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478 lines (371 loc) · 12.5 KB

File metadata and controls

478 lines (371 loc) · 12.5 KB
  • Start Date: 2014-05-06
  • RFC PR: (leave this empty)
  • Ember Issue: (leave this empty)


The {{action helper should be improved to allow for the creation of closed over functions that can be passed between components and passed the action handlers.

See this example JSBin from @rwjblue for a demonstration of some of these ideas.


Block params allow data to be passed from one component to a downstream component, however there is currently no way to pass a callback to a downstream component.

Detailed design

First, the existing uses of {{action will be maintained. An action can be attached to an element by using the helper in element space:

{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
{{! submit action will hit immediate parent }}
<button {{action "submit"}}>Save</button>

An action can be passed to a component as a string:

{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
{{my-button on-click="submit"}}
// app/components/my-button/component.js
export default Ember.Component.extend({
  click: function(){

Or a default action can be passed:

{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
{{my-button action="submit"}}
// app/components/my-button/component.js
export default Ember.Component.extend({
  click: function(){

In all these cases, submit is called on the parent context relative to the scope action is attached in. The value "submit" is attached to the component in the last two as this.attrs.on-click or this.attrs.action, although it is not directly used.

Creating closure actions

Closure actions are created in a template and may be used in all places a string action name can be used. For example, this current functionality:

<button {{action "submit" on="click"}}>Save</button>

Would be written using a closure action as:

<button {{action (action "submit") on="click"}}>Save</button>

The functionality is exactly the same as the string-based action example. How does that happen?

  • (action "submit") reads the submit function off the current scope's actions.submit property.
  • It then creates a closure to call that function.
  • {{action receives that function as a param. It registers a listener (in this case on click) and when fired calls the closure function.

Consider usage on the calling side. With the current string-based actions:

{{my-component action="submit"}}
export default Ember.Component.extend({
  click: function(){
    this.sendAction(); // submit action, legacy
    // this.attrs.action is a string
    this.attrs.action; // => "submit"

With closure actions, the action is available to call directly. The (action helper wraps the action in the current context and returns a function:

{{my-component action=(action "submit")}}
export default Ember.Component.extend({
  click: function(){
    this.sendAction(); // submit action, legacy
    // this.attrs.action is a function
    this.attrs.action(); // submit action, new style

A more complete example follows, with a controller for context:

// app/index/controller.js
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  actions: {
    submit: function(){
      // some submission task
{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
{{my-button save=(action 'submit')}}
// app/components/my-button/component.js
export default Ember.Component.extend({
  click: function(){;
    // for backwards compat, you may also this.sendAction('save');

Hole punching with a closure-based action

The current system of action bubbling falls down quickly when you want to pass a message through multiple levels of components. A closure based action system helps address this.

Instead of relying on bubbling, a closure action wraps an action from the current context's actions hash in a function that will call it on that context. For example:

{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
{{my-form submit=(action 'submit')}}
{{! app/components/my-form/template.hbs }}
{{my-button on-click=attrs.submit}}
{{! app/components/my-button/template.hbs }}
// app/components/my-button/component.js
export default Ember.Component.extend({
  click: function(){
    // for backwards compat, you may also this.sendAction();

A closure action can also be called by an action handler:

{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
{{my-form submit=(action 'submit')}}
{{! app/components/my-form/template.hbs }}
{{my-button on-click=submit}}
{{! app/components/my-button/template.hbs }}
<button {{action on-click}}></button>

Lastly, closure actions allow for yielding an action to a block. For example:

{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
{{my-form save=(action 'submit') as |submit reset|}}
  <button {{action submit}}>Save</button>
  {{! ^ goes to my-form's save attr property, which
        is the submit action on the outer scope }}
  <button {{action reset}}>Reset</button>
  {{! ^ goes to my-form }}
  <button {{action "cancel"}}>Cancel</button>
  {{! ^ goes to outer scope }}
{{! app/components/my-form/template.hbs }}
{{yield (action 'reset')}}
// app/components/my-form/component.js
export default Ember.Component.extend({
  actions: {
    reset: function(){
      // rollback

Currying arguments with a closure-based action

With string-based actions, an argument can be passed to the called function. For example:

<button {{action "save" model}}></button>
export default Ember.Component.extend({
  actions: {
    save: function(model) {;

Closure actions allow for another opportunity to curry arguments. Arguments set by an element action helper simply add to the end of the arguments list:

{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
{{my-component save=(action "save" model)}}
{{! app/components/my-component/template.hbs }}
<button {{action prefs}}></button>
// app/index/controller.js
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  actions: {
    save: function(model, prefs) {
      model.set('prefs', prefs);;

Multiple arguments can be curried or set at any level. If an action is called ala, that final argument is added to the end of the arguments list.

Re-targeting the scope of a closure action

The target option may be provided to specify what scope the closure is called with. For example:

{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
<my-component on-click={{action "save" model target=someComponentInstance}}></my-component>

Much like with the {{action helper, passing both a target and a bound argument will throw.

The default target for a closure is always the current scope.

  • When routable components land, the current component will be the default target.
  • If a controller is the current scope, that controller will also be a default target.
  • A route will never be a closure action target. String actions will continue to have their current behavior of bubbling to the route.

A later proposal will determine how actions on a route are passed to a routable component.

Return values of a closure action

Closure actions return the returned value of their called function. For example:

// app/index/controller.js
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  actions: {
    submit: function(){
      return 'great success';
{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
{{my-button save=(action 'submit')}}
// app/components/my-button/component.js
export default Ember.Component.extend({
  click: function(){
    var result =;
    // for backwards compat, you may also this.sendAction('save') but
    // in that case you do not have access to the return value.
    result; // => 'great success'

Actionable object with INVOKE

{{mut is a new helper in Ember.js. It is not yet widely used in Ember apps, but its interaction with the action helper is important to align early on.

Mut objects represent a modifiable value. For example with tag-based components:

{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
<my-form name={{mut}}></my-component>

This will cause a mutable property to be added to attrs. To update the name, can be called. The value can be read (in JavaScript) as

Often, a mutable value will be set as the result of an action. Mutable values can be called actionable. For example:

{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
<my-form submit={{action (mut}}></my-component>
// app/components/my-form/component.js
export default Ember.Component.extend({
  click() {
    const value = this.get('newValue');

What is happening here?

  • (mut creates a mutable object for the value.
  • {{action (mut}} tests the passed object for a property with the key INVOKE (an internal symbol). This value is a function that updates the mutable value.
  • Action wraps the calling of the INVOKE property in a function like any other action, and passes it to the attrs.

Thus, when the action is called the argument is passed to INVOKE which uses it to update the mutable value. This is a simple way to enable the "actions up" part of component-driven app architecture without ceremony around changing state.

Plucking a property from the first argument with value

A component (or when Ember supports this better, an element) may emit an event object and pass it to an action. In this case the value will need to be read off the event before it can be passed to the action function. For example:

{{input input=(action 'setName')}}
export default Ember.Component.extend({
  actions: {
    setName(event) {

The action serves only to read the value off of the event. Here the value option can be used as sugar to accomplish the same task:

{{input input=(action (mut value="target.value")}}

The value path is read off of whatever the first argument to the actions is.

  • (mut becomes a function, our action
  • When the input event fires, the function is called with the event as the first argument.
  • The first argument is re-written to the value of
  • The function wrapping the mut is set
  • The mut is updated.

This option is designed to align with future plans for on-some-event handlers for html elements.


Currently {{action is only used in an element space:

<button {{action "booyah"}}>Fire</button>

The closure usage is a new, perhaps action is not the right word. However the two behaviors are pretty similar in their conceptual behavior.

  • {{action in element space attaches an event listener that fires a bubbling action.
  • (action closes over an action from the current scope so it can be attached via {{action or passed around and called later.

This confusion should go away as we move to an on-click event listener pattern, ala <button on-click={{someClosureAction}}>.

Additionally, there may be developers who still have {{action someActionName}} instead of the quoted version. This is long deprecated, but these apps may see some unexpected behavior.

Also additionally, some emergent behaviors exist that may not be desired as real APIs. For example, an action being a function means it can be passed directly to event handlers:

{{my-component mouseEnter=(action 'didEnter')}}

The actual API we plan for 2.0 (ideally) is:

{{my-component on-mouse-enter=(action 'didEnter')}}

These behaviors should not be documented, and we should make clear that they rely on behavior that will be deprecated. A mitigating move is to not proxy actions through to get on a component, and only allow them to be accessed on attrs.

Lastly, default actions may look a bit confusing:

{{my-button action=(action 'action')}}
{{! ^ this is valid }}

But the quoted string syntax is not being removed.


There is maybe a thing called ref that solves this same problem. There has also been discussion of accessing properties on outlet across all child components and their layouts, which would allow easy targetting of the top level component.

Unresolved questions

Interaction with ref or outlet. if any..