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File metadata and controls

1081 lines (839 loc) · 41.1 KB
  • Start Date: 2017-03-13
  • RFC PR: (leave this empty)
  • Ember Issue: (leave this empty)


This RFC aims to expose a low-level primitive for defining custom components. This API will allow addon authors to implement special-purpose component-based APIs (such as LiquidFire's animation helpers or low-overhead components for performance hotspots).

In the medium term, this API and expected future enhancements will enable the Ember community to experiment with alternative component APIs outside of the core framework, for example enabling the community to prototype "angle bracket components" using public APIs outside of the core framework.


The ability to author reusable, composable components is a core features of the Ember.js framework. Despite being a last-minute addition to Ember.js 1.0, the Ember.Component API has proven itself to be an extremely powerful programming model and has aged well over time into the primary unit of composition in the Ember view layer.

That being said, the current component API (hereinafter "classic components") does have some noticeable shortcomings. Over time, classic components have also accumulated some cruft due to backwards compatibility constraints.

These problems led to the original "angle bracket components" proposal (see RFC #15 and #60), which promised to address these problems via the angle bracket invocation opt-in (i.e. <foo-bar ...> instead of {{foo-bar ...}}).

Since the transition to the angle bracket invocation syntax was seen as a rare, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it became very tempting for the Ember core team and the wider community to debate all the problems, shortcomings and desirable features in the classic components API and attempt to design solutions for all of them.

While that discussion was very helpful in capturing constraints and guiding the overall direction, designing that One True API™ in the abstract turned out to be extremely difficult and ultimately undesirable. It also went against the Ember philosophy that framework features should be extracted from applications and designed iteratively with feedback from real-world usage.

Since those proposals, we have rewritten Ember's rendering engine from the ground up (the "Glimmer 2" project). One of the goals of the Glimmer 2 effort was to build first-class primitives for our view-layer features in the rendering engine. As part of the process, we worked to rationalize these features and to re-think the role of components in Ember.js. This exercise has brought plenty of new ideas and constraints to the table.

The initial Glimmer 2 integration was completed in November. Since Ember.js 2.10, classic components have been re-implemented on top of the Glimmer 2 primitives, and we are very happy with the results.

This approach yielded a number of very powerful and flexible primitives: in addition to classic components, we were able to implement the {{mount}}, {{outlet}} and {{render}} helpers from Ember as "components" under the hood.

Based on our experience, we believe it would be beneficial to open up these new primitives to the wider community. Specifically, there are at least two clear benefits that comes to mind:

First, this would unlock new capabilities for addon authors, allowing them to build custom components tailored to specific scenarios that are underserved by the general-purpose component APIs (e.g. Liquid Fire's animation helpers, low-overhead components for performance hotspots). Having an escape valve for these scenarios also allows us to focus primarily on the mainstream use cases when designing the new component API ("angle bracket components").

Second, this API and expected future enhancements will enable the Ember community to experiment with alternative component APIs, and allow us to prototype "angle bracket components" outside of the core framework purely on top of exposed public APIs.

Following the success of FastBoot and Engines, we believe the best way to design angle bracket components is to first stablize the underlying primitives in the core framework and then experiment with the surface API through an addon.

Detailed design

What is a component?

In today's programming model, a component is often viewed narrowly as a device for handling and managing user-interactions ("UI widgets").

While components are indeed very useful for building widgets, it doesn't just stop there. In front-end development, they serve a much broader role, allowing you to break up large templates into smaller, well-encapsulated units.

For example, you might break up a blog post into a headline, byline, body, and a list of comments. Each comment might be further broken down into a headline, author card and contents.

From Glimmer's perspective, components are analogous to functions in other programming languages. Some components are designed to be reusable in many contexts, but it's also perfect normal to use them to break apart large chunks of logic.

In the most general sense, a component takes inputs (positional arguments, named arguments, blocks, etc.), can be invoked, may render some content, and knows how to keep its content up to date as its inputs change. From the outside, you don't need to know how these details are managed, you just need to know its API (i.e. what inputs it expects).

When looking at components expansively, it's no surprise that things that are not usually thought of as components are implemented as components in the template layer (input and link helpers, engines, outlets). Similarly, we expect that this API to be useful far beyond just "UI widgets".


This RFC introduces a new type of object in Ember.js, ComponentDefinition, which defines a component that can be invoked from a template.

Like classic components, a ComponentDefinition must be registered with a dasherized name (with at least one dash in the name). This allows them to be easily distinguishable from regular property lookups and HTML elements. Once registered, the component can be invoked by name like a regular classic component (i.e. {{foo-bar}}, {{foo-bar "positional" "and" named="args"}}, {{#foo-bar with or without=args}}...{{/foo-bar}} etc).

Open Question: How should these objects be registered? (see the last section of this RFC)

Open Question: How does this interact with the {{component}} helper and the (component) feature? (see the last section of this RFC)

A ComponentDefinition object should satisfy the following interface:

interface ComponentDefinition {
  name: string;
  layout: string;
  manager: string;
  capabilities: ComponentCapabilitiesMask;
  metadata?: any;

Open Question: Should we require ComponentDefinition to inherit from a provided super class (Ember.ComponentDefinition.extend({ ... }) or otherwise be wrapped with a function call (Ember.Component.definition({ ... }))?

The name property should contain an identifier for this component, usually the component's dasherized name. This is primarily used by debug tools (e.g. Ember Inspector).

The layout property specifies which template should be rendered when the component is invoked. For example, if "foo-bar" is specified, Ember will lookup the template template:components/foo-bar from the resolver.

Open Question: How does this interact with local lookup?

The manager property is a string key specifying the ComponentManager to use with this component. For example, if "foo" is specified here, Ember will lookup the component manager component-manager:foo. This will be described in more detail in the sections below.

Note: Specifying the manager as a lookup key allows the component manager to receive injections.

The capabilities property specifies the optional features required by this component. This will be described in more detail below.

Finally, there is an optional metadata property which component authors can use to store arbitrary data. For example, it may include a class property to specify which component class to use. The metadata property is ignored by Ember but can be used by the ComponentManager to perform custom logic.


Whereas a ComponentDefinition describe the static property of the component, a ComponentManager controls its runtime properties.

A basic ComponentManager satisfies the following interface:

interface ComponentManager<T> {
  create(definition: ComponentDefinition, args: ComponentArguments): T;
  getContext(instance: T): any;
  update(instance: T, args: ComponentArguments): void;

interface ComponentArguments {
  positional: any[];
  named: Object;

Open Question: Should we require ComponentManager to inherit from a provided super class (Ember.ComponentManager.extend({ ... })?

When Ember is about to render a component, Ember will lookup its component manager (as described above) and call its create method with the component defition and the component arguments.

The component arguments object is a snapshot of the arguments pased into the component. It has a positional and named property which corresponds to an array and object (dictionary) of the current argument values.

For example, for the following invocation:

{{blog-post (titleize post.title) post.body excerpt=true}}

Glimmer will look up the blog-post definition and call create on its manager with the following ComponentArguments:

  positional: [
    "Rails Is Omakase",
    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit..."
  named: {
    "author": #<User name="David Heinemeier Hansson", ...>,
    "excerpt": true

The component manager must not mutate the component arguments object (and the inner positional and named object/array) directly as they might be pooled or reused by the system.

Note: We should probably freeze them in debug mode.

Based on the information in the definition and the component arguments, the manager should return a component instance from the create method. From Ember's perspective, this could be any arbitrary value – it is only used for the component manager's internal book-keeping. In practice, this value should store enough information to represent the internal state of the component. For these reasons, it is often referred to as the "opaque state bucket".

At a later time, before Ember is ready to render the template, the component manager's getContext method will be called. It will receive the component instance and return the context object for the template. The context binds {{this}} inside the layout, which is also the root of implicit property lookups (e.g. {{foo}}, {{}} are equivalent to {{}} and {{}}).

In many cases, the component manager can simply return the component instance from this hook:

class MyManager implements ComponentManager<MyComponent> {
  create(definition: ComponentDefinition, args: ComponentArguments): MyComponent {

  getContext(instance: MyComponent): MyComponent {
    return instance;

  update(instance: MyComponent, args: ComponentArguments) {

However, they could also choose derive a different value from the state bucket. This pattern allows the component manager to hide internal metadata:

interface MyStateBucket {
  instance: MyComponent;
  secret: any;

class MyManager implements ComponentManager<MyStateBucket> {
  create(definition: ComponentDefinition, args: ComponentArguments): MyStateBucket {

  getContext({ instance }: MyStateBucket): MyComponent {
    return instance;

  update({ instance, secret }: MyStateBucket, args: ComponentArguments) {

Finally, when any of the component arguments have changed, Ember will call the update method on the manager, passing the component instance and a snapshot of the current component arguments value. This happens before the template is revalidated, therefore any updates to the context object performed here will be reflected in the template.

Ember does not provide a fine-grained change tracking system, so there is no guarantee on how often update will be called. More precisely, if one of the component arguments have changed to a different value, update will be called at least once; however, the reverse is not true – when update is called, it does not guarantee that at least one of the component arguments will have a different value.

For example, given the following invocation:

{{my-component unit=(pluralize "cat" count=cats.count)}}

If cats.count changes from 3 to 4, the pluralize helper will return exactly the same value (the string "cats"), therefore from the manager's perspective, the component arguments have not changed. However, in today's implementation, the update method will still be called in this case. Over time, we intend for internal changes in the implementation to cause this method to be called less often, and other changes may cause it to be called more often. As a result, component managers should not rely on this detail.

Here is a simple example that puts all of these pieces together:

interface MyStateBucket {
  immutable: boolean;
  instance: Object;

class MyManager implements ComponentManager<MyStateBucket> {
  // on initial invocation, turn the arguments into a per-instance state bucket
  // that contains the component instance and some other internal details
  create(definition: ComponentDefinition, args: ComponentArguments): MyStateBucket {
    let immutable = Math.random() > 0.5;
    let instance = getOwner(this).lookup(`component:${definition.metadata.class}`);


    return { immutable, instance };

  // expose the component instance (but not the internal details) as
  // {{this}} in the template
  getContext({ instance }: MyStateBucket): any {
    return instance;

  // when update is called, update the properties on the component with the
  // new values of the named arguments.
  update({ immutable, instance }: MyStateBucket, args: ComponentArguments) {
    if (!immutable) {

While each invocable component needs its own ComponentDefinition, a single ComponentManager instance can create and manage many component instances (and this is why all of the hooks takes the component instance as the first parameter). In fact, all classic components in Ember today share the same component manager. Therefore, it is important to follow the pattern of keeping your component's state in the state bucket, rather than storing it on the manager itself.

That being said, in some rare cases, it might make sense to store some shared states on the manager. For example, a component manager might want to maintain a pool of component instances and reuse them when possible (e.g. {{sustain}} in flexi). In this case, it would make sense to store the components pool on the manager:

class PooledManager implements ComponentManager<Object> {

  private pools = {};

  create({ metadata }: ComponentDefinition, args: ComponentArguments): Object {
    let pool = this.pools[];
    let instance;

    if (pool && pool.length) {
      instance = pool.pop();
    } else {
      instance = getOwner(this).lookup(`component:${metadata.class}`);


    return instance;




The capabilities property on a ComponentDefinition describes the optional features required by this component. There are several reasons for this design.

First of all, performance-wise, this allows us to make the costs associated with individual features PAYGO (pay-as-you-go). The Glimmer architecture makes it possible to break down the work of component invocation into small pieces.

For example, a "template-only component" doesn't need Glimmer to invoke any of the hooks related to the lifecycle management of the component instance. Therefore, in an ideal world, they should not pay the cost associated with invoking those hooks.

To accomplish this, we designed the component manager to only expose a minimal set of features by default and allow individual components to opt-in to additional features as needed. The capabilities mask is the mechanism for components to signal that.

Second, it allows us to introduce new features and make improvements to this API without breaking existing code. In addition to enumerating the required features, the ComponentCapabilitiesMask also encodes the version of Ember.js the ComponentDefinition/ComponentManager was developed for. This makes it possible to, say, make angle bracket invocation the default for new components but preserve the current default ("curly" invocation) for existing components that were targeting and older API revision.

Ember.js will provide a function to construct a ComponentCapabilitiesMask. Since this is a required property, at minimum, a component definition would specify the following:

import Ember from 'ember';

const { capabilities, definition } = Ember.Component;

export default definition({
  name: "foo-bar",
  capabilities: capabilities("2.13"),

The first argument to the function is a string specifying the Ember.js version (up to the minor version) this component is targeting. As mentioned above, this allows us to gracefully handle API changes between versions. This is important because the raw, low-level APIs in Glimmer are still highly unstable.

Changes to the Glimmer APIs at this layer can significantly improve the overall performance of the component system by changing its internal implementation. Even though the surface API is still under active development, we would like to start exposing the stable parts of this system to Ember addon authors as soon as possible.

The version identifier in the capabilities mask acts as a safety net. It allows Ember to absorb the churn and avoid breaking existing code.

For example, the API proposed in this RFC supplies reified component arguments to the component manager's create and update methods, i.e. a "snapshot" of the current component arguments values, which imposes some unnecessary cost. Eventually, we would like to address this problem by moving to a reference-based API.

Imagine that, by the time Ember 2.14 comes around, we were able to stablize the more performant reference-based APIs. Instead of the reified component arguments snapshot, new components targeting Ember 2.14 (i.e. capabilities("2.14")) will receive the reference-based component arguments objects instead. However, existing components that were written before Ember 2.14 (e.g. capabilities("2.13")) will continue to receive the reified component arguments for backwards compatability.

The second argument allows components to opt-in to additional features that are not enabled by default:

import Ember from 'ember';

const { capabilities, definition } = Ember.Component;

export default definition({
  name: "foo-bar",
  capabilities: capabilities("2.13", {
    someFeature: true,
    anotherFeature: true

Under the hood, this will likely be implemented as a bit mask, but component authors should treat it as an opaque value intended for internal use by the framework only. There will not be any public APIs to introspect its value (e.g. isEnabled()), so component managers should not rely on this to alter its runtime behavior.

All features are additive. The default set of functionality for a particular version is always the most lightweight component available at the time.

Optional Features

Below is list of optional features supported in the initial implementation. This list is intentionally kept minimal to limit the scope of this RFC.

Additional features (e.g. angle bracket invocation, references-based APIs, providing access to the component element, event handling/delegation) should be proposed in their own RFCs (they can even be proposed in parallel to this RFC) which allows for a more focused discussions around those topics.

  • asyncLifecycleHooks

    When this feature is enabled, the ComponentManager should implement this extended interface:

    interface WithAsyncHooks<T> extends ComponentManager<T> {
      didCreate(instance: T): void;
      didUpdate(instance: T): void;

    These methods will be called with the component instance ("state bucket") after the rendering process is complete. This would be the right time to invoke any user callbacks, such as didInsertElement and didRender in the classic components API.

    It is guaranteed that the async callbacks will the invoked if and only if the synchronous APIs were invoked during rendering. For example, if update is called on a component instance during rendering, it is guaranteed didUpdate will be called. Conversely, if didUpdate is called, it is guaranteed that that component instance was updated during rendering (per the semantics of the update method described above).

    Open Question: Should we provide ordering guarantee?

  • destructor

    When this feature is enabled, the ComponentManager should implement this extended interface:

    interface WithDestructor<T> extends ComponentManager<T> {
      destroy(instance: T): void;

    The destroy method will be called with the component instance ("state bucket") when the component is no longer needed. This is intended for performing object-model level cleanup. It might also be useful for niche scenarios such as recycling component instances in the "component pool" example mentioned above.

    Because this RFC does not provide ways access to the component DOM tree, the timing relative to DOM teardown is undefined (i.e. whether this is called before or after the component's DOM tree is removed from the document). Therefore, this hook is not suitable for invoking DOM cleanup hooks such as willDestroyElement in the classic components API. We expect a subsequent RFC addressing DOM-related functionalities to clearify this issues (and most-likely provide a specialized hook for that purpose).

    Further, the exact timing for the call is also undefined. For example, the calls from several render loops might be batched together and deferred into a browser idle callback.

    Open Question: Should we provide ordering guarantee?

  • viewSupport

    When this feature is enabled, the ComponentManager should implement this extended interface:

    interface WithViewSupport<T> extends ComponentManager<T> {
      getView(instance: T): Object;

    The getView method will be called with the component instance ("state bucket") after the component has been created but before any children components in its layout (or yielded blocks) are created. The manager should return a view object corresponding to the component instance from this hook. A lot of times, this will just be the component instance itself, but this indirection allows you to hide (or intentionally expose) additional metadata.

    Ember will install a GUID on the returned object using Ember.guidFor and add the view to the view registry with the GUID. Currently, Ember.guidFor adds an internal property on the object to store the GUID, therefore the view cannot be frozen or sealed. This restriction might change in the future as we move to a WeakMap-based internal implementation.

    The view will also become visible to other components as a parent/child view. If the parent view is an Ember.Component, it will see your component in its childViews array. Similarly, when rendering other Ember.Component inside your comoponent's layout (or yielded blocks), they will see your component as their parentView.

    Open Question: Will this break existing code?

    Note that these only applies to components that requests the viewSupport capability. Components that do not have viewSupport enabled will essentially be invisible in the Ember view hierarchy – they will not be added to the view registry and the parent/child view tree will essentially "jump through" these virtual views. At present, those components will also be invisible to debug tools like the Ember Inspector, but subsequent RFCs may change that.

    Components that are conceptually "advanced flow-control syntax", such as LiquidFire's liquid-if, most likely want to remain "virtual". On the other hand, general-purpose component toolkits probably want to participate in the view hierarchy like Ember.Components do.


Note: For now, these examples side-steps the registration/resolution problem (see the "Unresolved Questions" section) by specifying the outcome of a particular container lookup (using the type:name convention) without addressing how they get in there in the first place.

Isolated Partials

This example implements a very simple component API that acts more or less like a partial in Ember. However, unlike partials, it will only have access to named arguments that are explicitly passed in, instead of inheriting the caller's scope.

Given the following ComponentDefinitions:

// component-definition:site-header
  name: "site-header",
  layout: "site-header",
  manager: "isolated-partials",
  capabilities: capabilities("2.13")
// component-definition:site-footer
  name: "site-footer",
  layout: "site-footer",
  manager: "isolated-partials",
  capabilities: capabilities("2.13")
// component-definition:contact-us
  name: "contact-us",
  layout: "contact-us",
  manager: "isolated-partials",
  capabilities: capabilities("2.13")

...and the following templates:

{{!-- app/templates/application.hbs --}}



{{site-footer copyrightYear="2017" company=model}}
{{!-- app/templates/components/site-header.hbs --}}

{{!-- app/templates/components/site-footer.hbs --}}

  &copy; {{copyrightYear}} {{}}.

  {{contact-us address=company.address}}
{{!-- app/templates/components/contact-us.hbs --}}

<div class"contact-us">
  <h4>Contact Us</h4>
  <a href="tel:{{tel}}">{{tel}}</a>

...and the following component manager:

// component-manager:isolated-partials

class IsolatedPartialsManager extends ComponentManager<Object> {
  create(_definition: ComponentDefinition, args: ComponentArguments) {
    return { ...args.named };

  getContext(instance: Object): Object {
    return instance;

  update(instance: Object, args: ComponentArguments): void {
    Object.assign(instance, args.named);
} would render something like this:



  &copy; 2017 ACME Inc.

  <div class"contact-us">
    <h4>Contact Us</h4>
    <a href="tel:1-800-ACME-INC">1-800-ACME-INC</a>
    <address>100 Absolutely No Way, Portland, OR 98765</address>

This is probably most basic ComponentManager one could write. It essentially just returns named arguments as {{this}} context and renders the component's template. Nevertheless, it is a good example to understand the lifecycle of this API.

Pooled Components

This next example is inspired by Flexi's sustain feature to maintain a pool of component instances.

Given the following ComponentDefinitions:

// component-definition:list-item
  name: "list-item",
  layout: "list-item",
  manager: "pooled",
  capabilities: capabilities("2.13", {
    destructor: true,
    viewSupport: true

...and the following templates:

{{!-- app/templates/application.hbs --}}

{{#each key="id" as |item|}}
  {{list-item item=item}}
{{!-- app/templates/components/list-item.hbs --}}

<li id="{{}}">{{item.value}}</li>

...and the following component manager:

// component-manager:pooled

interface PoolEntry {
  name: string;
  instance: Ember.Component;
  expiresAt: number;

class ComponentPool {
  private pools = dict<PoolEntry>();

  checkout(name: string): PoolEntry | null {
    let pool = this.pools[name];

    if (pool && pool.length) {
      return pool.pop();
    } else {
      return null;

  checkin(entry: PoolEntry) {
    let { name } = entry;
    let pool = this.pools[name];

    if (!pool) {
      pool = this.pools[name] = [];

    entry.expiresAt = + EXPIRATION;


  collect() {
    let now =;

    this.pools.forEach(pool => {
      let i = 0;
      let max = pool.length;

      while (i < max) {
        let entry = pool[i];

        if (entry.expiresAt < now) {
          pool.splice(i, 1);
        } else {

class PooledManager extends ComponentManager<PoolEntry> {

  private pool = new ComponentPool();

  create({ metadata }: ComponentDefinition, args: ComponentArguments) {
    let name = metadata.class;
    let entry = pool.checkout(name);
    let instance, isRecycled;

    if (entry) {
      instance = entry.instance;
      isRecycled = true;
    } else {
      instance = getOwner(this).lookup(`component:${name}`);
      isRecycled = false;
      entry = { name, instace, expiresAt: NaN };


    if (isRecycled) {
    } else {


    return entry;

  getContext({ instance }: PoolEntry): Ember.Component {
    return instance;

  getView({ instance }): PoolEntry): Ember.Component {
    return instance;

  update({ instance }: PoolEntry, args: ComponentArguments): void {

  destroy(entry: PoolEntry) {

When a {{list-entry}} component is rendered, the manager first check if there are any recycled instances it could reuse. If not, it creates a new instance of that component as usual. Either way, it calls Ember.setProperties on the component instance to assign or update its properties based on the supplied component arguments.

When the component is no longer needed, instead of destroying the component, it checks it into a pool with an expiration timestamp. If another instance of {{list-entry}} is rendered before the expiration, the component instance will be reused, otherwise, it will eventually be destroyed through a scheduled GC task.

This examples shows how a custom component can request additional capability (destructor and viewSupport in this case). It also shows an example of the "state bucket" pattern – the component manager returns entry.instance as this {{this}} context, allowing it to hide the internal expiresAt timestamp. It also implements a subset of the Ember.Component hooks for illustrative purpose, although the semantics in this low-fi implementation does not exactly match the proper Ember semantics (DO NOT copy this code into an addon).

How We Teach This

What is proposed in this RFC is a low-level primitive. We do not expect most users to interact with this layer directly. Instead, they are expected to go through additional conveniences provided by addon authors.

For addon authors, we need to teach "components as an abstraction/encapsulation tool" as described above. For end users, we need to make sure using third-party component toolkits mostly "feels" like using the first-class component APIs.

At present, the classic components APIs is still the primary, recommended path for almost all use cases. This is the API that we should teach new users, so we do not expect the guides need to be updated for this feature (at least not the components section).

For documentation purposes, each Ember.js release will only document the latest component manager API. The documentation will also include the steps needed to upgrade, as well as a list of new capabilities added since the last version. Documentation for a specific version of the component manager API can be viewed from the versioned documentation site.


In the long term, there is a possiblity that while we work on the new component API, the community will create a full fleet of competing third-party component toolkits, thereby fragmentating the Ember ecosystem. However, given the Ember community's love for conventions, this seems unlikely. We expect this to play out similar to the data-persistence story – there will be a primary way to do things (Ember Data), but there are also plenty of other alternatives catering to niche use cases that are underserved by Ember Data.

Also, because apps can mix and match component styles, it's possible for a library like smoke-and-mirrors or Liquid Fire to take advantage of the enhanced functionality internally without leaking those implementation details to applications.


Instead of focusing on exposing enough low-level primitives to build the new components API, we could just focus on building out the user-facing APIs without rationalizing or exposing the underlying primitives.

Unresolved Questions

There are a few minor inline open questions throughout the RFC. However, at least two of them are worth repeating here.

  1. ComponentDefinition registration and resolution

    There are (at least) two distinct use cases for the APIs proposed in this RFC.

    The first use case is for addons like LiquidFire and Flexi to implement advanced "helpers" more efficiently and tap into low-level features that are not exposed in the classic components API.

    For this use case, since there are only a small and finite amount of these helpers in each addon and that addon authors are relatively advanced users, the registration of these components does not have to be very egonormic.

    For example, we could allow addon authors to supply component definitions in /{app,addon}/component-definitions/foo-bar.js and component managers in /{app,addon}/component-managers/my-manager.js.

    Note: we might need to restrict the definition files to "universal JavaScript" and disallow importing arbitrary files, see the build-time compilation discussion below.

    The second use case is to allow addons to develop an alternative component API for their users to extend and build on – a component SDK if you will. This would allow, among other things, the Ember core team to develop and iterate on the new components API ("angle bracket components") as an addon.

    Since this use case is targeting regular Ember users, and creating new components is a relatively common part of the day-to-day development workflow, the egonormics issue is much more important. Addons that chose to go down this route should be able to provide a developer experience similar to using classic components today. For instance, it would be unacceptable if developers have to create an app/component-definitions/foo-bar.js file for every custom component they create in addition to the template/JS file.

    One solution to this problem is to run introspection on the component's JS file. For example, we can require the exported value (usually the component class) from app/components/foo-bar.js to contain a definition static property that points to the component definition for that component.

    This solution has two major issues.

    First, one of the goals for the modules unification effort is to enable build-time template compilation. Currently, Glimmer does a lot of runtime triage due to syntatic ambiguities such as {{foo-bar}}, which could resolve into either a helper invocation, a component invocation or a property lookup depending on what is registered in the application. (In the future, <foo-bar> would have a similar issue since it could either be a component invocation or just a regular custom element/web component.)

    One of the side goals/hopes with modules unification effort is to move more of these compilation to build time by supplying a "build-time resolver" to answer these questions for the Glimmer compiler. For that to work, the "build-time resolver" would have to rely mostly on static information, such as file system entries, because most Ember application files would not load successfully without a full browser environment. (In general, to evaluate an app file while in the middle of compiling the app poses many challenges – in a lot of cases it is simply impossible.)

    By introducing custom components, the Glimmer compiler would need access to the component definitions (specifically, the capabilities mask) in order to emit the right compilation for the component. Therefore, if the only way to access the component definition is to evaluate the component JS file, that would pretty much make build-time compilation impossible.

    More importantly, the second issue with this approach is that because we are planning to move the component's tag into the template (as opposed to having tagName, attributeBindings and friends on the component class – see the previous angle bracket components RFCs), we expect template-only components (i.e. components without a JS file) to be relatively common. Therefore, in a lot of cases, there won't even be a JS class to stash the definition on to, making this solution a non-starter.

    Naturally, the solution seems to be that we should attach this information to the templates rather than the JS files. There are two proposals for this so far. The first proposal is to put this information in the filenames. For example, foo-bar.glimmer.hbs or foo-bar.lite.hbs. The second proposal is to put this infomration inside the body of the template as a "pragma", such as {{!use glimmer}}, {{!use lite}} (insert syntax bikeshed here). In both cases, addons can register a factory for the component definitions based on a string key ("glimmer" and "lite" in the examples).

  2. Interactions with component helpers

    It is unclear how custom components should interact with the component helper feature.

    While there are indeed a lot of open questions on how this feature should work with angle bracket invocations, since this RFC does not introduce angle bracket invocation syntax, those questions can be deferred until a future RFC comes along to introduce that capability.

    However, while the {{component}} helper is implemented natively in Glimmer and should have no problem handling custom components (since all components are "custom" from Glimmer's perspective), it is unclear how it should work with the "closure" (component) helper.

    Currently, the "closure component" feature is not implemented natively in Glimmer. Instead, Glimmer currently exposes some low-level hooks to Ember's classic components manager, which allows it to implement its "closure" semantics. These hooks are unstable and might go away in future refactors.

    In the long run, we would like to implement this feature natively in Glimmer so that it would "just work" with custom components. However, the current "closure" semantics (specifically the ways it handles arguments currying) in Ember is quite specific to the classic components API and are somewhat counter-intuitive in some cases (the jury is still out, these issues might simply be mistakes in the current implementation).

    It seems unlikely that these issues would be resolved in the timeframe of this RFC (at minimum, it seems unwise to couple the two). Therefore, there are a few options here – 1) we can disallow using component helpers with custom components altogether for the MVP and relax that restriction in the future; 2) we can allow only {{component}} helper but not (component); 3) we can allow both {{component}} and (component), however, we will disallow passing extra arguments to the (component) helper.

Follow-up RFCs

We expect a few follow-up RFCs to introduce additional capabilities that are not included in this minimal proposal. These RFCs can run either in parallel to this RFC or be submitted after this initial RFC has been implemented and tested in the wild.

  1. Expose a way to get access to the component's DOM structure, such as its element and bounds. This RFC would also need to introduce a hook for DOM teardown and address how event handling/delegation would work.

  2. Expose a way to get access to the reference-based APIs. This could include the ability to customize the component's "tag" (validator).

  3. Expose additional features that are used to implement classic components, {{outlet}} and other built-in components, such as layout customizations, and dynamic scope access.

  4. Allow angle bracket invocation.