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Elyra Release

Requesting publish access

In order to perform a release, one will need to have publish access to

Configuring your environment

Publishing a release requires proper access to the external repositories as well as your development environment pre-configured to publish to these repositories without prompting for password:

Configuring your environment to publish to PyPI

PyPI package managers will look for repository credentials in a ~/.pypirc file. The example file below could be used as a template for configuring your environment:

[distutils] # this tells distutils what package indexes you can push to
index-servers =

username: <USERNAME>
password: <PASSWORD>

We use twine for uploading packages to PyPI, and another option to setup your credentials is to use twine's keyring support.

Configuring your environment to publish to npm.js

When publishing npm packages, user credentials are configured in the ~/.npmrc file, where your e-mail and access token should be available:

email=<USER EMAIL>

Follow these steps to create your authorization token.

Configuring signing keys

During publishing, the packages will be signed and that will require you to have support for pgp and a valid signing key

Note: Although this is probably not recommended, the release script expects a signing key that would work without prompting the user for a passphrase.

Before you begin

Elyra depends on a few different packages that are under the control of the Elyra community and used mostly to abstract integration with other runtimes and components.

Currently, these packages are:

Before you begin creating a new Elyra release, verify if there is a need to release any of these packages, and if necessary, update Elyra to use the new release.

Elyra supports both podman (OCI) and docker as container runtimes to build our container images. docker is configured as the default container runtime. If using podman, ensure the following environmental variables are set prior to running the release script:


Elyra release process overview

Building an Elyra release consists of the following steps:

  • Updating the with the list of changes added to the release
  • Building the Elyra python package.
  • Building Elyra JupyterLab extensions as npm packages.
  • Generate and build the modified packages to enable single-extension deployment.
  • Build and publish multiple docker images
  • Update the release [notes] on GitHub

Most of the steps required to prepare and publish a release have been automated through the script, which exposes three goals:

  • The prepare-changelog goal traverse the recent commits to update the for a given release.
create release prepare-changelog --version 2.3.0
  • The prepare goal create the release artifacts and make them available locally for validation.
create release prepare --version 2.3.0 --dev-version 2.4.0

-- The 'publish' goal get a previous prepared release and publish the artifacts to respective repositories.

create release publish --version 2.3.0

Creating minor/patch releases from branches

In the case of creating minor/patch releases from a branch, one will need to modify the release script so that it perform a checkout of the given branch after cloning the Elyra repository:

Update the checkout_code function in the create-release script and add the following at the end of that function:

check_run(['git', 'checkout', '<BRANCH NAME>'], cwd=config.source_dir)
check_run(['git', 'status'], cwd=config.source_dir)

Preparing Elyra release

Generate the release changelog

create release prepare-changelog --version 2.3.0
  • The updated changelog will then be available at ./build/release/elyra as a git commit
    • The release manager should make any necessary adjustments and/or updates before 'pushing the changelog commit'.
    • Note that the release manage could also push the change log as a new pull request to gather inputs from the community.

Prepare the release artifacts prepare --version 2.3.0 --dev-version 2.4.0 [--rc 0][--beta 0]
  • The artifacts for the new release will then be available at ./build/release/
    • The Elyra folder is the main release
    • The other folders, are the individual extensions packaged as standalone packages
  • Test the release
    • Run multiple scenarios, to make sure each extension is working ok
    • Run the covid-notebook scenario
    • Run the NOAA sample

Publish the release publish --version 2.3.0 [--rc 0] [--beta 0]
  • Build and publish container images based on release tag
git pull --rebase
git checkout tags/v2.3.0
make container-images publish-container-images

Publish the release [notes]

To raise awerness for new releases, their new features and bug fixes we are also publishing them on GitHub along with release notes. As shown in this release example, release notes are divided into multiple parts: quick links, new feature highlights, changelog (separated by new features, bug fixes, and other), and contributors.

The quicklinks include version specific references to the changelog in the documentation, the documentation itself, the installation documentation topic, and getting help topic. With the exception of the documentation link, the other links are meant to be shortcuts to topics that a user would most likely want to access.

To create the release [notes]:

  • Review the labels for all closed PRs that are associated with the release. Make sure new features are tagged with kind:enhancement and bugs with kind:bug.
  • Create a draft release.
  • Add the release notes skeleton to the top of the document and customize it.
  • Add descriptive summaries for each release highlight (features users should be aware of), including links to the relevant documentation.
  • The contributor list and new contributor list is automatically generated by GitHub.

Request a release notes review once the draft is complete and publish the release.