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Multi Input Models


At the very beginning, we have to import essential packages. Axon will be the primary tool to build a deep learning model. Apart from that, we need to import EXLA to accelerate calculations and Nx since it gives us useful functions like Nx.to_heatmap and tensor operations.

  {:axon, "~> 0.1.0"},
  {:exla, "~> 0.2.2"},
  {:nx, "~> 0.2.1"}

XOR model

A "single-layer" perceptron can't implement XOR. The reason is because the classes in XOR are not linearly separable. You cannot draw a straight line to separate the points (0,0),(1,1) from the points (0,1),(1,0). The issue was overcame with deep learning methods. They can separate data with much more complicated patterns within the data.

The XOR module task is to imitate a logical xor operation.

First, we need to build a model. It contains an input layer with two inputs created by Axon.input and concatenated with Axon.concatenate. Then we have one hidden layer and one output layer both generated using Axon.dense. The model is a sequential neural net. In Axon, it's very convenient to create such a model. Just pipe a previous layer to the next layer using |>, and that's it.

defp build_model(input_shape1, input_shape2) do
  inp1 = Axon.input("x1", shape: input_shape1)
  inp2 = Axon.input("x2", shape: input_shape2)

  |> Axon.concatenate(inp2)
  |> Axon.dense(8, activation: :tanh)
  |> Axon.dense(1, activation: :sigmoid)


The next step is to batch the training data. However, our batch function does a little more than just splitting or preprocessing input data - it generates data and labels. Since we want to compute the logical XOR of 2 inputs, we generate 2 batches of random binary inputs, and then compute a target using Nx.logical_xor.

defp batch do
  x1 = Nx.tensor(for _ <- 1..32, do: [Enum.random(0..1)])
  x2 = Nx.tensor(for _ <- 1..32, do: [Enum.random(0..1)])
  y = Nx.logical_xor(x1, x2)
  {{x1, x2}, y}


Then we define a training procedure. To implement the procedure pass the parameters of the training into Axon.Loop.trainer. In our case we use binary cross entropy for loss and stochastic gradient descent as the optimizer. We use binary cross entropy because we can consider the task of computing XOR the same as a binary classification problem. We want our output to have a binary label 0 or 1, and binary cross entropy is typically used in these cases. Then run the training process with

defp train_model(model, data, epochs) do
  |> Axon.Loop.trainer(:binary_cross_entropy, :sgd)
  |>, %{}, epochs: epochs, iterations: 1000)

Evaluation of the model

Finally, we can test our model for sample data.

def run do
  model = build_model({nil, 1}, {nil, 1})
  data = Stream.repeatedly(&batch/0)

  model_state = train_model(model, data, 10)

  IO.inspect(Axon.predict(model, model_state, {Nx.tensor([[0]]), Nx.tensor([[1]])}))

Everything together

Now let's put everything in a module and try it out.

defmodule XOR do
  require Axon

  defp build_model(input_shape1, input_shape2) do
    inp1 = Axon.input("x1", shape: input_shape1)
    inp2 = Axon.input("x2", shape: input_shape2)

    |> Axon.concatenate(inp2)
    |> Axon.dense(8, activation: :tanh)
    |> Axon.dense(1, activation: :sigmoid)

  defp batch do
    x1 = Nx.tensor(for _ <- 1..32, do: [Enum.random(0..1)])
    x2 = Nx.tensor(for _ <- 1..32, do: [Enum.random(0..1)])
    y = Nx.logical_xor(x1, x2)
    {%{"x1" => x1, "x2" => x2}, y}

  defp train_model(model, data, epochs) do
    |> Axon.Loop.trainer(:binary_cross_entropy, :sgd)
    |>, %{}, epochs: epochs, iterations: 1000)

  def run do
    model = build_model({nil, 1}, {nil, 1})
    data = Stream.repeatedly(&batch/0)

    model_state = train_model(model, data, 10)

        Axon.predict(model, model_state, %{"x1" => Nx.tensor([[0]]), "x2" => Nx.tensor([[1]])})


To improve the model performance, you can increase the number of training epochs.

Link to the whole XOR module