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Additional docker images

While the main workflow relies only on ready to run containers (available on, we provide additional Dockerfiles that can be built and used locally.

Please note that building these containers IS NOT REQUIRED for the current CWL pipeline, but could be optionally added if one wants to. Also, several 3rd party predictors require registering on their website prior downloading the software.


DTU predictors are licensed only for for academic and non-profit usage and in order to download the software it is required to register on their website and accept the license agreement prior receiving via email a download link. Please register and download the bellow predictors (linux version as the dockerfile image is ubuntu based) from the Download link

  • Phosphorylation module:
    • NetPhos
    • NetPhosPan
  • Glycosylation module:
    • NetNGlyc
    • NetOGlyc
    • NetCGlyc
    • SignalP
  • Localisation module:
    • Tmhmm2

Build docker images of the modules or individual predictors you are interested in.

Please note that some of the predictors (see above) require registering on their website in order to download the source code. Also make sure that you have enough disk space available at the location were the docker image is being stored.

# DTU predictors need registering before downloading the software !!!
# Please provide the path to the folder where DTU predictors source packages are being stored.

# Phosphorylation module
export netphospan_SOURCE=/path/to/netphospan/source
export netphos_SOURCE=/path/to/netphos/source

# Glycosylation module
export netcglyc_SOURCE=/path/to/netcglyc/source
export netoglyc_SOURCE=/path/to/netoglyc/source
export netnglyc_SOURCE=/path/to/netnglyc/source
export sinalp_SOURCE=/path/to/sinalp/source

# Localisation module
export tmhmm_SOURCE=/path/to/tmhmm/source

You can build only the docker images of the predictors you are interested in (please see bellow), or you can build all docker images by using the following bash script:

bash ${CSW_HOME}/bin/

Some of the individual predictors require downloading and setting up different protein databases. Details of each predictors requirements and usage are shown in each predictors sections bellow :

  • RaptorX (see A1)
  • Psipred (see A2)
  • Disopred (see A3)

For testing that all the docker images work as expected, please set the following variables.

# input folder where FASTA file is located
export inputFolder=${CSW_HOME}/tests/bash/docker_tests/input

# protein name root ( in our example the FASTA file is 1pazA.fasta )
export prot="1pazA"

# output folder
export outputFolder=${CSW_HOME}/tests/bash/docker_tests/output

# CPU threads and maximum RAM (GB) to be used
export CPUnum=10
export maxRAM=16

# location of the protein database to be use for generatig sequence profiles
export RaptorxDBfolder=/path/to/uniprot20_2016_02

# for Psipred & DisoPred the recommended db is Uniref90 or Uniref50
export DBfolder=/path/to/uniref50
export DBname=uniref50.fasta

Alter setting the variables, you cand run the all modules test :

bash ${CSW_HOME}/tests/bash/docker_tests/

If you are interested in a particular module only, separate tests are provided in ${CSW_HOME}/tests/bash/docker_tests/ In each predictor folder - ${outputFolder}/structural/scratch1d/expected_output/ samples of how the output should look are provided.

Prediction Modules - Building & using individual docker images

A. Structural module

The RaptorX-Property repo linked to the journal paper has been upgraded and split into 2 packages:

Docker image contains:

Build docker image

cd ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/structural/raptorx
docker build -t raptorx -f raptorx_property_cpu.dockerfile .

Get protein sequence database, according to the sequence profile generator sofware you want to use (installed in the docker image):

Usage example using bash :

For RaptorX the recommended db is uniprot20_2016_02 or uniclust30. For now, only the usage of uniprot20_2016_02 and hhsuite3 was tested. A sample of what the expected output should consist of is located in ${outputFolder}/structural/raptorx/expected_output/.

# location of the protein database to be use for generatig sequence profiles
export RaptorxDBfolder=/storage1/eliza/protDBs/uniprot20_2016_02

docker run \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${outputFolder}/structural/raptorx:/output \
-v ${RaptorxDBfolder}:/home/TGT_Package/databases/uniprot20_2016_02 \
-e prot \
-e CPUnum \
-e maxRAM \
-it raptorx:latest bash -c '\
TGT_Package/ -i /input/${prot}.fasta -h hhsuite3 -d uniprot20_2016_02 -c ${CPUnum} -m ${maxRAM} -o /output/; \
Predict_Property/ -i /output/${prot}.tgt -o /output/; '


Docker image contains 2 packages:

  • SCRATCH-1D v1.2 [MB 2014], [CRSB 2005] :
    • Secondary structure predictions (SSpro3 & SSpro8 - 3 and 8 classes classification)
    • Relative solvent accesibility (ACCpro).
  • DISpro1.0 Disorder prediction [CSB 2005]

Build docker image

cd ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/structural/scratch1d
docker build -t scratch1d -f scratch1d.dockerfile .

Usage example using bash. A sample of what the expected output should consist of is located in ${outputFolder}/structural/scratch1d/expected_output/.

docker run \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${outputFolder}/structural/scratch1d:/output \
-e prot \
-e CPUnum \
-it scratch1d:latest bash -c '\
SCRATCH-1D_1.2/bin/ /input/${prot}.fasta /output/${prot} ${CPUnum} ;' 

A3. Psipred - from UCL Bioinformatics group

Docker image contains:

Build docker image:

cd ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/structural/psipred
docker build -t psipred -f psipred.dockerfile .

This docker image will use BLAST+ for building the sequence profile. Therefore we need to download and setup a sequence database. Psipred recomands the usage of UniRef90. For more details visit their documentation (link above). Download UniRef50/UniRef90 in fasta format from

Afterwards a blast database needs to be created (this steps need to be done only once, afterwards the database can be used or moved anywhere):

# if you do not habe BLAST+ installed run:
sudo apt-get install 
# go to the place where Uniref fasta file is being stored (change the path bellow accordingly):
cd /Place/where/UnirefX.fasta/file/is/stored
# create database (this might take a while from several minutes to one hour)
makeblastdb -dbtype prot -in uniref90.fasta

After the BLAST+ database has been generated, from now on we can use the docker image anytime. Let's see an usage example using bash and also test that everything works as expected :

Let's set some custom variables:

The path to the folder where uniref is being stored (change it according to you case):

export DBfolder=/path/to/protDBs/uniref50
export DBname=uniref50.fasta	

Let's run Psipred ( no need to change anything as the variables used are being set above - just copy paste the whole command bellow ). Sample output for comparison is located in ${outputFolder}/structural/psipred/expected_output/

docker run \
-v ${outputFolder}/structural/psipred:/output \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${DBfolder}:/home/database \
-e DBfolder=/home/database \
-e DBname \
-e prot \
-e CPUnum \
-it psipred:latest \
bash -c '\
cp /input/${prot}.fasta /output/ && cd /output/ ; \
$psipredplus /output/${prot}.fasta;'

A4. Disopred - from UCL Bioinformatics group

Docker image contains:

Build docker image:

cd ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/structural/disopred 
docker build -t disopred -f disopred .dockerfile .

This docker image will use BLAST+ for building the sequence profile. Therefore we need to download and setup a sequence database. Please proceed as specified for Psipred (just above)

Let's run disopred ( no need to change anything as the variables used are being set above - just copy paste the whole command bellow ). Sample output for comparison is located in ${outputFolder}/structural/disopred/expected_output/

docker run \
-v ${outputFolder}/structural/disopred:/output \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${DBfolder}:/home/database \
-e DBfolder=/home/database \
-e DBname \
-e prot \
-e CPUnum \
-it disopred:latest \
bash -c '\
cp /input/${prot}.fasta /output/ && cd /output/ ; \
$disopredplus /output/${prot}.fasta;'

### A5. [SPOT-1D predictors]( - from Sparks Lab SPOT-1D [\[HZ 2019\]](#hz-2019) :exclamation: On progress

B. Phosphorylation module :

Predicts serine, threonine or tyrosine phosphorylation sites in eukaryotic proteins, either generic or kinase specific (17 kinases) [BGB 1999], [BB 2004].

As all DTU predictors license is for academic and non-profit usage only, in order to download the software it is required to register on their website and accept the license agreement prior accessing the download page. Please register and download the above predictors (linux version as the dockerfile image is ubuntu based) from the Download link

After you complete the license agreement and download the software, you can proceed building the docker image:

cd ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/phosphorylation/netphos-3.1
cp ${netphos_SOURCE}/netphos-3.1* ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/phosphorylation/netphos-3.1/
docker build -t netphos-3.1 -f netphos-3.1.dockerfile .     

Let's run NetPhos3.1 ( no need to change anything as the variables used are being set above - just copy paste the whole command bellow )

docker run \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${outputFolder}/phosphorylation/netphos:/output \
-e prot \
-it netphos-3.1:latest \
bash -c '\
/home/netphos-3.1/ape-1.0/ape /input/${prot}.fasta > /output/${prot}.netphos.out; '

Predicts phophorylation sites from a set of 120 human kinase [FN 2018].

As all DTU predictors license is for academic and non-profit usage only, in order to download the software it is required to register on their website and accept the license agreement prior accessing the download page. Please register and download the above predictors (linux version as the dockerfile image is ubuntu based) from the Download link

After you complete the license agreement and download the software, you can proceed building the docker image:

cd ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/phosphorylation/netphospan-1.0
cp ${netphospan_SOURCE}/netphospan-1.0* ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/phosphorylation/netphospan-1.0/
docker build -t netphospan-1.0 -f netphospan-1.0.dockerfile .     

Let's run now NetPhospan for this protein example, using either the generic predictor (-generic flag), or a kinase specific model (-a kinasename). For a list of supported kinase models please see the documentation for this predictor :

# General predictor :
docker run \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${outputFolder}/phosphorylation/netphospan:/output \
-e prot=$prot \
-it netphospan-1.0:latest \
bash -c '\
netphospan-1.0.Linux/netphospan -f /input/${prot}.fasta -generic > /output/${prot}.generic.netphospan.out;'

# Kinase specific :
docker run \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${outputFolder}/phosphorylation/netphospan:/output \
-e prot=$prot \
-it netphospan-1.0:latest \
bash -c '\
netphospan-1.0.Linux/netphospan -f /input/${prot}.fasta -a PKACA > /output/${prot}.PKACA.netphospan.out;'

MusiteDeep Phosphorylation (github repo) predicts general and/or kinase specific phosphorylation sites [WX 2017].

There are 2 available dokerfiles:

  • MusiteDeep using Keras1 and Theano CPU-based
  • MusiteDeep using Keras2 and Tensorflow CPU-based - which is much faster than Theano's version

According to your choice, build the selected docker image:

cd ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/phosphorylation/musitedeep

docker build -t musitedeep_keras2_tensorflow_cpu -f musitedeep_keras2_tensorflow_cpu.dockerfile .
docker build -t musitedeep_keras1_theano_cpu -f musitedeep_keras1_theano_cpu.dockerfile .

Let's see an usage example using bash and also test that everything works as expected. We will use the variables set above.

MusiteDeep contains a generic phosphorylation predictor, as well as trained kinase specific models (only for 'CDK','PKA','CK2', 'MAPK', 'PKC' kinases). Additionally it provides some custom models and the possibility to train custom models based on users data. Please see their documentation for detailed usage info.

Using MusiteDeep v1.0 (theano) :

Either the general predictor :

docker run \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${outputFolder}/phosphorylation/musitedeep_keras1_theano:/output \
-e prot \
-it musitedeep_keras1_theano_cpu:latest \
bash -c '\
python -input /input/${prot}.fasta -output /output/ \
-predict-type general -residue-types S,T,Y ;'

Or kinase specific:

docker run \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${outputFolder}/phosphorylation/musitedeep_keras1_theano:/output \
-e prot \
-it musitedeep_keras1_theano_cpu:latest \
bash -c '\
python -input /input/${prot}.fasta -output /output/ \
-predict-type kinase -kinase CDK ;'

Similarly for MusiteDeep v2.0 (tensorflow), only the image name needs to be change and the usage is almost equivalent :

For the general predictor :

docker run \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${outputFolder}/phosphorylation/musitedeep_keras2_tensorflow:/output \
-e prot \
-it musitedeep_keras2_tensorflow_cpu:latest \
bash -c '\
python -input /input/${prot}.fasta -output /output/ \
-predict-type general -residue-types S,T,Y ;'

Or Kinase specific :

docker run \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${outputFolder}/phosphorylation/musitedeep_keras2_tensorflow:/output \
-e prot \
-it musitedeep_keras2_tensorflow_cpu:latest \
bash -c '\
python -input /input/${prot}.fasta -output /output/ \
-predict-type kinase -kinase CDK ;'

C. Glycosylation module

Predicts N-Glycosylation sites in human proteins [GJB 2004]. CLI user guide

As all DTU predictors license is for academic and non-profit usage only, in order to download the software it is required to register on their website and accept the license agreement prior accessing the download page. Please register and download the above predictors (linux version as the dockerfile image is ubuntu based) from the Download link

After you complete the license agreement and download the software, you can proceed building the docker image:

cd ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/phosphorylation/netnglyc-1.0d
cp ${netnglyc_SOURCE}/netnglyc-1* ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/phosphorylation/netnglyc-1.0d/
cp ${signalp_SOURCE}/signalp* ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/phosphorylation/netnglyc-1.0d/
docker build -t netnglyc-1.0d -f netnglyc-1.0d.dockerfile . 

Let's run NetNglyc ( no need to change anything as the variables used are being set above - just copy paste the whole command bellow )

docker run \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${outputFolder}/glycosylation/netnglyc:/output \
-e prot \
-it netnglyc-1.0d:latest \
bash -c '\
netNglyc /input/${prot}.fasta > /output/${prot}.netnglyc.out; '

Predicts O-GalNAc (mucin type) glycosylation sites in mammalian proteins. [SC 2013]:

As all DTU predictors license is for academic and non-profit usage only, in order to download the software it is required to register on their website and accept the license agreement prior accessing the download page. Please register and download the above predictors (linux version as the dockerfile image is ubuntu based) from the Download link

After you complete the license agreement and download the software, you can proceed building the docker image:

cd ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/phosphorylation/netoglyc-3.1
cp ${netoglyc_SOURCE}/netoglyc-3.1* ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/phosphorylation/netoglyc-3.1/
cp ${signalp_SOURCE}/signalp* ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/phosphorylation/netoglyc-3.1/
docker build -t netoglyc-3.1 -f netoglyc-3.1.dockerfile .

Let's run NetOglyc ( no need to change anything as the variables used are being set above - just copy paste the whole command bellow )

docker run \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${outputFolder}/glycosylation/netoglyc:/output \
-e prot \
-it netoglyc-3.1:latest \
bash -c '\
netOglyc /input/${prot}.fasta > /output/${prot}.netoglyc.out; '

Predicts tryptophan C-mannosylation sites in mammalian proteins [J 2007].

As all DTU predictors license is for academic and non-profit usage only, in order to download the software it is required to register on their website and accept the license agreement prior accessing the download page. Please register and download the above predictors (linux version as the dockerfile image is ubuntu based) from the Download link

After you complete the license agreement and download the software, you can proceed building the docker image:

cd ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/phosphorylation/netcglyc-1.0c
cp ${netcglyc_SOURCE}/netcglyc-1* ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/phosphorylation/netcglyc-1.0c/
docker build -t netcglyc-1.0c -f netcglyc-1.0c.dockerfile . 

Let's run NetCglyc ( no need to change anything as the variables used are being set above - just copy paste the whole command bellow )

docker run \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${outputFolder}/glycosylation/netcglyc:/output \
-e prot \
-it netcglyc-1.0c:latest \
bash -c '\
netCglyc /input/${prot}.fasta > /output/${prot}.netcglyc.out; '

Predicts isoform specific mucin-type o-glycosylation sites [ML 2020]. Github repo -

Building the docker image:

cd ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/phosphorylation/isoglyp
docker build -t isoglyp -f isoglyp.dockerfile . 

Let's run ISOGlyP ( no need to change anything as the variables used are being set above - just copy paste the whole command bellow )

docker run \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${outputFolder}/glycosylation/isoglyp:/output \
-e prot \
-it isoglyp \
bash -c '\ -p /home/ISOGlyP/isoPara.txt -f /input/${prot}.fasta ; \
mv isoglyp-predictions.csv /output/${prot}.isoglyp.out; '

D. Acetylation module :

❗ Only online predictors are currently used

E. Sumoylation module :

❗ Only online predictors are currently used

F. Lipid modification module :

❗ Only online predictors are currently used

G. Cellular localisation module :

Predicts RSA for transmembrane proteins using deep learning [LW 2019] Github repo -

Building the docker image:

cd ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/localisation/tmp_ssurface
docker build -t tmp_ssurface -f tmp_ssurface.dockerfile . 

Let's run TMP-SSurface ( no need to change anything as the variables used are being set above - just copy paste the whole command bellow )

docker run \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${outputFolder}/localisation/tmp_ssurface:/output \
-e prot \
-it tmp_ssurface:latest \
bash -c '\
python3 -f /input/${prot}.fasta -p /input/pssm/ -o /output/ ;'

Predicts transmembrane helices [KS 2001]

As all DTU predictors license is for academic and non-profit usage only, in order to download the software it is required to register on their website and accept the license agreement prior accessing the download page. Please register and download the above predictors (linux version as the dockerfile image is ubuntu based) from the Download link

After you complete the license agreement and download the software, you can proceed building the docker image:

cd ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/localisation/tmhmm2
cp ${tmhmm_SOURCE}/tmhmm-2.0c* ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/localisation/tmhmm2/
docker build -t tmhmm2 -f tmhmm2.dockerfile . 

Let's run TMHMM ( no need to change anything as the variables used are being set above - just copy paste the whole command bellow )

docker run \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${outputFolder}/localisation/tmhmm2:/output \
-e prot \
-it tmhmm2:latest \
bash -c '\
tmhmm /input/${prot}.fasta > /output/${prot}.tmhmm2.out; \
cp TMHMM_*/* /output/;'

Predicts transmembrane regions and cellular localisation [NJ 2009] Github repo -

Building the docker image:

cd ${CSW_HOME}/dockerfiles/localisation/memsatsvm
docker build -t memsatsvm -f memsatsvm.dockerfile . 

Let's run MEMSAT-SVM ( no need to change anything as the variables used are being set above - just copy paste the whole command bellow )

docker run \
-v ${inputFolder}:/input \
-v ${outputFolder}/localisation/memsatsvm:/output \
-e prot \
-it memsatsvm:latest \
bash -c '\
./ -p 1 -g 0 -mtx 1 /input/pssm_mtx/${prot}.mtx -j /output/'


Structural predictors:

[WLLX 2016]

Wang, S.; Li, W.; Liu, S.; Xu, J. RaptorX-Property: a web server for protein structure property prediction. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016, 44, W430–W435.

[WPMX 2016]

Wang, S.; Peng, J.; Ma, J.; Xu, J. Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Using Deep Convolutional Neural Fields. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6, 1–11.

[WMX 2016]

Wang, S.; Ma, J.; Xu, J. AUCpreD: Proteome-level protein disorder prediction by AUC-maximized deep convolutional neural fields. In Proceedings of the Bioinformatics; Oxford University Press, 2016; Vol. 32, pp. i672–i679.

[WSX 2016]

Wang, S.; Sun, S.; Xu, J. AUC-maximized deep convolutional neural fields for protein sequence labeling. In Proceedings of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Springer Verlag, 2016; Vol. 9852 LNAI, pp. 1–16.

[WG 2019]

Wang, S., Fei, S., Wang, Z., Li, Y., Xu, J., Zhao, F., Gao, X. PredMP: a web server for de novo prediction and visualization of membrane proteins.Bioinformatics, 2019; 35(4):691-693. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty684.

[SS 2019]

Steinegger M, Meier M, Mirdita M, Vöhringer H, Haunsberger S J, and Söding J (2019) HH-suite3 for fast remote homology detection and deep protein annotation, BMC Bioinformatics, 473. doi: 10.1186/s12859-019-3019-7

[MB 2014]

C.N. Magnan & P. Baldi (2014). SSpro/ACCpro 5: almost perfect prediction of protein secondary structure and relative solvent accessibility using profiles, machine learning and structural similarity.Bioinformatics, vol 30 (18), 2592-2597.

[CRSB 2005]

J. Cheng, A. Randall, M. Sweredoski, & P. Baldi. SCRATCH: a Protein Structure and Structural Feature Prediction Server. Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 33 (web server issue), w72-76, (2005).

[CSB 2005]

J. Cheng, M. Sweredoski, & P. Baldi. Accurate Prediction of Protein Disordered Regions by Mining Protein Structure Data. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 213-222, (2005).

[JC 2014]

Jones, D.T. and Cozzetto, D. (2014) DISOPRED3: Precise disordered region predictions with annotated protein binding acrivity, Bioinformatics.

[BJ 2019]

Buchan DWA, Jones DT (2019). The PSIPRED Protein Analysis Workbench: 20 years on. Nucleic Acids Research.

[J 1999]

Jones DT. (1999) Protein secondary structure prediction based on position-specific scoring matrices. J. Mol. Biol. 292: 195-202.

[HZ 2019]

Hanson, J., Paliwal, K., Litfin, T., Yang, Y., & Zhou, Y. (2019). Improving prediction of protein secondary structure, backbone angles, solvent accessibility and contact numbers by using predicted contact maps and an ensemble of recurrent and residual convolutional neural networks. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 35(14), 2403–2410.

Phosphorylation predictors:

[BGB 1999]

Blom, N., Gammeltoft, S., and Brunak, S. Sequence- and structure-based prediction of eukaryotic protein phosphorylation sites. Journal of Molecular Biology: 294(5): 1351-1362, 1999.

[BB 2004]

Blom N, Sicheritz-Ponten T, Gupta R, Gammeltoft S, Brunak S. Prediction of post-translational glycosylation and phosphorylation of proteins from the amino acid sequence. Proteomics: Jun;4(6):1633-49, review 2004.

[FN 2018]

Emilio Fenoy, Jose M. G. Izarzugaza, Vanessa Jurtz, Søren Brunak and Morten Nielsen. A generic Deep Convolutional Neural Network framework for prediction of Receptor-ligand Interactions. NetPhosPan; Application to Kinase Phosphorylation prediction. Bioinformatics (2018).

[WX 2017]

Duolin Wang, Shuai Zeng, Chunhui Xu, Wangren Qiu, Yanchun Liang, Trupti Joshi, Dong Xu, MusiteDeep: a Deep-learning Framework for General and Kinase-specific Phosphorylation Site Prediction, Bioinformatics 2017.

Glycosylation predictors:

[GJB 2004]

R. Gupta, E. Jung and S. Brunak. Prediction of N-glycosylation sites in human proteins. In preparation, 2004.

[SC 2013]

Steentoft C, Vakhrushev SY, Joshi HJ, Kong Y, Vester-Christensen MB, Schjoldager KT, Lavrsen K, Dabelsteen S, Pedersen NB, Marcos-Silva L, Gupta R, Bennett EP, Mandel U, Brunak S, Wandall HH, Levery SB, Clausen H. Precision mapping of the human O-GalNAc glycoproteome through SimpleCell technology. EMBO J, 32(10):1478-88, 2013. doi: 10.1038/emboj.2013.79

[G 2001]

R Gupta. Prediction of glycosylation sites in proteomes: from post-translational modifications to protein function. Ph.D. thesis at CBS, 2001.

[GB 2002]

Gupta, R. and S. Brunak. Prediction of glycosylation across the human proteome and the correlation to protein function. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, 7:310-322, 2002.

[J 2007]

Karin Julenius. NetCGlyc 1.0: Prediction of mammalian C-mannosylation sites. Glycobiology, 17:868-876, 2007.

[ML 2020]

Mohl JE, Gerken TA, Leung MY. ISOGlyP: de novo prediction of isoform specific mucin-type O-glycosylation [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 15]. Glycobiology. 2020;cwaa067. doi:10.1093/glycob/cwaa067

Acetylation predictors:

Sumoylation predictors:

Celullar localisation predictors:

[LW 2019]

Lu, C.; Liu, Z.; Kan, B.; Gong, Y.; Ma, Z.; Wang, H. TMP-SSurface: A Deep Learning-Based Predictor for Surface Accessibility of Transmembrane Protein Residues. Crystals 2019, 9, 640.

[KS 2001]

Krogh A, Larsson B, von Heijne G, Sonnhammer EL. Predicting transmembrane protein topology with a hidden Markov model: application to complete genomes. J Mol Biol. 2001;305(3):567-580. doi:10.1006/jmbi.2000.4315

[NJ 2009]

Nugent, T. & Jones, D.T. (2009) Transmembrane protein topology prediction using support vector machines. BMC Bioinformatics. 10, 159. Epub