i total.' %

As noted in the paper, the size of this component is smaller than expected by chance, demonstrating that the network is segregated into input, central, and output layers.

Now we reproduce figure 6B from the paper, the survival function of the in-degree distribution. First, compute the relevant quantities:

in_degrees = list(wormbrain.in_degree().values())
in_deg_distrib = np.bincount(in_degrees)
avg_in_degree = np.mean(in_degrees)
cumfreq = np.cumsum(in_deg_distrib) / np.sum(in_deg_distrib)
survival = 1 - cumfreq

Then, plot using Matplotlib:

plt.loglog(np.arange(1, len(survival) + 1), survival, c='b', lw=2)
plt.ylabel('fraction of neurons with higher in-degree')
plt.scatter(avg_in_degree, 0.0022, marker='v')
plt.text(avg_in_degree - 0.5, 0.003, 'mean=%.2f' % avg_in_degree, )
plt.ylim(0.002, 1.0)

Exercise: Use scipy.optimize.curve_fit to fit the tail of the in-degree survival function to a power-law, $f(d) \sim d^{-\gamma}, d > d_0$, for $d_0 = 10$ (the red line in Figure 6B of the paper), and modify the plot to include that line.

Region adjacency graphs

I hope that section gave you an idea of the power of graphs as a scientific abstraction, and also how Python makes it easy to manipulate and analyse them. Now we will study a special kind of graph, the region adjacency graph, or RAG. This is a representation of an image useful for segmentation, the division of images into meaningful regions (or segments). If you've seen Terminator 2, you've seen segmentation:

Terminator vision

Segmentation is one of those problems that humans do trivially, all the time, without thinking, whereas computers have a really hard time of it. To understand this difficulty, look at this image:

Face (Eileen Collins)

While you see a face, a computer only sees a bunch of numbers:


(Yes, your visual system is tuned enough to find faces that it sees the face even in this blob of numbers! But I hope you get my point. Also, check out the "Faces In Things" Tumblr.)

So the challenge is to make sense of those numbers, and where the boundaries lie that divide the different parts of the image. A popular approach is to find small regions (called superpixels) that you're sure belong in the same segment, and then merge those according to some more sophisticated rule.

As a simple example, suppose you want to segment out the tiger in this picture, from the Berkeley Segmentation DataSet (BSDS) [^bsds-tiger]:

BSDS-108073 tiger

A clustering algorithm, simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC) 6, can give us a decent starting point. It is available in the scikit-image library.

url = ''
tiger = io.imread(url)
from skimage import segmentation
seg = segmentation.slic(tiger, n_segments=30, compactness=40.0,
                        enforce_connectivity=True, sigma=3)

Scikit-image also has a function to display segmentations, which we use to visualize the result of SLIC:

from skimage import color
io.imshow(color.label2rgb(seg, tiger))

This shows that the tiger has been split in three parts, with the rest of the image in the remaining segments.

A region adjacency graph (RAG) is a graph in which every node represents one of the above regions, and an edge connects two nodes when they touch. For a taste of what it looks like before we build one, we'll use the draw_rag function from scikit-image — indeed, the library that contains this chapter's code snippet!

from skimage.future import graph
g = graph.rag_mean_color(tiger, seg)
io.imshow(graph.draw_rag(seg, g, tiger, desaturate=True,

Here, you can see the nodes corresponding to each segment, and the edges between adjacent segments. These are colored with the YlGnBu (yellow-green-blue) colormap from matplotlib, according to the difference in color between the two nodes.

The figure also shows the magic of thinking of segmentations as graphs: you can see that edges between nodes within the tiger and those outside of it are darker (higher-valued) than edges within the same object. Thus, if we can cut the graph along those edges, we will get our segmentation! (Yes, I have chosen an easy example for color-based segmentation, but the same principles hold true for graphs with more complicated pairwise relationships!)

Elegant ndimage

All the pieces are in place: you know about numpy arrays, image filtering, generic filters, graphs, and region adjacency graphs. Let's build one to pluck the tiger out of that picture!

The obvious approach is to use two nested for-loops to iterate over every pixel of the image, look at the neighboring pixels, and checking for different labels:

import networkx as nx
def build_rag(labels, image):
    g = nx.Graph()
    nrows, ncols = labels.shape
    for row in range(nrows):
        for col in range(ncols):
            current_label = labels[row, col]
            if not current_label in g:
                g.node[current_label]['total color'] = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float)
                g.node[current_label]['pixel count'] = 0
            if row < nrows - 1 and labels[row + 1, col] != current_label:
                g.add_edge(current_label, labels[row + 1, col])
            if col < ncols - 1 and labels[row, col + 1] != current_label:
                g.add_edge(current_label, labels[row, col + 1])
            g.node[current_label]['total color'] += image[row, col]
            g.node[current_label]['pixel count'] += 1
    return g

This works, but if you want to segment a 3D image, you'll have to write a different version:

import networkx as nx
def build_rag_3d(labels, image):
    g = nx.Graph()
    nplns, nrows, ncols = labels.shape
    for pln in range(nplns):
        for row in range(nrows):
            for col in range(ncols):
                current_label = labels[pln, row, col]
                if not current_label in g:
                    g.node[current_label]['total color'] = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float)
                    g.node[current_label]['pixel count'] = 0
                if pln < nplns - 1 and labels[pln + 1, row, col] != current_label:
                    g.add_edge(current_label, labels[pln + 1, row, col])
                if row < nrows - 1 and labels[pln, row + 1, col] != current_label:
                    g.add_edge(current_label, labels[pln, row + 1, col])
                if col < ncols - 1 and labels[pln, row, col + 1] != current_label:
                    g.add_edge(current_label, labels[pln, row, col + 1])
                g.node[current_label]['total color'] += image[pln, row, col]
                g.node[current_label]['pixel count'] += 1
    return g

Both of these are pretty ugly and unwieldy, too. And difficult to extend: if we want to count diagonally neighboring pixels as adjacent (that is, [row, col] is "adjacent to" [row + 1, col + 1]), the code becomes even messier. And if we want to analyze 3D video, we need yet another dimension, and another level of nesting. It's a mess!

Enter Vighnesh's insight: SciPy's generic_filter function already does this iteration for us! We used it above to compute an arbitrarily complicated function on the neighborhood of every element of a numpy array. Only now we don't want a filtered image out of the function: we want a graph. It turns out that generic_filter lets you pass additional arguments to the filter function, and we can use that to build the graph:

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage as nd

def add_edge_filter(values, graph):
    current = values[0]
    neighbors = values[1:]
    for neighbor in neighbors:
        graph.add_edge(current, neighbor)
    return 0. # generic_filter requires a return value, which we ignore!

def build_rag(labels, image):
    g = nx.Graph()
    footprint = nd.generate_binary_structure(labels.ndim, connectivity=1)
    for j in range(labels.ndim):
        fp = np.swapaxes(footprint, j, 0)
        fp[0, ...] = 0  # zero out top of footprint on each axis
    _ = nd.generic_filter(labels, add_edge_filter, footprint=footprint,
                          mode='nearest', extra_arguments=(g,))
    for n in g:
        g.node[n]['total color'] = np.zeros(3, np.double)
        g.node[n]['pixel count'] = 0
    for index in np.ndindex(labels.shape):
        n = labels[index]
        g.node[n]['total color'] += image[index]
        g.node[n]['pixel count'] += 1
    return g

There's a few things to notice here:

  • the loops are not nested several levels deep. This makes the code more compact, easier to take in in one go.
  • the code works identically for 1D, 2D, 3D, or even 8D images!
  • if we want to add support for diagonal connectivity, we just need to change the connectivity parameter to nd.generate_binary_structure
  • nd.generic_filter iterates over array elements with their neighbors; use numpy.ndindex to simply iterate over array indices.

Overall, I think this is just a brilliant piece of code.

Putting it all together: mean color segmentation

Now, we can use it to segment the tiger in the image above:

g = build_rag(seg, tiger)
for n in g:
    node = g.node[n]
    node['mean'] = node['total color'] / node['pixel count']
for u, v in g.edges_iter():
    d = g.node[u]['mean'] - g.node[v]['mean']
    g[u][v]['weight'] = np.linalg.norm(d)

Each edge holds the difference between the average color of each segment. We can now threshold the graph:

def threshold_graph(g, t):
    to_remove = ((u, v) for (u, v, d) in g.edges(data=True)
                 if d['weight'] > t)
threshold_graph(g, 80)

Finally, we use the numpy index-with-an-array trick we learned in chapter 1:

map_array = np.zeros(np.max(seg) + 1, int)
for i, segment in enumerate(nx.connected_components(g)):
    for initial in segment:
        map_array[initial] = i
segmented = map_array[seg]
plt.imshow(color.label2rgb(segmented, tiger));

Oops! Looks like the cat lost its tail!

Still, I think that's a nice demonstration of the capabilities of RAGs... And the beauty with which SciPy and NetworkX make it feasible!

Many of these functions are available in the scikit-image library. If you are interested in image analysis, check it out!






